close all;
%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%% Network Establishment Parameters %%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%
%%% Area of Operation %%%
rmax = 10000;
Copyright By PowCoder代写 加微信 powcoder
% Field Dimensions in meters %
x=0; % added for better display results of the plot
y=0; % added for better display results of the plot
% Number of Nodes in the field %
% Number of Dead Nodes in the beggining %
% Coordinates of the Sink (location is predetermined in this simulation) %
%%% Energy Values %%%
% Initial Energy of a Node (in Joules) %
Eo=2; % units in Joules
% Energy required to run circuity (both for transmitter and receiver) %
Eelec=50*10^(-9); % units in Joules/bit
ETx=50*10^(-9); % units in Joules/bit
ERx=50*10^(-9); % units in Joules/bit
% Transmit Amplifier Types %
Emp=100*10^(-12); % units in Joules/bit/m^2 (amount of energy spent by the amplifier to transmit the bits)
% Data Aggregation Energy %
EDA=5*10^(-9); % units in Joules/bit
% Size of data package %
k=4000; % units in bits
% Suggested percentage of cluster head %
p=0.05; % a 5 percent of the total amount of nodes used in the network is proposed to give good results
% Number of Clusters %
% Round of Operation %
% Current Number of operating Nodes %
%computation of do
%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%% End of Parameters %%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%
%%% Creation of the Wireless Sensor Network %%%
% Plotting the WSN %
SN(i).id=i; % sensor’s ID number
SN(i).x=rand(1,1)*xm; % X-axis coordinates of sensor node
SN(i).y=rand(1,1)*ym; % Y-axis coordinates of sensor node
SN(i).E=Eo; % nodes energy levels (initially set to be equal to “Eo”
SN(i).role=0; % node acts as normal if the value is ‘0’, if elected as a cluster head it gets the value ‘1’ (initially all nodes are normal)
SN(i).cluster=0; % the cluster which a node belongs to
SN(i).cond=1; % States the current condition of the node. when the node is operational its value is =1 and when dead =0
SN(i).rop=0; % number of rounds node was operational
SN(i).rleft=0; % rounds left for node to become available for Cluster Head election
SN(i).dtch=0; % nodes distance from the cluster head of the cluster in which he belongs
SN(i).dts=0; % nodes distance from the sink
SN(i).tel=0; % states how many times the node was elected as a Cluster Head
SN(i).rn=0; % round node got elected as cluster head
SN(i).chid=0; % node ID of the cluster head which the “i” normal node belongs to
title ‘Wireless Sensor Network’;
xlabel ‘(m)’;
ylabel ‘(m)’;
%%%%%% Set-Up Phase %%%%%%
while (operating_nodes>0) && (rnd < rmax)
% Displays Current Round %
% Threshold Value %
% Re-election Value %
% Reseting Previous Amount Of Cluster Heads In the Network %
% Reseting Previous Amount Of Energy Consumed In the Network on the Previous Round %
% Cluster Heads Election %
SN(i).cluster=0; % reseting cluster in which the node belongs to
SN(i).role=0; % reseting node role
SN(i).chid=0; % reseting cluster head id
if SN(i).rleft>0
if (SN(i).E>0) && (SN(i).rleft==0)
if (generate< t) && (SN(i).E < 0.5)
SN(i).role=1; % assigns the node role of acluster head
SN(i).rn=rnd; % Assigns the round that the cluster head was elected to the data table
SN(i).tel=SN(i).tel + 1;
SN(i).rleft=1/p-tleft; % rounds for which the node will be unable to become a CH
SN(i).dts=sqrt((sinkx-SN(i).x)^2 + (sinky-SN(i).y)^2); % calculates the distance between the sink and the cluster hea
CLheads=CLheads+1; % sum of cluster heads that have been elected
SN(i).cluster=CLheads; % cluster of which the node got elected to be cluster head
CL(CLheads).x=SN(i).x; % X-axis coordinates of elected cluster head
CL(CLheads).y=SN(i).y; % Y-axis coordinates of elected cluster head
CL(CLheads).id=i; % Assigns the node ID of the newly elected cluster head to an array
elseif (generate< t) && (SN(i).E > 0.5)
SN(i).role=1; % assigns the node role of acluster head
SN(i).rn=rnd; % Assigns the round that the cluster head was elected to the data table
SN(i).tel=SN(i).tel + 1;
SN(i).rleft=1/p-tleft; % rounds for which the node will be unable to become a CH
SN(i).dts=sqrt((sinkx-SN(i).x)^2 + (sinky-SN(i).y)^2); % calculates the distance between the sink and the cluster hea
CLheads=CLheads+1; % sum of cluster heads that have been elected
SN(i).cluster=CLheads; % cluster of which the node got elected to be cluster head
CL(CLheads).x=SN(i).x; % X-axis coordinates of elected cluster head
CL(CLheads).y=SN(i).y; % Y-axis coordinates of elected cluster head
CL(CLheads).id=i; % Assigns the node ID of the newly elected cluster head to an array
% Fixing the size of “CL” array %
% Grouping the Nodes into Clusters & caclulating the distance between node and cluster head %
if (SN(i).role==0) && (SN(i).E>0) && (CLheads>0) % if node is normal
for m=1:CLheads
d(m)=sqrt((CL(m).x-SN(i).x)^2 + (CL(m).y-SN(i).y)^2);
% we calculate the distance ‘d’ between the sensor node that is
% transmitting and the cluster head that is receiving with the following equation+
% d=sqrt((x2-x1)^2 + (y2-y1)^2) where x2 and y2 the coordinates of
% the cluster head and x1 and y1 the coordinates of the transmitting node
d=d(1:CLheads); % fixing the size of “d” array
[M,I]=min(d(:)); % finds the minimum distance of node to CH
[Row, Col] = ind2sub(size(d),I); % displays the Cluster Number in which this node belongs too
SN(i).cluster=Col; % assigns node to the cluster
SN(i).dtch= d(Col); % assigns the distance of node to CH
%%%%%% Steady-State Phase %%%%%%
% Energy Dissipation for normal nodes %
if (SN(i).cond==1) && (SN(i).role==0) && (CLheads>0)
if SN(i).E>0
ETx= Eelec*k + Emp * k * SN(i).dtch^2;
SN(i).E=SN(i).E – ETx;
% Dissipation for cluster head during reception
if SN(SN(i).chid).E>0 && SN(SN(i).chid).cond==1 && SN(SN(i).chid).role==1
SN(SN(i).chid).E=SN(SN(i).chid).E – ERx;
if SN(SN(i).chid).E<=0 % if cluster heads energy depletes with reception
dead_nodes=dead_nodes +1;
operating_nodes= operating_nodes - 1
if SN(i).E<=0 % if nodes energy depletes with transmission
dead_nodes=dead_nodes +1;
operating_nodes= operating_nodes - 1
% Energy Dissipation for cluster head nodes %
if (SN(i).cond==1) && (SN(i).role==1)
dmin= 999;
if(distance < dmin)
dmin = distance;
nextCH = j;
if SN(i).E > 0.5
ETx= (Eelec+EDA)*k + Emp * k * dmin^2;
SN(i).E=SN(i).E – ETx;
if SN(i).E <= 0.5 % if cluster heads energy depletes with transmission
dead_nodes=dead_nodes +1;
operating_nodes= operating_nodes - 1
if operating_nodes
for i=1:flag1stdead
sum=nrg(i) + sum;
for i=1:flag1stdead
% Plotting Simulation Results “Operating Nodes per Round” %
title ({‘LEACH’; ‘Operating Nodes per Round’;})
xlabel ‘Rounds’;
ylabel ‘Operational Nodes’;
% Plotting Simulation Results %
title ({‘LEACH’; ‘Operational Nodes per Transmission’;})
xlabel ‘Transmissions’;
ylabel ‘Operational Nodes’;
% Plotting Simulation Results %
title ({‘LEACH’; ‘Energy consumed per Transmission’;})
xlabel ‘Transmission’;
ylabel ‘Energy ( J )’;
% % Plotting Simulation Results %
% figure(5)
% plot(1:flag1stdead,avg_node(1:flag1stdead),’-r’,’Linewidth’,2);
% title ({‘LEACH’; ‘Average Energy consumed by a Node per Transmission’;})
% xlabel ‘Transmissions’;
% ylabel ‘Energy ( J )’;
% hold on;
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