CS代考 L3


APS1070 Week 3 Lecture Code¶

Data Exploration¶
It is strongly suggested that you follow along and run your own code during the lecture. By the end of this lecture, you should be able to:

Setup and use Google Colab.
Be able to perform basic operations using NumPy.
Be able to plot using matplotlib.
Be able to load, process, and visualize data.
Be able to perform basic operations using pandas
Be able to perform basic machine learning operations using Scikit-learn.

Part 0 – Sample Problem¶
Predicting Titanic Survivors¶

Problem Background¶
The sinking of the RMS Titanic is one of the most infamous shipwrecks in history. On April 15, 1912, during her maiden voyage, the Titanic sank after colliding with an iceberg, killing 1502 out of 2224 passengers and crew. This tragedy shocked the international community and led to better safety regulations for ships.

One of the reasons that the shipwreck led to such loss of life was that there were not enough lifeboats for the passengers and crew. Although there was some element of luck involved in surviving the sinking, some groups of people were more likely to survive than others, such as women, children, and the upper-class.

In 1997, the story of the Titanic was brought to the big screen and it allowed us to relive the story of two passengers, Jack and Rose, members of different social classes, who fall in love on the ill-fated passenger liner.

Most of you probably were not born when the movie came out, so in case you have not seen it yet, I’m not going to spoil it. In this lab we are going to work with a Titanic dataset to determine what sort of people were likely to survive. In particular we would like to predict if Jack and Rose would have survived. Afterwards, those of you who have not seen the movie can go and watch it to see if our predictions match the Hollywood story.

Define the Problem¶
Our objective is to predict if Jack and Rose would have survived the Titanic tragedy, based on what we know about them from the movie Titanic directed by .

From the movie we can assume the following about Jack and Rose:

Jack: 3rd class, no siblings, male, 25 years old, no cabin, fare = 7, embarked from Southhampton
Rose: 1st class, no siblings, has spouse, 22 years old, cabin, fare = 50, embarked from Southhampton

To achieve this objective we are provided with historical data obtained after the Titanic tragedy. The historical data is provided as a CSV file containing information on 891 passengers as summarized below:

survival Survival
(0 = No; 1 = Yes)
pclass Passenger Class
(1 = 1st; 2 = 2nd; 3 = 3rd)
name Name
sex Sex
age Age
sibsp Number of Siblings/Spouses Aboard
parch Number of Parents/Children Aboard
ticket Ticket Number
fare Passenger Fare
cabin Cabin
embarked Port of Embarkation
(C = Cherbourg; Q = Queenstown; S = Southampton)

Open Data using Spreadsheet Software¶
To start off let’s open the file train.csv which you can find on Quercus. You can open the file with Excel or your preferred spreadsheet software.

Part 1 – Loading and Accessing Datasets¶
First let’s review comma separated value (CSV) files. CSV files are simple text-based files well-suited for organizing similar spreadsheet data. In the CSV format all values are separated by a comma or some unique character. Using the Python csv module we can load our dataset:

Option 1 – Load dataset to Colab session storage¶
Save the dataset from https://saref.github.io/teaching/APS1070/train.csv to your computer local drive.

Click on the folder icon from the left menu.

Then, select the upload icon under “Files” and select the file you want to upload.

If the file appears in the left panel, it means it is uploaded to the session storage.

Then for loading a file from the session storage, you can use the following code.

Option 2 – Using files.upload()¶
Requires enabled third-party cookies

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#from google.colab import files
#uploaded = files.upload()

Then for loading a file from the session storage, you can use the following code.

In [ ]:

import csv
with open(‘train.csv’,’r’) as csvfile:
data_reader = csv.reader(csvfile)

raw_data = []
for row in data_reader:

Next we’re going to look through our raw data to make sure it was loaded correctly

In [ ]:

# display the full dataset

In [ ]:

# display the first row (column titles)

In [ ]:

# display first two samples

In [ ]:

# how would you display the last five samples?

In [ ]:

# how would you display the first five odd samples?

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# can you find the Master. , Passenger ID 194?

We’ve managed to display passenger information using lists. What if we want to display an entire column, how might we do that?

Loop through entire dataset and append to another list
or take the transpose of the list

Seems like the transpose option is more efficient, let us see how we can implent it. Rather than writing the code from scratch we can first see if someone else has written this function already.

After a quick google search we see a few options: code to transpose a nested list in a number of ways, or we can use a module called NumPy. The NumPy module has a lot more functionality than just computing a transpose. This added functionality may prove useful as we proceed with our design challenge.

Num ¶
Numpy provides support for working with multi-dimensional data such as our CSV file. In particular, it has a number of methods for efficient computation of linear algebra equations, provides capability for finding, extracting and/or changing information in multi-dimensional data, and allows for slicing of matrices simulataneously by column and row indices (i.e. using numpy in Python gives functionality similar to MATLAB).

We’ll highlight some of these traits as we proceed with our data analysis.

To start we’ll load our numpy module and convert our nested list into a numpy array

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import numpy as np
data_numpy = np.array(raw_data)

data_numpy now holds all of the Titanic data.

In [ ]:

# display numpy dataset

Notice how the numpy 2-dimensional array is printed across multiple rows rather than a continuous row as we’ve seen previously with nested lists.

Since there are a large number of samples, we cannot display all of them at the same time. Instead we can verify the structure of the data by displaying some of the samples at a time. Before we can do that we first need to understand how the numpy comma slicing notation works.

Num ¶
Slicing in NumPy is done differently from what we’ve seen so far. To highlight the differences we will compare numpy indexing and slicing of 1-dimensional and 2-dimensional data and compare it to what we did for lists.

1-dimensional data: Indexing and Slicing

To index a list we use square brackets [], and to slice a list we would use a colon operator:


The same can be done for numpy:


In [ ]:

list_variable = [1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9, 10, 11, 12]

#list indexing
print(“list indexing: “, list_variable[2])

#list slicing
print(“list slicing: “, list_variable[1:8:2])

In [ ]:

numpy_variable = np.array([1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9, 10, 11, 12])

#numpy array indexing
print(“numpy indexing: “, numpy_variable[2])
#numpy array slicing
print(“numpy slicing: “, numpy_variable[1:8:2])

2-dimensional data: Indexing and Slicing

To index a 2-dimensional list (nested list) we attach a second set of square brackets [][], however we are not able to slice a nested list by row and column simultaneously.

list_variable[start:end:step][start:end:step] -> does something completely different

To index a 2-dimensional numpy array we use the comma notation which is different from indexing nested lists and allows us slice a numpy array simultaneously by column and row.

numpy_variable[start:end:step, start:end:step]

In [ ]:

list_variable = [[1, 2, 3, 4], [5, 6, 7, 8], [9, 10, 11, 12]]

# nested list indexing
print(“2D list indexing: “, list_variable[2][0])

# nested list slicing
print(“2D list slicing: “, list_variable[0:2][0]) # creates a list of the first two rows, then gets the first element

In [ ]:

numpy_variable = np.array([[1, 2, 3, 4], [5, 6, 7, 8], [9, 10, 11, 12]]) #is there another way to assign list to numpy?

# 2-d numpy array indexing
print(“2D numpy indexing: “, numpy_variable[2, 0])

# 2-d numpy array slicing
# get the first two entries in the first column
print(“2D numpy slicing: “, numpy_variable[0:2, 0])

Now we can go about verifying the format of the data by displaying some of the samples at a time.

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# select first row

In [ ]:

# select first column

In [ ]:

# select first five columns and rows

For our purposes it is not necessary to transpose the matrix as numpy allows for slicing columns and rows simultaneously.

If we did need to apply a transform, it can be done relatively easily using the numpy transpose methods as shown:

In [ ]:


NumPy to Obtain Indices¶
Finding indices of specific values or range of values can be done using the np.where() method.

numpy.where(condition[, x, y])

Return elements, either from x or y, depending on condition.
If only condition is given, return indices where condition is True.

Since we’re only interested in obtaining indices, we’ll only provide a single argument to the method which will return two arrays (of the same size) corresponding to the row and column indices where the condition is true. For example:

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numpy_data = np.array([[1, 2, 3, 4], [5, 6, 7, 8], [9, 10, 11, 12]])
print(‘numpy_data:\n’, numpy_data, ‘\n’)

# obtain indicies with values > 7
indices = np.where(numpy_data > 7)

# display row and column indices
print(‘all indices:’, indices, ‘\n’)

# display row indices
print(‘row indices:’, indices[0], ‘\n’)

# display column indices
print(‘col indices:’, indices[1], ‘\n’)

Note that the (row,col) indices for entries that are greater than 7 are: (1,3), (2,0), (2,1), (2,2), (2,2), and (2,3).

Let’s apply this now to find indices in our data.

In [ ]:

# obtain index of column with ‘Sex’ in the header
sex_index = np.where(data_numpy[0,:] == ‘Sex’)

# print indices

# print value at index found

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# obtain the two indexes of the name of a specific passenger
indexes = np.where(data_numpy == ‘Navratil, Master. ‘)

# print indices

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# Retrieving the name by index
# print value at index found

In [ ]:

# get indices of all male passengers
ind_gender = 4
indices_male = np.where(data_numpy[1:,ind_gender] == ‘male’)

# display the number of male passengers
num_males = len(indices_male[0])

# compute percentage of male passengers
num_passengers = len(data_numpy[1:,ind_gender])
percent = 100*num_males/num_passengers
print(round(percent,2), ‘% male passengers’)

In [ ]:

# what is the percentage of female passengers?

Find percentage of males and females who survived

To start we need to find the indices of the survivors, then we can move on to find the indices of the male and female passengers.

Hmmm, which column was “Survived”?

In [ ]:

# obtain index of column with title ‘Survived’
survived_index = np.where(data_numpy[0,:] == ‘Survived’)

To make it easier to search by field name, we can create a dictionary for easy indexing.

In [ ]:

# loop through field names and populate a dictionary with indices
fields = {}

# cycle through the first row which represents the fields
for i in range(len(data_numpy[0])):
fields[data_numpy[0, i]] = i


Now we can use the dictionary to quickly obtain the index of the field we are interested in searching.

Let’s find the percentage of male passengers that survived

In [ ]:

# get indices for male passengers
field1 = ‘Sex’
field1_val = ‘male’
male_indices = np.where(data_numpy[0:,fields[field1]] == field1_val)
male_indices = list(male_indices[0])

# get indices for surviving passengers
field2 = ‘Survived’
survived_indices = np.where(data_numpy[0:,fields[field2]] == ‘1’)
survived_indices = list(survived_indices[0])

Set Theory¶
Now that we have a list of indices of passengers who survived, and a separate list of indices for the ones who are males, how can we use that information to find the number of male survivors?

Hint: Review set theory

There are a couple ways we could do this. One option is to convert our lists of indices into sets and take advantage of the set intersection method/operator (i.e. &).

In [ ]:

# compute percentage of male passengers who survived
percent = 100*len(set(male_indices) & set(survived_indices))/len(male_indices)
print(round(percent,2), ‘% of’, field1_val, ‘passengers survived’)

We could do the same thing to find the percentage of female passengers that survived or even to find the percentage of first class, female passengeres who survived. But doing this would seem like a lot of code for each combination of characteristics. Why not write a function that generalizes?

We are given some number characteristics (A, B, C) (e.g., A could be male, B could be first class, etc) and we want to find out the percentage of passengers with all of those characteristics who survived. The little algorithm we could write is:

find ind_A (the indices with characteristic A), ind_B, and ind_C and intersect them to form ind_characteristics
find ind_survived (the indices of all passengers who survived)
the length of ind_survived intersected with ind_characteristics divided by the length of ind_survived gives the proportion of surivors

Since we want to be able to do this with any number of characteristics, let’s put them in a list.

In [ ]:

def get_survival(characteristics):
“””Return the percentage of passengers with the (field, value) entries in
characteristics that survived.
characteristics is a list of the form [(field, value), (field, value), …]
indices = set()
for i in range(len(characteristics)):
# get search category
field = characteristics[i][0]

# get value to search for
val = characteristics[i][1]

# find the matching indices
new_indices = set(list(np.where(data_numpy[0:,fields[field]] == val)[0]))

# intersect
if len(indices) == 0:
indices = new_indices
indices &= new_indices

# find the indices of the survivors
indices_survived = set(list(np.where(data_numpy[0:,fields[“Survived”]] == “1”)[0]))

return 100*len(indices_survived & indices)/len(indices)

percent = get_survival([(“Sex”, “male”)])
print(round(percent,2), ‘% of passengers survived among those matching the given characteristics’)

Now we can easily do the same thing for other combinations.

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# find the percentage of female passengers who survived

How about we combine gender and class to see how many first class males survived compared to other classes. How could we do that?

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# find the percentage of male class 1 passengers that survived

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# find the percentage of female class 1 passengers that survived

Part 2 – Cleaning the Datasets¶

You may have noticed that when we loaded our data to NumPy all the values were converted into strings because unlike lists NumPy arrays can hold only one data type at a time (i.e. string or float, not both). This is somewhat problematic as we cannot plot strings, we need numerical values. We need to reformat our dataset before we can plot it. How might we do that?

Replace strings values with numbers¶
Finding values in a column is something we’ve done earlier, but what about finding and overwriting data?

Turns out we can also select NumPy data by value using conditionals. For examples:

x = np.array([1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9])

x[x >= 5]

Will select only the data that is greater than or equal to 5 in a numpy array x.

We can take this further by assigning the data a particular value.

x[x >= 5] = 100

Will select only the data greater than or equal to 5 and change the value to 100. Note that normally this would create an error, however, NumPy knows to make the assumption that the many elements selected in the left-hand-side are to be replaced with a single value (i.e. 100) shown in the right-hand-side.

In [ ]:

x = np.array([1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9])
print(x[x >= 5])
x[x >= 5] = 100

How do we convert strings into numerical values?

In [ ]:

# select the gender of passengers
index = fields[‘Sex’]
gender = data_numpy[1:, index]

# find male passengers and set them to 0
gender[gender == ‘male’] = 0

# find female passengers and set them to 1
gender[gender == ‘female’] = 1

In [ ]:

# convert all the strings into floats
gender = gender.astype(float)

# verify conversion to float

Replace missing values with numbers¶
How do we find and replace missing values?

Missing values in our NumPy dataset are represented as blanks “”. Just like in the previous example, we can select numpy data by value using conditionals and replace the values with a value of our choosing.

Another option is to convert the missing values (blanks) to nan (not a number) first and then decide later how to replace the nans with a value of our choosing.

In [ ]:

# update the age data to numerical values
index = fields[‘Age’]
age = data_numpy[1:, index]

# find the ones that are empty and make them nan
age[age == ”] = np.nan

# convert all the strings into floats
age = age.astype(float)

# verify conversion to float

Then later we can find the nan values and replace them with a value of our choosing using the isnan method as shown:

x[numpy.isnan(x) == 1] = chosen_value

In [ ]:

age[np.isnan(age)] = 0

In [ ]:

#How would you replace the missing age value with the average age value?

Now let’s use that to fix our data to only hold numerical values. We can also put everything together into a class data structure. Make sure that the trian.csv file is loaded.

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# Helper Titanic_Data Class

# Correct values in Survival, Gender, Embarked, and Age columns
import csv
import numpy as np

class Titanic_Data:
“””Titanic data set”””

def __init__(self, Filename):
“””load Titanic data set”””
with open(Filename,’r’) as csvfile:
data_reader = csv.reader(csvfile)
data_orig = []
for row in data_reader:

# loop through field names and populate a dictionary with indices
fields = {}
for i in range(len(data_orig[0])):
fields[data_orig[0][i]] = i

# exclude the first row when preparing the numpy data structure
self.data = np.array(data_orig[1:])
self.fields = fields

def get_survival(self, characteristics):
“””Return the percentage of passengers with the (field, value) entries in
characteristics that survived.
characteristics is a list of the form [(field, value), (field, value), …]
indices = set()
for i in range(len(characteristics)):
# obtain search category
field = characteristics[i][0]

# obtain value to search for
val = characteristics[i][1]

# find and intersect the matching indices
new_indices = set(list(np.where(self.data[0:,self.fields[field]] == val)[0]))

# intersect
if len(indices) == 0:
indices = new_indices
indices &= new_indices

# find the indices of the survivors
indices_survived = set(list(np.where(self.data[0:,self.fields[“Survived”]] == “1”)[0]))

return 100*len(indices_survived & indices)/len(indices)

def clean_data(self):
“””Converts all data into numerical values
(missing data is converted into nan)”””
self.clean(‘Sex’, [‘male’, ‘female’])
self.clean(‘Embarked’, [‘C’, ‘Q’, ‘S’])

def clean(self, col_header, values = []):
“””Converts column data into numerical values
(missing data is convereted into nan)”””
# select the column
column = self.data[:,self.fields[col_header]]
# find the ones that are empty and make them nan
column[column == ”] = 0 #np.nan
# encode the the strings as numbers
for i in range(len(values)):
column[column == values[i]] = i
# overwrite
self.data[:,self.fields[col_header]] = column

def keep_columns(self, L):
“””Select Features “””
feature_data = self.data[:,L]
feature_data = feature_data.astype(float)
return feature_data

In [ ]:

# call function to prepare data structure
titanic = Titanic_Data(‘train.csv’)

# cleaned data

# remove unnecessary columns and convert array to float
feature_data = titanic.keep_columns([1, 2, 4, 5, 6, 7, 9, 11])

In [ ]:

# Features and target cleaned and converted into numeric values look like this:


In [ ]:

# How do we quickly obtain the field names from the feature_data?

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# Rewrite the “keep_columns” method to take the field names as input?

Part 3 – Visualizing Datasets¶
This part will focus on visualizing the data to find patterns that may allow us to make a prediction on who would survive the Titanic tragedy.

Python has many modules available dealing with visualization. One of the most popular to use is the matplotlib module which replicates the plotting capability of MATLAB. In what is to follow, we will discuss how to import and use this module.

To start we can use the plot() method, which takes an optional format string argument that specifies the color and style of the plotted line. For example, plot(x_values, y_values, ‘r–‘) uses ‘r’ to specify a red color, and ‘–‘ to specify a dashed line. You can find more information on formatting options at the following link.

Plotting with Pyplot¶

In [ ]:

import matplotlib.pyplot as plt

The program imports the pyplot module from the matplotlib package, renaming matplotlib.pyplot to plt using the as keyword.

The plt.plot() function plots data onto the graph. plot() accepts various arguments. If provided just one list, as in plt.plot(val), plot() uses 0, 1, … for x values, as in (0, val[0]), (1, val[1]), etc.

plt.plot() on its own will not display anything. One needs to call the plt.show() function to displays the graph.

To start let’s plot the survival percentages based on gender:

In [ ]:

# plot survival by gender
male_survived = 18.9 #get_survival([(“Sex”, “male”)]) #18.9
female_survived = 74.2 #get_survival([(“Sex”, “male”)]) #74.2
survived_percent = [male_survived, female_survived]

# plot survival percentages

In [ ]:

# plot survival without connecting lines
plt.plot(survived_percent, ‘mo’)

In [ ]:

# add tick labels
plt.plot(survived_percent, ‘mo’)
plt.xticks([0, 1],[‘males’, ‘females’])

Calling plot multiple times draws items (dots or lines) in the figure.

In [ ]:

# we can plot percentages of those that survived with overlapping percentages
# of those that did not survive
survived_percent = [male_survived, female_survived]
not_survived_percent = [100 – male_survived, 100 – female_survived]

plt.plot(survived_percent, ‘m–o’)
plt.plot(not_survived_percent, ‘r-.D’)
plt.xticks([0, 1],[‘males’, ‘females’])


Text and Annotations¶

In [ ]:

# add title and axis labels
plt.plot(survived_percent, ‘mo’)
plt.title(‘Titanic Survivals by Gender’)
plt.ylabel(‘Percentage of survival’)
plt.xticks([0, 1],[‘males’, ‘females’])

Hmmmm, this information would be best represented as a bar graph. Turns out we can do that as well using matlibplot.

Bar Graphs – Averaged Data¶
We can visualize the survival rates using bar graphs as shown:

In [ ]:

# plot bar graph of survival by gender
pos = [0, 1]
plt.bar(pos, survived_percent, align = ‘center’)
plt.xticks(pos,[‘males survived’, ‘females survived’])
plt.title(‘Survival Percentage Based on Gender’)

In [ ]:

# plot bar graph of survival by class
male_class_survived = [36.88, 15.74, 13.54]

# x axis position of bars graph
pos = range(len(male_class_survived))
# generate bar graph
plt.bar(pos, male_class_survived, align = ‘center’)
# provide labels for each bar based on provided positions
plt.xticks(pos,[‘1st’, ‘2nd’, ‘3rd’])
plt.title(‘Survival Percentage of Males Based on Class’)

We can also use subplots to plot everything together. In your spare time see if you can plot the percentage of male and female survivors using subplots.

In [ ]:

# Use subplots to show male and female survivors by class

What if we wanted to plot an entire column? For example, we could plot the ages of all the passengers.

In [ ]:

# plot age
plt.title(‘Passenger Age’)
plt.xlabel(‘Passenger #’)
plt.ylabel(‘Age (years)’)

By making the missing data of type nan (not a number), plot will ignore those values when plotting age values.

Since we don’t care about the sequence of the age of passengers, it may be more informative to see how many passengers we have within each age group, i.e. plot a histogram of our data.

In [ ]:

plt.hist(age, bins=30)
plt.title(‘Passenger Age Histogram’)
plt.xlabel(‘Age (years)’)

In [ ]:

# plot a histogram of passenger ages excluding nan values which we replaced with 0
# to plot the histogram we need to exclude the missing ages, i.e. 0 values

# the np.isnan() method returns True for values that are of type nan
# age[np.isnan(age) == 0]
plt.hist(age[age > 0], bins=30)
plt.title(‘Passenger Age Histogram’)
plt.xlabel(‘Age (years)’)

(Optional) As another exploration activity, it might be useful to see how survival changes with age. To do that it might be helpful to plot the survivor and non-survivor age histograms overtop of each other. Hmmm, how might we do that? (Hint)

In [ ]:

# Plot a histogram of passenger ages excluding nan values and overlap survivors and non-survivors. Does this provide any insight into the data?

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Another great visualization tool is the scatterplot. The scatterplot would allow us to compare survivors and nonsurvivors using two columns at a time.

In [ ]:

#field names
field_names = data_numpy[0,[1,2,4,5,6,7,9,11]]

selected_features = feature_data[:,1:]
selected_labels = feature_data[:,0]

feature_name = field_names[1:]

x_index = 0
y_index = 1

plt.figure(figsize=(5, 3))
plt.scatter(selected_features[:,x_index], selected_features[:,y_index], c= selected_labels)
plt.colorbar(ticks=[0, 1, 2])
plt.yticks([0, 1],[‘males’, ‘females’])
plt.xticks([1, 2, 3])


Part 4 – Pandas Library¶
Pandas is a fast, powerful, flexible and easy to use open source data analysis and manipulation tool, built on top of the Python programming language. It is well suited for handling tabular data.

Load a Dataframe¶
To start we’re going to load our Titanic data into a pandas data frame. There are two options.

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# Option 1: Loading directly from the URL (no upload needed)

data_pandas = pd.read_csv(‘https://saref.github.io/teaching/APS1070/train.csv’)

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# Option 2: Download, upload, then load
# Upload train.csv to Google Colab
from google.colab import files
uploaded = files.upload()

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# Load as a pandas dataframe
import pandas as pd

data_pandas = pd.read_csv(‘train.csv’)

In [ ]:

call methods head() and tail() to view the beginning and end of our data frame.

In [ ]:

#view first 5 samples

In [ ]:

#view last 5 samples

attributes columns and dtypes will show the colums and data types for each of the columns

In [ ]:

#view column indices

In [ ]:

#view data types for each column

call method info() to obtain information on missing data

In [ ]:

#obtain more information

Note that object refers to string data types. From the information provided we can see that we have 5 columns that are string values, three columns have missing information, with little information on Cabin location.

method describe() provides Summary Statistics: count, mean, min, max, etc.

In [ ]:

#provide summary statistics for each column

Statistics only shown for numerical data. We need to fill in the missing values for other columns in order to show them.

Slicing or retrieving data in a pandas data frame shares many similarities with NumPy.

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# slicing or selection by columns

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# slicing or selection by rows

Search for passengers using conditional operators

In [ ]:

# select passengers under 1 years of age
data_pandas[{‘PassengerId’,’Sex’,’Name’, ‘Age’}][data_pandas[‘Age’] < 1] In [ ]: # select female passengers under 1 year of age data_pandas[(data_pandas['Sex']== 'female') & (data_pandas['Age'] <1)] In [ ]: # select female passengers under 20 year of age in class 1 data_pandas[(data_pandas['Sex'] == 'female') & (data_pandas['Age'] <15) & (data_pandas['Pclass'] == 1)] In [ ]: # sort passengers by age data_pandas.sort_values(by = 'Age', ascending=[True]) In [ ]: # sort passengers by age and gender - replace requires overwrite data_pandas1 = data_pandas.sort_values(by = ['Pclass', 'Age'], ascending=[True, False]) data_pandas1 Saving sorted dataframe back to a csv file In [ ]: # save file quick data_pandas1.to_csv('train_sorted.csv') Replace missing with zero values In [ ]: # remove missing requires overwrite data_pandas2 = data_pandas.fillna(0) data_pandas2 In [ ]: # verify missing removed data_pandas2.info() Replace strings with numbers In [ ]: mapping = {'male': 0, 'female': 1} #dictionary data_pandas3 = data_pandas2.replace({'Sex': mapping}) data_pandas3 In [ ]: # replace embarked with numbers mapping = {'0': 0, 'C': 1, 'S': 2, 'Q': 3} #dictionary data_pandas4 = data_pandas3.replace({'Embarked': mapping}) data_pandas4 In [ ]: # verify strings updated to int data_pandas4.info() Drop columns we don't intend to use In [ ]: data_pandas5 = data_pandas4.drop(['PassengerId', 'Name', 'Ticket', 'Cabin'], axis=1) data_pandas5 In [ ]: # verify one last time data_pandas5.info() Data visualization with pandas works the same way as with Num  [ ]: # survival by family size data_pandas6 = data_pandas5 data_pandas6['FamilySize'] = data_pandas5['SibSp'] + data_pandas5['Parch'] data_pandas6['FamilySize'].hist() plt.ylabel('Number of passengers') plt.xlabel('Family size') Part 5 - Making Predictions¶ After visualizing the data in the previous part, we can see that the odds of surviving vary depending on passenger information such as: age, sex, class. Is there some way we can use all our passenger information to predict survival? In this part we will take a look at how to use the readily available machine learning algorithms into make predictions on survival. The machine learning community has grown substantially over the years and there are many modules available to implement the different algorithms. To implement the algorithms, all we need to do is obtain a dataset and arrange it to follow the machine learning conventions. Splitting Data¶ Divide data into a training and validation dataset In [ ]: #first convert pandas to numpy data_processed = data_pandas5.values print(data_processed.shape) # obtain columns columns = data_pandas5.columns.values print('columns =', columns) In [ ]: data_processed In [ ]: #splitting data from sklearn.model_selection import train_test_split train_data,val_data,train_labels,val_labels = train_test_split(data_processed[:,1:],data_processed[:,0],test_size=0.2) #verify shape of data print(train_data.shape, train_labels.shape) print(val_data.shape, val_labels.shape) In [ ]: # verify the training data and labels are correct print(train_data) print(train_labels) Scikit-Learn for Machine Learning¶ There are many machine learning algorithms developed for making predictions (classification) similar to the one we are trying to do in our problem. To use these algorithms we first need to import them from the scikit-learn machine learning modules for Python. More information on the different algorithms can be found at the following link. There are many machine algorithms to choose from such as: Decision Trees K-Nearest Neighbours Random Forests Support Vector Machines For now let us focus on the decision trees classifier. We import the classifier and setup some default parameters. In [ ]: from sklearn.tree import DecisionTreeClassifier model = DecisionTreeClassifier(max_depth=5) Train Machine Learning Algorithm¶ Next we train our algorithm on the training set. This updates the model parameters to make predictions specific to our data. In [ ]: model.fit(train_data, train_labels) Now compare the prediction on the training_data and val_data to get a sense of prediction performance. In [ ]: # predict the first 10 training samples and compare to the actual survival outcomes print('Training Sample Labels: ', train_labels[0:10]) sample_predict = model.predict(train_data[0:10,:]) print('Predicted Survival Outcome: ', sample_predict) Seems like the prediction worked well on the training samples. How about the validation samples. In [ ]: # assess on the first 10 validation samples and compare to the actual survival outcomes print('Validation Sample Labels: ', val_labels[0:10]) sample_predict = model.predict(val_data[0:10,:]) print('Predicted Survival Outcome: ', sample_predict) Already we see that some of the predictions were not correct. Evaluate Performance¶ The accuracy of a model is obtained by computing the percentage of correctly predicted survival outcomes over all passengers. To get a better idea of performance we need to assess our model on a larger set of data. Let's predict the outcome on all of the validation data and compute a percentage of how many survival outcomes were correctly predicted. In [ ]: # obtain survival predictions on all testing data val_predicted = model.predict(val_data) # obtain a percentage score of performance on all testing data score = 100*(1-sum(abs(val_predicted-val_labels))/len(val_predicted)) print('Validation data performance', score, '% correctly predicted') How does that compare with the samples obtained from the training data? In [ ]: # obtain survival predictions on all training data train_predicted = model.predict(train_data) # obtain a percentage score of performance on all training data score = 100*(1-sum(abs(train_predicted-train_labels))/len(train_predicted)) print('Training data performance', score, '% correctly predicted') The prediction achieved better performance on the training data than the testing data. This makes sense because the machine learning algorithms are trying to model the training data not the validation data. Let's see if we can get better performance by adjusting the training parameters (i.e. max_depth) and applying other machine learning algorithms. Compare Machine Learning Algorithms¶ As a final step we will adjust our training parameters and machine learning algorithms to see if we can do any better on the survival prediction performance. Test K-Nearest Neighbours Algorithm In [ ]: # K-Nearest Neighbours from sklearn.neighbors import KNeighborsClassifier model = KNeighborsClassifier(n_neighbors=3) # Fit the model to our training data model.fit(train_data, train_labels) # Make predictions val_predicted = model.predict(val_data) score = 100*(1-sum(abs(val_predicted-val_labels))/len(val_predicted)) print("KNN Test:", score) We’ve just implemented a high level prediction in only a couple lines. Since each dataset is different, we may find that there are other algorithms that are better suited for this prediction. Let’s examine some of the other popular machine learning algorithms. Test Decision Tree Learning Algorithm In [ ]: # Decision Tree from sklearn.tree import DecisionTreeClassifier model = DecisionTreeClassifier(max_depth=15) # Fit the model to our training data model.fit(train_data, train_labels) # Make predictions val_predicted = model.predict(val_data) score = 100*(1-sum(abs(val_predicted-val_labels))/len(val_predicted)) print("DT Test:", score) Test Random Forest Learning Algorithm In [ ]: # Random Forest from sklearn.ensemble import RandomForestClassifier model = RandomForestClassifier(n_estimators=250) # Fit the model to our training data model.fit(train_data, train_labels) # Make predictions val_predicted = model.predict(val_data) score = 100*(1-sum(abs(val_predicted-val_labels))/len(val_predicted)) print("RF Test:", score) Test Support Vector Machine Learning Algorithm In [ ]: # Support Vector Machines from sklearn import svm model = svm.SVC(gamma=2, C=1) # Fit the model to our training data model.fit(train_data, train_labels) # Make predictions val_predicted = model.predict(val_data) score = 100*(1-sum(abs(val_predicted-val_labels))/len(val_predicted)) print("SVM Test:", score) These are just a few of the available machine learning algorithms at our disposal. Designing these algorithms would have taken hours of work, fortunately, the Python open source community is strong and many people out there are willing to contribute. Hence, for an off-the-shelf application, all we have to do is change one or two lines in our code to evaluate. Final Testing¶ From the above algorithms tested, it seems like the Random Forest performed the best. Now that we have selected our machine learning model for predicting survival, we can finally answer the question of whether or not Jack and Rose would have survived (test case 3). To make this prediction we need to provide information on the passengers in the expected form: Passenger Pclass Sex Age SibSp Parch Fare Embarked Family size Jack 3 0 25 0 0 7 2 0 Rose 1 1 22 1 0 50 2 1 Given the provided information about Jack and Rose, would they have survived the tragedy? In [ ]: # Decision Tree from sklearn.tree import DecisionTreeClassifier model = DecisionTreeClassifier(max_depth=15) # Fit the model to our training data model.fit(train_data, train_labels) # Create test data (features of Jack and Rose) test_jack = np.array([3, 0, 25, 0, 0, 7, 2, 0]) test_rose = np.array([1, 1, 22, 1, 0, 50, 2, 1]) test_predicted = model.predict(test_jack.reshape(1,-1)) print(" :", test_predicted) test_predicted = model.predict(test_rose.reshape(1,-1)) print(" :", test_predicted) Our model prediction is that Rose would survive and Jack would not. You should watch the movie to find out if the prediction is correct. Discussion¶ Given that the accuracy for all of our models is maxing out around 80%, it will be interesting to look at specific passengers for whom these prediction algorithms are incorrect. Provided is a list of some of the passengers who were incorrectly predicted: Allison family¶ For instance, three incorrectly classified passengers are members of the Allison family, who perished even though the model predicted that they would survive. These first class passengers were very wealthy, as can be evidenced by their far-above-average ticket prices. For Betsy (25) and Loraine (2) in particular, not surviving is very surprising, considering that we found earlier that over 96% of first class women lived through the disaster. So what happened? A surprising amount of information on each Titanic passenger is available online; it turns out that the Allison family was unable to find their youngest son Trevor and was unwilling to evacuate the ship without him. Tragically, Trevor was already safe in a lifeboat with his nurse and was the only member of the Allison family to survive the sinking. Astor¶ Another interesting example is Astor, who perished in the disaster even though the model predicted he would survive. Astor was the wealthiest person on the Titanic, an impressive feat on a ship full of multimillionaire industrialists, railroad tycoons, and aristocrats. Given his immense wealth and influence, which the model may have deduced from his ticket fare (valued at over \$35,000 in 2016 dollars), it seems likely that he would have been among the 35 percent of men in first class to survive. However, this was not the case: although his pregnant wife survived, Astor’s body was recovered a week later, along with a gold watch, a diamond ring with three stones, and no less than \$92,481 (2016 value) in cash. On the other end of the spectrum is Abelseth, a 25-year-old Norwegian sailor. Abelseth, as a man in 3rd class, was not expected to survive by our classifier. Once the ship sank, however, he was able to stay alive by swimming for 20 minutes in the frigid North Atlantic water before joining other survivors on a waterlogged collapsible boat and rowing through the night. Abelseth got married three years later, settled down as a farmer in North Dakota, had 4 kids, and died in 1980 at the age of 94. Conclusions¶ Initially I was disappointed by the accuracy of our machine learning models maxing out at about 80% for this data set. It’s easy to forget that these data points each represent real people, each of whom found themselves stuck on a sinking ship without enough lifeboats. When we looked into data points for which our model was wrong, we can uncover incredible stories of human nature driving people to defy their logical fate. It is important to never lose sight of the human element when analyzing this type of data set. This principle will be especially important going forward, as machine learning is increasingly applied to human data sets by organizations such as insurance companies, big banks, and law enforcement agencies. In [ ]: APS1070 Fall 2021¶ Lecture 3¶ Decision Trees Example 2a: Decision Trees¶ Iris dataset In [ ]: import numpy as np import matplotlib.pyplot as plt #from sklearn import neighbors, datasets from sklearn import tree, datasets # Loading some example data iris = datasets.load_iris() X = iris.data[:, [2, 3]] y = iris.target # Plotting decision regions step = 0.02 x_min, x_max = X[:, 0].min() - 1, X[:, 0].max() + 1 y_min, y_max = X[:, 1].min() - 1, X[:, 1].max() + 1 xx, yy = np.meshgrid(np.arange(x_min, x_max, step), np.arange(y_min, y_max, step)) # Training classifiers #knn = neighbors.KNeighborsClassifier(n_neighbors=5) model = tree.DecisionTreeClassifier(max_depth=3) model.fit(X, y) # Make predictions on grid Z = model.predict(np.c_[xx.ravel(), yy.ravel()]) # Put the result into a color plot Z = Z.reshape(xx.shape) # plot plt.contourf(xx,yy,Z, alpha=0.4, levels=2) plt.scatter(X[:,0], X[:,1],c=y, s=20, edgecolor='k') plt.title('Decision Tree') plt.xlabel('petal length') plt.ylabel('petal width') plt.show() In [ ]: import graphviz dot_data = tree.export_graphviz(model, out_file=None, feature_names=iris.feature_names[2:4], class_names=iris.target_names, filled=True, rounded=True, special_characters=True) graph = graphviz.Source(dot_data) graph.render("iris" , view=True) graph Example 2b: Decision Tree¶ Titanic Dataset In [ ]: import pandas as pd df=pd.read_csv("https://www.eecg.utoronto.ca/~hadizade/APS1070/titanic.csv" , skipinitialspace=True) In [ ]: # replace gender with numbers mapping = {'male': 0, 'female': 1} #dictionary df = df.replace({'Sex': mapping}) # replace embarked with numbers mapping = {'0': 0, 'C': 1, 'S': 2, 'Q': 3} #dictionary df = df.replace({'Embarked': mapping}) # remove unnecessary attributes/features df = df.drop(['PassengerId', 'Name', 'Ticket', 'Cabin'], axis=1) # add a family size feature df['FamilySize'] = df['SibSp'] + df['Parch'] #fill nan df = df.fillna(0) In [ ]: #first convert pandas to numpy data_processed = df.values print(df.shape) # obtain columns columns = df.columns.values print('columns =', columns) In [ ]: from sklearn.tree import DecisionTreeClassifier # Import Decision Tree Classifier from sklearn.model_selection import train_test_split # Import train_test_split function #splitting data from sklearn.model_selection import train_test_split train_data,val_data,train_labels,val_labels = train_test_split(data_processed[:,1:], data_processed[:,0], test_size=0.2) #verify shape of data print(train_data.shape, train_labels.shape) print(val_data.shape, val_labels.shape) In [ ]: # fit model to a decision tree model = DecisionTreeClassifier(max_depth=3) model.fit(train_data, train_labels) # obtain survival predictions on all testing data val_predicted = model.predict(val_data) # obtain a percentage score of performance on all testing data score = 100*(1-sum(abs(val_predicted-val_labels))/l