计算机代考程序代写 chain algorithm ###Metropolis- 1: Simple Binomial logit model

###Metropolis- 1: Simple Binomial logit model
library(mvtnorm) ##multivariate normal and t distributions
library(arm) #gives access to logit( and invlogit functions)
library(LearnBayes) #laplace function

## Binomial – logit-normal

# setwd(“~/Patrick/Stat314-2017/code/”) #Should be unnecessary as
##data given in code


### simple Binomial – logit-normal example
## set-up the data
Y <- c(6,7,5,5,4,8) N <- rep(10,length(Y)) NmY <- N-Y #get some basic summary statistics sumY <- sum(Y) sumNmY <- sum(N-Y) ##We will assume a binomial likelihood but instead of a ##conjugate Beta(a,b) prior we will adopt a ##logit-normal prior for theta, i.e logit(theta) ~Normal(mu,sigma2) ############################################################################### ### Explore the logit-normal density by plotting ################################################################################ ##first define a function to draw values from the logit-normal distribution. ##could also use the logitnorm package rlogitnormal <- function(n,mu,sigma) { require(arm) l <- rnorm(n=n,mean=mu,sd=sigma) theta <- invlogit(l) return(theta) } ##specify parameters of the prior for this illustration mu_prior <- logit(0.5) sigma_prior <- 4 ##Note this is sigma not sigma^2 testtheta <- rlogitnormal(n=10000,mu=mu_prior,sigma=sigma_prior) plot(density(testtheta,from=0,to=1),main="logit-normal") summary(testtheta) ##################################################################################################### ### Set up functions to evaluate the log-likelihood and log #(unnormalized posterior) ###################################################################################################### ###Function to compute the log-likelihood for a given #logit(probability) loglike_binom_logit <- function(eta,Y,N) { theta <- invlogit(eta) logl <- dbinom(Y,N,prob=theta,log=TRUE) return(sum(logl)) } ##test this out loglike_binom_logit(eta=0,Y=Y,N=N) loglike_binom_logit(eta=-3,Y=Y,N=N) loglike_binom_logit(eta=3,Y=Y,N=N) ###plot the log likelihood as a function of eta eta <- seq(from=-3,to=3,by=0.1) ##range over which to evaluate the ##log-likelihood loglstore <- rep(NA,length(eta)) #object to store the log-likelihood #values for (i in 1:length(eta)) { loglstore[i] <- loglike_binom_logit(eta=eta[i],Y=Y,N=N) } plot(eta,loglstore,type="l",lwd=2) ##Aside ###What if observe a sequence of zeros Y0 <- rep(0,10) N0 <- rep(1,10) eta <- seq(from=-10,to=10,by=0.1) loglstore0 <- rep(NA,length(eta)) for (i in 1:length(eta)) { loglstore0[i] <- loglike_binom_logit(eta=eta[i],Y=Y0,N=N0) } ###plot the log likelihood as a function of eta plot(eta,loglstore0,type="l",lwd=2) arm::invlogit(-10) arm::invlogit(-5) loglike_binom_logit(eta=-10,Y=Y0,N=N0) loglike_binom_logit(-5,Y0,N0) loglike_binom_logit(0,Y0,N0) ###set-up a function to compute the log-unnormalised posterior ##note the likelihhod function is passed in as a parameter logpost_binom_logit <- function(eta,likefunc,priormean,priorsd,Y,N) { logpost <- likefunc(eta,Y,N) + dnorm(eta,mean=priormean,sd=priorsd,log=TRUE) return(logpost) } ##try out the log - posterior at a few values testpost1 <- logpost_binom_logit(eta=logit(0.1), likefunc=loglike_binom_logit, priormean=mu_prior,priorsd=sigma_prior,Y=Y,N=N) testpost1 testpost5 <- logpost_binom_logit(eta=logit(0.5), likefunc=loglike_binom_logit, priormean=mu_prior,priorsd=sigma_prior,Y=Y,N=N) testpost5 ###plot the unormalized posterior for eta eta <- seq(from=-3, to=4,by=0.1) logpost_store <- rep(NA,length(eta)) ##vector to store values of the ## log-posterior for (i in 1:length(eta)) { logpost_store[i] <- logpost_binom_logit(eta=eta[i], likefunc=loglike_binom_logit, priormean=mu_prior,priorsd=sigma_prior, Y=Y,N=N) } summary(logpost_store) plot(cbind(eta,logpost_store), main="unnormalized log posterior for eta",type="l",lwd=2) ########################################################################################################## ####Try and build an approximation to the posterior based on #maximization of the log unnormalized posterior ############################################################################ ##try out laplace() from the LearnBayes packageto get posterior mode and ##variance approximation ################################################################################################# posapprox <- laplace(logpost_binom_logit,mode=logit(0.5), likefunc=loglike_binom_logit,priormean=mu_prior, priorsd=sigma_prior,Y=Y,N=N) posapprox mean_approx_eta <- posapprox$mode sd_approx_eta <- sqrt(posapprox$var) sd_approx_eta ###So our initial approximation is. Normal(mean_approx_eta,ad_approx_eta) #We need an overdispersed approximation to the posterior to generate starting # values hence: sd_start <- 2 * sd_approx_eta #Could inflate by more ##We will use random-walk Metropolis algorithm in #which the jumping distribution is centred on the current value with #variance reccommended by Gelman et al: 2.4^2/d * Vapprox, #d= dimension which is one in this case sd_jump <- 2.4*sd_approx_eta #sd_jump <- 0.01 ##experiment with poor jumping density ######################################################################### ## Set-up for Metropolis-Hastings ## We will use a symmetric jumping density - ##univariate normal in this case, as we are dealing with a scalar parameter ######################################################################## nchains <- 5 simnum <- 1500 #burnin <- 500 ##hashed out because we will experiment with different ##burn-in periods; display traceplots for ## set-up structures eta_store <- matrix(nrow=simnum,ncol=nchains) accept_store <- matrix(nrow=simnum,ncol=nchains) for (j in 1:nchains) { ##draw initial value ideally from over-dispersed approximation to ## posterior oldeta <- rnorm(n=1,mean=mean_approx_eta,sd=sd_start) for (i in 1:simnum) { ##draw proposal from the jumping distribution eta_prop <- rnorm(n=1,mean=oldeta,sd=sd_jump) ####symmetric jumping density so we can just us the metropolis version of the algorithm ##evaluate log posterior at the proposal #log-likelihood + log prior logpost_prop <- logpost_binom_logit(eta=eta_prop, likefunc=loglike_binom_logit, priormean=mu_prior, priorsd=sigma_prior, Y=Y,N=N) # ##evalute the log posterior at the current value ##evaluate log posterior at the proposal logpost_old <- logpost_binom_logit(eta=oldeta, likefunc=loglike_binom_logit, priormean=mu_prior, priorsd=sigma_prior, Y=Y,N=N) ##compute the acceptance ratio logrMH <- logpost_prop-logpost_old #symmetric jumping density so only need log posterior ##check whether to accept accept <- (log(runif(1)) < logrMH) accept_store[i,j] <- as.numeric(accept) if (accept) { oldeta <- eta_prop } eta_store[i,j] <- oldeta } ###end loop over iterations } ##end loop over chains # check acceptance rates colMeans(accept_store) ###traceplots - all iterations x <- seq(from=1,to=simnum,by=1) plot(x,eta_store[,1],type="l") lines(x,eta_store[,2],col="red") lines(x,eta_store[,3],col="blue") lines(x,eta_store[,4],col="green") lines(x,eta_store[,5],col="orange") ##Gelman-rubin diagnostic ###drop burn_in burnin <- 500 poseta <- eta_store[(burnin+1):simnum,] ##Chunk each posterior chains into two pieces ## and reassemble as a matrix possize <- nrow(poseta) n1 <- round(possize/2) ##size of first chunk chunk1 <- poseta[1:n1,] chunk2 <- poseta[(round(possize/2)+1):possize,] poseta_chunked <- cbind(chunk1,chunk2) str(poseta_chunked) ##obtain the chain means chain_mean <- colMeans(poseta) ##obtain the within chain variance chain_sd <- apply(poseta,MARGIN=2,FUN=sd) chain_var <- chain_sd^2 W = mean(chain_var) ##get between chain variance possize_chunked <- nrow(poseta_chunked) B <- possize_chunked*(sd(chain_mean))^2 ##Now build the components of the Gelman-Rubin statistic Vplus <- ((possize_chunked-1)/possize_chunked) * W + (1/possize_chunked)*B Rhat <- sqrt(Vplus/W) Rhat ##compute estimated effective sample size, using Coda poseta.mcmc <- coda::as.mcmc(poseta_chunked ) poseta.mcmc.list <- coda::mcmc.list(poseta.mcmc[,1], poseta.mcmc[,2], poseta.mcmc[,3], poseta.mcmc[,4], poseta.mcmc[,5], poseta.mcmc[,6], poseta.mcmc[,7], poseta.mcmc[,8], poseta.mcmc[,9], poseta.mcmc[,10] ) codaNeff <- coda::effectiveSize(poseta.mcmc.list) codaNeff ##summarise the posterior for eta ##combine posterior samples from the separate chains poseta_pooled <- poseta[,1] for (j in 2:nchains) { poseta_pooled <- c(poseta_pooled,poseta_chunked[,j]) } summary(poseta_pooled) plot(density(poseta_pooled),main="posterior for eta",lwd=2) ##should transform back to probability scale postheta_pooled <- invlogit(poseta_pooled) summary(postheta_pooled) plot(density(postheta_pooled,adjust=1.4),main="posterior for theta",lwd=2) ##95% credible interval for theta quantile(postheta_pooled,probs=c(0.025,0.5,0.975)) ##probability theta > 0.75
mean((postheta_pooled > 0.75))

# Illustrate what happens with a poorly chosen jumping distribution ——–

sd_jump <- 0.01 ##experiment with poor jumping density ######################################################################### ## Set-up for Metropolis-Hastings ## We will use a symmetric jumping density - ##univariate normal in this case as we are dealing with a scalar parameter ######################################################################## nchains <- 5 simnum <- 1500 #burnin <- 500 ##hashed out because we will experiment with different burn - in ##periods; display traceplots for ## set-up structures eta_store <- matrix(nrow=simnum,ncol=nchains) accept_store <- matrix(nrow=simnum,ncol=nchains) for (j in 1:nchains) { ##draw initial value ideally from over-dispersed approximation to ## posterior oldeta <- rnorm(n=1,mean=mean_approx_eta,sd=sd_start) for (i in 1:simnum) { ##draw proposal from the jumping distribution eta_prop <- rnorm(n=1,mean=oldeta,sd=sd_jump) ####symmetric jumping density so we can just us the metropolis version of the algorithm ##evaluate log posterior at the proposal #log-likelihood + log prior logpost_prop <- logpost_binom_logit(eta=eta_prop, likefunc=loglike_binom_logit, priormean=mu_prior, priorsd=sigma_prior, Y=Y,N=N) # ##evalute the log posterior at the current value ##evaluate log posterior at the proposal logpost_old <- logpost_binom_logit(eta=oldeta, likefunc=loglike_binom_logit, priormean=mu_prior, priorsd=sigma_prior, Y=Y,N=N) ##compute the acceptance ratio logrMH <- logpost_prop-logpost_old #symmetric jumping density so only need log posterior ##check whether to accept accept <- (log(runif(1)) < logrMH) accept_store[i,j] <- as.numeric(accept) if (accept) { oldeta <- eta_prop } eta_store[i,j] <- oldeta } ###end loop over iterations } ##end loop over chains # check acceptance rates colMeans(accept_store) ###traceplots - all iterations x <- seq(from=1,to=simnum,by=1) plot(x,eta_store[,1],type="l") lines(x,eta_store[,2],col="red") lines(x,eta_store[,3],col="blue") lines(x,eta_store[,4],col="green") lines(x,eta_store[,5],col="orange") ##Gelman-rubin diagnostic ###drop burn_in burnin <- 500 poseta <- eta_store[(burnin+1):simnum,] ##Chunk each posterior chains into two pieces ## and reassemble as a matric possize <- nrow(poseta) n1 <- round(possize/2) ##size of first chunk chunk1 <- poseta[1:n1,] chunk2 <- poseta[(round(possize/2)+1):possize,] poseta_chunked <- cbind(chunk1,chunk2) str(poseta_chunked) ##obtain the chain means chain_mean <- colMeans(poseta) ##obtain the within chain variance chain_sd <- apply(poseta,MARGIN=2,FUN=sd) chain_var <- chain_sd^2 W = mean(chain_var) ##get between chain variance possize_chunked <- nrow(poseta_chunked) B <- possize_chunked*(sd(chain_mean))^2 ##Now build the components of the Gelman-Rubin statistic Vplus <- ((possize_chunked-1)/possize_chunked) * W + (1/possize_chunked)*B Rhat <- sqrt(Vplus/W) Rhat ##compute estimated effective sample size, using Coda poseta.mcmc <- coda::as.mcmc(poseta_chunked ) poseta.mcmc.list <- coda::mcmc.list(poseta.mcmc[,1], poseta.mcmc[,2], poseta.mcmc[,3], poseta.mcmc[,4], poseta.mcmc[,5], poseta.mcmc[,6], poseta.mcmc[,7], poseta.mcmc[,8], poseta.mcmc[,9], poseta.mcmc[,10] ) codaNeff <- coda::effectiveSize(poseta.mcmc.list) codaNeff ##so high acceptance rates are no necessarily a good thing