CS451 Project 5 Type Checking and Code Generation
1. Implement type checking for the Java programming constructs that were introduced in j– as part of Project 3 (Parsing). 2. Implement JVM code generation for those Java programming constructs.
Download the Project Tests
Download and unzip the tests W for this project under $j/j–.
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Run the following command inside the $j/j– directory to compile the j– compiler with your changes:
To compile a j– program project5/XYZ.java, run the following command:
Run the following command to run the j– program XYZ.class:
Problem 1. (Long and Double Basic Types) Add support for long and double basic types.
• Implement analyze() and codegen() in JLiteralLong and JLiteralDouble.
• Modify JCastOp and Conversions, and add new converters.
• Modify partialCodegen() in JMethodDeclaration.
• Modify analyze() in JConstructorDeclaration, JMethodDeclaration, and JVariableDeclaration to skip an offset for longs and doubles. • Modify codegen() in JReturnStatement.
• Modify the 1-argument codegen() method and the codegenStore() method in JVariable.
• Modify 1-argument codegen(), codegenLoadLhsRvalue, and codegenStore() in JArrayExpression.
• Modify codegen() in JArrayInitializer.
Note: the programs below will not compile/run properly till you complete Problem 2 (Operators).
Problem 2. (Operators) Add support for the following operators. Note that parsing support for some of the operators was added to j– in Project 1.
à ~/workspace/j–
à ~/workspace/j–
$ bash ./bin/j– project5/XYZ.java
à ~/workspace/j–
$ java XYZ
à ~/workspace/j–
$ java BasicTypes 1 -5 6 6
Roots of 1.0x^2 + -5.0x + 6.0 = 0: 3.0, 2.0 fibonacci (6) = 8
$ java Stats
Mean = 5.5
Stddev = 2.8722813232690143
Project 5 (Type Checking and Code Generation)
!= /= -= *= %= >>= >>>= >= <<= < ^= |= || &= ++ -- / % << >> >>> ~ | ^ &+
• Modify analyze() in JNegateOp and JUnaryPlusOp; the operand can be an int, long, or double.
• Implement analyze() and codegen() in JPostIncrementOp and JPreDecrementOp; the operand must be an int.
• Implement analyze() and codegen() in JLogicalOrOp and JNotEqualOp.
• Implement analyze() and codegen() in JGreaterEqualOp and JLessThanOp; the operands can be an ints, longs, or doubles.
• Modify analyze() and codegen() in JPlusOp, JSubtractOp, JMultiplyOp, JDivideOp, and JRemainderOp; the operands can be an ints, longs, or doubles.
• Modify analyze() and codegen() in JPlusAssignOp; the operands can be an ints, longs, or doubles.
• Implement analyze() and codegen() in JMinusAssignOp, JStarAssignOp, JDivAssignOp, and JRemAssignOp; the operands can be an ints,
longs, or doubles.
• Implement analyze() and codegen() in JOrAssignOp, JAndAssignOp, JXorAssignOp, JALeftShiftAssignOp, JARightShiftAssignOp, and
JLRightShiftAssignOp; the operands must be ints.
à ~/workspace/j–
$ java Operators 23 3 true
0 false 0 true 3
Problem 3. (Conditional Expression) Add support for conditional expression (e1 ? e2 : e3).
• Analyze the condition and make sure it’s a boolean.
• Analyze the consequent and alternate and make sure they have the same type. • Set the type of the expression to that of the consequent (or alternate).
• Implement codegen().
Project 5 (Type Checking and Code Generation)
à ~/workspace/j–
$ java ConditionalExpression Tails
$ java ConditionalExpression Tails
$ java ConditionalExpression Heads
Problem 4. (Switch Statement) Add support for a switch statement. Here’s some code you may want to use to decide which instruction (TABLESWITCH or LOOKUPSWITCH) to emit:
Where hi is the highest case label value, lo is the lowest case label value, and nlabels are the total real case labels in the switch statement.
• Analyze the condition and make sure it is an integer.
• Anayze the case expressions and make sure they are integer literals.
• Create a new LocalContext with context as the parent, and analyze the statements in each case group in the new context.
• In codegen() decide which instruction (TABLESWITCH or LOOKUPSWITCH) to emit using the above heuristic.
• Call the appropriate CLEmitter method to emit that instruction — you will first need to gather all the information that must be passed as arguments to the method.
• Generate code for the case group statements, adding labels at the appropriate places.
• Consult $j/j–/tests/clemitter/GenTableSwitch.java and $j/j–/tests/clemitter/GenLookupSwitch.java for more hints on codegen.
Note: the program below will not compile/run properly till you complete Problem 7 (Break Statement).
Problem 5. (Do Statement) Add support for a do-while statement.
• Analyze the condition and make sure it’s a boolean. • Analyze the body.
• Implement codegen().
long tableSpaceCost = 5 + hi – lo;
long tableTimeCost = 3;
long lookupSpaceCost = 3 + 2 * nLabels;
long lookupTimeCost = nLabels;
int opcode = nLabels > 0 && (tableSpaceCost + 3 * tableTimeCost <= lookupSpaceCost + 3 * lookupTimeCost) ?
à ~/workspace/j--
$ java SwitchStatement Queen of Hearts
$ java SwitchStatement Jack of Spades
à ~/workspace/j--
$ java DoStatement 100 5050
Project 5 (Type Checking and Code Generation)
Problem 6. (For Statement) Add support for a for statement.
• Create a new LocalContext with context as the parent.
• Analyze the init in the new context.
• Analyze the condition in the new context and make sure it’s a boolean. • Analyze the update in the new context.
• Analyze the body in the new context.
• Implement codegen() .
Problem 7. (Break Statement) Add support for a break statement. Directions:
• Create an empty stack in JMember to keep track of the surrounding control-flow statement public static Stack
• Declare two instance variables in each control-flow statement (do, while, for, and switch): boolean hasBreak and String breakLabel.
• Each control-flow statement (do, while, for, and switch), during analysis, must push a reference to self onto
JMember.enclosingStatement upon entry, and pop the reference upon exit.
• Each control-flow statement (do, while, for, and switch), during codegen, must set breakLabel to an appropriate label if
hasBreak is true, and add the label at the appropriate place.
• Declare an instance variable JStatement enclosingStatement in JBreakStatement, and during analysis, set it to the value at the
top of JMember.enclosingStatement (use peek()). Then set the enclosing statement’s hasBreak variable to true.
• During codegen in JBreakStatement, access the break label via the enclosing statement, and generate an unconditional
jump to that label.
Problem 8. (Continue Statement) Add support for a continue statement.
• Declare two instance variables in each control-flow statement (do, while, and for): boolean hasContinue and String continueLabel.
• Each control-flow statement (do, while, and for), during codegen, must set continueLabel to an appropriate label if hasContinue is true, and add the label at the appropriate place.
• During analysis in JContinueStatement, set the enclosing statement’s hasContinue variable to true.
• During codegen in JContinueStatement, access the continue label via the enclosing statement, and generate an unconditional jump to that label.
à ~/workspace/j–
$ java ForStatement 100 5050
à ~/workspace/j–
$ java BreakStatement 1000 168
Project 5 (Type Checking and Code Generation)
à ~/workspace/j–
$ java ContinueStatement 100 3.121594652591011
Problem 9. (Exception Handlers) Add support for exception handling, which involves supporting the try, catch, finally, throw, and throws clauses.
• Implement analyze() and codegen() in JThrowStatement.
• During the analysis of JConstructorDeclaration and JMethodDeclaration, convert the list of exceptions (stored as TypeName objects) into a list of their JVM names (stored as strings). During codegen, include this list in the method header.
• In analyze() in JTryStatement:
– Analyze the try block.
– Analyze each catch block in a new LocalContext created from context as the parent — the catch parameter must be declared in this new context.
– Analyze the optional finally block in a new LocalContext created from context as the parent.
• In codegen() in JTryStatement:
– Add a “start try” label, generate code for the try block, generate code for the optional finally block and an unconditional jump to an “end finally” label, and add an “end try” label.
– For each catch block, add a “start catch” label, generate code to store the catch variable, generate code for the catch block, add “end catch” label, add an exception handler with the appropriate arguments, and generate code for the optional finally block and an unconditional jump to an “end finally” label.
– For the optional finally block: add a “start finally” label, generate an ASTORE instruction with the offset o obtained from the context for the finally block, add a “start finally plus one” label, generate code for the finally block, generate an ALOAD instruction with the offset o and an ATHROW instruction, add an “end finally” label, and add an exception handler with arguments “start try”, “end try”, “start finally”, and null; for each catch block, add an exception handler with the arguments “start catch”, “end catch”, “start finally”, and null; and add an exception handler with the arguments “start finally”, “start finally plus one”, “start finally”, and null.
– Consult $j/j–/tests/clemitter/GenExceptionHandler.java for more hints on codegen.
à ~/workspace/j–
$ java ExceptionHandlers
x not specified
$ java ExceptionHandlers “two” x must be a double
$ java ExceptionHandlers -2 x must be positve
$ java ExceptionHandlers 2 1.4142135623730951
Problem 10. (Interface Type Declaration) Implement support for interface declaration.
• In interfaceMemberDecl() in Parser, implicitly add “abstract” and “public” to the list of modifiers for interface methods. • In the constructor of JInterfaceDeclaration, implicitly add “abstract” and “interface” to the list of modifiers.
• Modify the codegen() method in JClassDeclaration to include a list of implemented interfaces in the class header.
• Implement the rest of JInterfaceDeclaration using JClassDeclaration as a model.
Project 5 (Type Checking and Code Generation)
à ~/workspace/j–
$ java Interface 10 fIter (10) = 3628800 fRec (10) = 3628800
Before you submit your files, make sure:
• Your code is adequately commented and follows good programming principles.
• You use the template file report.txt for your report. • Your report meets the prescribed guidelines.
Files to submit:
1. JArrayExpression.java
2. JArrayInitializer.java
3. JAssignment.java
4. JBinaryExpression.java
5. JBooleanBinaryExpression.java 6. JBreakStatement.java
7. JCastOp.java
8. JClassDeclaration.java
9. JComparisonExpression.java
10. JConditionalExpression.java 11. JConstructorDeclaration.java 12. JContinueStatement.java
13. JDoStatement.java
14. JForStatement.java
15. JInterfaceDeclaration.java 16. JLiteralDouble.java
17. JLiteralLong.java
18. JMember.java
19. JMethodDeclaration.java 20. JReturnStatement.java
21. JSwitchStatement.java
22. JThrowStatement.java
23. JTryStatement.java
24. JUnaryExpression.java
25. JVariable.java
26. JVariableDeclaration.java 27. JWhileStatement.java
28. Parser.java
29. Scanner.java
30. TokenInfo.java
31. report.txt
Project 5 (Type Checking and Code Generation)