CS代考 ⃝c 2004-2010 . Lumetta. All rights reserved. 1 ECE391: Computer Systems Engineering Lecture No

⃝c 2004-2010 . Lumetta. All rights reserved. 1 ECE391: Computer Systems Engineering Lecture Notes Set 0
Review Material
This set of notes reviews material that you have probably already seen in ECE190 or ECE290 (or CS225). If you took neither ECE190 nor CS225, some of it may be new to you; the TAs might also talk about some of this material in the first couple of discussion sections, and both MP1 and MP2 will require you to make use of it. Regardless of your previous experience, you may want to scan the list of terms at the end of these notes and review the definitions for any terms that seem unclear to you. In order to make the notes more useful as a reference, definitions are highlighted with boldface, and italicization emphasizes pitfalls.
The notes begin with a review of how information is represented in modern digital computers, highlighting the use of memory addresses as pointers to simplify the representation of complex information types. The next topic is the systematic decomposition of tasks into subtasks that can be executed by a computer, and an example based on a pointer-based data structure. Moving on to high-level languages, and particularly the C language, the notes continue with a review of type and variable declarations in C as well as the use of structures, arrays, and new types. The next topic is C operators, with some discussion of the more subtle points involved in their use. After revisiting the decomposition example as written in C, the notes discuss implicit and explicit conversions between types. Finally, the notes conclude with a review of C’s preprocessor. We deliberately omit the basics of C syntax as well as descriptions of C conditional (if/else and switch) and iteration (while, do, and for loops) statements.
Representation as Bits
Modern digital computers represent all information as sets of binary digits, i.e., 0s and 1s, or bits. Whether you are representing something as simple as an integer or as complex as an undergraduate thesis, the data are simply a bunch of 0s and 1s inside a computer. For any given type of information, a human selects a data type for the information. A data type (often called just a type) consists of both a size in bits and a representation, such as the 2’s complement representation for signed integers, or the ASCII representation for English text. A representation is a way of encoding the things being represented as a set of bits, with each bit pattern corresponding to a unique object or thing.
In general, computers do not interpret the bits that they store. A typical instruction set architecture (ISA) supports a handful of data types in hardware in the sense that it provides hardware support for operations on those data types. Most modern arithmetic logic units (ALUs), for example, support addition and subtraction of both unsigned and 2’s complement representations, with the specific data type (such as 16- or 64-bit 2’s complement) depending on the ISA. Data types and operations not supported by the ISA must be handled in software using a small set of primitive operations, which form the instructions available in the ISA. Instructions usually include data movement instructions such as loads and stores and control instructions such as branches and subroutine calls in addition to operations.
Pointers and Data Structures
One particularly important type of information is memory addresses. Imagine that we have stored some bits represent- ing the number 42 at location 0100100100010100 in a computer’s memory. In order to retrieve our stored number, or rather the bits representing it, we must provide the memory with the bits corresponding to the memory location, in this case 0100100100010100. The representation of a memory address as bits is thus straightforward: we simply use the bits that must be provided to the memory in order to retrieve the desired data as the representation for that memory address. Unlike most other types of information, no translation process is necessary; we represent a bunch of bits with a bunch of bits. We might thus think of the bits 0100100100010100 as a pointer to the number 42. They point to our stored number in the sense that the memory, when provided with the pointer, produces the stored number.
It is important to recognize, however, that a pointer is just a bunch of bits, just like any other representation used by a computer. In particular, we can choose to interpret the bits making up a pointer as an unsigned integer, which provides us with a way of ordering the locations in a memory’s address space, as shown to the right for a memory consisting of 232 locations holding 16 bits each, i.e., with an addressability of 16 bits.
16 bits in each location (16−bit addressability)
0 1 2
locations in a 32−bit 3 address space

2 ⃝c 2004-2010 . Lumetta. All rights reserved.
The induced ordering is useful when the representation for some type of in- formation requires more bits than the addressability of the memory. Imagine that you are charged with selecting a representation for the birth and hiring dates of all employees of your company in a memory with 16-bit addressabil- ity. Given a reasonable set of assumptions about the range of possible values, representing two dates with only 16 bits is quite challenging. Instead, you might decide to use six memory locations for each person, representing each person with 2’s complement integers for the day, month, and year of the two recorded dates. An example appears to the right. Such a multi-location repre- sentation is often called a data structure, because the information represented is made up of several components, or fields, each of which has a data type. In this case, all of the fields are 16-bit 2’s complement integers, but the fields of a data structure need not in general have the same type.
1,234,560 1,234,561 1,234,562 1,234,563 1,234,564 1,234,565
(1 = January) (1982)
(8 = August) (2004)
0000 0000 0001 0110
0000 0000 0000 0001
0000 0111 1011 1110
0000 0000 0001 0000
0000 0000 0000 1000
0000 0111 1101 0100
In the example above, the value 1,234,560 (i.e., the bit pattern 00000000000100101101011010000000) is a pointer to the employee structure, and all fields of the data structure reside at fixed offsets from this pointer. To find the hiring month, for example, one adds four to the pointer and retrieves the value from the resulting memory address (i.e., treat- ing the sum again as a pointer).
Multiple instances of a certain type are often represented as arrays. Again using the ordering induced by treating memory addresses as unsigned integers, the bits for each element of the array are simply laid out se- quentially in memory, with each element occupying whatever number of memory locations is necessary for the data type. We refer to this number as the size of the type, and (usually) measure it in terms of the address- ability of the memory system. Given the address of the first element of an array, we can easily calculate the address of any element by simply adding a multiple of the size of the type. For convenience, we number array elements starting with 0, allowing us to use the product of the array index and the type size as the offset for any given element. All array elements must be of the same size in order for this calculation to work properly. In the example shown to the right, we find element 2 by adding 2 × 6 to 1,234,560. The result, 1,234,572, is a pointer to element 2 of the array. We can also think of the pointer 1,234,572 as a pointer to an array with two fewer elements than the original array.
0000 0000 0001 0110
0000 0000 0000 0001
0000 0111 1011 1110
0000 0000 0001 0000
0000 0000 0000 1000
0000 0111 1101 0100
0000 0000 0000 1101
0000 0000 0000 0111
0000 0111 1100 1011
0000 0000 0001 0011
0000 0000 0000 1001
0000 0111 1101 1110
0000 0000 0001 0010
0000 0000 0000 0011
0000 0111 1100 0000
0000 0000 0000 0101
0000 0000 0000 0110
0000 0111 1101 0101
1,234,560 1,234,561 1,234,562 1,234,563 1,234,564 1,234,565 1,234,566 1,234,567 1,234,568 1,234,569 1,234,570 1,234,571 1,234,572 1,234,573 1,234,574 1,234,575 1,234,576 1,234,577
Multidimensional arrays are usually handled by thinking of each of the lower dimensions in the array as a new type of data. For example, let’s say that we want to create an array of our double-date structures with seven rows and five columns, as shown in the following figure. We begin by thinking about an array of five double-date structures. Each row in our two-dimensional array is simply an array of five double-date structures. Our entire two dimensional array is then an array of seven of the arrays of five. When we lay it out in memory, the arrays of five are again laid out consecutively.
(1 = January) (1982)
(8 = August) (2004)
(7 = July) (1995)
(9 = September) (2014)
(3 = March) (1984)
(6 = June) (2005)
The duality between pointers and arrays, by which any pointer can be
treated as an array, and any array can be treated as a pointer, is both useful
and a potential source of confusion. If, for example, you create an array
of ten of our double-date structures, and write code that takes a pointer
to the array of ten and accesses the eleventh (element 10), your code will
proceed to read garbage bits from the memory. Adding 10 × 6 to the
pointer to element 0 does produce a valid memory address, but neither the contents of that address nor those of the subsequent five addresses were intended to be a double-date structure. With any pointer (i.e., memory address), your program must keep track of the type of the data to which the pointer points. With a pointer to an array, your code must also keep track of the size of the array. To a computer, bits are just bits.

element 2 of array
element 0 of array
element 1 of array
… …

⃝c 2004-2010 . Lumetta. All rights reserved. 01234
logical view: an array of
0 1 2
first array of 5 (row 0)
double−date structures 3
intermediate view: an array of7
arrays of 5 double−date structures
with 7 rows and 5 columns
4 5 6
row 4, column 3
memory view:
35 consecutive double−date structures
second array of 5 (row 1)
How do we find an element in our two-dimensional array? Let’s say that we want to access row 4 and column 3. The size of the array of five is 5 × 6 = 30, and we are looking for row 4, so we multiply 4 × 30 and add it to the pointer tothestartofthearraytofindapointertorow4. Wethenmultiply3×6andaddittothepointertorow4toobtaina pointer to the desired array element. As you may have already observed, the duality between arrays and pointers also holds for multi-dimensional arrays: we can choose to view our two-dimensional array as an one-dimensional array of 35 structures if it is useful or convenient to do so.
Arrays of Pointers
As mentioned earlier, a pointer is simply a type of information. In practice, it is often useful to associate the type of information to which a pointer points with the pointer itself, but this association is purely an abstraction and has no effect on the bits used to represent the pointer. However, mentally distinguishing a pointer to an integer from a pointer to one of the double- date data structures from our running examples can help when discussing our next step: a pointer may point to a pointer, which may in turn point to another pointer, and so forth.
As a simple example, rather than building an array of our double-date struc- tures in memory, we might instead build an array of pointers to double-date structures, as shown to the right. The upper block in the figure shows the first two pointers in our array of pointers; each pointer occupies 32 bits, or two memory locations. The lower block in the figure shows the first structure referenced by the array; the address of this structure is stored as element 0 in our array of pointers. The middle block in the figure shows the second structure referenced by the array, i.e., the structure to which el- ement 1 of the array points. Given a pointer—227,660—to the array, we obtain a pointer to element 1 by adding 2, the size of a pointer, to the array pointer. The data at that memory address are then the address of the desired structure, in this case the pointer 765,432.
227,660 227,661 227,662 227,663
1101 0110 1000 0000
0000 0000 0001 0010
1010 1101 1111 1000
0000 0000 0000 1011
0000 0000 0000 1101
0000 0000 0000 0111
0000 0111 1100 1011
0000 0000 0001 0011
0000 0000 0000 1001
0000 0111 1101 1110
765,432 (13)
765,433 (7 = July)
765,434 (1995)
765,435 (19)
765,436 (9 = September)
765,437 (2014)
1,234,560 (22)
1,234,561 (1 = January)
1,234,562 (1982)
1,234,563 (16)
1,234,564 (8 = August)
1,234,565 (2004)
0000 0000 0001 0110
0000 0000 0000 0001
0000 0111 1011 1110
0000 0000 0001 0000
0000 0000 0000 1000
0000 0111 1101 0100
What is the difference between using an array of pointers to structures and
using an array of structures? With an array of structures, finding the ad-
dress of any desired element is easy, requiring only a multiplication and an
addition. Using an array of pointers to structures introduces another memory access to retrieve the structure pointer from the array. However, if we want to move elements around within the array, or want to be able to have the same structure appear more than once in the array, using an array of pointers makes our task much easier, as moving and copying pointers is easier than moving and copying whole data structures, particularly if the data structures are large. Similarly, using an array of pointers allows us to use a special value (usually 0) to indicate that some elements do not exist, which may reduce the amount of memory needed to store an array for which the size changes while the program executes.
… … … …

4 ⃝c 2004-2010 . Lumetta. All rights reserved. Pointers within Data Structures
Just as we can form arrays of pointers, we can also include pointers as fields within data struc- tures. For example, we can extend our double-date structure by appending a field that points to another double-date structure, as shown to the right. This new structure can then be linked together, from one to the next, to form a list of structures representing the birth and hiring dates for all employees of a company. We call such a structure a linked list, with the pointer field forming the link between each element in the list and the subsequent element. A single pointer then suffices to indicate the location of the start of the list, and a special value (again, 0) is used to indicate the end of the list.
The figure below illustrates a linked list of two employees. The upper part of the figure is
the logical list structure, and the lower part is a possible organization in memory. For this figure, we have deliberately changed both the addresses and bits for each memory location into hexadecimal form. Hexadecimal notation is easier for humans to parse and remember than is binary notation. However, use of hexadecimal is purely a notational convenience and does not change the bits actually stored in a computer.
birth day
birth month
birth year
hiring day
hiring month
hiring year
pointer to next structure
(end of list)
head of list
0x0003794C 0xD620 0x0003794D 0x0012
0x0012D620 0x0012D621 0x0012D622 0x0012D623 0x0012D624 0x0012D625 0x0012D626 0x0012D627
0x0016 (22) 0x000BADF8
0x000D (13) 0x0007 (7 = July)
0x07CB (1995)
0x0013 (19)
0x0009 (9 = September)
0x0001 (1 = January) 0x07BE (1982) 0x0010 (16)
0x0008 (8 = August) 0x07D4 (2004) 0xADF8
What is the difference between using a linked list and using an array of pointers? A linked list requires only one pointer per element in the list, plus one extra for the list head, and does not require a programmer to guess the maximum size of the list in advance. In contrast, an array of pointers contains a fixed number of pointers; this number must be chosen in advance, and must be large enough for all executions of the program, even if most executions require far fewer list elements than this theoretical maximum. The array itself can be resized dynamically, but doing so requires extra memory accesses and copying. The speed of access in an array is its primary advantage. For comparison, getting to the middle of a list means reading all of the pointers from the head of the list to the desired element. More sophisti- cated data structures using multiple pointers to provide more attractive tradeoffs between space and operation speed are possible; you will see some of these in ECE391, but are not assumed to have already done so.
Systematic Decomposition
We are now ready to shift gears and talk about the process of turning a specification for a program into a working program. Essentially, given a well-defined task expressed at some suitably high level of abstraction, we want to be able to systematically transform the task into subtasks that can be executed by a computer. We do so by repeatedly breaking each task into subtasks until we reach the desired level, i.e., until each of the remaining tasks requires only a machine instruction or two. The name for this process is systematic decomposition, and the ECE190 textbook by Patt and Patel1 provides a detailed introduction to the ideas; the basics are replicated here for review purposes.
1 Yale N. Patt, . Patel, Introduction to Computing Systems: from Bits & Gates to C & Beyond, second edition, McGraw Hill, , , 2004, ISBN 0-07-246750-9.
0x000BADF9 0x000BADFA 0x000BADFB 0x000BADFC 0x000BADFD 0x000BADFE 0x000BADFF
0x07DE (2014) 0x0000

⃝c 2004-2010 . Lumetta. All rights reserved.
first subtask
are we done iterating?
subtask for one iteration
When writing a program, it is often helpful to get out a sheet of paper and draw a few pictures of the data structures before trying to write code. Similarly, it is often useful to explicitly draw the organization of the code, which is where systematic decomposition comes into play. Begin by drawing a single box that implements the entire task. Next, repeatedly select a box that cannot be implemented with a single machine instruction and break it down into smaller tasks using one of the three constructions shown above: sequential, iterative, or conditional. Some tasks require a se- quence of subtasks; for these, we use the sequential construction, breaking the original task into two or more subtasks. Some tasks require repetition of a particular subtask. These make use of the iterative construction; determining the condition for deciding when the iterative process should end is critical to using such a construction. Finally, some tasks divide into two (or possibly more) subtasks based on some condition. To make use of the conditional construction, this test must be stated explicitly, and the steps for each outcome clearly stated.
Example: Decomposing Linked List Removal
(first iteration)
(first iteration)
(second iteration)
(third iteration)
(fourth iteration)
(fifth iteration)
As an example, let’s decompose the
task of removing one of our double-
date data structures from a linked
list. For this task, we are given two
input variables. The variable head
holds a pointer to the list head, and
the variable elt holds a pointer to
the element to be removed from the
list. The variable names represent
the addresses at which these values
are stored. Thus, at the register
transfer language (RTL) level, we obtain a pointer to the first list element by reading from M[head], the memory location to which head points. The figure to the right shows a picture of the list with one possible value of elt, for which the dotted line and cross indicate the change to be made to the data structure in order to remove elt from the list.
The basic operation for removal is thus to iterate over the list elements until we find the element that we want to remove, then change the element’s predecessor’s link to point to the element’s successor, as illustrated in the diagram. For this purpose, we make use of two additional variables that we keep in registers. The first, ptr to link, points to the link that might be changed, i.e., either the link field of a list element or to the memory location in which the pointer to the first element is held. The second, current, is simply the value to which ptr to link points. When current has the value 0, we have reached the end of the list. The current variable is thus a pointer to a double-date structure, while the ptr to link variable is a pointer to a pointer to a double-date structure.
subtask when condition holds
does some condition hold?
subtask when condition does not hold
second subtask
ptr_to_link ptr_to_link ptr_to_link ptr_to_link ptr_to_link
(second iteration) (third iteration) (fourth iteration) (fifth iteration) (last iteration)

⃝c 2004-2010 . Lumetta. All rights reserved.
initialize variables
are we done with the list?
have we Y found elt?
write new link value
find and remove desired element
handle one element and advance
advance to next element
remove element from list
mark list as done
We are now ready to systematically decompose the problem. The flow chart on the left above shows the process after one step of refinement in which we have dedicated a subtask to initializing the ptr to link and current variables. For the next step, we decompose the task of finding and removing the desired element from the list. As discussed, this step requires that we iterate over the elements of the list, so we use an iterative construction, first testing whether we have reached the end of the list, then handling one element as the iterated subtask. We next decompose the process for handling a single list element into two cases using a conditional construction. If the current list element is not equal to elt, we move on to the next element in the list. If the current list element is equal to elt, we remove it from the list by overwriting the link pointer, at which point we are done with the task and can leave the loop. To do so, we update our variables to indicate that the loop has completed. The last refinement shown, at the right side of the figure above, shows a sequential decomposition of the task of removing an element into overwriting the link pointer and marking the list as done (by setting the current variable to 0, NOT by changing the list).
At this point, we are ready to transform the tasks into RTL- level instructions. We use three registers in our code. Reg- isterR1holdsptrtolink,i.e.,thepointertothepointer to the element being considered for removal as we traverse the list. Register R2 holds current, a pointer to the ele- ment being considered. We find current by dereferenc- ing ptr to link, i.e., by reading from the memory loca- tion to which ptr to link points. Finally, register R3 is a temporary used to hold a pointer to the successor of elt when removing it.
We initialize our variables by setting R1 equal to head and dereferencing R1 to find R2. We compare R2 with 0 to decide whether or not we have finished the list. If not, we check whether we have found elt by comparing it with R2. If not (the left side of the conditional), we must advance R1 to point to the link field of the next element in the list. Since R2 already points to the data structure, we need merely add the offset of the link field, which is 6 assuming our example memory, and store the result in R1. We then dereference the new value of R1 to find the new value of R2 and continue with the next iteration. Once we find elt (the right side of the conditional), we read the value of the link field in the current element (again at offset 6 from R2) and write it into the predecessor’s link field (pointed to by R1), completing the removal of elt. We then set R2 to 0 to end the loop. Once we have fully decomposed the problem, two minor optimizations become apparent (dashed lines in figure).
R1 <− head R2 <− M[R1] N R2 equals 0? N R2 equals M[elt]? Y Y R1 <− R2 + 6 R3 <− M[R2 + 6] R2 <− M[R1] M[R1] <− R3 R2 <− 0 END (optimization) (optimization) ⃝c 2004-2010 . Lumetta. All rights reserved. 7 As an exercise, try to systematically decompose the problem of inserting a new element into a linked list, given the address of the head of the list and the address of the new list element. The simple version inserts the element at the front of the list, but try writing a second version that inserts the element at the end of the list. Designing Iterations Systematic decomposition provides a sound basis for one’s first steps in programming, but addresses only the procedu- ral aspects of a program. While low-level programming tasks are almost always procedural in nature, many high-level decisions involve reasoning about the choice of interfaces between large code modules and the data structures used to implement those code modules. In practice, success with these latter design problems requires substantial program- ming experience and exposure to previous approaches, and in that sense is more the topic of our course than review material. However, systematic decomposition can also sometimes lead to code that favors structure over clarity and simplicity, and you should already be aware of alternative systematic approaches (or, perhaps, extensions) that can help you to build your programming skills. Towards this end, we outline how a more experienced programmer designs an iterative task by asking a sequence of questions about the iteration: 1. What is the task to be repeated? 2. What invariants hold at the start of each iteration, i.e., what statements do we know to be true at these times? 3. Under what stopping conditions should we end the iteration? 4. What should be done when we stop? The action might be different for each stopping condition. 5. How do we prepare for the first iteration? 6. How do we update variables between iterations? You might notice that the early description and figure used to describe the linked list removal problem hinted at the answers to these questions, which reflects the degree to which this process becomes internalized and automatic. The concept of an invariant alone is quite powerful and useful in many other contexts, such as the design of data structures and algorithms, while stopping conditions are fully analogous to the base cases in recursive constructs. We end by explicitly reviewing the answers for the case of linked list removal and showing that this approach leads directly to the optimized form of the process. The task to be repeated is consideration of a single list element for removal. We define two variables to help with the removal, defining their contents as our invariants. In particular ptr to link points to the link that might be changed, and current is the value to which ptr to link points. Note that these definitions do not necessarily hold in the middle of the iteration. We end the loop when we either (1) reach the end of the list, in which case we did not find the element to be removed (and might choose to return an error condition), or (2) find the element to be removed, in which case we do so. To prepare for the first iteration, we need merely initialize our two variables to match their defining invariants. To update, we change the variables to point to the next element. As current is defined to be the value to which ptr to link points, we can always use one subtask to set it up once ptr to link is ready, whether we are preparing for the first iteration or any other. Data Types in C We’re now ready to move up a level of abstraction and to review the same set of concepts as they appear in the language C. High-level languages typically associate types with data in order to reduce the chance that the bits making up an individual datum are misused or misinterpreted accidentally. If, for example, you store your name in a computer’s memory as a sequence of ASCII characters and write an assembly program to add consecutive groups of four characters as 2’s complement integers and to print the result to the screen, the computer will not complain about the fact that your code produces meaningless garbage. In contrast, most high-level languages will give you at least a warning, since such implicit re-interpretations of the bits are rarely intentional and thus rarely correct. The compiler can also generate the proper conversion code automatically when the transformations are intentional, as is often the case with arithmetic. 8 ⃝c 2004-2010 . Lumetta. All rights reserved. Some high-level languages, such as Java, go a step further and actually prevent programmers from changing the type of a given datum (in most cases). If you define a type that represents one of your favorite twenty colors, for example, you are not allowed to turn a color into an integer, despite the fact that the color is represented as a handful of bits. Such languages are said to be strongly typed. The C language is not strongly typed, and programmers are free to interpret any bits in any manner they see fit. Taking advantage of this ability in any but a few exceptional cases, however, usually results in arcane and non-portable code, and is thus considered to be bad programming practice. We discuss conversion between types in more detail later in these notes. Each high-level language defines a number of primitive data types, i.e., types that are always available in the language, as well as ways of defining new types in terms of these primitives. The primitive data types in C are signed and unsigned integers of various sizes, single- and double-precision floating-point numbers, and pointers. New types can be defined as arrays of an existing type, structures with named fields, and enumerations (e.g., red, yellow, or blue). The primitive integer types in C include both unsigned and 2’s complement representations. These types were originally defined so as to give reasonable performance when code was ported. In particular, the int type is intended to be the native integer type for the target ISA, which was often faster than trying to use larger or smaller integer types on a given machine. When C was standardized, these types were defined so as to include a range of existing C compilers rather than requiring all compilers to produce uniform results. At the time, most workstations and mainframes were 32-bit machines, while most personal computers were 16-bit, thus flexibility was somewhat desirable. With the GCC compiler on Linux, the C types are defined in the table above. Although the int and long types are usually the same, there is a semantic difference in common usage. In particular, on most architectures and most compilers, a long has enough bits to hold a pointer, while an int may not. When in doubt, the size in bytes of any type or variable can be found using the built-in C function sizeof. Over time, the flexibility of size in C types has become less important (except for the embedded markets, where one often wants even more accurate bit-width control), and the fact that the size of an int can vary from machine to machine and compiler to compiler has become more a source of headaches than a helpful feature. In the late 1990s, a new set of fixed-size types were recommended for inclusion in the C library, reflecting the fact that many companies had already developed and were using such definitions to make their programs platform-independent. Although these types—shown in the table above—are not yet commonplace, we encourage you to make use of them. In Linux, they can be used by including the stdint.h header file in user code or the linux/types.h header file in kernel code. Floating-point types in C include float and double, which correspond respectively to single- and double-precision IEEE floating-point values. Although the 32-bit float type can save memory compared with use of 64-bit double values, C’s math library works with double-precision values, and single-precision data are uncommon in scientific and engineering codes. Single-precision floating-point currently dominates the graphics industry, but even there support for double-precision will be prevalent soon. Pointer types in C are formed by appending asterisks to the name of a type. For example, an int* is a pointer to an int, and a double* is a pointer to a double. The void* type is a generic pointer, and serves as a generic mem- ory address. Pointers can, of course, also point to pointers. For example, a short*** is a pointer to a pointer to a pointer to a short (read it from right to left). Using more than two levels of indirection in this manner is rare, however. 2’s complement unsigned 8 bits char unsigned char 16 bits short short int unsigned short unsigned short int 32 bits int unsigned unsigned int 32 or 64 bits long long int unsigned long unsigned long int 64 bits long long long long int unsigned long long unsigned long long int 2’s complement unsigned 8 bits int8 t uint8 t 16 bits int16 t uint16 t 32 bits int32 t uint32 t 64 bits int64 t uint64 t ⃝c 2004-2010 . Lumetta. All rights reserved. 9 C Variables Variables can be defined in one of two places in C: outside of any function, or at the start of a compound statement (a sequence of statements enclosed by braces). Historically, and in contrast with C++, variables in C could not be defined in the middle of compound statements, nor in expressions (e.g., for loops). Although permitted by recent standards, declaring variables haphazardly tends to obscure type information. The scope of a variable specifies what parts of a program can access the variable, while its storage class specifies when and where in memory the variable is stored. For C variables, both scope and storage class depend on where the variable is defined and upon whether or not the variable definition is preceded by the qualifier static. Variables defined in compound statements, including function bodies, are accessible only within the compound state- ment in which they are defined. Defining a variable with the same name as another variable with a broader (but enclosing) scope shadows the second variable, making it inaccessible within the first variable’s scope. Shadowing variables makes your code harder to read and more likely to contain bugs. A variable defined outside of a function is accessible by any code in the file after its definition. If the variable is not preceded by the static qualifier, it is a global variable, and is also accessible from other files provided that the variable has been declared before being used. Here we distinguish between a variable definition, which results in the creation of a new variable, and a variable declaration, which makes a variable defined elsewhere accessible. In C, variable declarations look the same as definitions, but are preceded by the keyword extern. Header files usually include declarations, for example, but not definitions, since a variable definition in a header file produces a separate copy of the variable for every file that includes the header file. Global variables should be used sparingly, if at all. Variables in C are stored either on the stack or in a static data region allocated when the program is loaded into memory. Variables declared outside of functions are placed in the static data region, as are variables declared in compound statements and preceded by the static qualifier. For any variable declared in a compound statement and without the static qualifier, space is allocated on the stack as part of the function’s stack frame whenever the enclosing function begins execution, and is discarded when the function returns.2 Such variables have automatic storage class. Multiple copies may thus exist if a function can call itself recursively, but only one copy is accessible by name from any given execution of the function. Note that if a static variable is declared inside a compound statement, only one copy exists. That copy is then accessible from all executions of the enclosing function, even if the function calls itself recursively, and the copy persists even when the function is not currently executing, although no code outside of the compound statement can access the variable by name. The short sample code below illustrates variable declarations and definitions. /* must be defined elsewhere */ /* unique copy in static data area */ short function var on stack; /* one copy per call to a function */ unsigned char another stack var; if (arg == 0) return 0; } /*anotherstackvarisnotaccessiblehere. */ function var on stack = arg - 1; return a function (function var on stack); } extern int a declaration; int* a global variable; static double a file scope variable; int a function (short int arg) { { static long int function var; 2Stack frames, also known as activation records, are covered in detail for the x86 ISA in the next set of notes. 10 ⃝c 2004-2010 . Lumetta. All rights reserved. Structures and Arrays Structures can be defined in C using the struct keyword. Struc- ture names technically occupy a separate name space from vari- ables, i.e., one can use a variable and a structure with identical names without syntactic errors, but overloading the meaning of a symbol in this way makes your code hard to read and should be avoided. If not explicitly defined as a new type, as discussed in the next section, structures used to define variables must include the struct keyword in the type name. For example, one can de- fine a structure to represent two dates and then define double-date variables as shown to the right. struct two date t { short birth day; short birth month; short birth year; short hiring day; short hiring month; short hiring year; }; struct two date t my data, your data; Defining a structure does not cause the compiler to allocate storage for such a structure. Rather, the definition merely tells the compiler the types and names of the structure’s fields. Variable declarations for variables with these new types look and are interpreted no differently than variable declarations for primitive data types such as int. A structure definition enables the compiler to generate instructions that operate on the fields of the structure. For example, given a pointer to a double-date structure, the compiler must know how much to add to the pointer to find the address of the hiring month field. The compiler must ensure that the instructions do not violate rules imposed by the architecture, such as address alignment. For example, most ISAs use 8-bit-addressable memory but require that 32-bit loads and stores occur as if the memory were 32-bit-addressable, i.e., only using addresses that are multiples of four. A processor for such an ISA is in fact not capable of performing an unaligned load, and the compiler must avoid generating code that requires any. It does so by inserting padding bytes into the structure to guarantee proper field alignment for the target ISA. Making assumptions about fields offsets and size for a structure is thus risky business and should be avoided. Use the sizeof function to find a structure’s size and the field names to access its fields. As with pointers, arrays of any type can be defined in C by simply appending one or more array dimensions to a variable definition: int array[10]; /* an array of 10 integers */ int multi[5][9]; /* an array of 5 arrays of 9 integers */ struct two date t example[7][5]; /* an array of 7 arrays of 5 double-date structures */ Arrays are laid out sequentially in memory, and the name of the array is equivalent to a pointer to the first subarray (i.e., of one fewer dimensions). With the examples above, array is a pointer to the first of ten ints, multi is a pointer to the first of five arrays of nine ints, and example is a pointer to the first of seven arrays of five two date t structures. Defining New Types in C As we’ve just seen, defining and using simple structures and arrays does not require the creation of new named types, but building complex data structures without intermediate names for the sub-structures or arrays can be confusing and error-prone. New types in C can be defined using the type definition command typedef, which looks exactly like a variable declaration, but instead defines a new data type. Examples appear to the right. The first line creates two new types to represent the width and height of a screen, both of which are simply ints. The second line defines our double-date structure as a structure in its own right, allowing us to define variables, pass parameters, etc., without writing struct over and over again. The last line defines a chess board as an 8-by-8 array of integers. The use of “ t” in the type names is a convention often used to indicate to programmers that the name is a type rather than a variable. Enumerations are another convenient method for defining symbolic names for various sets or one-bit flags. By default, constants in an enum start at 0 and count upwards by 1, but any can be overridden by assignment, and the symbols need not have unique values. typedef int screen width t, screen height t; typedef struct two date t two date t; typedef struct int chessboard t[8][8]; ⃝c 2004-2010 . Lumetta. All rights reserved. 11 A few examples follow. The left example defines three constants and a fourth symbol that can be used to size arrays to hold one value (e.g., a human-readable name) for each of the constants. Constants can also be added or removed, and the last value changes automatically, enabling the compiler to check that arrays have also been updated when such changes are made. The symbolic names are also passed into the debugger, allowing you to use them with variables of type constant t. The middle example defines specific numeric values, some of which are identical. The right example defines a set of values for use as one-bit flags. typedef enum { CONST A, CONST B, CONST C, NUMCONST } constantt; C Operators /*0*/ /*1*/ /*2*/ /*3*/ typedef enum { VALUEA=7,/*7*/ VALUEB, /*8*/ VALUEC=6,/*6*/ VALUED /*7*/ } valuet; typedef enum { FLAGA=1, /*1*/ FLAGB=2, /*2*/ FLAGC=4, /*4*/ FLAGD=8 /*8*/ } flagt; Basic arithmetic operators in C include addition (+), subtraction (-), negation (a minus sign not preceded by another expression), multiplication (*), division (/), and modulus (%). No exponentiation operator exists; instead, library routines are defined for this purpose as well as for a range of more complex mathematical functions. C also supports bitwise operations on integer types, including AND (&), OR (|), XOR (ˆ), NOT (∼), and left (<<) and right (>>) bit shifts. Right shifting a signed integer results in an arithmetic right shift (the sign bit is copied), while right shifting an unsigned integer results in a logical right shift (0 bits are inserted).
A range of relational or comparison operators are available, including equality (==), inequality (!=), and relative order (<, <=, >=, and >). All such operations evaluate to 1 to indicate a true relation and 0 to indicate a false relation. Any non-zero value is considered to be true for the purposes of tests (e.g., in an if statement or a while loop) in C.
Assignment of a new value to a variable or memory location uses a single equal sign (=) in C. The use of two equal signs for an equality check and a single equal sign for assignment is a common source of errors, although modern compilers generally detect and warn about such mistakes. For an assignment, the compiler produces instructions that evaluate the right-hand expression and copy the result into the memory location corresponding to the left-hand expression The value to the left must thus have an associated memory address. Binary operators extended with an equal sign can be used in C to imply the use of the current value of the left side of the operator as the first operand. For example, “A += 5” adds 5 to the current value of the variable A and stores the result back into the variable.
Increment (++) and decrement (–) operators change the value of a variable (or memory location) and produce a result. If the operator is placed before the expression (a pre-increment), the expression produces the new, incremented value. If the operator is placed after the expression (a post-increment), the expression producs the original, unincremented value. The decrement operator works identically, and both of course require that the expression be stored in memory (e.g., use a variable, such as A++).
The address of any expression with an ad- dress can be obtained with the address op- erator (&), and the contents of an address can be read using the dereference opera- tor (*). Combining pointers and addresses with assignments confuses many. Shown to the right are a few examples translating C assignments on variables A and B into RTL. Note that the variable names in the RTL correspond to the memory addresses at which the variables are stored.
A=B; A=*B; A=**B; A=&B; A=&&B; A=*&B; A=&*B;
*A = B;
**A = B;
&A = B;
/* M[A] <- M[B] */ /* M[A] <- M[M[B]] */ /* M[A] <- M[M[M[B]]] */ /* M[A] <- B */ /* not legal: &B has no address */ /* M[A] <- M[B] */ /* M[A] <- M[B] (B must be a pointer) */ /* M[M[A]] <- M[B] */ /* M[M[M[A]]] <- M[B] */ /* not legal: &A has no address */ The C language supports pointer arithmetic, meaning that addition and subtraction are defined for pointer types. The compiler multiplies the value added (or subtracted) by the size of the type to which the pointer points, then adds (or subtracts) the result from the address to produce the new pointer. Thus adding one to a pointer into an array produces a pointer to the next element of the array. 12 ⃝c 2004-2010 . Lumetta. All rights reserved. Two operators are used for field access with structures. With a struc- ture, appending a period (.) followed by a field name accesses the corresponding field. With a structure pointer, one can dereference the structure and then access the field, but the notation is cumbersome, so a second operator (->) is available for this purpose. The code to the right gives a few examples using our double-date structure.
twodatet mydata;
two date t* my data ptr = &my data;
my data.hiring day = 21; (*my data).hiring month = 7; my data->hiring year = 1998;
Several logical operators are available in C to combine the results of multiple test conditions: logical AND (&&), OR (||), and NOT (!). As with relational operators, logical operations evaluate to either true (1) or false (0). The AND and OR operators use shortcut evaluation, meaning that the code produced by the compiler stops evaluating operands as soon as the final result is known. As you know, ANDing any result with 0 (false in C) produces a false result. Thus, if the first operand of a logical AND is false, the second operand is not evaluated. Similarly, if the first operand of a logical OR is true, the second operand is not evaluated. Shortcutting simplifies code structure when some expressions may only be evaluated safely assuming that other conditions are true. For example, if you want to read from a stream f into an uninitialized buffer buf and then check for the presence of the proper string, you can write:
if (NULL != fgets (buf, 200, f) && 0 == strcmp (buf, “absquatulate”)) { /* found the word! */
Calling the string comparison function strcmp on an uninitialized buffer is not safe nor meaningful, thus if the file is empty, i.e., if fgets returns NULL, the second call should not be made. Shortcutting guarantees that it is not.
Example: Linked List Removal Function in C
Let’s now revisit our instruction-level linked list example and develop it as a function in C. First, we’ll need to extend our double-date structure to include a pointer.
As shown to the right, the type definition can precede the structure definition—in fact, by putting the type definition in a header file and keeping the structure definition in the source file containing all structure-related functions, you can prevent other code from making as- sumptions about how you have implemented the structure.
typedef struct two date t two date t;
struct two date t { short birth day;
short birth month; short birth year; short hiring day; short hiring month; short hiring year;
/* pointer to next structure in linked list */
two date t* link; };
The next step is to develop the function signature for the linked list removal function. A function signature or prototype specifies the return type, name, and argument types for a function, but does not actually define the function. This information is enough for the compiler to generate calls to the function as well as to perform basic checks for correct use and to generate necessary type conversions, as discussed later.
The information needed as input to our function consists of a pointer to the element to be removed and a pointer to the head of the linked list. The element being removed might be the first in the list, and our function will be more useful if it can also update the variable holding this pointer rather than requiring every caller to do so.
As you may recall, C arguments are passed by value, meaning that the arguments are evaluated and that the resulting values are copied (usually onto the stack) when a function is called. No C function can change the contents of a variable based only on the value of the variable, thus we must instead pass a pointer to the pointer to the head of the