程序代做CS代考 SQL python javascript database Java js Hive CSC347: Introduction to Information Security

CSC347: Introduction to Information Security

Week 4: Prepared statements, Course Intro and Terminolgy. . .

Plan for today

I Admin (2 minutes: zip files and 48h vs. 24h late)
I Discuss prepared statements (10 minutes)
I Terminology and Principles (40 minutes)
I Break (5 minutes)
I Principles and Processes (50 minutes)

Prepared statements

References: OWASP




I Primary Defenses:
I Prepared Statements (with Parameterized Queries)
I Stored Procedures
I Allow-list Input Validation (white listing)
I Escaping All User Supplied Input (input sanitization)


I Primary Defenses:
I Prepared Statements (with Parameterized Queries)
I Stored Procedures
I Allow-list Input Validation (white listing)
I Escaping All User Supplied Input (input sanitization)

I Additional Defenses:
I Also: Enforcing Least Privilege
I Also: Performing Allow-list Input Validation as a Secondary



Parameterized queries force the developer to first define all the SQL
code, and then pass in each parameter to the query later. This
coding style allows the database to distinguish between code and
data, regardless of what user input is supplied.

Prepared statements ensure that an attacker is not able to change
the intent of a query, even if SQL commands are inserted by an
attacker. In the safe example below, if an attacker were to enter the
userID of tom’ or ‘1’=‘1, the parameterized query would not be
vulnerable and would instead look for a username which literally
matched the entire string tom’ or ‘1’=’1.

Source OWASP again


Course Intro (finally)

US-Cert Weekly vulnerabilities.

I This week’s vulnerabilities: here
I Weekly bulletings: here

A lot of buffer overruns, integer overflow and SQL injections listed
(plus other things not yet covered)



I Vulnerability
I Exploit
I Impact


I Vulnerability: A weakness which can be exploited Common
Weakness Enumeration
I Top 25, how many have we already covered? (buffer, sql, path,

I Exploit: Using the vulnerability
I Impact: The effect on the system or users



I Confidentiality
I Integrity
I Availability


I Confidentiality: Information is disclosed only to authorized

I Integrity: Information remains unchanged in transit and at rest.
Only authorized parties can change it.

I Availability: Authorized parties have timely and uncompromised

Testing your understanding

What does each of the following compromise (CIA)?

I Fork bomb in csc209

Testing your understanding

What does each of the following compromise (CIA)?

I Fork bomb in csc209 –> Availability
I SQL Injection

Testing your understanding

What does each of the following compromise (CIA)?

I Fork bomb in csc209 –> A
I SQL Injection –> I, C

Testing your understanding

What does each of the following compromise (CIA)?

I Fork bomb in csc209 –> A
I SQL Injection –> I, C
I Buffer overrun

Testing your understanding

What does each of the following compromise (CIA)?

I Fork bomb in csc209 –> A
I SQL Injection –> I, C
I Buffer overrun –> C, I, A
I Directory Traversal

Testing your understanding

What does each of the following compromise (CIA)?

I Fork bomb in csc209 –> A
I SQL Injection –> I, C
I Buffer overrun –> C, I, A
I Directory Traversal –> I, C

Authentication and accountability

I Authentication: Ensuring that a user, data or software is

I Accountability: maintinaing identity and activity logs

Security as a continuous process

I Assessment
I Analysis of the environment and the system security

requirements. During this phase, you create and document a
security policy and plans for implementing that policy.

I Protection
I Implementation of the security plan (e.g., secure configuration,

resource protection, maintenance).
I Detection

I Identification of attacks and policy violations by use of
techniques such as monitoring, log analysis, and intrusion

I Response
I Handling of detected intrusions, in the ways specified by the

security plan.

This course

I Software Security: what is bad code, writing good code, buffer
overruns, sql injection, xss

I System Security: how to protect your system, permissions,
scripts, hardware, passwords, intrusion detection, fingerprinting

I Network Security: introduction to networking, firewalls,
processes, scanning networks, footprinting, routing

I Cryptography: How to keep secrets, share them only with
specified parties, know that you are speaking with whom you
intended to speak with.

I Social engineering: fishing, people and trust

Assignments and Labs

Often you will be . . .

I given a code base with vulnerabilities and you are expected to
fix them

I carrying out (writing) code in a sandboxed environment to
achieve a goals . . . and then defend against them.

I given a system and need to determine whether it has been
compromised, and if so how, what is the damage, how can it
be prefixed

I given access to a system to obtain information.
I ==> altnerate between red, blue, purple teaming on

assignments and labs.
I competing with your peers (sometimes) in fun activities

What is This Course About?

I Introduction to various topics in information security:
I Executables (Buffer overruns)
I PHP, SQL injections
I Passwords, Hashing
I Permissions, ACLs
I Fingerprinting, Intrusion detection
I Cryptography
I Network security

I Programming languages of choice
I C, PHP, SQL, Bash, Python, Javascript

What is This Course About? (2)

I Overview of various topics and a practical introduction
I (Debugging) tools: gdb, valgrind, strace, ltrace, JS browser

inspectors, industry strenght security tools
I Build automation tools: make
I Version control: git

I Interacting with a UNIX-like OS using the Bash shell

notes: With the help of these tools you will spend less time
debugging, more time being productive.

After taking this course, you should be able to. . .

I Diagram and explain the memory usage/layout of an arbitrary

I Analyse source code in C, JS, PHP, SQL, identify and fix
programs that exhibit certain security vulnerabilities
I Avoid writing code with certain security vulnerabilities
I Use tools to test for certain vulnerabilities.

I Design secure architectures for software projects
I Explain how common security vulernatibilies work

What assets need to be protected

I Personal security
I Operations security
I Communications security
I Network security
I Information security

More definitions

CVE defines a vulnerability as:

“A weakness in the computational logic (e.g., code) found in
software and hardware components that, when exploited, results in a
negative impact to confidentiality, integrity, or availability.
Mitigation of the vulnerabilities in this context typically involves
coding changes, but could also include specification changes or even
specification deprecations (e.g., removal of affected protocols or
functionality in their entirety).”

More definitions and terminology

I exploit a vulnerability: take advantage of the vulnerability
I prevention: (ie prevent smashing the stack by randomizing the

I detection: knowing that you have been hacked. ie Tripwire
I recovery: after an attack, restoring CIA for example.
I scanning: probe systems on the internet (ie nmap)
I Vulnerability Scanner: a scanning tool that looks for known

I Sniffer: software that captures network traffic while in transit


More definitions and terminology
I Exploit: a ready to run program that takes advantage of known

I Social engineering: exploit human weakness ie. shoulder

surfing, scavenging, pets for passwords, drop USB key
I Side-channel attack: eavesdropping, acoustic keyboard

I root kit: software designed to hide the fact that a system has

been compromised. for example, replace ps on a unix system to
hide the fact that rogue processes are running.

I Leet (l33t speak): slang used by hackers to obfuscate
discussions in newsgroups

I Honeypot: a server that acts as a decoy
I Threat modelling: a formal approach to security, see Microsofts

Security Threat Modeling Tool, or the doc, the ppt
I Penetration Testing
I Red team, Blue team, Purple Team

Some links for tools and resources

I Virus Total
I US Cert
I haveibeenpwned
I https://openwrt.org/
I Sectools
I Vulnerability Scanners
I Forensic Tools



I Principle #1: The defender must defend all points; the
attacker can choose the weakest point.

I Principle #2: The defender can defend only against known
attacks; the attacker can probe for unknown vulnerabilities.

I Principle #3: The defender must be constantly vigilant; the
attacker can strike at will.

I Principle #4: The defender must play by the rules; the
attacker can play dirty.

Principles to Live by

I Compartmentalize:
I Compartmentalization is a concept well understood by

submarine builders and by the captain of the Starship Enterprise.
On a submarine, a leak that is not contained to the quarter in
which it originated will cause the whole submarine to be filled
with water and lead to the death of the entire crew. That’s why
submarines have systems in place to isolate one part of the
submarine from another. This concept also benefits computer
security. Compartmentalization is all about damage control.
The idea is to design the whole to consist of smaller connected
parts. This principle goes well together with the next one.

Principles to live by

I Utilize the principle of least privilege:
I Each part of the system (a program or a user) should be given

the privileges it needs to perform its normal duties and nothing
more. That way, if one part of the system is compromised, the
damage will be limited.

Principles to live by

I Perform defense in depth:
I Defense in depth is about having multiple independent layers of

security. If there is only one security layer, the compromise of
that layer compromises the entire system. Multiple layers are
preferable. For example, if you have a firewall in place, an
independent intrusion detection system can serve to control its
operation. Having two firewalls to defend the same entry point,
each from a different vendor, increases security further.

Principles to live by

I Do not volunteer information:
I Attackers commonly work in the dark and perform

reconnaissance to uncover as much information about the target
as possible. We should not help them. Keep information private
whenever you can. But keeping information private is not a big
security tool on its own. Unless the system is secure, obscurity
will not help much.

Principles to live by

I Fail safely:
I Make sure that whenever a system component fails, it fails in

such a way as to change into a more secure state. Using an
obvious example, if the login procedure cannot complete
because of some internal problem, the software should reject all
login requests until the internal problem is resolved.

Principles to live by

I Secure the weakest link:
I The whole system is as secure as its weakest link. Take the time

to understand all system parts and focus your efforts on the
weak parts.

Principles to live by

I Practice simplicity:
I Humans do not cope with complexity well. A study has found

we can only hold up to around seven concepts in our heads at
any one time. Anything more complex than that will be hard to
understand. A simple system is easy to configure, verify, and
use. (This was demonstrated in a recent paper, “A Quantitative
Study of Firewall Configuration Errors” by Avishai Wool:

The Ten Immutable Laws of Security

Law #1: If a bad actor can persuade you to run his program on
your computer, it’s not your computer anymore

Law #2: If a bad actor can alter the operating system on your
computer, it’s not your computer anymore

Law #3: If a bad actor has unrestricted physical access to your
computer, it’s not your computer anymore

Law #4: If you allow a bad actor to upload programs to your
website, it’s not your website any more

The Ten Immutable Laws of Security (cont.)

Law #5: Weak passwords trump strong security

Law #6: A computer is only as secure as the administrator is

Law #7: Encrypted data is only as secure as the decryption key

Law #8: An out of date virus scanner is only marginally better than
no virus scanner at all

Law #9: Absolute anonymity isn’t practical, in real life or on the

Law #10: Technology is not a panacea

Design principles for computer security:



I Reasons for Monitoring
I Monitoring compliance

Logging plus automated log analysis and reporting

Manage Business Risk

I How many people in the organization
I Larger companies require more internal monitoring

I How many users of a systems
I What type of data is stored


### Manage Business Risk

I How many people in the organization
I Larger companies require more internal monitoring

I How many users of a systems
I What type of data is stored


Most have internal audits, external audits, systems department, or
info sec department.

Benefits of Monitoring

I Problems can be identified faster and earlier
I Cost savings (inefficient resource use, malicious resource use,

prevent costly breaches).
I Validate existing controls
I Identifying vulernatibilies
I Providing evidence for investigations
I Improved understanding of environment
I Cost reduction

Logging and Monitoring tools

I All OSses have them (Windows, Mac, Linux)

I Event logs

I syslogs

I application logging (python, Java, etc. )

Monitoring data environments

I protecting employee and user Information
I segregation of duties
I verifying data integrity
I protecting records

Also monitoring physical environments (access, video surveilance)

Building monitoring systems

I Monitoring and identifying system resources used
I Analysing network traffic and connections
I Scanning for malicious code (fingerprinting systems)
I Probing for system and network vulnerabilities
I Verifying file and data integrity
I Log retention and log storage policies (backup, access,

I Searchability of logs (src/dest addresses, ports, protocol, time

I Reporting and Alerting

Other topics
I Risk Assessements

I assess vulnerabilities
I determine response and safeguards

I Security Threat assessements
I Security triad (C I A)
I to employees and assests
I likelyhood and impact

I Threat Risk Assessements
I identify how targets can be compromised and assess level of Risk

I Vulnerability assessements
I assign relative levels (low to very high, 1 to 5)

I Compliance assessements
I determine level of compliance with standards, policies and

I Digital forensics and Investigations
I Privacy
I Business Continuity Management
I Enterprise Security Architecture
I Security Policies and standards