o Regular expressions Distinguished Lecture after class :
ECS 20 — Lecture 9 — Fall 2013 —24 Oct 2013
o Sets of strings (languages)
“Some Hash-Based Data Structures and Algorithms Everyone Should Know” Prof. , Harvard
Sets of STRINGS (elements of formal language theory)
Define and give examples:
Alphabet a finite nonempty set (of “characters”)
Strings – a finite sequence of characters drawn from some alphabet.
operation: concatenation, xy or x o y Language – a set of strings, all of them over some alphabets
ENGLISH-WORDS = {a, aah, aardvark, aardwolf, aba, …, zymotic, zymurgy} PRIMES = …
SAT = …
The relationship between languages and decision questions. yes, xL
Phil Rogaway
extend concatenation to langauges
Empty string ()
General set operations: union, intersection, complement;
A* — Kleene closure – define it – i 0 i
A0 = { } (why? For Ai Aj =Ai+j) *
BYTES = {0,1}8 BYTES*
and concatenation
Regular expression over :
no, xL
1) a is a regular expression, for every a. Also, symbols and are regular expressions.
2) I fand are regular expressions, then so are (o ), (), (*)
We routinely omit parenthesis, understanding it as a shorthand, with * binding most
tightly, then concatenation, then union. Example: a number
(0123456789) (0123456789)* A real number in decimal notation
(0123456789)(0123456789)* . (0123456789)*. An even number in binary
Bit strings that start and top with the same bit (having at least one bit)
00* ***
The complement of that set **
Exercise 1: write a regular
that contain _some_ ‘111’.
(0u1)* 111 (0u1)*
Exercise 3: write a regular expression for all strings over {a,b}
whose length is NOT divisible by 3.
(aub)(aub)(aub))*(aub) u
Exercise 4: write a regular expression for all strings over {0,1} that contain an even # of 0’s and an even # of 1’s.
Kind of hard
Exercise 5: write a regular expression for all strings over {0,1} that contain the same number of 0’s and 1’s.
CAN’T BE DONE. Why? Take ECS120!
Exercise 2: write a regular
whose length is divisible by 3.
expression for all strings over {0,1}
expression for all strings over {a,b}
(Change of topics. But do define some relations on strings, regular languages, and DFAs to tie the two topics together.)
DEF: A and B sets. Then a *relation* R is subset of A B. R A B
Variant notation: x R y for (x,y) R
May use a symbol like ~ or < for a relations
x~y if(x,y)~
Relations in arithmetic, where A and B are both natural numbers: = < <= > >=
| divides
what about succ, +, *
In set theory:
NO: function symbols, not relations
what about NO: constant symbol
Relations are useful for things other than numbers and sets and the like:
S = all UCD students for F13
C = all UCD classes for F13
P = all UCD professors for F13
E: enrolled relation S x C
sEc (ie,(s,c)\inE)-xistakingclassy
T: teaches relation C x P
c T p (ie, (c,p)\in T) – professor p is teaching class c this term
You can *compose* relations what _should_
mean, do you think
E o T S P S C C P -> S P
sEoTp ifthereexistscinCsuchthatsEcandcTp–
student s is taking some course that p is teaching — p is s’s teacher this term
What I’ve just given is the general definition
R⊆ X x Y
S ⊆ Y x Z then R o S ⊆ X x Z is {(x,z): y in Y xRy and ySz}
What _should_ R-1 should be? formalize
if R X Y is a relation that R-1 is the relation on Y X where (y,x) R-1 iff x R y.
More examples:
Often X = Y is the *same* set
Relations on natural numbers, real numbers, strings, etc. X = set of strings
x y “is a substring of y” and are regular expressions.
~ if L() = L()
T/F: (0u1)^*(0u1)^* ~ (00 u 01 u 10 u 11)^* TRUE
e ~ e* 0(0u1)0
Relations, continued. We say that R is
Reflexive: if x R x
Symmetric: if x R y y R x for all x,y Transitive: if xRyandyRzxRzforallx,y,z
~ 1(0u1)1
Let R be a relation on A A
for all x
If R has all three properties, R is said to be an equivalence relation
= on Integers Yes
(or anything else)
<= , integers Yes
, sets Yes
x E y if x and y are
regular expressions and Yes
the regular
L(x) = L(y)
x S y if x is a substring Yes
of y
x R y where x and y are
strings and M is a some
DFA and you go to the Yes
same state on processing
Yes Yes
No Yes No Yes
Yes Yes
No Yes
Yes Yes
blocks are
x and y
x|y if3|x-y prove this one
out its blocks.
Yes Yes Yes
and write
Define when
We only got to here – and then I jumped ahead to defining functions. We’ll take up equivalence classes and quotients next time, as well as properties of functions, like injectivity and surjectivity.
4. Functions
Definition: A function f is a relation on A x B such that
there is one and only one pair a R b for every in A.
We write b=f(a) to mean that (a,b) in f.
(Just one way to do it: we could have defined functions as the primitive and used the function to define the relation, putting in a pair
(a,f(a)) for every a in A.)
- We call A the domain of f, Dom(f).
- We call B the *codomain* (or *target*) of f.
Note that this does not mean the set {b: f(a)=b for some a in A}!
That is a different (and important) st called the *Range* (or *image*) of f. Denote it f(A).
Example 1:
f(a) = a^2.
Dom(f) = {1,2,3}
f(A) = {1,4,9}
co-domain: unclear, might be \N, might be \R, ....
Example 2:
Domain = students in this class
b(x) = birthdays, encoded as {1,..,12} x {1..31}.
b(phil) = (7,31)
b(ellen) = (4,1)
Example 3:
f: \R -> \R defined by f(x) = x^2
is it a function?
Represent it as a graph
Two functions f and g are equal, f=g, if their domains and ranges are equal and f(x) = g(x) for all x in Dom(f)
Function composition
f: A -> B, g: B -> C
the (g o f) : A -> C is defined by
(g o f)(x) = g(f(x))
Kind of “backwards” notation, but fairly tradition. Some algebrists will reverse it, (x) (f o g) “function operates on the left”
Some computer scientists like to denote functions by “lambda expressions” To say that f is the function that maps x to x^2 we write
f = lambda x. x^2
Here x is just a formal variable;
lambda x . x^2 = lambda y . y^2
The domain is not explicitly
Functions don’t have to be defined on numbers, of course
|x| = maps \Sigma^* -> \N
hd(x) = the first character of the string x, x\ne emptystring
tl(x) = all but the first character of x (define how when x=\emptystring)? dim(A) = the dimensions of the matrix A, regarded as a pair of natural