代写代考 COMP9313: Big Data Management

COMP9313: Big Data Management
Course web site: http://www.cse.unsw.edu.au/~cs9313/

Mining Data Streams II

: Filtering Data Streams

Filtering Data Streams
❖ Each element of data stream is a tuple
❖ Given a list of keys S
❖ Determine which tuples of stream are in S
❖ Obvious solution: Hash table
➢ But suppose we do not have enough memory to store all of S in
a hash table
 E.g., we might be processing millions of filters on the same stream

❖ Example: Email spam filtering
➢ We know 1 billion “good” email addresses
➢ If an email comes from one of these, it is NOT spam
❖ Publish-subscribe systems
➢ You are collecting lots of messages (news articles)
➢ People express interest in certain sets of keywords
➢ Determine whether each message matches user’s interest

First Cut Solution (1)
❖ Given a set of keys S that we want to filter
❖ Create a bit array B of n bits, initially all 0s
❖ Choose a hash function h with range [0,n)
❖ Hash each member of s S to one of n buckets, and set that bit to 1, i.e., B[h(s)]=1
❖ Hash each element a of the stream and output only those that hash to bit that was set to 1
➢ Output a if B[h(a)] == 1

First Cut Solution (2)
Output the item since it may be in S. Item hashes to a bucket that at least one of the items in S hashed to.
Hash func h
Bit array B It hashes to a bucket set
Drop the item.
to 0 so it is surely not in S.
❖ Creates false positives but no false negatives
➢ If the item is in S we surely output it, if not we may still output it

First Cut Solution (3)
❖ |S| = 1 billion email addresses |B|= 1GB = 8 billion bits
❖ If the email address is in S, then it surely hashes to a bucket that has the big set to 1, so it always gets through (no false negatives)
➢ False negative: a result indicates that a condition failed, while it actually was successful
❖ Approximately 1/8 of the bits are set to 1, so about 1/8th of the addresses not in S get through to the output (false positives)
➢ False positive: a result that indicates a given condition has been fulfilled, when it actually has not been fulfilled
➢ Actually, less than 1/8th, because more than one address might hash to the same bit
➢ Since the majority of emails are spam, eliminating 7/8th of the spam is a significant benefit

Analysis: Throwing Darts (1)
❖ More accurate analysis for the number of false positives
❖ Consider: If we throw m darts into n equally likely targets, what is
the probability that a target gets at least one dart?
❖ In our case:
➢ Targets = bits/buckets
➢ Darts = hash values of items

Analysis: Throwing Darts (2)
❖ We have m darts, n targets
❖ What is the probability that a target gets at least one dart?
Equals 1/e as n →∞
n( (1 – 1/n)
Probability some target X not hit by a dart
Probability at least one dart hits target X

Analysis: Throwing Darts (3)
❖ Fraction of 1s in the array B
= probability of false positive = 1 – e-m/n
❖ Example: 109 darts, 8∙109 targets
➢ Fraction of 1s in B = 1 – e-1/8 = 0.1175
 Compare with our earlier estimate: 1/8 = 0.125

Bloom Filter
❖ Consider: |S| = m, |B| = n
❖ Use k independent hash functions h1 ,…, hk ❖ Initialization:
➢ Set B to all 0s
➢ Hash each element s S using each hash function hi, set B[hi(s)]
= 1 (for each i = 1,.., k) ❖ Run-time:
➢ When a stream element with key x arrives
 If B[hi(x)] = 1 for all i = 1,…, k then declare that x is in S
– That is, x hashes to a bucket set to 1 for every hash function hi(x)
 Otherwise discard the element x

Bloom Filter
Start with an n bit array, filled with 0s.
Hash each item xj in S for k times. If Hi(xj) = a, set B[a] = 1. B
To check if y is in S, check B at Hi(y). All k values must be 1. B
Possible to have a false positive; all k values are 1, but y is not in S. B

Bloom Filter Hashing
h1(x) h2(x) h3(x) hk(x) 6.14

Bloom Errors
h1(x) h2(x) h3(x) hk(x) x didn’t appear, yet its bits are already set

Bloom Filter Example
❖ Consider a Bloom filter of size m=10 and number of hash functions k=3. Let H(x) denote the result of the three hash functions.
❖ The 10-bit array is initialized as below
❖ Insert x0 with H(x0) = {1, 4, 9}
❖ Insert x1 with H(x1) = {4, 5, 8}
❖ Query y0 with H(y0) = {0, 4, 8} => ???
❖ Query y1 with H(y1) = {1, 5, 8} => ???
False positive!
❖ Another Example: https://llimllib.github.io/bloomfilter-tutorial/ 6.16

Bloom Filter
❖ What fraction of the bit vector B are 1s? ➢ Throwing k∙m darts at n targets
➢ So fraction of 1s is (1 – e-km/n)
❖ But we have k independent hash functions and we only let the element x through if all k hash element x to a bucket of value 1
❖ So, false positive probability = (1 – e-km/n)k

Bloom Filter
❖ m = 1 billion, n = 8 billion
➢ k = 1: (1 – e-1/8) = 0.1175 ➢ k = 2: (1 – e-1/4)2 = 0.0493
❖ What happens as we keep increasing k?
Analysis (2)
Number of hash functions, k ➢ In our case: Optimal k = 8 ln(2) = 5.54 ≈ 6
❖ “Optimal” value of k: n/m ln(2)
 Error at k = 6: (1 – e-6/8)6 = 0.02158
0.2 0.18 0.16 0.14 0.12 0.1 0.08 0.06 0.04
0.020 2 4 6 8 10 12 14 16 18 20
False positive prob.

Bloom Filter: Wrap
❖ Bloom filters guarantee no false negatives, and use limited memory ➢ Great for pre-processing before more
expensive checks
❖ Suitable for hardware implementation
➢ Hash function computations can be parallelized
❖ Is it better to have 1 big B or k small Bs?
➢ It is the same: (1 – e-km/n)k vs. (1 – e-m/(n/k))k ➢ But keeping 1 big B is simpler

Handling Deletions
❖ Bloom filters can handle insertions, but not deletions.
❖ If deleting xi means resetting 1s to 0s, then deleting xi will “delete” xj.
❖ Can Bloom filters handle deletions?
➢ Use Counting Bloom Filters to track insertions/deletions

Counting Bloom Filters
Start with an n bit array, filled with 0s.
Hash each item xj in S for k times. If Hi(xj) = a, add 1 to B[a]. B
To delete xj decrement the corresponding counters. B
Can obtain a corresponding Bloom filter by reducing to 0/1.

: Counting Data Streams (FM

Counting Distinct Elements
❖ Problem:
➢ Data stream consists of a universe of elements chosen from a set
➢ Maintain a count of the number of distinct elements seen so far
❖ Example:
Data stream:
Number of distinct values: 5
❖ Obvious approach: Maintain the set of elements seen so far
➢ That is, keep a hash table of all the distinct elements seen so far ➢ Not practical if we only have fixed-size storage

❖ How many different words are found among the Web pages being crawled at a site?
➢ Unusually low or high numbers could indicate artificial pages (spam?)
❖ How many different Web pages does each customer request in a week?
❖ How many distinct products have we sold in the last week?

Using Small Storage
❖ Real problem: What if we do not have space to maintain the set of elements seen so far?
❖ Estimate the count in an unbiased way
❖ Accept that the count may have a little error, but limit the probability that the error is large

❖ Sampling does not work!
➢ If a large fraction of items aren’t sampled, don’t know if they are all
same or all different
❖ Sketch: a technique takes advantage that the algorithm can “see” all the data even if it can’t “remember” it all
❖ Essentially, sketch is a linear transform of the input
➢ Model stream as defining a vector, sketch is result of multiplying
stream vector by an (implicit) matrix
linear projection

❖ Probabilistic Counting Algorithms for Data Base Applications. 1985.
❖ Pick a hash function h that maps each of the N elements to at least
log2 N bits
❖ For each stream element a, let r(a) be the number of trailing 0s in h(a) ➢ r(a) = position of first 1 counting from the right
 E.g., say h(a) = 12, then 12 is 1100 in binary, so r(a) = 2
❖ Record R = the maximum r(a) seen
➢ R = maxa r(a), over all the items a seen so far
❖ Estimated number of distinct elements = 2R

Why It Works: Intuition
❖ Very very rough and heuristic intuition why Flajolet-Martin works:
➢ h(a) hashes a with equal prob. to any of N values
➢ Then h(a) is a sequence of log2 N bits,
where 2-r fraction of all as have a tail of r zeros
 About 50% of as hash to ***0
 About 25% of as hash to **00
 So, if we saw the longest tail of r=2 (i.e., item hash ending *100) then we have probably seen about 4 distinct items so far
➢ So, it takes to hash about 2r items before we see one with zero-suffix of length r

Why It Works: More formally
❖ Formally, we will show that probability of finding a tail of r zeros:
➢ Goes to 1 if 𝒎 ≫ 𝟐𝒓
➢ Goes to 0 if 𝒎 ≪ 𝟐𝒓
where 𝒎 is the number of distinct elements seen so far in the stream
❖ Thus, 2R will almost always be around m!

Why It Works: More formally
❖ The probability that a given h(a) ends in at least r zeros is 2-r ➢ h(a) hashes elements uniformly at random
➢ Probability that a random number ends in at least r zeros is 2-r
❖ Then, the probability of NOT seeing a tail of length r among m elements:
Prob. all end in fewer than r zeros.
Prob. that given h(a) ends in fewer than r zeros

Why It Works: More formally
❖Note: (1−2−r)m =(1−2−r)2r(m2−r) e−m2−r ❖ Prob. of NOT finding a tail of length r is:
➢ If m << 2r, then prob. tends to 1  (1−2−r)m e−m2−r =1 as m/2r→0  So, the probability of finding a tail of length r tends to 0 ➢ If m >> 2r, then prob. tends to 0
 (1−2−r)m e−m2−r =0 as m/2r→
 So, the probability of finding a tail of length r tends to 1
❖ Thus, 2R will almost always be around m!

❖ Maintain FM Sketch = bitmap array of L = log 𝑵 bits ➢ Initialize bitmap to all 0s
➢ For each incoming value a, set FM[r(a)] = 1
❖ If d distinct values, expect d/2 map to FM[1], d/4 to FM[2]…

position ≫ log(d)
fringe of 0/1s around log(d)
position ≪ log(d)
➢ Use the leftmost 1: R = maxa r(a)
➢ Use the rightmost 0: also an indicator of log(d)
 Estimate d = c2R for scaling constant c ≈ 1.3 (original paper)
➢ Average many copies (different hash functions) improves accuracy

(Majority and
: Finding Frequent Elements
Heavy Hitters

The Majority Problem
❖ Given a stream of elements, find the majority if there is one
➢ A majority element in the data stream (assume that we have received n elements already) is an element that appears more than n/2 times
❖ A A BC D B A A B B A A A A A A C C C D A B A A A ➢ Answer: A
❖ It is trivial if we have enough memory
➢ For each received element, keep a counter for it. Once receiving it
again, increase the counter
➢ Can use the binary search tree/hashmap to store the elements
➢ O(n log n)/O(n) complexity and O(n) space
❖ What if we only have limited memory? 6.34

❖ This algorithm takes O(n) time and O(1) space
❖ Basic idea of the algorithm is if we cancel out each occurrence of an element e with all the other elements that are different from e, then e will exist till the end. Then, we can check if it is indeed the majority element.
❖ Thus, the algorithm contains two phases:
➢ First pass: find the possible candidate (the element that has the
largest frequency in the stream)
➢ Second pass: compute its frequency and verify that it is > n/2
Moore Voting Algorithm

❖ Phase 1:
➢ Loop through each element and maintains a count of majority
element, and a majority index, maj_index
➢ If the next element is same then increment the count, if the next element is not same then decrement the count.
➢ if the count reaches 0 then changes the maj_index to the current element and set the count again to 1.
Moore Voting Algorithm

❖ Example: given a stream as A[] = 2, 2, 3, 5, 2, 2, 6
➢ maj_index = 0, count = 1 –> candidate 2?
➢ Same as a[maj_index] => count = 2
➢ Different from a[maj_index] => count = 1
➢ Different from a[maj_index] => count = 0
➢ Since count = 0, change candidate for majority element to 5 =>
maj_index = 3, count = 1
➢ Different from a[maj_index] => count = 0
➢ Since count = 0, change candidate for majority element to 2 => maj_index = 4
➢ Same as a[maj_index] => count = 2
➢ Different from a[maj_index] => count = 1
➢ Finally, candidate for majority element is 2
Moore Voting Algorithm

❖ Phase 2: Just compute the count of the element in the stream for verification
❖ We can see that this algorithm still requires two passes of the stream, which is actually not possible in most streaming applications.
❖ If only one pass and O(1) space allowed, not possible to get the majority element!
Input is an array: https://leetcode.com/problems/majority-element/ 6.38
Moore Voting Algorithm

Heavy Hitters
❖ A more general problem: find all elements with counts > n/k (k>=2) ➢ There can be at most k such values; and there might be none ➢ Trivial if we have enough storage
❖ Applications
➢ Computing popular products. For example, A could be all of the page views of products on amazon.com yesterday. The heavy hitters are then the most frequently viewed products
➢ Computing frequent search queries. For example, A could be all of the searches on Google yesterday. The heavy hitters are then searches made most often
➢ Identifying heavy TCP flows. Here, A is a list of data packets passing through a network switch, each annotated with a source- destination pair of IP addresses. The heavy hitters are then the flows that are sending the most traffic. This is useful for, among other things, identifying denial-of-service attacks

Approximate Heavy Hitters
❖ There is no exact algorithm that solves the Heavy Hitters problems in one pass while using a sublinear amount of auxiliary space
❖ Relaxation, the ε-approximate heavy hitters problem:
➢ If an element has count > n/k, it must be reported, together with its
estimated count with (absolute) error < εn ➢ If an element has count < (1/k − ε) n, it cannot be reported ➢ For elements in between, don’t care ❖ In fact, we will estimate all counts with at most εn error ❖ Keep k different candidates in hand (thus with space O(k)) ❖ For each element in stream: ➢ If item is monitored, increase its counter ➢ Else, if < k items monitored, add new element with count 1 ➢ Else, decrease all counts by 1, and delete element with count 0 ❖ Each decrease can be charged against k arrivals of different items, so no item with frequency N/k is missed ❖ But false positive (elements with count smaller than n/k) may appear in the result ❖ Step 1: Divide the incoming data stream into windows, and each window contains 1/ε elements ❖ Step 2: Increment the frequency count of each item according to the new window values. After each window, decrement all counters by 1 Lossy Counting ❖ Step 3: Repeat – Update counters and after each window, decrement all counters by 1 ❖ Keep k = 1/ε item names and counts, initially zero ❖ On seeing new item: ➢ If it has a counter, increment counter ➢ If not, replace item with least count, increment count ❖ Analysis: ➢ Smallest counter value, min, is at most εn ➢ True count of an uncounted item is between 0 and min ➢ Any item x whose true count > εn is stored
❖ So: Find all items with count > εn, error in counts ≤ εn 6.43
Saving Algorithm

❖ In general, model input stream as a vector x of dimension U ➢ x[i] is frequency of element I
❖ The count-min sketch has two parameters, the number of buckets w and the number of hash functions d
❖ Creates a small summary as an array of w × d in size ❖ Use d hash function to map vector entries to [1..w]

❖ The count-min-sketch supports two operations: Inc(x) and Count(x)
❖ The operation Count(x) is supposed to return the frequency count of x,
meaning the number of times that Inc(x) has been invoked in the past ❖ The code for Inc(x) is simply:
➢ for i = 1, 2, . . . , d: increment CMS[i][hi(x)]
❖ The code for Count(x) is simply: ➢ return 𝑚𝑖𝑛𝑑 CMS[i][hi(x)]

❖ Chapter 4, Mining of Massive Datasets. ❖ Finding Frequent Items in Data Streams

End of Chapter 6