CS代考 Problem 1

Problem 1
Problem Set 1 Solutions
ECS 20 — Fall 2008
. Student
November 6, 2008
Here you’ll put your solution to problem 1. A most excellent solution to problem 1. Make all of your solutions excellent and you will make me happy. Don’t you want me to be happy?
Problem 2
To turn this file into a dvi file type latex sample.tex. The resulting sample.dvi can be looked at using a previewer such as xdvi (on UNIX) or yap (on Windows), and it can be printed out from those programs. To create a pdf file you can say pdflatex sample.tex.
When working under Windows I use MiKTeX, a free distribution of LATEX and associated pro- grams. You can download it from various web sites; just google miktex. After downloading MiKTeX you can put its directory of executables in your path and use a command prompt (DOS window) to do things, editing your tex-files with a Windows-based version of vi or emacs. Alternatively, get your LATEX distribution under cygwin.
Problem 3
One of the most important aspects of LATEX is its math mode. Mathematical symbols should look like a or X5 or or A∗ij or Ctri; never write something like x in ordinary text mode—it looks terrible, and means something different from x. Indeed you should regard x, x, x, X, and X as all distinct things.
Problem 4
To produce an offset formula you can write things like
􏰀i= i=1
∈ O(n2)
n(n+1) 2

Problem 5
I won’t suggest that becoming good with LATEX is easy; it isn’t. But essentially all computer science researchers use this program nowadays—and lots of other scientists and non-scientists do, too. If you are or want to be a “serious” academic, you should learn to use LATEX. I would say that it is the program of choice even for your essays in English or GE classes—it not just for typesetting technical stuff. There are numerous good books on LATEX. The “classical” one is LaTeX: A Document Preparation System (2nd edition), by . A more recent one is Guide to LaTeX (4th edition), by Kopka and Daly.
Problem 6
I’m afraid that producing drawings for inclusion into LATEX opens up a can of worms (yum). I personally use xfig, Illustrator, or Visio; others use different tools. Regardless, doing beautiful drawings takes substantial time and care. I suggest that, if you do want to typeset your homework solutions, just do any accompanying drawings in pencil or ink.