Basics Tables Statistical tests Figures
CORPFIN 2503 – Business Data Analytics: Descriptive statistics and data exploration
Week 3: August 9th, 2021
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Statistical tests
Statistical tests
£ius CORPFIN 2503, Week 3
Tables Statistical tests Figures
Descriptive statistics
Descriptive statistics give an overall picture of the data.
Descriptive statistics provide:
• means, medians, and other statistical properties • various graphs, plots. . .
• correlation matrix
• basic statistical tests.
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Descriptive statistics II
There is no universal to-do-list for the descriptive statistics.
The aspects of the data that could be provided depend on: • data properties
• the purpose of the project.
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Suppose we would like to analyze whether the discount on new cars depends on a car origin (USA, Asia, Europe).
/* Creating data file: */
DATA work.car_data;
SET SAShelp.Cars;
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Example II
First, we look at the data, either by: • opening the data le or
• `printing’ the data:
PROC PRINT DATA=car_data(obs=20);
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Example III
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Example: Frequency distribution
Next, we should look at the frequency distribution of car origin (USA, Asia, Europe).
proc freq data=work.car_data;
tables origin;
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Example: Frequency distribution II
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Example: Frequency distribution III
Alternatively, we can create a pie chart:
proc gchart data=work.car_data;
PIE origin / type=percent;
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Example: Frequency distribution IV
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Descriptive statistics III
Next, we should identify the other potential determinants (besides origin) of the discount. Let’s assume they are:
• car manufacturer (`make’)
• car type (`type’)
• drivetrain type (`drivetrain’) • car sticker price (`MSRP’)
• engine size (`enginesize’) and • car length (`length’).
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Descriptive statistics IV
Then we should provide a table with key statistics of our numerical variables:
• standard deviation
• minimum and maximum values • median
• 25th and 75th percentile values.
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Descriptive statistics IV
What about non-numerical variable such as car manufacturer, car type, and drivetrain type?
One should code them as dummy variables (also known as indicator variables).
Then compute their key statistics as well.
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Dummy variables
If we have a gender variable, then its coding is very simple: • gender=1 if female
• gender=0 if male.
What about variables that can take more than 2 values such as drivetrain type or car type?
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Dummy variables II
proc freq data=work.car_data;
tables drivetrain type;
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Dummy variables III
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Dummy variables IV
We should create dummy variables for each value of non-numerical variable.
E.g., for drivetrain, we should generate 3 dummy variables: • all=1 if `drivetrain’ is equal to All, 0 otherwise
• front=1 if `drivetrain’ is equal to Front, 0 otherwise
• rear=1 if `drivetrain’ is equal to Rear, 0 otherwise.
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Dummy variables V
For car type, this might be not practical as there are 6 possible values and some of them feature low frequency.
E.g., there are only three hybrid cars in the sample.
In this case, one can generate dummy variables only for more frequent values.
If there are 6 possible values, in general, it is sucient to code only 3.
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Dummy variables VI
We will code only one.
DATA work.car_data;
SET work.car_data;
IF type=’Sedan’ then sedan=1;
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Example: Summary statistics
We can either use PROC MEANS or PROC UNIVARIATE.
proc means data = work.car_data n mean std min p25
median p75 max;
var discount msrp enginesize length sedan;
proc univariate data = work.car_data;
var discount msrp enginesize length sedan;
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Example: Summary statistics II
The results from PROC UNIVARIATE are less user friendly and one needs to manually compile a table.
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Example: Summary statistics III
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Example: Summary statistics IV
One should also provide summary statistics by car origin.
proc means data = work.car_data n mean std min p25
median p75 max;
var discount msrp enginesize length sedan;
class origin;
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Example: Summary statistics V
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Example: Summary statistics VI
Let’s limit the number of decimal places in output.
proc means data = work.car_data n mean std min p25
median p75 max maxdec=2;
var discount msrp enginesize length sedan;
class origin;
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Example: Summary statistics VII
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Example: Summary statistics VIII
The results suggest that discount might be more or less the same regardless of the car origin.
What about drivetrain type? Or car type?
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Example: Summary statistics IX
proc means data = work.car_data mean std min p25
median p75 max maxdec=3;
var discount;
class origin drivetrain;
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Example: Summary statistics X
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Example: Summary statistics XI
proc means data = work.car_data mean std min p25
median p75 max maxdec=3;
var discount;
class origin drivetrain type;
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Example: Summary statistics XII
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Example: Summary statistics XIII
The table in the previous slide is incomplete.
The data seems to be too granular.
It might be better not to report the table on the previous slide.
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Example: Summary statistics XIV
One can also use PROC TABULATE to display descriptive statistics in tabular format.
For example, to display the number of observations and mean.
proc tabulate data=work.car_data;
var discount;
table discount*N discount*MEAN;
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Example: Summary statistics XV
Or to display the means of discount and MSRP by car type.
proc tabulate data=work.car_data;
var discount MSRP;
class type;
table type, discount*MEAN MSRP*MEAN;
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Example: Summary statistics XVI
Or to display the means of discount and MSRP by car type and drive train.
proc tabulate data=work.car_data;
var discount MSRP;
class type drivetrain;
table type, discount*drivetrain*MEAN MSRP*drivetrain*MEAN;
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Two-way tables
Two-way tables are used to illustrate the distribution of observations.
proc freq data=work.car_data;
tables origin*type / norow nocol nopercent;
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Two-way tables II
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Correlation matrix
Correlation matrix shows correlation coecients for dierent combinations of variable pairs.
PROC CORR DATA=work.car_data;
var discount msrp enginesize length sedan;
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Correlation matrix II
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Statistical tests
One should also report basic statistical tests.
2-sample t-test is very common. One can also test whether medians are statistically dierent across the sub-samples.
Let’s test whether discount depends on car origin.
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Example: Statistical tests
First, we need to create dummy variables for car origin.
DATA work.car_data;
SET work.car_data;
IF origin=’USA’ then origin_usa=1;
IF origin=’Asia’ then origin_asia=1;
IF origin=’Europe’ then origin_europe=1;
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Example: Statistical tests II
T-test for cars produced in the USA vs cars produced elsewhere:
proc ttest data=work.car_data;
class origin_usa;
var discount;
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Example: Statistical tests III
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Example: Statistical tests IV
T-test for cars produced in the USA vs cars produced in Europe:
proc ttest data=work.car_data;
class origin_usa;
var discount;
where origin ne ‘Asia’;
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Example: Statistical tests V
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Example: Statistical tests VI
In both cases, we fail to reject the null hypothesis that the discount is the same in both sub-samples.
In our example, one should probably conduct t-tests for all possible combinations of car origin:
• USA vs Europe • USA vs Asia
• Europe vs Asia.
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One can produce a few gures to better describe the data.
Refer to Workshop #2 regarding key types of gures and plots.
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A histogram is a visual representation of the distribution of the numerical data.
Steps to construct a histogram:
1. sort the data from smallest to highest value
2. divide the entire range of values into a series of intervals (bins) 3. count how many values fall into each bin
4. plot the results using bar charts.
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Histogram: Bin width
Bin width is important:
• if too small, then histogram is too messy • if too big, then lots of information is lost.
SAS does a good job in selecting bin width.
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Histogram: Bin width II
Let’s create a few histograms using the
following data:
1 1.1 1.15 1.2 1.4 1.45
1.5 1.55 1.6 1.7 1.75 1.8 1.9
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Histogram: Bin width III
1.2 1 0.8 0.6 0.4 0.2 0
Bins too narrow
0.95 1 1.05 1.1 1.15 1.2 1.25 1.3 1.35 1.4 1.45 1.5 1.55 1.6 1.65 1.7 1.75 1.8 1.85 1.9 1.95 More
7 6 5 4 3 2 1 0
Bins too wide
0.5 1 1.5 2 More
4.5 4 3.5 3 2.5 2 1.5 1 0.5 0
1 1.2 1.4 1.6 1.8 2 More
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Example: Histogram
proc univariate data = work.car_data plots;
var discount;
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Example: Histogram II
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Example: Histogram III
Alternatively, one can use procedure SGPLOT:
proc sgplot data=work.car_data;
histogram discount;
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Example: Histogram IV
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Example: Histogram V
To produce histograms of discount by origin:
proc univariate data=work.car_data;
class origin;
var discount;
histogram discount / nrows=3;
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Example: Histogram VI
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Box plots illustrate data distribution and key statistical properties.
Box plots are not popular nowadays.
PROC UNIVARIATE or PROC BOXPLOT can be used to produce box plots.
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Example: Box plots II
Source: SAS User’s Guide, p. 796.
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Example: Box plots
To produce box plots of discount by origin:
proc univariate data = work.car_data plots;
var discount;
by origin;
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Example: Box plots II
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Scatter plots
Scatter plot is a gure in which the values of two variables are plotted along two axes.
Scatter plots help reveal whether there is any relation (linear or non-linear) between the two variables.
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Example: Scatter plots
SAS procedure GPLOT can be used to produce scatter plots:
proc gplot data=work.car_data;
title ‘Scatter plot of car length and discount’;
plot length* discount=1;
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Example: Scatter plots II
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Example: Scatter plots III
Scatter plots by origin:
SYMBOL1 V=circle C=black I=none height=2;
SYMBOL2 V=star C=red I=none;
SYMBOL2 V=square C=blue I=none height=2;
proc gplot data=work.car_data;
title ‘Scatter plot of car length and discount by origin’;
plot length* discount=origin;
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Example: Scatter plots IV
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We covered a lot of dierent types of tables and gures.
However, it does not mean that one needs to use all of them.
Recall from the previous lecture, that one should not overload a report or presentation with plots and tables.
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Required reading
Konasani, V. R. and Kadre, S. (2015). Practical Business Analytics Using SAS: A Hands-on Guide: chapters 6, 7, and 8.
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