CS代考 FIT2094-FIT3171 Databases 2022 Summer Semester B

FIT2094-FIT3171 Databases 2022 Summer Semester B
Assignment 2A – Olympic Logistics Services (OLS)
FIT2094 Learning Outcomes: 2, 3, 4, 7 (see Unit Preview) FIT3171 Learning Outcomes: 2, 4, 5, 8 (see Unit Preview)
Assignment weighting 10%

Copyright By PowCoder代写 加微信 powcoder

Assignment marked out of 100 and released as a grade out of 10
Olympic Logistics Services (OLS) is a private company subcontracted by the Olympic Federation to transport officials around during the Olympic competition.
OLS owns a fleet of vehicles, which vary from sedans to vans. Some vehicles have special features such as full blackout, armour plating, ability to transport long items such as javelins and pole vault poles, integrated GPS tracking etc.
OLS records the Vehicle Identification Number (VIN), the registration number, make, model, colour, and the number of seats available for each vehicle. OLS only purchases vehicles of a single colour.
Olympic officials from all participating countries use OLS’s services. OLS records the name of the country that an official is representing, the official’s Olympic ID (8 characters), their name, their role at the Olympics (eg head coach, judge, physician etc) and the official’s preferred language. To record languages, OLS makes use of the ISO6391 two character language codes, for example English (EN) and Chinese (ZH) – OLS records the ISO6391 code and name of the language. An official may use OLS’s services multiple times (even during a single day); the only limiting factor is whether a suitable vehicle is available at the time they wish to travel. Where multiple officials travel in a single vehicle, the vehicle is booked in the name of the official who made the booking and will travel in the vehicle for this trip, the other passengers do not need to be recorded.
OLS vehicles are driven by the company’s drivers. Each driver is assigned a unique driver’s ID. The driver’s name, licence number (18 characters in length), date of birth and the level of clearance granted to the driver are recorded. The clearance levels are digits from 1 to 4 representing the security clearance of the driver (4 is the highest level of clearance). OLS employees are familiar with the meaning of these codes (1 to 4) and thus they do not require any explanation of the codes in the system, just the actual codes.
OLS records (using ISO6391 language codes) the languages that a driver speaks – some drivers speak several languages. The employee organising a booking will try to match an official’s preferred language with that which a driver speaks.
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Transport bookings require the assignment of a suitable driver and a suitable vehicle matching the needs of the official. This matching will take place via a computer program to be created; you are not concerned with this program, only the back end database to support such decisions. Each trip is assigned a unique trip ID. The intended start date and time and projected end date and time are recorded when a booking is first placed. The pickup location and drop off location are recorded (all locations added to the system are assigned a unique location ID). When the trip has been completed the actual start date and time and actual end date and time are recorded. OLS also records the start odometer reading and the end odometer reading.
A model to represent this system has been developed:
You have been supplied with an SQL script ols_initialSchemaInsert.sql which partially implements the OLS model (it creates the tables coloured in purple on the above diagram and inserts some initial sample data). This file may NOT be altered (edited) in any way.
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Steps for working on Assignment 2A
1. Download the Assignment 2A Required Files zip archive from Moodle
2. Place the zip archive in your local (MoVE or local HDD) repository in the folder /Assignments/Ass2A
3. Extract the zip archive and place the contained files in your local (MoVE or local HDD) repository in the folder /Assignments/Ass2A. Do not add the zip archive to your local repo. Then add, commit and push them to the FITGitLab server.
4. Run ols_initialSchemaInsert.sql
5. Write your answer for each task in its respective file (e.g. write your answer for Task 1 in
T1-ols-schm.sql and so on).
6. Save, add, commit and push the file/s regularly while you are working on the assignment
7. Finally, when you have completed all tasks, upload all required files from your local repository to Moodle (if you are using MoVE you will need to download them to your local HDD first – do not attempt to upload from MoVE). Check that the files you have uploaded are the correct files (download them from Moodle into a temporary folder and check they are correct). After you are sure they are correct, submit your assignment.
Note that the final SQL scripts you submit MUST NOT contain SPOOL or ECHO commands (you may include them as you work but must remove them before submission). Please carefully read the “CRITERIA FOR MARKING” on page 10 of this document.
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TASK 1: DDL (25 marks)
For this task you are required to add to T1-ols-schm.sql, the CREATE TABLE and CONSTRAINT definitions which are missing from the supplied partial schema script in the positions indicated by the comments in the script.
The table below provides details of the meaning of the attributes in the missing three tables. You MUST use exactly the same relation and attribute names as shown in the data model above to name the tables and attributes which you add. The attributes must be in the same order as shown in the model. These new DDL commands must be hand-coded, not generated in any manner (generated code will not be marked).
Table name
Attribute name
Unique identifier for a driver
ISO code for a language (e.g., EN for English language)
Unique identifier for a driver
Driver’s given name
Driver’s family name
Driver’s license number
The level of security clearance granted to the driver (1 to 4).
Unique identifier for a trip
Date and time the trip is booked to start
Date and time the trip is booked to end
Date and time the booked trip actually starts
Date and time the booked trip actually ends
The odometer reading at the start of the trip
The odometer reading at the end of the trip
The number of booked passengers for the trip
Note that:
● During the design phase, it was decided that the three natural keys for the TRIP table listed
below should be enforced:
○ trip_start, veh_vin
○ trip_start, off_olympic_id
○ trip_start, driver_id
To test your code you will need to first run the provided script ols_initialSchemaInsert.sql to create the other required tables. ols_initialSchemaInsert.sql contains at the head of the file the drop commands for all tables in this model. If you have problems with Task 1 simply rerun ols_initialSchemaInsert.sql which will cause all tables to be dropped and correct the issues in your script.
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TASK 2:-Populate Sample Data ( 25 marks)
Before proceeding with Task 2, you must ensure you have run the file ols_initialSchemaInsert.sql (which must not be edited in any way) followed by the extra definitions that you added in Task 1 above (T1-ols-schm.sql).
Load the DRIVER, DRIVER_LANGUAGE, and TRIP tables with your own test data using the supplied T2-ols-insert.sql file script file, and SQL commands which will insert as a minimum, the following sample data:
(i) 8 DRIVER entries
(ii) 10 DRIVER_LANGUAGE entries
● Included at least 2 drivers being able to speak at least 2 languages (iii) 10 TRIP entries
● Have at least 3 different trip_start dates
● Booked by at least 5 different officials
● Driven by at least 5 different drivers
● Have at least 3 completed trips
● Have at least 3 incompleted trips (booking only)
In adding this data you must ensure that the test data thoroughly tests the model as supplied, so as to ensure your schema is correct.
Your inserted data must conform to the following rules:
(i) You may treat all of the data that you add as a single transaction since you are setting up
the initial test state for the database.
(ii) The primary key values for this data should be hardcoded values (i.e. NOT make use of
sequences) and must consist of values below 100.
(iii) Dates used must be chosen between the 26th Jan 2022 and 9th Feb 2022 (inclusive). The
trip start times of a booked trip must be between 7 AM and 10 PM (inclusive). The data added must be sensible eg. trip end dates/times should be after trip start dates/times.
For this task ONLY, Task 2, you may look up and include values for the loaded tables/data directly where required. However, if you wish, you can still use SQL to get any non-key values.
In carrying out this task you must not modify any data or add any further data to the tables which were populated by the ols_initialSchemaInsert.sql script.
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For all subsequent questions (Task 3 onwards) you are NOT permitted to:
● manuallylookupavalueinthedatabase,obtainitsprimarykeyorthehighest/lowestvalueina column,
● manuallycalculatevalues(includingdates/times)externaltothedatabase,e.g.onacalculator and then use such values in your answers. Any necessary calculations must be carried out as part of your SQL code, or
● assumeanyparticularcontentsinthedatabase-rowsinatablearepotentiallyinaconstant state of change
Your answers must recognise the fact that you have been given, with the supplied insert file, only a very small sample snapshot of a multiuser database, as such you must operate on the basis that there will be more data in all of the tables of the database than you have been given. Your answers must work regardless of the extra quantity of this extra “real” data and the fact that multiple users will be operating in the tables at the same time. You must take this aspect into consideration when writing SQL statements.
You must ONLY use the data as provided in the text of the questions. Failure to adhere to this requirement will result in a mark of 0 for the relevant question.
Your SQL must correctly manage transactions and use sequences to generate new primary keys for numeric primary key values (under no circumstances may a new primary key value be hardcoded as a number or value).
TASK 3: DML ( 25 marks)
Your answers for this task (Task 3) must be placed in the supplied SQL Script T3-ols-dm.sql
For this task you are required to complete the following sub-tasks in the same order they have mentioned. Where you have been supplied with a string contained in quotes, such as ‘X33445566778899MCH’ you may search in the database using that exact string, and when a name is supplied you may break the name into given name and family name, for example ‘ ’ can be split into ‘Michael’ and ‘Chu’ (you may assume the string will match the case in the database).
(a) An Oracle sequence is going to be implemented in the database for the subsequent insertion of records into the database for the DRIVER and TRIP tables.
Provide the CREATE SEQUENCE statement to create a sequence which could be used to provide primary key values for the DRIVER and TRIP tables. Both sequences should start at 100 and increment by 1. Immediately prior to the create sequence commands place appropriate DROP SEQUENCE commands so they will cause the sequences to be dropped before being created if they exist. Please note that there can only be these two sequences introduced and used in Task 3.
[ 2 marks]
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(b) Record a new driver named ‘ ’ who has a driver license number of ‘X33445566778899MCH’, clearance level ‘3’ and can speak English (‘EN’) and Spanish (‘ES’). Then, record a new booking for a trip to be made for this new driver and the vehicle with the registration number ‘OLSID22’ on 7th February 2022 with the trip start time at 7:30AM and trip end time at 9:00 AM. This trip is booked by the Olympic official ‘ ’ from Australia (‘AUS’) to transport 3 Olympic officials from ‘Beijing National Stadium’ to ‘National Alpine Ski Centre’.
You may assume ‘ ’ is the only official of that name in the Australian contingent.
All of the above actions should be treated as a single transaction.
[ 11 marks]
(c) After the above trip is finished, the following information is recorded in the OLS system to complete the trip’s details. The odometer reading at the start of the trip is 5678 and at the end of the trip is 5780. The actual start time is late at 7:35 AM and the actual end time is at 9:00 AM as planned.
Write necessary SQL statement(s) to record the above data in the OLS system.
[ 6 marks]
(d) After completing the above trip booked on 7th February 2022, the Australian (‘AUS’) official ‘ ’ had his COVID-19 test returned as positive, hence unfortunately, has been asked to be isolated and prevented from attending all remaining events. As a result, all future trips starting from 8th February 2022 (inclusive) that he has booked must be cancelled. OLS asks you to remove all his future booked trips.
Write the necessary SQL statement(s) to remove all future trips that ‘ ’ has booked.
[ 6 marks]
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Your answers for these tasks (Task 4) must be placed in the supplied SQL script T4-ols-alter.sql
The required changes must be made to the “live” database (the database after you have completed tasks 1, 2 and 3) not by editing and executing your schema file again. Before carrying out the work below, please ensure that you have completed tasks 1, 2 and 3 above.
If in answering these questions you need to create a table, please place a drop table statement prior to your create table statement.
(a) OLS wishes to record the actual trip duration for each completed trip (the duration of each completed trip must be rounded to whole minutes).
Modify the database structure and update the appropriate trip data to implement this requirement.
[ 5 marks]
(b) In general, Olympic officials are asked to book trips at least 24 hours in advance, however, emergency bookings on a particular day are accepted if a driver is available. On any given day usually most drivers have been booked for trips, however, some trips may be canceled with short notice due to unexpected circumstances (e.g., officials are asked to isolate themselves due to a COVID positive test). OLS requires that the system indicates whether a driver is currently available so they may be assigned to emergency booking requests. Please note the trip start times must be between 7 AM and 10 PM. This availability will be updated first thing each morning.
Modify the database structure to meet OLS’s requirements and update the current availability status (e.g., Y or N) for each driver for today.
When working on this task, you may assume that a driver is not available if they are already booked for at least 1 trip today.
[ 8 marks]
(c) For each trip, instead of recording only the official who books the trip, OLS wishes to record the details of all Olympics officials who take part for each trip for contact tracing purposes. OLS still requires the system to record the Olympic official who made the booking (ie. contacted them).
Modify the database structure to meet OLS’s above requirements.
[ 12 marks]
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Due Date: Friday 4th February 2022 at 2 PM (AEDT)
Please note, if you need to resubmit, you cannot depend on your tutors’ availability, for this reason, please be VERY CAREFUL with your submission. It is strongly recommended that you submit several hours before this time to avoid such issues.
For this assignment there are four files you are required to submit:
● T1-ols-schm.sql ● T2-ols-insert.sql ● T3-ols-dm.sql
● T4-ols-alter.sql
If you need to make any comments to your marker/tutor please place them at the head of each of your solution scripts in the “Comments for your marker:” section.
Do not zip these files into one zip archive, submit four independent SQL scripts. The individual files must also have been pushed to the FIT GitLab server with an appropriate history as you developed your solutions (a minimum of four pushes – 1 per file, however we would strongly recommend more than this). Please ensure your commit comments are meaningful.
Late submission will incur penalties at the rate of -5 mark for every 12 hours the submission is late.
Please note we cannot mark any work on the GitLab Server, you need to ensure that you submit correctly via Moodle since it is only in this process that you complete the required student declaration without which work cannot be assessed.
It is your responsibility to ENSURE that the files you submit are the correct files – we strongly recommend after uploading a submission, and prior to actually submitting, that you download the submission and double-check its contents.
Your assignment MUST show a status of “Submitted for grading” before it will be marked.
If your submission shows a status of “Draft (not submitted)” it will not be assessed and will incur late penalties after the due date/time.
Please carefully read the documentation under the “Assignment Submission” on the Moodle Assessments page which covers things such as extensions and resubmission.
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Submissions will be graded on:
● the correct application of relational database principles,
● the correct handling of transactions and the setting of appropriate transaction boundaries i.e. correct placement of commits, and
● the correct application of SQL statements and constructs to:
○ create and alter tables including the required constraints and column comments,
○ populate tables,
○ modify existing data in tables, and
○ modify the “live” database structure to meet the expressed requirements (including
appropriate use of constraints). In making these modifications there must be no loss of existing data or data integrity within the database.
Submissions will be penalised as follows:
● if SQL scripts contain contain SET ECHO … or SPOOL commands [-10 marks]
● if SQL scripts makes use of views [-10 marks]
● if SQL scripts do not use to_char/to_date where appropriate in handling dates [-10 marks],
● if SQL scripts do not have an appropriate development history on the FIT GitLab server for all source files (at least four pushes required, but more expected) [-10 marks].
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