CS246 Spring 2021 Project – Biquadris
Due Date 1: Wednesday, July 28, 2021, 5:00 pm
Due Date 2: Friday, August 13, 2021, 11:59 pm
submission doesn’t compile, or otherwise doesn’t work, you will have nothing to show during your demo. Resist
the temptation to make last-minute changes. They probably aren’t worth it.
• This project is intended to be doable by three people in two weeks. Because the breadth of students’ abilities in
this course is quite wide, exactly what constitutes two weeks’ worth of work for three students is difficult to nail
down. Some groups will finish quickly; others won’t finish at all. We will attempt to grade this assignment in
a way that addresses both ends of the spectrum. You should be able to pass the assignment with only a modest
portion of your program working. Then, if you want a higher mark, it will take more than a proportionally
higher effort to achieve, the higher you go. A perfect score will require a complete implementation. If you
finish the entire program early, you can add extra features for a few extra marks.
• Above all, MAKE SURE YOUR SUBMITTED PROGRAM RUNS. The markers do not have time to examine
source code and give partial correctness marks for non-working programs. So, no matter what, even if your
program doesn’t work properly, make sure it at least does something.
• Note: If you have not already done so for Assignment 4, make sure you are able to use graphical applications
from your Unix session. If you are using Linux you should be fine (if making an ssh connection to a campus
machine, be sure to pass the -Y option). If you are using Windows and putty, you should download and run
an X server such as XMing, and be sure that putty is configured to forward X connections. Alert course staff
immediately if you are unable to set up your X connection (e.g. if you can’t run xeyes).
Also (if working on your own machine) make sure you have the necessary libraries to compile graphics. Try
executing the following:
g++ -L/usr/X11R6/lib window.cc graphicsdemo.cc -lX11 -o graphicsdemo
The Game of Biquadris
In this project, your group will work together to produce the video game Biquadris, which is a Latinization of the game Tetris,
expanded for two player competition.
A game of Biquadris consists of two boards, each 11 columns wide and 15 rows high. Blocks consisting of four cells
(tetrominoes) appear at the top of each board, and you must drop them onto their respective boards so as not to leave any gaps.
Once an entire row has been filled, it disappears, and the blocks above move down by one unit.
Biquadris differs from Tetris in one significant way: it is not real-time. You have as much time as you want to decide
where to place a block. Players will take turns dropping blocks, one at a time. A player’s turn ends when he/she has dropped
a block onto the board (unless this triggers a special action; see below). During a player’s turn, the block that the opponent
will have to play next is already at the top of the opponent’s board (and if it doesn’t fit, the opponent has lost).
The major components of the system are as follows:
There are seven types of blocks, shown below with their names and initial configurations:
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I-block J-block L-block O-block
S-block Z-block T-block
Question: How could you design your system (or modify your existing design) to allow for some generated blocks to disap-
pear from the screen if not cleared before 10 more blocks have fallen? Could the generation of such blocks be easily confined
to more advanced levels?
Blocks can be moved and rotated. When a block is rotated, it should be done such that the position of the lower left corner
of the smallest rectangle containing the block is preserved. For a clockwise rotation, this means that the lower-right corner of
the block should take the place of the lower-left corner of the original block. For a counterclockwise rotation, this means that
the top-left corner of the block should take the place of the lower-left corner of the original block. A few examples follow
(clockwise rotation):
| |JJ | |S
|J |J | SS |SS
|JJJ —-> |J |SS —-> | S
+— +— +— +—
The coordinate axes shown above should be understood as being fixed in space, and are there to show the position of the
rotated block relative to that of the original.
The board should be 11 columns and 15 rows. Reserve three extra rows (total 18) at the top of the board to give room for
blocks to rotate, without falling off the board. If a block is at the extreme right-hand side of the board, to the extent that there
is no horizontal room to rotate it, it can’t be rotated.
When a block shows up on the board, it appears in the top-left corner, just below the three reserve rows, such that the
bottom row of the block occupies the row below the reserve rows (so, for example, a horizontal I block would use none of the
reserve rows, while a vertical I block would use all of them). If there is not room for the block in this position, the game is
When a block is dropped onto the board, check to see whether any rows have been completely filled as a result of the block
having dropped. If so, remove those rows from the board, and the remaining blocks above these rows move down to fill the
You need to provide both a text-based display and a graphical display of your game board. A sample text display follows:
Level: 1 Level: 2
Score: 0 Score: 0
———– ———–
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———– ———–
Next: Next:
Your graphical display should be set up in a similar way, showing the current boards, the current blocks, the next blocks to
come, and the scoreboard in a single window. The block types should be colour-coded, each type of block being rendered in
a different colour. Do your best to make it visually pleasing.
Next Block
Part of your system will encapsulate the decision-making process regarding which block is selected next. The level of difficulty
of the game depends on the policy for selecting the next block. You are to support the following difficulty levels:
• Level 0: (Make sure you at least get this one working!) Takes its blocks in sequence from the files sequence1.txt
(for player 1) and sequence2.txt (for player 2) (samples are provided), or from other files, whose names are
supplied on the command line. If you get to the end of one of these files, and the game hasn’t ended yet, begin reading
the file again from the beginning. This level is non-random, and can be used to test with a predetermined set of blocks.
Make sure that sequence[1-2].txt, and any other sequence files you intend to use with your project, are
submitted to Marmoset along with your code.
• Level 1: The block selector will randomly choose a block with probabilities skewed such that S and Z blocks are
selected with probability 1
each, and the other blocks are selected with probability 1
• Level 2: All blocks are selected with equal probability.
• Level 3: The block selector will randomly choose a block with probabilities skewed such that S and Z blocks are
selected with probability 2
each, and the other blocks are selected with probability 1
each. Moreover, blocks generated
in level 3 are “heavy”: every command to move or rotate the block will be followed immediately and automatically by
a downward move of one row (if possible).
• Level 4: In addition to the rules of Level 3, in Level 4 there is an external constructive force: every time you place 5
(and also 10, 15, etc.) blocks without clearing at least one row, a 1×1 block (indicated by * in text, and by the colour
brown in graphics) is dropped onto your game board in the centre column. Once dropped, it acts like any other block:
if it completes a row, the row disappears. So if you do not act quickly, these blocks will work to eventually split your
screen in two, making the game difficult to play.
Each player is free to choose his/her own level independently. The lower levels produce a greater percentage of “easier”
blocks, but the corresponding scores are also lower.
For random numbers, you can use the rand and srand functions from
Question: How could you design your program to accommodate the possibility of introducing additional levels into the
system, with minimum recompilation?
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Special Actions
If a player, upon dropping a block, clears two or more rows simultaneously, a special action is triggered. A special action is
a negative influence on the opponent’s game. When a special action is triggered, the game will prompt the player for his/her
chosen action. Available actions are as follows:
• blind The player’s board, from columns 3-9, and from rows 3-12, is covered with question marks (?), until the player
drops a block; then the display reverts to normal.
• heavy Every time a player moves a block left or right, the block automatically falls by two rows, after the horizontal
move. If it is not possible for the block to drop two rows, it is considered to be dropped, and the turn ends.
• force Change the opponent’s current block to be one of the player’s choosing. If the block cannot be placed in its
initial position, the opponent loses. (E.g., force Z)
Question: How could you design your program to allow for multiple effects to applied simultaneously? What if we
invented more kinds of effects? Can you prevent your program from having one else-branch for every possible combination?
Command Interpreter
You interact with the system by issuing text-based commands. The following commands are to be supported:
• left moves the current block one cell to the left. If this is not possible (left edge of the board, or block in the way),
the command has no effect.
• right as above, but to the right.
• down as above, but one cell downward.
• clockwise rotates the block 90 degrees clockwise, as described earlier. If the rotation cannot be accomplished
without coming into contact with existing blocks, the command has no effect.
• counterclockwise as above, but counterclockwise.
• drop drops the current block. It is (in one step) moved downward as far as possible until it comes into contact with
either the bottom of the board or a block. This command also triggers the next block to appear. Even if a block is
already as far down as it can go (as a result of executing the down command), it still needs to be dropped in order to
get the next block.
• levelup Increases the difficulty level of the game by one. The block showing as next still comes next, but subsequent
blocks are generated using the new level. If there is no higher level, this command has no effect.
• leveldown Decreases the difficulty level of the game by one. The block showing as next still comes next, but
subsequent blocks are generated using the new level. If there is no lower level, this command has no effect.
• norandom file Relevant only during levels 3 and 4, this command makes these levels non-random, instead taking
input from the sequence file, starting from the beginning. This is to facilitate testing.
• random Relevant only during levels 3 and 4, this command restores randomness in these levels.
• sequence file Executes the sequence of commands found in file. This is to facilitate the construction of test
• I, J, L, etc. Useful during testing, these commands replace the current undropped block with the stated block. Heaviness
is detemined by the level number. Note that, for heavy blocks, these commands do not cause a downward move.
• restart Clears the board and starts a new game.
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End-of-file (EOF) terminates the game.
Only as much of a command as is necessary to distinguish it from other commands needs to be entered. For example, lef
is enough to distinguish the left command from the levelup command, so the system should understand either lef or
left as meaning left.
In addition, commands can take a multiplier prefix, indicating that that command should be executed some number of
times. For example 3ri means move to the right by three cells. If, for example, it is only possible to move to the right by two
cells, then the block should move to the right by two cells. Similarly, 2levelu means increase the level by two. Prefixes of 0
or 1 are permitted, and mean that the comand should be run 0 times and 1 time, respectively. It is valid to apply a multiplier to
the drop command. The command 3dr (or 3dro or 3drop)) means drop the current block and then drop the following two
blocks from their default position. If blocks are heavy, a multiplied command is still followed by only own downword move
(example: the command 3left moves the block three positions left, and then one position down). It is not valid to apply a
multiplier to the restart, hint, norandom, or random commands (if a multiplier is supplied, it would have no effect).
Although it is not required that your program respond to invalid input, we highly recommend that you arrange
that invalid input (e.g., misspelled commands) not cause your program to crash. It will cost you precious time during
your demo otherwise.
Question: How could you design your system to accommodate the addition of new command names, or changes to
existing command names, with minimal changes to source and minimal recompilation? (We acknowledge, of course, that
adding a new command probably means adding a new feature, which can mean adding a non-trivial amount of code.) How
difficult would it be to adapt your system to support a command whereby a user could rename existing commands (e.g.
something like rename counterclockwise cc)? How might you support a “macro” language, which would allow
you to give a name to a sequence of commands? Keep in mind the effect that all of these features would have on the
available shortcuts for existing command names.
The board should be redrawn, both in text and graphically, each time a command is issued. For the graphic display, redraw
as little of the screen (within reason) as is necessary to make the needed changes. For multiplied commands, do not redraw
after each repetition; only redraw after the end.
The game is scored as follows: when a line (or multiple lines) is cleared, you score points equal to (your current level, plus
number of lines) squared. (For example, clearing a line in level 2 is worth 9 points.) In addition, when a block is completely
removed from the screen (i.e., when all of its cells have disappeared) you score points equal to the level you were in when the
block was generated, plus one, squared. (For example if you got an O-block while on level 0, and cleared the O-block in level
3, you get 1 point.)
You are to track the current score and the hi score. When the current score exceeds the hi score, the hi score is updated so
that it matches the current score. When the game is restarted, the current score reverts to 0, but the hi score persists until the
program terminates.
Command-line Interface
Your program should support the following options on the command line:
• -text runs the program in text-only mode. No graphics are displayed. The default behaviour (no -text) is to show
both text and graphics.
• -seed xxx sets the random number generator’s seed to xxx. If you don’t set the seed, you always get the same
random sequence every time you run the program. It’s good for testing, but not much fun.
• -scriptfile1 xxx Uses xxx instead of sequence1.txt as a source of blocks for level 0, for player 1.
• -scriptfile2 xxx Uses xxx instead of sequence2.txt as a source of blocks for level 0, for player 2.
• -startlevel n Starts the game in level n. The game starts in level 0 if this option is not supplied.
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Your project will be graded as described in the project guidelines document.
Even if your program doesn’t work at all, you can still earn a lot of marks through good documentation and design, (in the
latter case, there needs to be enough code present to make a reasonable assessment).
Above all, make sure your submitted program runs, and does something! You don’t get correctness marks for some-
thing you can’t show, but if your program at least does something that looks like the beginnings of the game, there may be
some marks available for that.
If Things Go Wrong
If you run into trouble and find yourself unable to complete the entire assignment, please do your best to submit something
that works, even if it doesn’t solve the entire assignment. For example:
• can’t do block rotations
• program only produces text output; no graphics
• only one level of difficulty implemented
• does not recognize the full command syntax
• score not calculated correctly
You will get a higher mark for fully implementing some of the requirements than for a program that attempts all of the
requirements, but doesn’t run.
Every time you add a new feature to your program, make sure it runs, before adding anything else. That way, you
always have a working program to submit. The worst thing you could do would be to write the whole program, and
then compile and test it at the end, hoping it works.
A well-documented, well-designed program that has all of the deficiencies listed above, but still runs, can still potentially
earn a passing grade.
Plan for the Worst
Even the best programmers have bad days, and the simplest pointer error can take hours to track down. So be sure to have a
plan of attack in place that maximizes your chances of always at least having a working program to submit. Prioritize your
goals to maximize what you can demonstrate at any given time. We suggest: save the graphics for last, and first do the game
in pure text. One of the first things you should probably do is write a routine to draw the game board (probably a Board
class with an overloaded friend operator<<). It can start out blank, and become more sophisticated as you add features.
You should also do the command interpreter early, so that you can interact with your program. You can then add commands
one-by-one, and separately work on supporting the full command syntax. Take the time to work on a test suite at the same
time as you are writing your project. Although we are not asking you to submit a test suite, having one on hand will speed up
the process of verifying your implementation.
You will be asked to submit a plan, with projected completion dates and divided responsibilities, as part of your documen-
tation for Due Date 1.
If Things Go Well
If you complete the entire project, you can earn up to 10% extra credit for implementing extra features. These should be
outlined in your design document, and markers will judge the value of your extra features.
Submission Instructions
See project guidelines.pdf for instructions about what should be included in your plan of attack and final design document.
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