CS代写 COMP9417 – Machine Learning Tutorial: Tree Learning

COMP9417 – Machine Learning Tutorial: Tree Learning
Weekly Problem Set: Please submit questions 1a, 1d, 4a, 4b on Moodle by 11:55am Tuesday 15th March, 2022. Please only submit these requested questions and no others.
Question 1. Expressiveness of Trees
Give decision trees to represent the following Boolean functions, where the variables A, B, C and D have values t or f, and the class value is either True or False. Can you observe any effect of the increasing complexity of the functions on the form of their expression as decision trees ?

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(b) A∨[B∧C]
| B=f:True
| B=t:False A = f: False
A ∨ [B ∧ C]
A = t: True
| B=f:False
| | C=t:True
| | C=f:False
(c) A XOR B
| B=t:False | B=f:True A = f:

| B=t:True
| B=f:False
(d) [A∧B]∨[C ∧D]
| B=t:True
| | | D=t:True
| | | D=f:False
| | C=f:False
| | D=t:True
| | D=f:False
| C=f:False
Notice the replication effect of repeated subtrees as the target expression becomes more com- plex, for example, in the tree for d. This is a situation where the hypothesis class of models (here, decision trees) can fit any Boolean function, but in order to represent the function the tree may need to be very complex. This makes it hard to learn, and will require a lot data !
Question 2. Decision Tree Learning
(a) Assume we learn a decision tree to predict class Y given attributes A, B and C from the following training set, with no pruning.
0000 0010 0010 0100 0110 0111 1000 1011 1101 1101 1110 1111
What would be the training set error for this dataset ? examples out of twelve that would be misclassified.
Express your answer as the number of

2. There are two pairs of examples with the same values for attributes A, B and C but a different (contradictory) value for class Y . One example from each of these pairs will always be misclassified (noise).
(b) One nice feature of decision tree learners is that they can learn trees to do multi-class classification, i.e., where the problem is to learn to classify each instance into exactly one of k > 2 classes. Suppose a decision tree is to be learned on an arbitrary set of data where each instance has a discrete class value in one of k > 2 classes. What is the maximum training set error, expressed as a fraction, that any dataset could have ?
First consider the case where all k class values are evenly distributed, so there are k1 examples of each class in the training set. In the worst case a decision tree can be learned that predicts one of the k classes for all examples. This will get k1 of the training set correct, and make 1 − 1 = k−1 mistakes as a fraction of the training set.
If any one class has more than k1 examples then the worst case decision tree is guaranteed to predict that class, which will reduce the error since that class now represents more than k1 of the training set.
Question 3. ID3 Algorithm
Here is small dataset for a two-class prediction task. There are 4 attributes, and the class is in the rightmost column (homeworld). Look at the examples. Can you guess which attribute(s) will be most predictive of the class ?
pearl bismuth pearl garnet amethyst amethyst garnet diamond diamond amethyst pearl jasper
yes 6000 yes 8000 no 6000 yes 5000 no 6000 yes 5000 yes 6000 no 6000 no 8000 no 5000 no 8000 no 6000
regeneration no
regeneration no weapon-summoning no regeneration no shapeshifting no shapeshifting no weapon-summoning no
regeneration yes regeneration yes shapeshifting yes shapeshifting yes weapon-summoning yes
You probably guessed that attributes 3 and 4 were not very predictive of the class, which is true. How- ever, you might be surprised to learn that attribute “species” has higher information gain than attribute “rebel”. Why is this ?
Suppose you are told the following: for attribute “species” the Information Gain is 0.52 and Split Infor- mation is 2.46, whereas for attribute “rebel” the Information Gain is 0.48 and Split Information is 0.98.
Which attribute would the decision-tree learning algorithm select as the split when using the Gain Ratio criterion instead of Information Gain ? Is Gain Ratio a better criterion than Information Gain in this case ?

Gain Ratio corrects for a bias in Information Gain that favours attributes with many values by di- viding it by the Split Information, which is the information of the partition of the data according to the values of the attribute in question. This is shown in the formula on slide 72 for Split Information of some attribute A on a sample S, where c is the number of values for A.
For attribute “species” Gain Ratio is 0.52 ≃ 0.21, whereas for attribute “rebel” Gain Ratio is 0.48 ≃ 2.46 0.98
0.49. So attribute “rebel” would be selected under the Gain Ratio criterion.
In this case, it is a better choice, since the “species” attribute has higher information gain simply by having many more values in this dataset. Note however that other corrections to information gain have been proposed that have other advantages in different settings, and in general there is no “best” splitting criterion for all settings.
Question 4. Working with Decision Trees
In utils.py you will find the implementation of the function visualize classifier which allows us to visualise any classifier that has a predict method. You can use this function as a black box throughout. The sklearn.datasets.make blobs function gives us a quick way to create toy data for classification. In the following we’ll create a 3 class classification problem:
from sklearn.datasets import make_blobs
X, y = make_blobs(n_samples=120, # total number of samples
centers=[[0,0], [0,2], [-2,1]], # cluster centers of the 3 classes
random_state=123, # reproducibility
cluster_std=0.6) # how spread out are the samples
from their center
plt.scatter(X[:, 0], X[:, 1], c=y, s=50) # scatter with color=label
(a) Usesklearn.neighbors.KNeighborsClassifierandsklearn.tree.DecisionTreeClassifier objects to demonstrate the visualize classifier function. Explain the differences between
the decision boundaries of the two classifiers.

The shaded regions correspond to how the classifier would classify a point that falls in that region. Note that for the kNN classifier, the regions are quite jagged, whereas the regions for the DT are always constructed by splitting using straight lines on a particular axis.
(b) Another way to visualise a tree can be done by running:
1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9
from sklearn import tree
fig, axes = plt.subplots(1, 1,figsize = (3,3), dpi=300)
tree.plot_tree(model1, # fitted decision tree
feature_names=[’f1’, ’f2’], # names for features
class_names=[’t1’, ’t2’, ’t3’], # names for class labels
Explain what is going on in the resulting plot. What do the colors represent? What does the value argument tells us? What about entropy?

Note that the color of the labels correspond to the majority class at that particular point. The plot also gives us the distribution of the three classes at each node (value), and tells us the number of samples that falls into a particular node. We also can see the information gain (entropy) for each node.
(c) Generate data using the following code:
X, y = make_blobs(n_samples=500,
centers=[[0,0], [0,2], [-2,1], [-2,2], [3,3], [1,-2]],
Then fit a decision tree (using information gain for splits) with max depth set to 1, 2, . . . , 12 and visualize the classifier (use a 3 × 4 grid). What do you observe? Why do you think decision trees are described as performing ’recursive partitioning’?
When depth=1, the tree is just a decision stump (a single if/else statement) and so it can only choose a single feature to split on (either feature 1 which we can call f1 (x axis) or f2 (y axis)).

Here we see that it splits on f1, and classifies everything to the left of the split as aqua blue, and everything to the right of the split as purple, since these are the majority classes on each side. This is a partition of the 2d space into two rectangles.
When we increase the depth by 2, the tree has more flexibility (chained if/else), and can now partition the original partition. It does so in this case by splitting on f2 to isolate the red cluster. In depth 3 it partitions the previous partition. This is why we say that trees perform recursive partitioning, at each depth they simply look at the partition from the previous depth and partition it in a way to isolate new clusters. As we keep increasing the depth, the partitions become finer and finer (of course in practice, we need to trade-off the fine-ness of the partition with the risk of over fitting).
X, y = make_blobs(n_samples=500,
centers=[[0,0], [0,2], [-2,1], [-2,2], [3,3], [1,-2]],

fig, axes = plt.subplots(3, 4, figsize=(12,12))
for i, ax in enumerate(axes.flat):
ax.scatter(X[:, 0], X[:, 1], c=y, s=50)
model = DecisionTreeClassifier(max_depth=i+1, criterion=’entropy’).fit(X,y)
visualize_classifier(model, X, y, ax=ax)
ax.set_title(f”Depth = {i+1}”)
4 5 6 7 8 9
10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17

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