程序代写代做代考 data structure flex AI algorithm Today:

o Regular expressions Distinguished Lecture after class :
ECS 20 — Lecture 9 — Fall 2013 —24 Oct 2013
o Sets of strings (languages)
“Some Hash-Based Data Structures and Algorithms Everyone Should Know” Prof. , Harvard
Sets of STRINGS (elements of formal language theory)
Define and give examples:
Alphabet a finite nonempty set (of “characters”)
Strings – a finite sequence of characters drawn from some alphabet.
operation: concatenation, xy or x o y Language – a set of strings, all of them over some alphabets
ENGLISH-WORDS = {a, aah, aardvark, aardwolf, aba, …, zymotic, zymurgy} PRIMES = …
SAT = …
The relationship between languages and decision questions. yes, xL
Phil Rogaway
extend concatenation to langauges
Empty string ()
General set operations: union, intersection, complement;
A* — Kleene closure – define it – i 0 i
A0 = { } (why? For Ai Aj =Ai+j) *
BYTES = {0,1}8 BYTES*
and concatenation
Regular expression over :
no, xL

1) a is a regular expression, for every a. Also, symbols  and  are regular expressions.
2) I fand  are regular expressions, then so are (o ), (), (*)
We routinely omit parenthesis, understanding it as a shorthand, with * binding most
tightly, then concatenation, then union. Example: a number
(0123456789) (0123456789)* A real number in decimal notation
(0123456789)(0123456789)* . (0123456789)*. An even number in binary
Bit strings that start and top with the same bit (having at least one bit)
00* ***
The complement of that set  **

Exercise 1: write a regular
that contain _some_ ‘111’.
(0u1)* 111 (0u1)*


Exercise 3: write a regular expression for all strings over {a,b}
whose length is NOT divisible by 3.
(aub)(aub)(aub))*(aub) u
Exercise 4: write a regular expression for all strings over {0,1} that contain an even # of 0’s and an even # of 1’s.
Kind of hard

Exercise 5: write a regular expression for all strings over {0,1} that contain the same number of 0’s and 1’s.
CAN’T BE DONE. Why? Take ECS120!
Exercise 2: write a regular
whose length is divisible by 3.
expression for all strings over {0,1}
expression for all strings over {a,b}

(Change of topics. But do define some relations on strings, regular languages, and DFAs to tie the two topics together.)
DEF: A and B sets. Then a *relation* R is subset of A  B. R A  B
Variant notation: x R y for (x,y) R
May use a symbol like ~ or < for a relations x~y if(x,y)~ Relations in arithmetic, where A and B are both natural numbers: = < <= > >=
| divides
what about succ, +, *
In set theory:
NO: function symbols, not relations
what about  NO: constant symbol
Relations are useful for things other than numbers and sets and the like:
S = all UCD students for F13
C = all UCD classes for F13
P = all UCD professors for F13
E: enrolled relation S x C
sEc (ie,(s,c)\inE)-xistakingclassy
T: teaches relation C x P
c T p (ie, (c,p)\in T) – professor p is teaching class c this term
You can *compose* relations what _should_
mean, do you think
E o T S  P S  C C  P -> S  P
sEoTp ifthereexistscinCsuchthatsEcandcTp–
student s is taking some course that p is teaching — p is s’s teacher this term
What I’ve just given is the general definition
R⊆ X x Y
S ⊆ Y x Z then R o S ⊆ X x Z is {(x,z): y in Y xRy and ySz}
What _should_ R-1 should be? formalize

if R X  Y is a relation that R-1 is the relation on Y  X where (y,x) R-1 iff x R y.
More examples:
Often X = Y is the *same* set
Relations on natural numbers, real numbers, strings, etc. X = set of strings
x  y “is a substring of y” and  are regular expressions.
 ~  if L() = L()
T/F: (0u1)^*(0u1)^* ~ (00 u 01 u 10 u 11)^* TRUE
e ~ e* 0(0u1)0
Relations, continued. We say that R is
Reflexive: if x R x
Symmetric: if x R y  y R x for all x,y Transitive: if xRyandyRzxRzforallx,y,z
~ 1(0u1)1
Let R be a relation on A  A
for all x
If R has all three properties, R is said to be an equivalence relation
= on Integers Yes
(or anything else)
<= , integers Yes , sets Yes x E y if x and y are regular expressions and Yes the regular L(x) = L(y) x S y if x is a substring Yes of y x R y where x and y are strings and M is a some DFA and you go to the Yes same state on processing Symmetric Yes Yes No Yes No Yes Yes Yes No Yes Yes Yes comments antisymmetric antisymmetric blocks are languages 4 Transitive x and y x|y if3|x-y prove this one out its blocks. n|m Yes Yes Yes Carefully and write Define when We only got to here – and then I jumped ahead to defining functions. We’ll take up equivalence classes and quotients next time, as well as properties of functions, like injectivity and surjectivity. ------------ 4. Functions ------------ Definition: A function f is a relation on A x B such that there is one and only one pair a R b for every in A. We write b=f(a) to mean that (a,b) in f. (Just one way to do it: we could have defined functions as the primitive and used the function to define the relation, putting in a pair (a,f(a)) for every a in A.) - We call A the domain of f, Dom(f). - We call B the *codomain* (or *target*) of f. Note that this does not mean the set {b: f(a)=b for some a in A}! That is a different (and important) st called the *Range* (or *image*) of f. Denote it f(A). Example 1: Domain={1,2,3} f(a) = a^2. Dom(f) = {1,2,3} f(A) = {1,4,9} co-domain: unclear, might be \N, might be \R, .... Example 2: Domain = students in this class b(x) = birthdays, encoded as {1,..,12} x {1..31}. b(phil) = (7,31) b(ellen) = (4,1) Example 3: f: \R -> \R defined by f(x) = x^2
is it a function?
Represent it as a graph
Two functions f and g are equal, f=g, if their domains and ranges are equal and f(x) = g(x) for all x in Dom(f)
Function composition

f: A -> B, g: B -> C
the (g o f) : A -> C is defined by
(g o f)(x) = g(f(x))
Kind of “backwards” notation, but fairly tradition. Some algebrists will reverse it, (x) (f o g) “function operates on the left”
Some computer scientists like to denote functions by “lambda expressions” To say that f is the function that maps x to x^2 we write
f = lambda x. x^2
Here x is just a formal variable;
lambda x . x^2 = lambda y . y^2
The domain is not explicitly
Functions don’t have to be defined on numbers, of course
|x| = maps \Sigma^* -> \N
hd(x) = the first character of the string x, x\ne emptystring
tl(x) = all but the first character of x (define how when x=\emptystring)? dim(A) = the dimensions of the matrix A, regarded as a pair of natural