CS代考 Frequently Asked Ques�ons for Homework 1

Frequently Asked Ques�ons for Homework 1
1. What k to use for Q1 and Q2?
In Q1, solve for k = 15, and report results. Repeat for Q2, but using 2020 popula�on data.
2. How to do Q3? What is glide path solu�on?

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Find the k = 5 solu�on using 2011 popula�on data, and k = 15 solu�on using 2020 popula�on data. (In the paper, it is said that we can only open 5 loca�ons in 2011 and 15 loca�ons in 2020.) Check whether there is glide path property. Having glide path property means if one branch is selected to open in 2011, it must also be selected in 2020. That is, the set of 2011 loca�ons are included in 2020 loca�ons. Answer yes if there is glide-path property, or no otherwise.
3. Where can I find data? Will it be posted?
Searching and cleaning data is part of this homework. Please do a google search for popula�on data. For county adjacency data, it can be found at h�ps://www.census.gov/geographies/reference-files/2010/geo/county- adjacency.html.
4. Can I use Python?
You may use Python for data cleaning, but Julia must be used to solve the MIP (using JuMP).
5. I have issues with CPLEX installa�on on Julia.
Please take a look at the installa�on sec�on on CPLEX.jl. h�ps://github.com/jump- dev/CPLEX.jl#installa�on You will need to set ENV[“CPLEX_STUDIO_BINARIES”] to point to your CPLEX installa�on before installing CPLEX.jl.
Windows: make sure you do not install CPLEX to a path containing SPACE or other non-ASCII characters. Do not use “Program Files”.
Mac: If you are using Big Sur or Monterey, you should use CPLEX version at least 20.10 (or above). CPLEX is usually installed under /Applications /CPLEX_StudioXXXX/cplex/bin/x86-64_osx where XXXX is the version number (e.g. 201, 221). Apple’s M1 chip laptop is not supported for now.
If you run into problems, please send an email to TA.

6. What should I submit?
Please submit answers to each ques�ons along with your code to Blackboard. Only one submission per group is needed.
Important: Please be sure to have your name on the group signup sheet!

程序代写 CS代考 加微信: powcoder QQ: 1823890830 Email: powcoder@163.com