Ve492: Introduction to Artificial Intelligence
Hidden Markov Models II
Paul M-SJTU Joint Institute
Slides adapted from, AIMA, UM, CMU
Copyright By PowCoder代写 加微信 powcoder
Learning Objectives
❖ How to perform approximate inference in HMMs?
❖ How to find the most likely explanation?
❖ What is a dynamic Bayes’ net?
❖ Particle Filtering
❖ Viterbi Algorithm for Most Likely Explanation
❖ Dynamic Bayesian Network
Quiz: Algorithms for Filtering
❖ Which algorithms can be applied to the filtering task?
❖ Variable elimination
❖ Prior sampling
❖ Rejection sampling
❖ Likelihood weighting
❖ Gibbs sampling
Limitations of Current Algorithms
❖ Exact inference infeasible if state space is large or continuous
❖ e.g., when |𝑋| is more than 106 or so (tracking 3 ghosts in a 10×20 world)
❖ e.g., robot localization
X0 X1 X2 X3 E1 E2 E3
❖ Previous sampling methods do not exploit the temporal structure of an HMM
Particle Filtering
❖ PF = approximate inference for filtering task
❖ Principle of Particle Filtering
❖ Track samples of 𝑋!, not all values
❖ Samples are called particles
❖ Time per step is linear in the number of samples
❖ But: number needed may be large
❖ In memory: list of particles, not states
Representation: Particles
❖ Our representation of P(X) is now a list of N particles (samples)
❖ Generally, N << |X|
❖ Storing map from X to counts would defeat the point
❖ P(x) approximated by number of particles with value x ❖ So,manyxmayhaveP(x)=0!
❖ More particles, more accuracy
❖ For now, all particles have a weight of 1
(3,3) (2,3) (3,3) (3,2) (3,3) (3,2) (1,2) (3,3) (3,3) (2,3)
❖ In PF, a set of samples approximates 𝑓
!:# # # !:#
(𝑋 ) = 𝑃(𝑋 |𝑒 )
Particle Filtering: Elapse Time
❖ This first step captures the passage of time
❖ Each particle is moved by sampling its next position
from the transition model
❖ This is like prior sampling – samples’ frequencies reflect the transition probabilities
❖ Here, most samples move clockwise, but some move in another direction or stay in place
❖ New particles approximates: ∑"!𝑃(𝑋!#$|𝑥!)𝑓$:!(𝑥!)
❖ Consistency: If enough samples, close to exact values before and after
(3,3) (2,3) (3,3) (3,2) (3,3) (3,2) (1,2) (3,3) (3,3) (2,3)
Particles :
(3,2) (2,3) (3,2) (3,1) (3,3) (3,2) (1,3) (2,3) (3,2) (2,2)
Particle Filtering: Resample
❖ Particles receive weights corresponding to P(e’ | X’)
❖ Rather than tracking weighted samples, we resample
❖ N times, we choose from our weighted sample distribution (i.e. draw with replacement)
❖ This is equivalent to renormalizing the distribution
❖ Now the update is complete for this time step, continue
with the next one
(3,2) w=.9 (2,3) w=.2 (3,2) w=.9 (3,1) w=.4 (3,3) w=.4 (3,2) w=.9 (1,3) w=.1 (2,3) w=.2 (3,2) w=.9 (2,2) w=.4
(New) Particles:
(3,2) (2,2) (3,2) (2,3) (3,3) (3,2) (1,3) (2,3) (3,2) (3,2)
Summary: Particle Filtering
❖ Particles: track samples of states rather than an explicit distribution
(3,3) (2,3) (3,3) (3,2) (3,3) (3,2) (1,2) (3,3) (3,3) (2,3)
(3,2) (2,3) (3,2) (3,1) (3,3) (3,2) (1,3) (2,3) (3,2) (2,2)
(3,2) w=.9 (2,3) w=.2 (3,2) w=.9 (3,1) w=.4 (3,3) w=.4 (3,2) w=.9 (1,3) w=.1 (2,3) w=.2 (3,2) w=.9 (2,2) w=.4
(New) Particles:
(3,2) (2,2) (3,2) (2,3) (3,3) (3,2) (1,3) (2,3) (3,2) (3,2)
Robot Localization
In robot localization:
❖ Weknowthemap,butnottherobot’sposition
❖ Observationsmaybevectorsofrangefinderreadings ❖ Statespaceandreadingsaretypicallycontinuous
❖ Particlefilteringisamaintechnique
[ , et al.]
Most Likely Explanation
Inference tasks
❖ Filtering: P(Xt|e1:t)
❖ belief state—input to the decision process of a rational agent
❖ Prediction: P(Xt+k|e1:t) for k > 0
❖ evaluation of possible action sequences; like filtering without
the evidence
❖ Smoothing: P(Xk|e1:t) for 0 ≤ k < t
❖ better estimate of past states, essential for learning
❖ Most likely explanation: arg maxx1:t P(x1:t | e1:t)
❖ speech recognition, decoding with a noisy channel
HMMs: MLE Queries
❖ HMMs defined by
❖ States 𝑋
❖ Observations 𝐸
❖ Initial distribution: 𝑃(𝑋!)
❖ Transitions: 𝑃(𝑋"|𝑋"#!)
❖ Emissions: 𝑃(𝐸|𝑋)
X1 X2 X3 X4 X5 E1 E2 E3 E4 E5
❖ New query: most likely explanation: 𝑎𝑟𝑔𝑚𝑎𝑥)!:#𝑃(𝑥*:,|𝑒*:,)
❖ New method: the Viterbi algorithm
State Trellis
❖ State trellis: graph of states and transitions over time
❖ Each arc represents some transition
❖ Each arc has weight
❖ Each path is a sequence of states
❖ Product of weights on a path = sequence’s probability along with the evidence
❖ Forward algorithm computes sums of paths, Viterbi computes best paths
Forward / Viterbi algorithms
X1 X2 ... Forward Algorithm (sum)
For each state at time t, keep track of the total probability of all paths to it
f1:t+1 = FORWARD(f1:t , et+1)
= α P(et+1|Xt+1) åxt P(Xt+1| xt) f1:t
Viterbi Algorithm (max)
For each state at time t, keep track of
the maximum probability of any path to it
m1:t+1 = VITERBI(m1:t , et+1)
= P(et+1|Xt+1) maxxt P(Xt+1| xt) m1:t
Why is This True?
How About the MLE Path?
A Tricky Counter-Example
How to Recover the MLE Path?
Follow the Breadcrumbs...
Follow the Breadcrumbs...
Viterbi Algorithm
0.18 sun 0.72 0s.u07n6 0.18 0.s0u1n36
0.09 0.01 0r.a3i1n5 0.24
0r.a0i2n2 0.06 0r.0a1in38 0.63
X1 X2 X3 XT
Time complexity?
Space complexity? O(|X| T)
Number of paths?
U3=false U4=true
Dynamic Bayes Nets
Dynamic Bayes Nets (DBNs)
❖ We want to track multiple variables over time, using multiple sources of evidence
❖ Idea: Repeat a fixed Bayes net structure at each time
❖ Variables from time t can condition on those from t-1
Exact Inference in DBNs
❖ Variable elimination applies to dynamic Bayes nets
❖ Procedure: “unroll” the network for T time steps, then eliminate variables
until P(XT|e1:T) is computed
❖ Online belief updates: Eliminate all variables from the previous time step; store factors for current time only
DBN Particle Filters
❖ A particle is a complete sample for a time step
❖ Initialize: Generate prior samples for the t=1 Bayes net
❖ Example particle: G1a = (3,3) G1b = (5,3)
❖ Elapse time: Sample a successor for each particle
❖ Example successor: G2a = (2,3) G2b = (6,3)
❖ Observe: Weight each entire sample by the likelihood of the evidence
conditioned on the sample
❖ Likelihood: P(E2a |G2a ) * P(E2b |G2b )
❖ Resample: Select prior samples (tuples of values) in proportion to their likelihood
Concluding Remarks
❖ Hidden Markov Models
❖ Approximate inference via particle filtering
❖ Viterbi algorithm for MLE query
❖ Dynamic Bayes nets: compact representation of HMMs
❖ For more information:
❖ AIMA, Chapter 15 for Probabilistic Reasoning over Time
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