Assignment 1 Grading Guidelines
¡ñ JSON file generated in Task 1 while scraping your assigned search engine and must contain the following:
¡ð 100 queries.
¡ð Each query having 10 valid results that include valid URLs. (5 points)
¡ñ CSV file of final results after determining relevance between your assigned search engine and Google reference dataset provided by us. File is submitted with a list of the queries, the number of overlapping results, the percent overlap and the Spearman coefficient. Average for all are contained at the bottom (4 points)
¡ñ TXT file that in one paragraph summarizes, over the 100 queries that you ran, how similar your search engine performed relative to Google. (1 point)
¡ñ The three files should be named: hw1.json, hw1.csv, hw1.txt