程序代写代做代考 Excel %

% file: sample.tex
% author: Phil Rogaway
% History:
% Oct 14, 2003 – created
% Sep 23, 2008 – last revised
% This is LaTeX template to get you started using LaTeX
% for making problem-set solutions.


% Sample macros — how you define new commands
% My own set of frequently-used macros have grown to many hundreds of lines.
% Here are some simple samples.

\newcommand{\Adv}{{\mathbf{Adv}}} %example macro
\newcommand{\getsr}{{\:\stackrel{{\scriptscriptstyle\hspace{0.2em}\$}}{\leftarrow}\:}} % a more complex sample macro
\newcommand{\Func}[1]{{\mathrm{Fun}[{#1}]}} % These macros take one
\newcommand{\Randd}[2]{{\mathrm{Rand}[{#1},{#2}]}} % and two arguments

\title{\bf Problem Set 1 Solutions\\[2ex]
\rm\normalsize ECS 20 — Fall 2008}
\author{\bf .\ Student}


\section*{Problem 1}

Here you’ll put your solution to problem~1.
A most \textit{excellent\/} solution to problem~1.
Make all of your solutions excellent and you will make
me happy. Don’t you want me to be happy?

\section*{Problem 2}
To turn this file into a \textit{dvi\/} file type \texttt{latex~sample.tex}.
The resulting \texttt{sample.dvi} can be looked at
using a previewer such as \textit{xdvi} (on UNIX) or \textit{yap} (on Windows),
and it can be printed out from those programs.
To create a \textit{pdf\/} file you can say \texttt{pdflatex~sample.tex}.

When working under Windows I use \textit{MiKTeX},
a free distribution of \LaTeX\ and associated programs.
You can download it from various web sites; just google \textit{miktex}.
After downloading \textit{MiKTeX} you can put its directory of executables
in your path and use a command prompt (DOS window) to do things, editing
your tex-files with a Windows-based version of \textit{vi} or \textit{emacs}.
Alternatively, get your \LaTeX\ distribution under \textit{cygwin}.

\section*{Problem 3}

One of the most important aspects of \LaTeX\ is its math mode.
Mathematical symbols should look like $a$ or $X_5$ or or $A_{ij}^*$ or $\mathit{Ctr}^i$;
never write something like x in ordinary text mode—it looks terrible, and means something different from $x$.
Indeed you should regard
x, \texttt{x}, $x$, $X$, and $\cal X$ as all distinct things.

\section*{Problem 4}

To produce an offset formula you can write things like
\sum_{i=1}^n i &=& \frac{n(n+1)}{2} \\
&\in& O(n^2)

\section*{Problem 5}
I won’t suggest that becoming good with \LaTeX\ is easy; it isn’t.
But essentially all computer science researchers use this program
nowadays—and lots
of other scientists and non-scientists do, too.
If you are or want to be a “serious” academic,
you should learn to use \LaTeX.
I would say that it is the program of choice even for your
essays in English or GE classes—it not \textit{just} for
typesetting technical stuff.
There are numerous good books on \LaTeX.
The “classical” one is
\textsl{LaTeX: A Document Preparation System} (2nd edition), by
A more recent one is \textsl{Guide to LaTeX} (4th edition), by
Kopka and Daly.

\section*{Problem 6}
I’m afraid that producing drawings for inclusion into \LaTeX\ opens up
a can of worms (yum). I personally use
\textit{xfig}, \textit{Illustrator}, or \textit{Visio}; others use
different tools.
Regardless, doing beautiful drawings takes substantial time and care.
I suggest that, if you do want to typeset your homework solutions, just
do any accompanying drawings in pencil or ink.
