代写代考 SIZE 64)

;; The first three lines of this file were inserted by DrRacket. They record metadata
;; about the language level of this file in a form that our tools can easily process.
#reader(lib “htdp-intermediate-lambda-reader.ss” “lang”)((modname hw9-problem1) (read-case-sensitive #t) (teachpacks ()) (htdp-settings #(#t constructor repeating-decimal #f #t none #f () #f)))
(require 2htdp/batch-io)

Copyright By PowCoder代写 加微信 powcoder

(require 2htdp/image)
(require 2htdp/universe)

; Problem 1

; You are now ready to implement Wordle (https://www.nytimes.com/games/wordle/),
; at least most of it 😉

; You’ve actually done quite a bit this semester already, and so the first step
; is to review some of the definitions you’ll use to build your game.

; TODO 0/8: Read the following sections of (annotated) definitions – as needed,
; go back to the sample solutions & walkthrough videos of the
; associated assignments in order to make sure you understand each
; piece of the program we have thus far!

; Data (General)
; ————–
; – Pair (NEW)
; A generalized definition for associating two arbitrary
; data types; this is used both for LetterStatusPair and
; in helping to visualize elements of the game by
; pairing up a game object, such as a guesed letter, with
; a function used to visualize that type of object

(define-struct pair [first second])

; A [Pair X Y] is a (make-pair X Y)
; Interpretation: a pairing of two values

; Data (Letters)
; ————–
; – LetterStatus (Homework 2)
; A categorization of scored letters
; – LetterStatusPair (Homework 3)
; An association between a specific letter and its scored
; status; updated to use Pair
; – VizPair (NEW)
; An association between a value and a function that can
; produce an image for it

; A LetterStatus (LS) is one of:
; – “wrong”
; – “misplaced”
; – “right”
; Interpretation: status of a guessed letter

(define LS-WRONG “wrong”)
(define LS-MISPLACED “misplaced”)
(define LS-RIGHT “right”)

; A LetterStatusPair (LSP) is a [Pair 1String LetterStatus]
; Interpretation: a guess letter and its associated status

; A [VizPair X] is a [Pair X [X -> Image]]
; Interpretation: a pairing of a value with a function that
; produces a vizualization of it

; Constants (Visualization)
; ————————-
; – Game background (BG-COLOR)
; – Current/upcoming guess border (BORDER-COLOR)
; – Current/upcoming guess background (GUESS-COLOR)
; – Letter size (LT-SIZE)
; – Buffer space between game objects (GAP)

(define BG-COLOR “white”)
(define BORDER-COLOR “dimgray”)
(define GUESS-COLOR “black”)

(define LT-SIZE 64)

(define GAP (square 5 “solid” BG-COLOR))

; Functions (General)
; ——————-
; – mymap2 (Lab 9)
; Abstraction for capturing the result of applying a
; function to the elements from two parallel lists

; mymap2 : (X Y Z) [List-of X] [List-of Y] [X Y -> Z] -> [List-of Z]
; produces a result list by applying the supplied function
; to parallel elements from the supplied lists (until either
; is empty)

(mymap2 ‘() ‘() *)

(mymap2 (list 2 3) (list 4) *)

(mymap2 (list “a” “b”)
(list “1” “2” “3”)
(list “a1” “b2”))

(mymap2 (list “a” “c”)
(list (list “x”) (list 3 1 4))
(λ (s l) (string-append
(number->string (length l)))))
(list “a-1” “c-3”))

(define (mymap2 l1 l2 f)
[(or (empty? l1) (empty? l2)) ‘()]
[(and (cons? l1) (cons? l2))
(cons (f (first l1) (first l2))
(mymap2 (rest l1) (rest l2) f))]))

; Functions (Visualizing Letters)
; ——————————-
; – boxed-letter (Homework 6)
; Abstraction for drawing a letter over a box; uses an
; updated test to reflect that a “blank” box for guesses
; is now local to a helper
; – guess-letter->image (Homework 6)
; Uses boxed-letter to provide a simple way to visualize
; letters and empty spaces that have yet to be scored;
; updated to make its background (blank) a local helper
; – lsp->image (Homework 6, Lab 8)
; Uses boxed-letter to provide a simple way to visualize
; scored letters; updated to (a) make its background a
; set of local functions and (b) utilize pair data

; boxed-letter : 1String NonNegReal [NonNegReal -> Image] -> Image
; produces an image of a letter on a background of a particular size

(boxed-letter “A” 10 (λ (_) empty-image))
(text “A” 5 BG-COLOR))

(boxed-letter “B” 64 (λ (s) (overlay (square s “outline” BORDER-COLOR)
(square s “solid” GUESS-COLOR))))
(text “B” 32 BG-COLOR)
(square 64 “outline” BORDER-COLOR)
(square 64 “solid” GUESS-COLOR)))

(define (boxed-letter s size bgf)
(text s (/ size 2) BG-COLOR)
(bgf size)))

; guess-letter->image : 1String -> Image
; visualizes a guessed character

(guess-letter->image “A”)
(text “A” (/ LT-SIZE 2) BG-COLOR)
(square LT-SIZE “outline” BORDER-COLOR)
(square LT-SIZE “solid” GUESS-COLOR)))

(guess-letter->image “B”)
(text “B” (/ LT-SIZE 2) BG-COLOR)
(square LT-SIZE “outline” BORDER-COLOR)
(square LT-SIZE “solid” GUESS-COLOR)))

(define (guess-letter->image s)
(local [; blank : NonNegReal -> Image
; produces a blank box of the appropriate size
(define (blank size)
(overlay (square size “outline” BORDER-COLOR)
(square size “solid” GUESS-COLOR)))]
(boxed-letter s LT-SIZE blank)))

; lsp->image : LetterStatusPair -> Image
; produces a visualization of a letter with status

(check-expect (lsp->image (make-pair “A” LS-RIGHT))
(text “A” (/ LT-SIZE 2) BG-COLOR)
(square LT-SIZE “solid” “darkgreen”)))

(check-expect (lsp->image (make-pair “B” LS-WRONG))
(text “B” (/ LT-SIZE 2) BG-COLOR)
(square LT-SIZE “solid” “dimgray”)))

(check-expect (lsp->image (make-pair “C” LS-MISPLACED))
(text “C” (/ LT-SIZE 2) BG-COLOR)
(square LT-SIZE “solid” “goldenrod”)))

(define (lsp->image lsp)
(local [; ls->color : LS -> Color
; produces a background color associated with a letter status
(define (ls->color ls)
[(string=? ls LS-WRONG) “dimgray”]
[(string=? ls LS-MISPLACED) “goldenrod”]
[(string=? ls LS-RIGHT) “darkgreen”]))

; ls->color-fn : LetterStatus -> [NonNegReal -> Image]
; produces a function for a status-specific background
; of the appropriate size
(define (ls->color-fn ls)
(λ (size) (square size “solid” (ls->color ls))))]
(pair-first lsp)
(ls->color-fn (pair-second lsp)))))

; Functions (Visualizing Letters)
; ——————————-
; – stack (Lab 8)
; Abstraction for separating a set of images using a
; pairwise orientation function
; – stack/v (Homework 7, Lab 8)
; Uses stack to easily visualize a list of images in
; a horizontal fashion
; – stack/h (Homework 7, Lab 8)
; Uses stack to easily visualize a list of images in
; a horizontal fashion
; – row->image (NEW)
; Uses stack/h to easily visualize a list of objects, each
; with an associated visualization function (e.g., a list
; of letters with one of the functions from the preceding
; section).

; stack : [List-of Images] [Image Image -> Image] -> Image
; space separates a list of images via a pairwise orientation function

(stack ‘() beside)

(stack ‘() above)

(text “A” 5 “black”)
(text “B” 10 “black”)
(text “C” 50 “black”))
(text “A” 5 “black”)
(text “B” 10 “black”)
(text “C” 50 “black”)

(text “A” 5 “black”)
(text “B” 10 “black”)
(text “C” 50 “black”))
(text “A” 5 “black”)
(text “B” 10 “black”)
(text “C” 50 “black”)

(define (stack images addf)
(local [; buffer : Image Image -> Image
; positions the supplied image
; relative to the supplied background
; with a gap
(define (buffer i bg)
(addf GAP i bg))]

; stack/v : [List-of Images] -> Image
; space-separates a list of images vertically

(stack/v ‘())

(text “A” 5 “black”)
(text “B” 10 “black”)
(text “C” 50 “black”)))
(text “A” 5 “black”)
(text “B” 10 “black”)
(text “C” 50 “black”)

(define (stack/v images)
(stack images above))

; stack/h : [List-of Image] -> Image
; space-separates a list of images horizontally

(stack/h ‘())

(text “A” 5 “black”)
(text “B” 10 “black”)
(text “C” 50 “black”)))
(text “A” 5 “black”)
(text “B” 10 “black”)
(text “C” 50 “black”)

(define (stack/h images)
(stack images beside))

; row->image : [List-of [VizPair Any]] -> Image
; horizontally visualizes a list of elements, each with an
; associated visualization function

(row->image ‘())

(make-pair “X” guess-letter->image)
(make-pair “Y” guess-letter->image)
(make-pair ” ” guess-letter->image)))
(guess-letter->image “X”)
(guess-letter->image “Y”)
(guess-letter->image ” “)

(make-pair (make-pair “A” LS-RIGHT) lsp->image)
(make-pair (make-pair “B” LS-WRONG) lsp->image)
(make-pair (make-pair “C” LS-MISPLACED) lsp->image)))
(lsp->image (make-pair “A” LS-RIGHT))
(lsp->image (make-pair “B” LS-WRONG))
(lsp->image (make-pair “C” LS-MISPLACED))

(make-pair “X” guess-letter->image)
(make-pair (make-pair “A” LS-RIGHT) lsp->image)))
(guess-letter->image “X”)
(lsp->image (make-pair “A” LS-RIGHT))

(define (row->image ips)
(λ (ip) ((pair-second ip) (pair-first ip)))


; Now let’s get to work 🙂

; In Homework 6, you created the following very useful abstraction for
; determining if a value is present in a list…

; value-in-list? : (X) X [List-of X] [X X -> Boolean] -> Boolean
; is the supplied value in the list according to the supplied predicate?

(check-expect (value-in-list? 1 (list) =) #f)
(check-expect (value-in-list? “a” (list) string=?) #f)
(check-expect (value-in-list? 1 (list 1 2 3) =) #t)
(check-expect (value-in-list? 5 (list 1 2 3) =) #f)
(check-expect (value-in-list? “a” (list “a” “b” “c”) string=?) #t)
(check-expect (value-in-list? “A” (list “a” “b” “c”) string-ci=?) #t)
(define (value-in-list? x lox p?)
[(empty? lox) #f]
[(cons? lox)
(or (p? x (first lox))
(value-in-list? x (rest lox) p?))]))

; TODO 1/8: This function should remind you a great deal of one of the ISL list
; abstractions – so as a warm-up, use that abstraction to rewrite the
; code above; if you are successful, all the supplied tests will still
; pass (once uncommented) AND you will have a much better abstraction
; design to use when wordle’ing. ALSO, you can then make use of
; common special cases, like string-in-list? (also from Homework 6,
; supplied below).

(check-expect (value-in-list? 1 (list) =) #f)
(check-expect (value-in-list? “a” (list) string=?) #f)
(check-expect (value-in-list? 1 (list 1 2 3) =) #t)
(check-expect (value-in-list? 5 (list 1 2 3) =) #f)
(check-expect (value-in-list? “a” (list “a” “b” “c”) string=?) #t)
(check-expect (value-in-list? “A” (list “a” “b” “c”) string-ci=?) #t)

(define (value-in-list? x lox p?)
(ormap (lambda (n) (p? x n)) lox))

; string-in-list? : String [List-of String] -> Boolean
; is the supplied string in the list?

(check-expect (string-in-list? “a” (list)) #f)
(check-expect (string-in-list? “a” (list “a” “b” “c”)) #t)
(check-expect (string-in-list? “A” (list “a” “b” “c”)) #f)
(check-expect (string-in-list? “b” (list “a” “b” “c”)) #t)
(check-expect (string-in-list? “c” (list “a” “b” “c”)) #t)
(check-expect (string-in-list? “d” (list “a” “b” “c”)) #f)

(define (string-in-list? s los)
(value-in-list? s los string=?))

; TODO 2/8: Now, finish designing the function read-dictionary, which reads and
; capitalizes all the words from a supplied file (assumed to be one
; word per line). The supplied tests are sufficient for your function
; and should both pass once complete (which means, please do NOT
; create a file named “BAD.EVIL” and make sure to have the provided
; “little.txt” file in the same folder as this code.

; read-dictionary : String -> [List-of String]
; reads the words in a supplied file and capitalizes them all

(list “ACT”

(read-dictionary “BAD.EVIL”)

(read-dictionary “little.txt”)

(define (read-dictionary fname)
(if (file-exists? fname)
(map string-upcase (read-lines fname)) ‘()))

; TODO 3/8: Your next task is to finish designing the score function, which
; implements a simplified version of Wordle scoring, wherein each
; letter of the supplied guess is independently associated with a
; status in the supplied correct word.
; Notes:
; – Make sure you read and understand all the supplied tests, which
; capture how the function is supposed to work. Once your code is
; complete, all of these tests should pass (and that is sufficient
; testing for this function).
; – You are highly encouraged to use mymap2 (see “Functions (General)”
; section above), as well as string-in-list? (TODO #1).
; – FYI: this approach is not 100% consistent with the NY Times, which
; handles repeated letters in a somewhat more complicated fashion
; (that we’ll consider this in a later assignment!).

; score : String String -> [List-of LetterStatusPair]
; Given a guess and the correct string (assumed to be the same length, and both
; uppercase), produce the resulting pairing of each character and its status

(define (score s1 s2)
(local [(define (chec s s2)
(cond []))]
(cond [s1]
(check-expect (score “ABC” “ABC”)
(list (make-pair “A” LS-RIGHT)
(make-pair “B” LS-RIGHT)
(make-pair “C” LS-RIGHT)))

(check-expect (score “ABC” “XYZ”)
(list (make-pair “A” LS-WRONG)
(make-pair “B” LS-WRONG)
(make-pair “C” LS-WRONG)))

(check-expect (score “CBA” “ABC”)
(list (make-pair “C” LS-MISPLACED)
(make-pair “B” LS-RIGHT)
(make-pair “A” LS-MISPLACED)))

(check-expect (score “AAA” “ABC”)
(list (make-pair “A” LS-RIGHT)
(make-pair “A” LS-MISPLACED)
(make-pair “A” LS-MISPLACED)))

(check-expect (score “AAAXB” “ABCAD”)
(list (make-pair “A” LS-RIGHT)
(make-pair “A” LS-MISPLACED)
(make-pair “A” LS-MISPLACED)
(make-pair “X” LS-WRONG)
(make-pair “B” LS-MISPLACED)))

(check-expect (score “WEARY” “DONOR”)
(list (make-pair “W” LS-WRONG)
(make-pair “E” LS-WRONG)
(make-pair “A” LS-WRONG)
(make-pair “R” LS-MISPLACED)
(make-pair “Y” LS-WRONG)))

(check-expect (score “BROIL” “DONOR”)
(list (make-pair “B” LS-WRONG)
(make-pair “R” LS-MISPLACED)
(make-pair “O” LS-MISPLACED)
(make-pair “I” LS-WRONG)
(make-pair “L” LS-WRONG)))

(check-expect (score “ROUND” “DONOR”)
(list (make-pair “R” LS-MISPLACED)
(make-pair “O” LS-RIGHT)
(make-pair “U” LS-WRONG)
(make-pair “N” LS-MISPLACED)
(make-pair “D” LS-MISPLACED)))

(check-expect (score “DONOR” “DONOR”)
(list (make-pair “D” LS-RIGHT)
(make-pair “O” LS-RIGHT)
(make-pair “N” LS-RIGHT)
(make-pair “O” LS-RIGHT)
(make-pair “R” LS-RIGHT)))

(check-expect (score “GOALS” “ATONE”)
(list (make-pair “G” LS-WRONG)
(make-pair “O” LS-MISPLACED)
(make-pair “A” LS-MISPLACED)
(make-pair “L” LS-WRONG)
(make-pair “S” LS-WRONG)))

(check-expect (score “AROMA” “ATONE”)
(list (make-pair “A” LS-RIGHT)
(make-pair “R” LS-WRONG)
(make-pair “O” LS-RIGHT)
(make-pair “M” LS-WRONG)
(make-pair “A” LS-MISPLACED)))

(check-expect (score “AWOKE” “ATONE”)
(list (make-pair “A” LS-RIGHT)
(make-pair “W” LS-WRONG)
(make-pair “O” LS-RIGHT)
(make-pair “K” LS-WRONG)
(make-pair “E” LS-RIGHT)))

(check-expect (score “ABODE” “ATONE”)
(list (make-pair “A” LS-RIGHT)
(make-pair “B” LS-WRONG)
(make-pair “O” LS-RIGHT)
(make-pair “D” LS-WRONG)
(make-pair “E” LS-RIGHT)))

(check-expect (score “ATONE” “ATONE”)
(list (make-pair “A” LS-RIGHT)
(make-pair “T” LS-RIGHT)
(make-pair “O” LS-RIGHT)
(make-pair “N” LS-RIGHT)
(make-pair “E” LS-RIGHT)))

; When a player is actively guessing, they may have fewer letters than are
; required of a full Wordle guess (5, in the NYT version).

; TODO 4/8: Finish designing the function partial-guess->full-guess, which pads
; a string with spaces up to the supplied length.
; Notes:
; – You have been supplied a sufficient set of tests for this
; function; they should all pass once your code is written.
; – You have ALSO been supplied a working coded version of the

程序代写 CS代考 加微信: powcoder QQ: 1823890830 Email: powcoder@163.com