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What is an Event?
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An event is a signal that a “thing” has happened to a DOM element
This “thing” can be the element loading, a click, or a key press
We can use events to run JavaScript code in response to user actions
What are some examples of events?
Mouse events
Keyboard events
…and more!
Event Handlers
An “event” occurs
A piece of JavaScript code is run
User interacts with page
Adding Event Handlers
1) In HTML
2) DOM Property
3) addEventListener
value=”Click me”
Adding Event Handlers
1) In HTML
2) DOM Property
3) addEventListener
let element = document.getElementById(‘btn’);
element.onclick = () => {
alert(‘Button was clicked!’);
Q function doSomething() { alert(‘hello’);
element.onclick = doSomething();
What’s wrong with this code?
A function doSomething() { alert(‘hello’);
element.onclick = doSomething();
By adding parentheses, we are executing doSomething rather than assigning a function to onclick.
A function doSomething() { alert(‘hello’);
element.onclick = doSomething;
By adding parentheses, we are executing doSomething rather than assigning a function to onclick.
Adding Event Handlers
1) In HTML
2) DOM Property
3) addEventListener
// Definition:
type, // e.g. ‘click’, ‘mousemove’
listener, // the callback
// Example:
let element = document.getElementById(‘btn’);
let handler = () => {
alert(‘button was clicked’);
element.addEventListener(‘click’, handler);
element.removeEventListener(‘click’, handler);
Event Interface
The parameter to an event handler is an event object
document.addEventListener(‘mousemove’, (event) => {
The event object represents the event that has taken place, and has properties describing details of the event
Event Interface Properties
Some of the properties on the event interface include:
event.currentTarget // current element handler is running on
event.timeStamp // time the event was created (in ms)
event.type // name of the event, e.g. ‘click’
Different types of events have specific properties:
event.clientX // A MouseEvent has the X and Y coordinate
event.key // A KeyboardEvent has the keycode of the key that was pressed
Keyboard Events Example
The Event Loop
The event loop is a single-threaded loop which runs in the browser, and manages all events. When an event is triggered, the event is added to the queue.
while (queue.waitForMessage()) {
The Event Loop
JavaScript uses a run-to-completion model, meaning it will not handle a new event until the current event has completed.
Event Capturing and Bubbling
Image Source:
Event Capturing and Bubbling Example
Prevent Default
Some types of DOM elements have default behaviour, e.g.
1.Clicking an input checkbox toggles the checkbox 2.Images have a default drag and drop behaviour to allow
you to drag them into another location
3.Key presses into a text input field has the default
behaviour of entering that text into the input field
To stop the default behaviour of an event, use:
Prevent Default Example
Basketball drag and drop game
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