CS 61A Midterm 2 Review Fall 2017 October 13, 2017
Form a small group. Start on the first problem. Check off with a helper or discuss your solution process with another group once everyone understands how to solve the first problem and then repeat for the second problem . . .
You may not move to the next problem until you check off or discuss with another group and everyone understands why the solution is what it is. You may use any course resources at your disposal: the purpose of this review session is to have everyone learning together as a group.
0.1 What would Python display?
>>> pikachu, charmander = ‘electric’, ‘fire’
>>> ash = [[pikachu], [charmander], [[pikachu]]]
>>> pikachu, charmander = 2, 0
>>> ash[pikachu] = [ash, ash[pikachu][charmander]]
>>> ash
1 Lists & Tree Recursion
Mutative (destructive) operations change the state of a list by adding, re- moving, or otherwise modifying the list itself.
• lst.append(element)
• lst.extend(lst)
• lst.pop(index)
• lst += lst(notlst = lst + lst) • lst[i] = x
• lst[i:j] = lst
Non-mutative (non-destructive) operations include the following.
• lst + lst • lst * n
• lst[i:j] • list(lst)
2 Midterm 2 Review
Recall: To execute assignment statements,
• Evaluate all expressions to the right of the = sign
• Bind all names to the left of the = to those resulting values
The Golden Rule of Equals describes how this rule behaves with com- posite values. Composite values, such as functions and lists, are connected by a pointer. When an expression evaluates to a composite value, we are returned the pointer to that value, rather than the value itself.
In an environment diagram, we can summarize this rule with, Copy exactly what is in the box!
1.1 Write a list comprehension that accomplishes each of the following tasks. (a) Square all the elements of a given list, lst.
(b) Compute the dot product of two lists lst1 and lst2. Hint: The dot product is defined as lst1[0]·lst2[0]+lst1[1]·lst2[1]+…+lst1[n]·lst2[n]. The Python zip function may be useful here.
(c) [[0], [0, 1], [0, 1, 2], [0, 1, 2, 3], [0, 1, 2, 3, 4]]
(d) Return the same list as above, except now excluding every instance of
the number 2: [[0], [0, 1], [0, 1], [0, 1, 3], [0, 1, 3, 4]].
1.2 Draw the environment diagram that results from running the following code.
pom = [16, 15, 13]
pompom = pom * 2
Midterm 2 Review 3
1.3 Draw the environment diagram that results from running the following code.
bless, up = 3, 5
another = [1, 2, 3, 4]
one = another[1:]
another[bless] = up
another[another[0]] = one
one[another[0]] = another[1]
one = one + [another.pop(3)]
another[1] = one[1][1][0]
1.4 def jerry(jerry):
def jerome(alex):
return alex return jerome
ben = [‘nice’, [‘ice’]] jerome = jerry(ben)
alex = jerome([‘cream’]) ben[1].append(alex) ben[1][1][1] = ben print(ben)
4 Midterm 2 Review
1.5 Implement subset_sum, which takes in a list of integers and a number k and returns whether there is a subset of the list that adds up to k? Hint: The in operator can determine if an element belongs to a list.
def subset_sum(seq, k): “””
>>> subset_sum([2, 4, 7, 3], 5)
>>> subset_sum([1, 9, 5, 7, 3], 2)
2 Trees
def tree(label, branches=[]): return [label] + list(branches)
def label(tree): return tree[0]
def branches(tree): return tree[1:]
# 2 + 3 = 5
2.1 A min-heap is a tree with the special property that every node’s value is less than or equal to the values of all of its branches.
536 536
794 792
Implement is_min_heap which takes in a tree data abstraction and returns whether the tree satisfies the min-heap property or not.
3 Growth
3.1 Give a tight asymptotic runtime bound for the following functions in Θ(·) notation, or “Infinite” if the program does not terminate.
(a) def one(n): while n > 0:
n = n // 2
(b) def two(n):
for i in range(n):
for j in range(i): print(str(i), str(j))
(c) def three(n): i=1
while i <= n:
for j in range(i):
print(j) i *= 2
4 Nonlocals & OOP
4.1 Draw the environment diagram that results from running the code.
def campa(nile): def ding(ding):
nonlocal nile def nile(ring): return ding
return nile(ding(1914)) + nile(1917) ring = campa(lambda nile: 103)
Midterm 2 Review 5
6 Midterm 2 Review
Implement the classes so that the code to the right runs.
class Plant:
def __init__(self):
def absorb(self):
def grow(self):
class Leaf:
def __init__(self, plant):
def absorb(self):
def __repr__(self): return 'Leaf'
class Sugar:
def __init__(self, leaf, plant):
def activate(self):
def __repr__(self): return 'Sugar'
>>> p = Plant()
>>> p.height
>>> p.materials
>>> p.absorb()
>>> p.materials
>>> Sugar.sugars_created
>>> p.leaf.sugars_used
>>> p.grow()
>>> p.materials
>>> p.height
>>> p.leaf.sugars_used
5 Exam Preparation Extra Practice
5.1 Implement slice_reverse which takes a linked list s and mutatively reverses the elements on the interval, [i,j) (including i but excluding j). Assume s is zero-indexed, i > 0, i < j, and that s has at least j elements.
def slice_reverse(s, i, j): """
>>> s = Link(1, Link(2, Link(3)))
>>> slice_reverse(s, 1, 2)
>>> s
Link(1, Link(2, Link(3)))
>>> s = Link(1, Link(2, Link(3, Link(4, Link(5)))))
>>> slice_reverse(s, 2, 4)
>>> s
Link(1, Link(2, Link(4, Link(3, Link(5)))))
start = ____________________________________________________
for ________________________________________________________: start = ________________________________________________
reverse = Link.empty
current = __________________________________________________ for ________________________________________________________:
current.rest = _________________________________________
reverse = ______________________________________________
current = ______________________________________________
Midterm 2 Review 7
8 Midterm 2 Review
5.2 A Binary Search Tree is a tree where each node contains either 0, 1, or 2 nodes and where the left branch (if present) contains values strictly less than (<) the root value, and the right branch (if present) contains values strictly greater than (>) the root value. The definition is recursive: both the left and right branches must also be BSTs for the entire tree to be a BST.
Implement is_binary which that takes in a Tree t, and returns True if t is a Binary Search Tree and False otherwise. Trees can contain any number of branches, but if a tree contains only one branch, interpret it as a left branch.
def is_binary(t):
def binary(t, lo, hi):
if _____________________________________: if t.is_leaf():
return True
elif __________________________________________________________________________:
return ____________________________________________________________________ elif __________________________________________________________________________:
return ____________________________________________________________________ return False
return binary(t, float(‘-inf’), float(‘inf’))
5.3 Give a tight asymptotic runtime bound for the following scenarios in Θ(·) notation, or “Infinite” if the program does not terminate. Assume the im- plementation of is_binary is optimal.
(a) is_binary on a well-formed binary search tree with n nodes.
(b) is_binary on a tree where each node contains 3 branches and the overall height of the tree is n.