CS 342 Principles of Programming Languages Exam 1
1. Multiple Choice Questions: select all the correct answers for the following questions.
(a) (3 pt) Given the following grammar, select the strings that it accepts.
real − number → signpart.part|signpart
sign→ +|−
part→ digit|digitpart
digit→ 0|1|2|3|4|5|6|7|8|9
i. +32.52
ii. 3
iii. -.5
iv. -000.
Sol i
(b) (3 pt) What types of programming paradigms available?
i. logic programming
ii. functional programming
iii. object-oriented programming
iv. imperative programming
Sol i,ii,iii,iv
(c) (3 pt) Which of the following is/are true?
i. terminals are tokens
ii. a grammar always has a start symbol
iii. the nodes in a parse tree are either terminals or non-terminals
iv. even for an ambiguous grammar, left-most and right most derivations can generate the same
parse trees
Sol i,ii,iii,iv
2. (6 pt) What are the three common parts of programming languages? Provide examples to explain
each part.
Sol Atomic computation, composition, abstraction.
For C programming language
(a) the built-in +,-,*,/ are atomic operators.
(b) the conditional branch (if statement), loops (for, while, do-while) are composition
(c) functions are abstractions
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CS 342 Principles of Programming Languages Exam 1
3. (15 pt) Consider the following grammar:
S → S + A|S −A|A
A→ A ∗B|A/B|B
B → 1|2|3|4|5|6|7|8|9
(a) (2 pt) What is the terminals and non-terminals?
(b) (3 pt) Construct the parse tree for the string 1/3+8-2*4
(c) (5 pt) Is the grammar ambiguous or not? Justify your answer.
(d) (5 pt) Extend the grammar to support braces, e.g. 1*(2+3), where the expression in braces
should have the highest priority among all the operators.
(a) • terminals: +,-,*,/
• non-terminals: S,A,B
(b) S
/ B
+ A
– A
* B
(c) Not ambiguous. There’s no string that has different parse tree for this grammar. The grammar
used associativity and precedence of the operators, which are common techniques to remove
(d) S → S + A|S −A|A
A→ A ∗B|A/B|B
B → 1|2|3|4|5|6|7|8|9|(S)
4. (5 pt) Identify free and bound variables in the following expression:
(let ((addConst (lambda (x y) (+ x y c)))) (addConst 342 z) )
• free variables: c,z
• bound variables: x,y
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CS 342 Principles of Programming Languages Exam 1
5. (5 pt) Write an Arithlang expression that uses +,-, * and is equal to 10.
Sol (* (/ (- (+ 5 10) 11) 2) 5)
6. (5 pt) Write a Varlang expression that calculates the area of a triangle(1
∗ base ∗ height) given the
base is 10 and the height is 6. You are also restricted to defining a single variable per let expression.
(let ((base 10))
(let ((height 6))
(∗ (/ 1 2) base height)))
7. (5 pt) Write a Funclang program reverse(lst) that takes a list as an argument and reverses it.
(define reverse
(lambda (lst)
( i f (list? lst)
(append (reverse (cdr lst)) (list car lst))
(list lst))))
8. (10 pt) Write Funclang programs to accomplish the following tasks.
(a) (3 pt) Construct a global variable mylist that holds a list of three pairs, (1,3) (4,2) (5,6).
(b) (7 pt) Write a function nth that takes two arguments l and n, where l is a list of pairs, and n is
an integer. Returns the larger number of the two numbers in the nth pair. You can assume that
n always within the range of the length of the list. Some examples of using nth (with the above
mylist variable): If the n is out of range of the list, return -1. You can use the predicate list?
which accepts an expression and return #t if it is a list and #f otherwise. E.g. (list? (list
1 2)) returns #t and (list? 3) returns #f.
$ (nth mylist 1)
$ 3
$ (nth mylist 2)
$ 4
$ (nth mylist 4)
$ -1
$ (nth mylist 0)
$ -1
$ (nth mylist -4)
$ -1
(a) a
(define mylist (list (cons 1 3) (cons 4 2) (cons 5 6)))
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CS 342 Principles of Programming Languages Exam 1
(define nth
(lambda ( l n)
( i f (< n 1) −1
( i f (list? l )
( i f (= n 1) (car l )
(nth (cdr l ) (− n 1)))
( i f (= n 1) l −1))))
(b)9. (15 pt) Extend the language to support modular operator (%). E.g. (% 8 3) returns 2, and (%8 3 2)
returns 0. Write the grammar for the new operator, and complete the given evaluator class. To save
the time, you don’t need to write down the class ModExp in AST.java. But you can assume that The
ModExp class is extended from the CompoundArithExp class and has the method public List
all(); to extract operands.
(a) (10 pt) Evaluator
class Evaluator {
public Value visit(ModExp e) {
// write the evaluation of e here
(b) (5pt) grammar. You only need to complete the production rule of modexp.
modexp returns [ModExp ast]
locals [ArrayList
@init {list =new ArrayList
// complete the grammar here
class Evaluator {
public Value visit(ModExp e) {
// write the evaluation of e here
Exp first = operands.get(0);
NumVal first val = (NumVal)first .accept(this) ;
double result = first val .v() ;
for (int i=1; i
@init {list =new ArrayList
’( ’ ’%’
e=exp { $list .add($e.ast) ; }
( e=exp { $list .add($e.ast) ; } )+
’) ’ { $ast = newModExp($list) ; }
10. (15 pt) Let expression is useful to define multiple variables at the same time. However, one might
want to refer to the previous defined variables in the same let expression when defining later variables.
For example, in the evaluation of (let ((a 3) (b a) (c (+ a b))) c), we created three variables,
a, b and c, where a=3, b=a, c=a+b. Currently the Varlang intepreter will report ”No binding found
for name: a” This problem asks you to modify existing let evaluator (code shown below) to eliminate
such errors and support this behavior. In the above example, b will get the value 3
public Value visit(LetExp e, Env env) {
for(Exp exp : value exps)
values.add((Value)exp.accept(this , env)) ;
Env new env = env;
for (int i = 0; i < names.size(); i++)
new env = new ExtendEnv(new env, names.get( i ) , values.get( i )) ;
return (Value) e.body() .accept(this , new env) ;
public Value visit(LetExp e, Env env) {
Env new env = env;
for (int i = 0; i < names.size(); i++) { Exp exp= value exps.get( i ) ; Value v = ((Value)exp.accept(this , env)) ; new env = new ExtendEnv(new env, names.get( i ) , v) ; } return (Value) e.body() .accept(this , new env) ; } 11. (Extra Credit: 8 pt) For Question 8: write a function that returns a new list, each element is the multiplication of the two elements in the pair located in a given list, e.g., for the mylist defined above, the output is (3, 6, 30) Sol (define mul−list (lambda (lst) Fall 2016 page 5 of 4 CS 342 Principles of Programming Languages Exam 1 ( i f (list? lst) (cons (∗ (car (car lst)) (cdr (car lst))) (mul−list (cdr lst))) ()))) 12. (Extra Credit: 2 pt) Write a poem on the topic of programming languages Fall 2016 page 6 of 4