CS计算机代考程序代写 Java algorithm 12/19/21, 3:46 PM Exercises-2: Computer Systems

12/19/21, 3:46 PM Exercises-2: Computer Systems

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Here are some exercises for you to work through. They should help you to get a clearer idea (or
confirm your understanding of the ‘Big O’ notation. Remember:

These are NOT fragments of Java code – They describe the algorithm and a lot of details have
been removed.
…. and don’t try to understand them, they sort of make sense but you don’t need to understand
the algorithm to do the analysis
The aim is to express how the algorithm changes it’s behaviour (how much time it takes) as
the amount of data increases

Given the following algorithms, what is their time complexity using the Big O notation?


max = 0
For i = 0..(n-1)
   If A[i]>max

2. Do the same with the following:

numberFound = 0
For i = 0..(n-1)
For j = 0..(n-1)
If A[i,j] == target
numberFound = numberFound + 1

3. In this example you should assume that the function BinarySearch is O(log n)

numberFound = 0
For i = 0..(n-1)
For j = 0..(n-1)
If BinarySearch(A[i,j])
numberFound = numberFound + 1

4. This example is a little more complex:

max = 0
For i = 0..(n-1)
   If A[i]>max

numberFound = 0
For i = 0..(n-1)
For j = 0..(n-1)
If A[i,j] == target
numberFound = numberFound + 1

5. …. and what about this one?

12/19/21, 3:46 PM Exercises-2: Computer Systems

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numberFound = 0
For i = 0..(n-1)/2
For j = 0..(n-1)/2
If BinarySearch(A[i,j])
numberFound = numberFound + 1

6. …. and one final one. Assume that randomInt(n) returns a random integer in the range [0..(n-1)]
and that A is an array of length n

i = randomInt(n)
return (a[i])