CS代考 COMP3308/COMP3608, Lecture 1

COMP3308/COMP3608, Lecture 1
Introduction to Artificial Intelligence

Copyright By PowCoder代写 加微信 powcoder

Reference: Russell and Norvig, ch. 1 [ch. 2, ch. 26 – optional]
, COMP3308/3608 AI, week 1, 2022 1

• Administrative matters
• Course overview
• What is AI?
• A brief history
• The state of the art
COMP3308/3608 AI, week 1, 2022 2

Welcome to COMP3308/COMP3608!
• There are >560 students enrolled in this course
• Local and international, from various degrees
• A warm welcome to everyone!
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The world of AI
• The world of AI is exciting and fascinating, with great success stories and even greater in the future, that you can be part of. We will explore it together!
self-driving cars
Amazon Prime Air
Netflix’s movie recommender
https://www.amazon.com/Amazon-Prime-Air/ b?ie=UTF8&node=8037720011
Speech recognition
http://www.newsweek.com/microsoft-speech- recognition-achieves-human-parity-511538
home robots

How the Web Picks my Movies for me

Amazon Alexa personal assistant
https://www.quora.com/Does-Pandora-use-machine-learning https://science.howstuffworks.com/study-elderly-robotic-help.htm
Cancer detection
http://pages.cs.wisc.edu/~olvi/ uwmp/cancer.html
car plate readers
http://www.eutimes.net/2014/11/ new-artificial-intelligence
Automatic_number_plate_recognition -software-capable-of-near-human- level-image-recognition/
, COMP3308/3608 AI, week 1, 2022
Climate prediction
https://www.nature.com/news/how- machine-learning-could-help-to- improve-climate-forecasts-1.22503

Teaching Team
• Unit coordinator and lecturer
• Computer Science Building, room 450
• Teaching assistants
• Closkey
• Moussa
, COMP3308/3608 AI, week 1, 2022

• Lectures
• 2 hours weekly, 10-12 on Monday
• Live-streamed as “Zoom webinar”
• Exception: a few lectures will be pre-recorded (not live-streamed) and available on Canvas in advance to watch during the lecture time
• All lectures will be recorded and available on Canvas from “Recorded lectures”
• Attend or watch the lectures before your tutorial
, COMP3308/3608 AI, week 1, 2022

• Tutorial
Timetable (2)
• 1 hour weekly on Tuesday or Wednesday, start in week 2
• 2 modes depending on your enrolment: face-to-face (CC) or remote (RE)
• The remote will be live-streamed via Zoom as “Zoom meeting”
• Please attend your allocated tutorial
• Several tutorials at the same time, how do you know which is yours? See “activity code” in your timetable.
• 1 tutorial will be recorded and available on Canvas in ‘Recorded lectures”
• COMP3308 and COMP3608: shared lectures, different tutorials, different assignments and exam (very small overlap)
, COMP3308/3608 AI, week 1, 2022

Course Website
• The main place for this course is the Canvas website; we will use it for:
• all teaching materials (unit outline, lecture slides, tutorial notes, tutorial solutions, assignments)
• homework submissions
• posting marks
• All other relevant systems will be linked to Canvas:
• discussion board (Ed Discussion)
• assignment submission system (Grok)
• AI-unit-outline2022-detailed.pdf on Canvas – contains the most important information about this course
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Course Materials
• Lecture slides, tutorial notes and homework questions (part of the tutorial notes) will be available in advance on Saturday morning
• The lecture slides initially will not include the answers to questions and exercises that we will do at the lectures; the complete version with the answers will be uploaded after the lecture
• Tutorial solutions will be available on Wednesday evening (after the last tutorial
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Discussion Board
• We will use Ed Discussion, it is linked to Canvas
• Posting questions
• Post your questions on Ed instead of emailing them to us
• The question will be answered quicker
• When it is answered, it is answered for everybody (and often many students have the same question)
• If you are shy, you can ask your question anonymously!
, COMP3308/3608 AI, week 1, 2022

Automatic Marking Using Grok
• We will use Grok for automarking of the programming assignments
• Not linked to Canvas yet; will be done in due time
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Lecture Recordings
• The lectures will be recorded and available on Canvas
• However, you may not need the recordings
• My lecture slides are very detailed, with many examples
• I put everything important on the slides, including updating the slides after the lecture to add the solutions/answers
• My slides are self-content and intended to help you revise and catch-up quickly
, COMP3308/3608 AI, week 1, 2022

Assessment Overview
1. Weekly homeworks – 4% (individual)
• Every week (except weeks 1 and 13) you need to prepare and submit a homework via Canvas by Tuesday 4pm
• Why not in weeks 1 and 13? Week 1 – no tutorial, week 13 – last week of semester, relax☺
• Why Tuesday 4pm? The first tutorial starts at that time and we discuss the homework solutions at the tutorials
• The homeworks are due in the current week, i.e. the homework for week 2 is due in week 2, the homework for week 3 is due in week 3, etc.
• The homework exercises (typically 1 exercise) are easy and require direct application of the material covered at the lectures. Their aim is to prepare you for the tutorial and encourage you to study steadily during the semester.
• Marking – 4 homeworks only (randomly chosen, the same for all students) will be marked for 1 marks each; marks available in week 13
• Do your homework every week and do not lose easy marks! , COMP3308/3608 AI, week 1, 2022

Homeworks – Submission
• The submission box is under “Assignments” in Canvas, except for 2 weeks when it is under “Quizzes”
• The submission box opens on Saturday 9am and closes on Tuesday 4pm
• No late submissions are allowed; if you miss the homework and have a valid
reason, please apply for Special Consideration
• The exercises for homework are marked on the tutorial notes
• Typically only 1 exercise is for homework, the same for COMP3308 and COMP3608 unless otherwise specified
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Assessment Overview (2)
2. Two assignments
• Assignment 1 (12%) – out Friday week 3, due Friday week 7; individual
• Code only
• Automarked in Grok against testcases
• You cam submit multiple times – each time you will receive feedback about the passed and failed test cases
• Assignment 2 (24%) – out Monday week 8, due Friday week 10; individual or in pairs (no more than 2 people are allowed)
• Code + report
• Code – automarked in Grok; report – marked by your tutor
• Assignments are due at 11.59pm
• Given a problem, you need to apply AI algorithms to solve it
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Assessment Overview (3)
• For the programming parts: only Python is allowed
• If you don’t know Python well or need a refresher, you can do a Python
course on Grok – 2 courses are linked from Modules:
• These courses are excellent!
, COMP3308/3608 AI, week 1, 2022

Assessment Overview (3)
• Important: Start working on the assignments as soon as possible, do not delay them till a few days before the deadline!
• They are complex assignments
• Remember that all programming assignments, even the ones that look simple, almost always require much more time than expected –  times more!
3. Exam: 60% (individual), during the examination period
• Online, proctored Record+
• Duration: 2 hours
• A minimum of 24 marks on the exam (40%) is required to pass the course
• We will talk more about the exam in week 13 and provide sample exam questions
, COMP3308/3608 AI, week 1, 2022

Late Submissions
• Homeworks: no late submissions are allowed
• Assignments:
• Late submissions are allowed up to 3 days late
• A penalty of 5% per day will apply
• Assignments more than 3 days late will not be accepted
• The day cut-off is 11:59
• The submission boxes close exactly at the deadline time
• Submit early to avoid last minute problems and busy systems!
• Assignments – you can submit multiple times (unlimited) before the deadline
• Homeworks – usually multiple submissions are allowed, sometimes 1 only – read the instructions
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Pre-requisites and Assumed Knowledge
• Pre-requisites: None
• Assumed knowledge:
• Algorithms. Programming skills.
• Only Python will be allowed • Warning:
• Do not attempt this course without good programming skills as the assignments are difficult
• The required programming skills are COMP2123 Data Structures and Algorithms or equivalent
• Do not attempt this course out of sequence, e.g. in your first year at Uni. It is a third year (senior) course.
, COMP3308/3608 AI, week 1, 2022

Textbooks and Recommended Books
• Textbook
• and , Artificial Intelligence: A Modern Approach, Pearson, 4th edition, 2020 (previous edition is OK)
• Recommended book
• , , and , Data Mining – Practical Machine Learning Tools and Techniques, , 2017 (previous edition is OK)
, COMP3308/3608 AI, week 1, 2022

Special Considerations (SC) due to Illness or Misadventure
• There is a centralized Uni system: http://sydney.edu.au/special-consideration
• Applications are submitted online, after login to “myUni”
• You are required to submit the SC form within 3 working days
from the date when the assessment was due
• Applications are assessed by the University Student Administration Services (SAS) unit, only the non-standard cases are forwarded to me for approval
, COMP3308/3608 AI, week 1, 2022

Information from the Disability Services Office
Do you have a disability that impacts on your studies?
• You may not think of yourself as having a ‘disability’ but the definition under the Disability Discrimination Act (1992) is broad and includes temporary or chronic medical conditions, physical or sensory disabilities, psychological conditions and learning disabilities
• The types of disabilities we see include:/
• Autism, ADHD, Bipolar disorder, Broken bones, Cancer, Cerebral palsy, Chronic fatigue syndrome, Crohn’s disease, Cystic fibrosis, Depression Diabetes, Dyslexia, Epilepsy, Hearing impairment, Learning disability, Mobility impairment, Multiple sclerosis and much more.
• In order to get assistance, students need to register with Disability Services. It is advisable to do this as early as possible. Please contact us or review our website to find out more.
• Disability Services Office, sydney.edu.au/disability, phone: 02 8627 8422
, COMP3308/3608 AI, week 1, 2022

from the University
COVID-19: Help keep our campus safe
• The University is following the NSW Government and NSW Health guidance
• Please follow these safety precautions:
✓ Stay home if you are sick
✓ Wash hands regularly
✓ Avoid physical greetings
✓ Wear a mask – currently compulsory indoors => Please wear a mask during the tutorials!
✓ Cough or sneeze into your elbow or a tissue
✓ Keep 1.5m away from others
, COMP3308/3608 AI, week 1, 2022

from the University
COVID-19: Feeling unwell?
• Stay at home
• If you are feeling unwell with any COVID-19 symptoms
• If you have been directed to self-isolate
• Get tested
• If you are feeling unwell with COVID-19 symptoms, please get tested as
soon as possible
• Did you test positive?
• Yes? If you have visited campus within the last 72 hours you must
advise the University via:
• email or
• call +61 2 9351 2000 (select option 1)
• Stay informed
• Monitor the list of confirmed COVID case locations on campus to check for potential exposure and follow the NSW Health isolation and testing
, COMP3308/3608 AI, week 1, 2022

from the University
COVID-19: Support and care
• If you become infected with COVID-19 during the semester, or need to isolate, and need to explain absence, please notify your unit of study coordinator – we don’t keep attendance in this course
• If COVID-19 isolation or illness impacts assessment, use the usual mechanisms including simple extensions and special consideration to arrange reasonable adjustments:
• https://www.sydney.edu.au/covid-19/students/study-information/test- exams-assessment.html#consideration
• Further information
• https://www.sydney.edu.au/covid-19/students/support-
• https://www.sydney.edu.au/covid-19/students/study- information.html
, COMP3308/3608 AI, week 1, 2022

Tips for learning online
For tips and guides on learning online and the tools you will use, refer to Learning while off campus resources in Canvas
Emergency procedures on campus
In the unlikely event of an emergency, we may need to evacuate the building
If we need to evacuate, we will ask you to take your belongings and follow the green exit signs
We will move a safe distance from the building and maintain physical distancing whilst waiting until the emergency is over
In some circumstances, we might be asked to remain inside the building for our own safety
More information is available at www.sydney.edu.au/emergency
from the University
, COMP3308/3608 AI, week 1, 2022

Cheating and Plagiarism
Please read the Uni policy on Academic Honesty carefully: https://sydney.edu.au/students/academic-integrity.html
All cases of academic dishonesty and plagiarism will be investigated
There is a centralized Uni system and database Three types of offenses:
• Plagiarism – when you copy from another student, website or other source. This includes copying the whole assignment/exam or a part of it.
• Academic dishonesty – when you make your work available to another student to copy (the whole assignment/exam or a part of it). There are other examples of academic dishonesty.
• Misconduct – when you engage another person to complete your assignment/exam (or a part of it), for payment or not. This is very serious and the Policy requires that your case is forwarded to the University Registrar for investigation.
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• The penalties are severe and include:
1) a permanent record of academic dishonesty, plagiarism and misconduct
in the University database
2) mark deduction, ranging from 0 for the assignment to Fail for the course
3) expulsion from the University and cancelling of your student visa
• Do not confuse legitimate co-operation and cheating! You can discuss the assignment with another student, this is a legitimate collaboration, but you cannot complete the assignment together – everyone must write their own code or report, unless the assignment is group work.
• When there is copying between students, note that both students are penalised – the student who copies and the student who makes his/her work available for copying
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Plagiarism Detection
• We will use similarity detection software to compare your assignments with these of other students (current and previous) and the Internet
• TurnItIn for text documents
• Grok’s system for code
• These tools are extremely good!
• They cannot be fooled by a small change in the sentence (text) or changing the names of the variables or changing the order of the conditions in if-else statements (code)
, COMP3308/3608 AI, week 1, 2022

Student Excuses
• Real cases from our school for assignments; the student excuses are not acceptable and both parties were penalized:
• I posted parts of my code on my web page (group discussion) because my solution was cool (or I wanted to help them). I didn’t expect them to copy.
• I tried to do the assignment on my own but I had problems with the extension part that I couldn’t fix, so I submitted my core part and his extension part. I didn’t cheat.
• I finished my assignment but my friend had family problems. I felt sorry for her, so I gave her my assignment as an example. She said she only wanted to have a look and promised not to copy it.
• He is my best friend. I had no choice but to let him copy my assignment.
, COMP3308/3608 AI, week 1, 2022

Cheating at the exam?
• Don’t even think about this!
• The exam is proctored
• The questions are not easily googalable
• You don’t need to cheat – you can do well without cheating!
• There are huge risks and penalties – it is not worth it!
• Please do not cheat. You will be caught. The penalties are huge. The stress of going through the investigation is immense. The investigation takes many months and your mark will not be finalised until it is completed, your graduation may be delayed, you may have problems enrolling in other courses.
• It is not worth it. You will regret it all your life.
, COMP3308/3608 AI, week 1, 2022

Cheating and Plagiarism – Key Message
• Plagiarism and any form of academic dishonesty will be dealt with and the penalties are severe
• We use plagiarism detection systems that are extremely good. If you cheat, the chances you will be caught are very high.
• Always submit your own work and sit your own tests and exams
• If someone asks you to see or copy your assignment/exam, or to complete the assignment/exam instead of them, just say: I can’t do this. This is against the University policy. I will not risk my future by doing this.
Be smart and don’t risk your future by engaging in plagiarism and academic dishonesty!
, COMP3308/3608 AI, week 1, 2022

Course Overview
• Introduction
• Problem solving and search
• Game playing ——————–
• Machine learning
• Neural networks (yes, deep learning too)
• Probabilistic reasoning and inference
• Unsupervised learning
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Problem Solving and Search – Example
• Route (path) finding problem
• On holiday in Italy, currently in Venice
• The semester has started, you must return to Sydney!
• Flight leaves tomorrow from Rome
• What is the shortest route from Venice to Rome? (cheapest, most pleasant, etc.)
• How can this problem be represented in terms of states, operators and cost function? What search algorithms can be used to find a solution?
• Are these algorithms guaranteed to find a solution if

程序代写 CS代考 加微信: powcoder QQ: 1823890830 Email: powcoder@163.com