CS计算机代考程序代写 algorithm -4exELEC 400M / EECE 571M Homework 2: The Linear Model -8ex Homework is not handed in. Please solve for your own benefit.

-4exELEC 400M / EECE 571M Homework 2: The Linear Model -8ex Homework is not handed in. Please solve for your own benefit.

ELEC 400M / EECE 571M
Homework 2: The Linear Model

Homework is not handed in. Please solve for your own benefit.

• Problem 3.1, solution attached

• Problem 3.2, solution attached

• Problem 3.3, solution attached

• Problems 3.4, solution attached

• Problem 3.16, solution attached

• Extra: Problem 3.15



January 26, 2021

1 Problems 3.1-3.3 from Learning from Data

[12]: %reset
%matplotlib inline
import matplotlib.pyplot as plt
import numpy as np

Once deleted, variables cannot be recovered. Proceed (y/[n])? y

[13]: def ErrorRate (w, x, y):

### Your error rate here

[14]: def PLA(w, x, y, maxIter):

### Your PLA here

[42]: def pocket(x, y, T):

### Your Pocket algorithm here

[30]: def LinReg(X, y):


1.1 Problem 3.1

[31]: def gen_semi_circle_data (nbr_x, rad, thk, sep):
x_l = thk+rad
x_r = 2*rad+1.5*thk
x_u = thk+rad
x_d = thk+rad+sep
nbr_x_gen = 0
x = []
y = []
while (nbr_x_gen= 0) and (rad ** 2 <= x1 ** 2 + x2 ** 2) and (x1 ** 2 + x2 **2␣ ↪→<= (rad+thk) **2)): x.append((x1,x2)) y.append(-1) nbr_x_gen += 1 elif ((x2 < -sep) and (rad ** 2 <= (x1-rad-thk/2) ** 2 + (x2+sep) ** 2)␣ ↪→and ((x1-rad-thk/2) ** 2 + (x2+sep) ** 2 <= (rad+thk) ** 2)): x.append((x1,x2)) y.append(1) nbr_x_gen += 1 return np.squeeze(np.array(x)), np.array(y) [32]: # generate data rad = 10 thk = 5 sep = 5 x, y = gen_semi_circle_data (2000, rad, thk, sep) x = np.hstack((np.ones((len(x),1)),x)) # run PLA w_init = np.zeros(len(x[0])) wPLA, iters = PLA(w_init, x, y, 100) # run Linear Regression wLinReg = LinReg(x, y) # plot plt.figure(figsize = (12,12)) plt.plot(x[y == 1][:,1], x[y == 1][:,2], 'bo') plt.plot(x[y == -1][:,1], x[y == -1][:,2], 'ro') xlin = np.linspace(-thk-rad, 2*rad+1.5*thk, 100) plt.plot(xlin,-1*wPLA[1]/wPLA[2]*xlin-1*wPLA[0]/wPLA[2],label="PLA"); plt.plot(xlin,-1*wLinReg[1]/wLinReg[2]*xlin-1*wLinReg[0]/ ↪→wLinReg[2],label="Linear Regression"); plt.xlabel('$x_1$') plt.ylabel('$x_2$') plt.legend() plt.show() 2 1.2 Problem 3.2 [27]: rad = 10 thk = 5 iters = [] for sep in np.arange(0.2,5.1,0.2): x, y = gen_semi_circle_data (2000, rad, thk, sep) x = np.hstack((np.ones((len(x),1)),x)) w_init = np.zeros(len(x[0])) w, iter = PLA(w_init, x, y, 1e5); iters.append(iter) # plot 3 plt.figure(figsize = (12,12)) plt.plot(np.arange(0.2,5.1,0.2),iters) plt.xlabel('Separation of semicircles') plt.ylabel('numer of iterations of PLA'); 1.3 Problem 3.3 [46]: def nonLinearTransQ3 (x1,x2): return(np.hstack((np. ↪→ones((len(x1),1)),x1,x2,x1**2,x1*x2,x2**2,x1**3,x1**2*x2,x1*x2**2,x2**3))) rad = 10 thk = 5 sep = -5 4 # generate data x, y = gen_semi_circle_data (2000, rad, thk, sep) x = np.hstack((np.ones((len(x),1)),x)) # run pocket T = 10000 wPocket, Ein = pocket(x, y, T) # run line linear regression wLinReg = LinReg(x, y) Ein_LinReg = ErrorRate(wLinReg, x, y) # nonlinear transform x1=x[:,1:2] x2=x[:,2:3] z=nonLinearTransQ3(x1,x2) # run pocket wPocket_NL, Ein_NL = pocket(z, y, T) # run line linear regression wLinReg_NL = LinReg(z, y) Ein_LinReg_NL = ErrorRate(wLinReg_NL, z, y) # plot error rate plt.figure(figsize = (12,12)) plt.plot(np.arange(0,T+1),Ein,label="Pocket") plt.plot(np.arange(0,T+1),np.ones(T+1)*Ein_LinReg,label="Linear regression") plt.plot(np.arange(0,T+1),Ein_NL,label="Pocket, nonlinear transform") plt.plot(np.arange(0,T+1),np.ones(T+1)*Ein_LinReg_NL,label="Linear regression,␣ ↪→nonlinear transform") plt.legend() plt.xlabel('Number of iterations') plt.ylabel('Classification error $E_in$'); 5 [54]: # plot decision regions plt.figure(figsize = (12,12)) plt.plot(x[y == 1][:,1], x[y == 1][:,2], 'bo') plt.plot(x[y == -1][:,1], x[y == -1][:,2], 'ro') xlin = np.linspace(-thk-rad, 2*rad+1.5*thk, 100) # Pocket plt.plot(xlin,-1*wPocket[1]/wPocket[2]*xlin-1*wPocket[0]/ ↪→wPocket[2],label="Pocket", linewidth=3); # Linear Regression plt.plot(xlin,-1*wLinReg[1]/wLinReg[2]*xlin-1*wLinReg[0]/ ↪→wLinReg[2],label="Linear regression", linewidth=3); # for NL x_l = thk+rad x_r = 2*rad+1.5*thk x_u = thk+rad 6 x_d = thk+rad+sep h = (x_r-x_l)/100 xx1, xx2 = np.meshgrid(np.arange(-x_l, x_r, h), np.arange(-x_d, x_u, h)) x1 = xx1.flatten().reshape((len(xx1.flatten()),1)) x2 = xx2.ravel().reshape((len(xx2.flatten()),1)) z = nonLinearTransQ3(x1,x2) # Pocket yhat = np.sign(np.dot(z,wPocket_NL)) yhat = yhat.reshape(xx1.shape) #plt.contourf(xx1, xx2, yhat, cmap=plt.cm.jet, alpha=.8) cp=plt.contour(xx1, xx2, yhat, colors='k', linewidths=2) cp.collections[0].set_label("Pocket, nonlinear transform") # Linear Regression yhat = np.sign(np.dot(z,wLinReg_NL)) yhat = yhat.reshape(xx1.shape) cp=plt.contour(xx1, xx2, yhat, colors='g', linewidths=2) cp.collections[0].set_label("Linear regression, nonlinear transform") plt.xlabel('$x_1$') plt.ylabel('$x_2$') plt.legend() plt.show() 7 8 • Problem 3.4 (a) The only critical point is when we transition between the two parts of the max-function, i.e., when 1 − ynwTxn = 0. However, we have that the error function converges to 0 from both sides when approaching this point: lim w:ynwTxn→1± en(w) = 0 and hence it is continuous everywhere. The gradient is obtained as ∇en(w) = { 0, if ynw Txn > 1

−2(1− ynwTxn)ynxn, if ynwTxn < 1 and lim w:ynwTxn→1± ∇en(w) = 0 . Hence, the function is differentiable. (b) We need to consider two cases. 1. 1{sign(wTxn 6= yn} = 1: Then, ynwTxn < 0 and thus en(w) = (1 − ynwTxn)2 > 1 ≥
1{sign(wTxn 6= yn}.

2. 1{sign(wTxn 6= yn} = 0: Since en(w) ≥ 0 for all w, we have en(w) ≥ 1{sign(wTxn 6=

(c) We perform stochastic gradient descent on 1


en(w). Hence, introducing s(t) =

wT (t)x the update equation is

w(t+ 1) = w(t) + η∇en(w)

= w(t) +


0, if yns(t) > 1

(yn − s(t))xn, if yns(t) ≤ 1

This is the Adaline algorithm from Problem 1.5.

• Problem 3.16

(a) If we decide to accept the person, then the expected cost is

E[cost] = cost(accept) = 0 · Pr[y = +1|x] + ca · Pr[y = −1|x] .

Since our estimate for Pr[y = +1|x] is g(x), we have

cost(accept) = ca(1− g(x)) .

cost(reject) = crg(x) .


(b) We accept a person if cost(reject) ≥ cost(accept).

crg(x) ≥ ca(1− g(x))
g(x) ≥

ca + cr

and hence
κ =

ca + cr


(c) Supermarket: ca = 1 and cr = 10, and hence κ = 1/11. You rather not reject a patron
who is in the bonus program, than accidentally let somebody in who is not. So false rejects
are minimized.

CIA: ca = 1000 and cr = 1, and hence κ = 1000/1001. In this example, a false accept would
be a disaster and so we only accept persons of whose authorization we are quite confident.


Problems 3.1-3.3 from Learning from Data
Problem 3.1
Problem 3.2
Problem 3.3