程序代写 build-dataset


Dataset Generation¶
From https://www.mrlc.gov/data/nlcd-land-cover-conus-all-years

In [1]:

import geopandas
import random
from shapely.geometry import Point, Polygon, MultiPolygon
import rasterio
import matplotlib.pyplot as plt
import fiona.transform
from zipfile import ZipFile, ZIP_DEFLATED, ZIP_LZMA
import numpy as np
import io
import pandas as pd
import sqlite3


Read State Shape file¶

In [2]:

city = {“madison”:Point(-89.39,43.08),

In [3]:

cong = geopandas.read_file(“zip://data/cb_2018_us_cd116_20m.zip”)
wi = cong[cong[“STATEFP”] == “55”]


89 55 06 5001600US5506 5506 C2 116 12740758652 7315844396 POLYGON ((-89.78490 43.64105, -89.71873 43.643…
92 55 04 5001600US5504 5504 C2 116 332617267 2454549243 POLYGON ((-88.07030 43.12271, -88.07021 43.125…
131 55 08 5001600US5508 5508 C2 116 17629673120 8180685289 MULTIPOLYGON (((-86.93428 45.42115, -86.83575 …

In [4]:

sample_size_per_district = 250
points = []
for row in wi.itertuples():
district, shape = row.CD116FP, row.geometry
minx, miny, maxx, maxy = shape.bounds

i = 0
while i < sample_size_per_district: pt = Point(random.uniform(minx, maxx), random.uniform(miny, maxy)) if not shape.contains(pt): continue points.append({"lon": pt.x, "lat": pt.y, "district": "district " + district, "geometry": pt}) i += 1 sample = geopandas.GeoDataFrame(points).sample(frac=1).reset_index(drop=True).set_crs(wi.crs) sample.head(3) Out[4]: lon lat district geometry 0 -91.094093 43.750081 district 03 POINT (-91.09409 43.75008) 1 -88.441833 44.206438 district 06 POINT (-88.44183 44.20644) 2 -90.757041 45.801727 district 07 POINT (-90.75704 45.80173) In [5]: ax = wi.boundary.plot(color="black", figsize=(6,6)) sample.iloc[400:].plot(ax=ax, markersize=5, color="0.7") sample.iloc[:400].plot(ax=ax, markersize=5, color="red") plt.axis("off") plt.title("Wisconsin") plt.show() In [6]: num_rows = 2 num_cols = 4 fig, ax_ll = plt.subplots(num_rows, num_cols, figsize=(7,3)) for i in range(num_rows): for j in range(num_cols): ax = ax_ll[i][j] polygon = wi.iloc[i * num_cols + j]["geometry"] # Some districts are Multipolygons if isinstance(polygon, MultiPolygon): for geom in polygon.geoms: x, y = geom.exterior.xy ax.plot(x, y, color="r") else: x, y = polygon.exterior.xy ax.plot(x, y, color="r") ax.axis("off") ax.text(-0.1, 0.5, i * num_cols + j + 1, size=16, verticalalignment="center", horizontalalignment="center", transform=ax.transAxes, color="b") plt.tight_layout() plt.savefig("imgs/congressional_districts.png", dpi=150) plt.show() Extract area coded images corresponding to Points¶ In [7]: # data: https://www.mrlc.gov/data/nlcd-land-cover-conus-all-years import time def get_map(raster, pt, radius): # raster coords to cell x,y = raster.index(pt.x, pt.y) return raster.read(window=((x-radius,x+radius),(y-radius,y+radius))) t0 = time.time() with ZipFile(f"data/images.zip", "w", compression=ZIP_LZMA) as zf: path = f"zip://data/NLCD_2016_Land_Cover_L48_20190424.zip!NLCD_2016_Land_Cover_L48_20190424.img" with rasterio.open(path) as raster: sample = sample.to_crs(raster.crs).copy() sample["file_name"] = None for i in sample.index: if i % 100 == 0: print(i, sample.at[i, "geometry"]) radius = 50 m = get_map(raster, sample.at[i, "geometry"], radius=radius) fname = f"area{str(i).zfill(4)}.npy" with zf.open(fname, "w") as img_file: np.save(img_file, m[0,:,:]) sample.at[i, "file_name"] = fname t1 = time.time() print("SEC", t1-t0) 0 POINT (393321.9714785019 2316597.53549148) 100 POINT (561818.5037173969 2485948.084356679) 200 POINT (603855.3791216215 2234614.093456469) 300 POINT (504604.6381423076 2355962.035228188) 400 POINT (580045.4374444548 2243406.488280065) 500 POINT (653884.5213431388 2244448.759502007) 600 POINT (644521.7848794134 2382051.529384815) 700 POINT (649881.8963761141 2254180.453057267) 800 POINT (660209.1371172647 2233097.167066256) 900 POINT (640023.0834847988 2264762.774733728) 1000 POINT (609191.3724844048 2268000.123778353) 1100 POINT (571490.163583217 2288114.046013239) 1200 POINT (495069.5857372688 2221888.24096302) 1300 POINT (419972.5363922916 2633132.885216951) 1400 POINT (450562.0494884823 2293474.944248126) 1500 POINT (659325.2218050777 2244888.262530765) 1600 POINT (650364.47960169 2267733.275017012) 1700 POINT (536176.9587605959 2457760.8235028) 1800 POINT (593758.6826164369 2368556.107742039) 1900 POINT (630072.1288301667 2224909.805964118) SEC 76.97255516052246 In [8]: sample Out[8]: lon lat district geometry file_name 0 -91.094093 43.750081 district 03 POINT (393321.971 2316597.535) area0000.npy 1 -88.441833 44.206438 district 06 POINT (601548.771 2381270.124) area0001.npy 2 -90.757041 45.801727 district 07 POINT (407723.121 2546097.341) area0002.npy 3 -88.234996 44.788954 district 08 POINT (612677.136 2447273.379) area0003.npy 4 -87.954035 43.078655 district 04 POINT (650924.698 2259060.497) area0004.npy ... ... ... ... ... ... 1995 -88.960584 42.591088 district 01 POINT (573685.498 2198265.761) area1995.npy 1996 -88.530275 42.714524 district 01 POINT (607600.665 2214696.294) area1996.npy 1997 -89.828437 45.408001 district 07 POINT (482682.039 2506778.439) area1997.npy 1998 -91.276886 43.994077 district 03 POINT (377327.114 2343037.686) area1998.npy 1999 -88.103273 44.636279 district 08 POINT (624458.188 2431188.862) area1999.npy 2000 rows × 5 columns Create images.db¶ In [9]: district_tbl = pd.DataFrame([ [103, "district 01"], [999, "district 02"], [321, "district 03"], [12, "district 04"], [234, "district 05"], [25, "district 06"], [1024, "district 07"], [500, "district 08"], ], columns=["district_id", "district_name"]) lookup = dict(district_tbl.set_index("district_name")["district_id"]) sample["district_id"] = sample["district"].apply(lambda name: lookup[name]) for col in ["water_ratio", "forest_ratio", "agriculture_ratio", "developed_ratio"]: sample[col] = None In [10]: sample.head(3) Out[10]: lon lat district geometry file_name district_id water_ratio forest_ratio agriculture_ratio developed_ratio 0 -91.094093 43.750081 district 03 POINT (393321.971 2316597.535) area0000.npy 321 None None None None 1 -88.441833 44.206438 district 06 POINT (601548.771 2381270.124) area0001.npy 25 None None None None 2 -90.757041 45.801727 district 07 POINT (407723.121 2546097.341) area0002.npy 1024 None None None None In [11]: with sqlite3.connect(f"data/images.db") as c: district_tbl.to_sql("districts", c, index=False, if_exists="replace") tbl = sample[["file_name", "lon", "lat", "district_id", "water_ratio", "forest_ratio", "agriculture_ratio"]] tbl.to_sql("sample", c, index=False, if_exists="replace") Show sample area¶ In [12]: from matplotlib.colors import ListedColormap use_cmap = np.zeros(shape=(256,4)) use_cmap[:,-1] = 1 uses = np.array([ [0, 0.00000000000, 0.00000000000, 0.00000000000], [11, 0.27843137255, 0.41960784314, 0.62745098039], [12, 0.81960784314, 0.86666666667, 0.97647058824], [21, 0.86666666667, 0.78823529412, 0.78823529412], [22, 0.84705882353, 0.57647058824, 0.50980392157], [23, 0.92941176471, 0.00000000000, 0.00000000000], [24, 0.66666666667, 0.00000000000, 0.00000000000], [31, 0.69803921569, 0.67843137255, 0.63921568628], [41, 0.40784313726, 0.66666666667, 0.38823529412], [42, 0.10980392157, 0.38823529412, 0.18823529412], [43, 0.70980392157, 0.78823529412, 0.55686274510], [51, 0.64705882353, 0.54901960784, 0.18823529412], [52, 0.80000000000, 0.72941176471, 0.48627450980], [71, 0.88627450980, 0.88627450980, 0.75686274510], [72, 0.78823529412, 0.78823529412, 0.46666666667], [73, 0.60000000000, 0.75686274510, 0.27843137255], [74, 0.46666666667, 0.67843137255, 0.57647058824], [81, 0.85882352941, 0.84705882353, 0.23921568628], [82, 0.66666666667, 0.43921568628, 0.15686274510], [90, 0.72941176471, 0.84705882353, 0.91764705882], [95, 0.43921568628, 0.63921568628, 0.72941176471], ]) for row in uses: use_cmap[int(row[0]),:-1] = row[1:] use_cmap = ListedColormap(use_cmap) def show_img(name): plt.figure(figsize = (2,2)) with ZipFile(f"data/images.zip") as zf: with zf.open(name) as f: buf = io.BytesIO(f.read()) B = np.load(buf) plt.imshow(B, cmap=use_cmap, vmin=0, vmax=255) return B for i in range(10): show_img(f"area{str(i).zfill(4)}.npy") In [ ]: