Tutorial 2 – Anomaly Detection Algorithm using Gaussian Mixture Model¶
In this part of tutorial, we will implement an anomaly detection algorithm using the Gaussian model to detect anomalous behavior in a 2D dataset first and then a high-dimensional dataset.
Loading relevant libraries and the dataset
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import numpy as np
import matplotlib.pyplot as plt
from sklearn.datasets.samples_generator import make_blobs
X, y_true = make_blobs(n_samples=400, centers=1,
cluster_std=0.60, random_state=0)
X_append, y_true_append = make_blobs(n_samples=10,centers=1,
X = np.vstack([X,X_append])
y_true = np.hstack([y_true, [1 for _ in y_true_append]])
X = X[:, ::-1] # flip axes for better plotting
Here we’ve manufactured a dataset where some points are visibly outliers from the main distribution.
We can see this from looking at the plot, but how do we robustly identify the outliers?
That’s where a Gaussian estimation comes in. For this dataset, we only need a single Gaussian, for which we are gonna calculate the mean and standard deviation. Then, we’re able to find the points that don’t seem likely to have originated from that distribution – these are our outliers!
First, we need to calculate the mean and variance for our data. Complete the function below to generate these values using these formulas:
$$\mu = \frac{1}{m} \sum_{i=1}^{m}X_i$$$$\sigma^2 = \frac{1}{m} \sum_{i=1}^{m}(X_i-\mu)^2$$
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def estimateGaussian(X):
This function estimates the parameters of a Gaussian distribution using the data in X
m = X.shape[0]
#compute mean of X
sum_ = np.sum(X,axis=0)
mu = 1/m *sum_
# compute variance of X
var = 1/m * np.sum((X – mu)**2,axis=0)
return mu,var
mu, sigma2 = estimateGaussian(X)
Now, we will calculate for each point in X, the probability of the distribution $N(\mu,\sigma^2)$ generating that point randomly. This has been completed for you, although it is important to understand how the calculation of the PDF works.
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def multivariateGaussian(X, mu, sigma2):
Computes the probability density function of the multivariate gaussian distribution.
k = len(mu)
X = X – mu.T
p = 1/((2*np.pi)**(k/2)*(np.linalg.det(sigma2)**0.5))* np.exp(-0.5* np.sum(X @ np.linalg.pinv(sigma2) * X,axis=1))
return p
p = multivariateGaussian(X, mu, sigma2)
Now that we have the probability of each point in the dataset, we can plot these on the original scatterplot:
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We’re getting closer to the point where we can programmatically identify our outliers for a single Gaussian distribution. The last step is to identify a value for $p$, below which we consider a point to be an outlier. We term this $\epsilon$.
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#Choose a value for epsilon
epsilon = 0.01
Now we’ll highlight on the scatter plot all points that are below $\epsilon$:
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# Circling of anomalies
outliers = np.nonzero(p
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for i in range(5):
1] What do functions gm.score_samples() and gm.predict_proba() return? ___
2] Why it was important to run them in above sequence? __
3] What is the difference between the two function?___
Our Mixture of Gaussians model is powerful! Not only is it unsupervised, it can both classify points into one of the K clusters we have, and it can help us with our ultimate goal of identifying outlier points! We can do this by finding the points that no cluster wants to claim for itself.
In the cell below, complete the code and calculate these values and then compute for k=1, 10, and 100. The ROC curve code has been completed for you.
Is this model better or worse performing than the previous? ___
Why might that be? __
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from sklearn.metrics import precision_score
from sklearn.metrics import recall_score
#This part outputs the precision and recall on the test set
p_gm = gm.score_samples(X_test) #score_samples will compute the weighted log probabilities for each sample
for i in [1, 10, 100]: #Let’s look at 3 different k values
mn_gm = sorted(p_gm)[i] #We sort the points by probability, as before
precision = precision_score(y_test, p_gm < mn_gm) #Here, we compare y_test labels to our picks using precision
recall = recall_score(y_test, p_gm < mn_gm) #Here, we compare y_test labels to our picks using recall
print('For a k of ',i,' the precision is ', '%.3f' % precision,' and the recall is ', '%.3f' % recall) #We print precision and recall three times
#This part computes the ROC curves for both models like we talked about in class
from sklearn.metrics import roc_curve
from matplotlib import pyplot
fpr_sc, tpr_sc, _ = roc_curve(y_test, 1-p)
fpr_gm, tpr_gm, _ = roc_curve(y_test, 1-p_gm)
pyplot.plot(fpr_sc, tpr_sc, linestyle = '--', label='Single Component')
pyplot.plot(fpr_gm, tpr_gm, marker='.', label='Gaussian Mixture')
pyplot.xlabel('False Positive Rate')
pyplot.ylabel('True Positive Rate')
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from sklearn.metrics import auc
print ("AUC of Single Component" , format( auc(fpr_sc, tpr_sc) , ".3f"))
print ("AUC of Gaussian Mixture" , format( auc(fpr_gm, tpr_gm) , ".3f"))
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from sklearn.metrics import roc_auc_score
print ("AUC of Single Component" , format( roc_auc_score(y_test, 1-p) , ".3f") )
print ("AUC of Gaussian Mixture" , format( roc_auc_score(y_test, 1-p_gm) , ".3f") )
Let's look at a dataset that motivates using a Mixture of Gaussians model: Simpsons ratings.
Everyone knows that there's a certain point when The Simpsons "got bad", but can we use a Mixture of Gaussians to find out exactly when that was?
Load up the simpsons.pickle file using the cell below. It contains the IMDb rating for every simpsons episode.
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!wget https://github.com/alexwolson/APS1070_data/raw/master/simpsons.pickle
import pickle
import matplotlib.pyplot as plt
import numpy as np
from sklearn.mixture import GaussianMixture
with open('simpsons.pickle','rb') as f:
simpsons = pickle.load(f)
Plot a histogram of the rating distribution for all Simpsons episodes.
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allratings = []
for v in simpsons.values():
for v1 in v.values():
plt.hist(allratings, bins= 30)
Next, use Gaussian Mixture to fit a Mixture of Gaussians to the Simpsons rating distribution. Since we are trying to distinguish between good and bad ratings, we only need 2 gaussians.
What are the means for the two Gaussians fit by the model? __
What about the standard deviations? __
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gm = GaussianMixture(n_components=2)
print("Mean: ", gm.means_)
print(" \n \n StD: ", np.sqrt(gm.covariances_))
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from matplotlib import rc
from sklearn import mixture
import matplotlib.pyplot as plt
import numpy as np
import matplotlib
import matplotlib.ticker as tkr
import scipy.stats as stats
x = np.array(allratings)
f = np.ravel(x).astype(np.float)
weights = gm.weights_
means = gm.means_
covars = gm.covariances_
plt.hist(f, bins=30, histtype='bar', density=True, ec='blue', alpha=0.5)
f_axis = f.copy().ravel()
plt.plot(f_axis,weights[0]*stats.norm.pdf(f_axis,means[0],np.sqrt(covars[0])).ravel(), c='red', label = "Good")
plt.plot(f_axis,weights[1]*stats.norm.pdf(f_axis,means[1],np.sqrt(covars[1])).ravel(), c='blue', label = "Bad!")
Finally, using the GuassianMixture.predict() method, we can use maximum likelihood to estimate which distribution, good or bad, each episode belongs to. In the cell below, we have provided code to count the number of episodes predicted to be in the "good" distribution per season, and plot for the same.
Understand the code and answer the question.
Where is the notable drop-off point? __
What is the first season with 0 good episodes? __
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#Let's first associate each component with a good or bad season
if gm.means_[0,0] > gm.means_[1,0]: #True if first component is the good season (ie, higher mean)
Good_season_index = 0
Good_season_index = 1
Xs = []
Ys = []
simpsons = dict(sorted(list(simpsons.items()), key=lambda x: x[0]))
for season, episodes in simpsons.items():
bad = 0
good = 0
for episode in episodes.values():
if gm.predict(np.array(episode).reshape(-1,1)) == Good_season_index:
good += 1
bad += 1
plt.plot(Xs, Ys, lw = 4, color = “green”);
plt.ylabel(“Good ratio”)