CS代考 STSCI 4520 Homework 3

BTRY/STSCI 4520 Homework 3

# Instructions: save this file in the format _HW3.R.
# Complete each question using code below the question number.

Copyright By PowCoder代写 加微信 powcoder

# You need only upload this file to CMS.

# Note, we assume your working directory contains any files
# that accompany this one.

# Further note: 10% will be deducted if your file produces
# an error when run. If your code produces an error and you
# cannot find it, comment out that portion of the code and we
# will give partial credit for it.

# Do not use either the function set.seed() or rm(list=ls())
# in your code.

# Question 1: Permutation Tests #

# The data for this question come from a study on the efficacy
# of medical patch designed to supply a drug to the bloodstream.
# In this case, the patch was supposed to increase the levels of
# a hormone.
# The data in

patchdata = read.table(‘patchdata.dat’,head=TRUE,sep=’,’)

# contain three measurements for each patient.
# 1. Placebo measurments
# 2. Old patch — from an existing manufacturing plant
# 3. New patch — from a new manufacting plant.
# For this question we will only consider the Placebo
# and old patch measurements, but we will revisit this
# in Question 4.

# Here we are interested in whether there is any relationship
# between the placebo and patch measurements. To test this,
# we’ll make use of the Distance Correlation (see Ch 8 in
# Rizzo — is one of the inventors of this).
# The idea is to look at pairs of distances between points.
# If the distance between points in x is similar to the distance
# between the same pair of points in y, then there is a relationship.
# Unlike standard correlation, distance correlation will test
# nonlinear relationships.

# Formally, we construct the distance correlation as follows.
# First, form the matrix of distances between points
# A_ij = |x_i – x_j|, B_ij = |y_i – y_j|
# Now obtain the correlation between A and B. (Technically,
# we should remove the mean from both row and column, but we’ll
# us a simple version here.

# a) Write a function to calculate the distance matrix for a

distMat = function(x)

# Using this, write a function for the distance correlation
# between x and y.

dist.cor = function(x,y)

# b) Observe that if

x = seq(-1,1,0.2)

# then cor(x,y) = 0 but dist.cor is not zero, so we are
# measuring more than the standard correlation. (This is a good
# example to think about why distance correlation works).

# What is the distance correlation between hormone measurements
# between placebo and old patch in our data?

patch.dist.cor =

# c) Write a function to conduct a permutation test using
# distance correlation as a test statistic. You should return
# a list containing elements
# – Statistic: the statistic on the original data
# – Null dist: a vector of nperm permuted test statistics
# – p-value: the p-value of the test.

# Is the test significant for our data? Use nperm = 1000
# permutations and a significance level of 0.05

perm.dist.cor = function(x,y,nperm)

return(list(obs.correlation = ,
null.dist = ,
pval = ) )

patch.perm =

# d) We argued that a permutation test always has the
# right level. Let’s test this; we’ll simulate data
# from the null distribution by making both x and y to
# be standard normals of length 10 (obtained from rnorm(10)).

# Simulate 1000 data sets and apply the permutation test for
# distance correlation to each using 100 permutations each time.
# We’ll use a function wrapper, it should take in the length
# of the vectors, n, the number of permutations nperm and the
# number of simulations nsim and the target level of the
# test (defaulting to 0.05), return the actual level of the test

Q1dfunction = function(n,nperm,nsim,level=0.05)

permutation.level = Q1dfunction(10,100,1000)

# e) Repeat the exercise above but let x = rnorm(10) and
# y = x^2 + rnorm(10). Report the power of the distance
# correlation test, and the power of the built-in function
# cor.test.

Q1efunction = function(n,nperm,nsim,level=0.05)

return( c( dist.cor.power, cor.test.power ) )

# Question 2: False Discovery Rates #

# In this question we will investigate some
# further properties of false discovery rates

# a) Write a function to simulate a data set
# and carry out an fdr analysis similar to Lecture
# 8. It should take inputs
# ngene — a number of genes
# nreal — a number of non-null effects
# size — the difference between means for the
# real effects
# npatients — number of patients in each group
# and simulate a (2*npatients) x ngene matrix of
# standard normals, and add size to the first
# nreal genes of the first npatients.
# You should report a vector of p-values and a
# vector of q-values for each gene. These should
# be in the order of the original genes.
# Throughout this question we will set npatients = 10
# and use ngene = 100 and nreal = 20 unless otherwise
# specified.

fdr.data = function(ngene,nreal,size,npatients)

return( list( p.values = ,
q.values = ) )

# b) Technically, the false discovery rate is the expected
# percentage of false discoveries (super technically, the
# expectation is less than our estimate), but how variable

# We will conduct a small simulation study to investigate
# the sample properties of fdr. For each of the following,
# provide answers based on 100 simulations.

# Write a function to conduct a simulation to generate data
# from part a nsim times controling the false discovery rate
# at level Q by selecting all genes with q-value less than Q
# and report

# – The percentage of time each gene was selected
# – The number of genes selected each simulation
# – The false discovery proportion each simulation. Set this
# to zero if your list is of length zero.
# – The estimated false discovery rate when controlling
# pvalues at level P. (Meaning we expect ngene*P
# null discoveries.)

fdr.sim = function(ngene,nreal,size,npatients,nsim,Q,P)

return( list( gene.select = ,
num.genes.selected = ,
fdr = ) )

# a) What happens if all the genes are null? Use your function
# above to give the mean false discovery proportion and number
# of selected genes when there are no real effects and we control
# at Q = 0.1. Set ngene = 100, npatients = 10, and P = 0.1.

null.fdp.mean =

null.no.genes =

# b) Now we’ll allow some real effects. Set nreal=20 and size=3.
# Here we will be interested in how the total number of tests
# affects the stability of the proportion of false discoveries.

# Run a simulation with ngene = 100 and with ngene = 1000. Write
# a function that conducts a simulation with nsim data sets and
# – the mean and standard deviation of the false discovery
# proportion (true percentage of wrong discoveries) when the
# estimated fdr is controlled at Q. Record these in
# mean.fdp and sd.fdp

# – the mean and standard deviation of your estimated fdr when
# you choose all genes with a p-value less than P. Record
# these in mean.dfr and sd.fdr

fdr.sim2 = function(ngene,nreal,size,npatients,nsim,Q,P)

return(list(mean.fdp =
mean.fdr =
sd.fdr = ) )

# Report your results with the following configurations:
# 1. ngene = 100, nreal = 20, P = 0.1 this is a baseline
# 2. ngene = 1000, nreal 200, P = 0.1
# 3. ngene = 1000, nreal = 20, P = 0.01
# 4. ngene = 1000, nreal = 20, P = 0.1
# For all of these npatient = 10 and Q = 0.1

# What patterns do you see? Why? Explain how having more
# genes (either real or not) changes the expected number
# you will pick up and how you expect it to change the
# variability of the fdr.

# c) How powerful is this procedure? We’d like to have
# an idea of how likely we are to pick up true results.
# In our simulation framework, each real difference is
# pretty much the same, so we can treat them as equivalent.
# Write a function to use the output of fdr.sim() and report
# – the percentage of time real effects were detected when fdr
# is controlled at 0.1 (averaged over the nreal genes).
# – the percentage of time at least 10 real genes were detected.

Q2cfunction = function( fdr.sim.output, nreal )

return( list( real.one = ,
real.ten = , ) )

# Run a simulation with 20 real genes out of 100 and sets the size
# parameter to be the values 0.1,0.2,0.4,0.6 taken in turn. Report the two
# results above in the following vectors:

percent.one =

percent.ten =

# Question 3: Multiple Testing #

# This question is associated with recent controversies
# over poor statistical practice, particularly in
# psychology and nutrition. See a piece from February 25
# in buzzfeed at:
# https://www.buzzfeed.com/stephaniemlee/brian-wansink-cornell-p-hacking?utm_term=.nxoJ87k0pG#.ilJpwEGJWX
# and a somewhat less aggressive view of the report at
# http://andrewgelman.com/2018/02/27/no-researchers-not-typically-set-prove-specific-hypothesis-study-begins/
# The article describes e-mails that discuss routinely scanning
# many possible hypotheses looking for an effect.
# Here we’ll examine one particular case study of an attempt to
# find significance of a relationship between eating and TV watching
# in which 400 mediation analyses were trialled.
# In mediation analysis, one seeks to find an effect that is partly
# obscured by a different covariate. We’ll be a bit simpler, and
# look at trying to find a relationship between y and x while
# controling for another possible covariate z, where there are 400
# possible z’s to look at.

# We’ll consider the following setup. 10 subjects are assigned to
# watch TV while eating pizza and 10 subjects assigned to read. We
# record the total caloric intake of each subject along with
# 400 survey variables about their demographics etc.

# Here y is caloric intake, x is a binary indicator of whether
# the subject watched TV and we have 400 z_i’s. We’ll simulate data
# where y has no relationship to x, but might be related to z_i. That
# is we set

x = rep( c(0,1), 1, each = 10)

# and generate y as standard normal 20. We’ll generate each z
# column by
# z = rnorm(1,sd=0.5)*y + rnorm(20)
# The first random number here is a ‘coefficient’ for a relationship
# with y, except we will end up treating y as a response.

# a) Write a function to generate data as above, run a linear
# regression y ~ x + z_i and report the p-value of the
# coefficient for x for i = 1,…,400.

Q3a.function = function(){

# b) Conduct 100 simulations to determine
# i) How often at least one significant effect is found for x
# when conducting all tests at the 0.05 level.
# ii) How often at least one significant effect is found for x
# when making a Bonferroni correction.
# iii) The average size of the list of confounders that make
# x significant if you apply a false discovery rate procedure
# and control the FDR at 0.1. To do so, obtain the p-values for
# x and use this to produce q-values; you can then select the
# confounders with q-value less than Q.
# Write your procedure in the following function

Q3simfunc = function(nsim)

return( list( one.significant = ,
bonferroni.significant = ,
fdr.size = ) )

q3result = Q3simfunc(1000)

# c) What do you believe is the correct procedure to carry
# out in this case?

# Question 4: Bootstrap #

# In this question we will return to the patch data
# from question 1. A central statistic in evaluating
# the move to a new patch is that the average change
# between the patches should be no larger than 20% of
# the difference between the old patch and the placebo.
# That is we are interested in quantity:
# (average[new] – average[old])/(average[old]-average[placebo])
# However, ratios are particularly difficult to estimate
# statistically.

# a) Write a function to obtain a bootstrap distribution for
# these data. Report the observed statistic, a vector of
# bootstrap statistics and the 25% and 75% percentiles of the
# bootstrap distribution.

ratio.boot = function(data,nboot)

return( list( obs.stat = ,
boot.stats = , ) )

patch.25 =
patch.75 =

# b) Write a function to take the result of ratio.boot
# and obtain an estimate of the bootstrap bias.

ratio.bias = function( boot.obj )

patch.bias =

# c) Write a function to take the result of ratio.boot
# and obtain a nonparametric 95% confidence interval for
# the ratio.

ratio.confint = function( boot.obj )

patch.confint =

# does this confidence interval fall within the required

# Question 5: Knockoff Tests #

# We’ve seen that you generally can’t conduct permutation
# tests for individual covariates in multiple regression.
# In one case, however, this is possible. The data in

peanuts = read.table(‘peanuts.txt’,sep=’,’,head=TRUE)

# contains data on the yield of peanuts (in pounds) from
# each plant. It’s height and whether it had been treated
# with a control, fast-release fertilizer or slow-release
# fertilizer.

# Typically, we’d be interested in the effect of treatment,
# but here we will test whether there is a relationship
# between height and yield, while controling for
# fertilizer.

# The key is that we can avoid breaking the relationship
# between fertilizer and height by permuting height
# WITHIN a level of fertilizer. This will break any
# relationship between height and yield while keeping
# the relationship between the covariates.

# Write a function to conduct a permutation test for
# the coefficent of height while controlling for
# fertilizer using the framework above. Report
# the observed t-statistic, the p-value and the
# critical value for your test. We will use
# the estimated coefficient of Height as a statistic.

PartialPermutation = function(data,nperm)

return( list( obs.coef = ,
pvalue = ,
crit.value = ) )

# Test this for yourself using nperm = 1000.

# This is a special case of the idea of knock-offs
# suggested in 2014 in
# https://arxiv.org/abs/1404.5609
# which were designed for False Discovery Rates. The
# basic idea is that you need to create a new version
# of x_i that has the same relationship to the other
# covariates, but no relationship to y. In knockoffs,
# you generate a new x*_i|x_{-i} (meaning x_i given
# all the other covariates). This x*_i has no more
# information about y than x_{-i} does and so we can
# compare how much it appears to predict to how much
# the real x_i does.

程序代写 CS代考 加微信: powcoder QQ: 1823890830 Email: powcoder@163.com