CS代考 AV706,7$688$7G/$H*F*7+$7G67$N-88-2$6$#\-L$65H$J0-HA,/$7G/$0/+A87*5F$*57/F/0

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Copyright By PowCoder代写 加微信 powcoder

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$ $R0/.*-A+ Assignment 1 Assignment 2 Assignment 3 Assignment 4 Assignment 5 1/I7 $% !””#$%&’%()*
# !””#$%&#'()*+’,%-.
122)3”,.”#*4 !”#$%&’#($)#%*#+%&,-$.#/0″&0,$1’2-$3(44$56$7&+’#0*$896# :;<#0&=#($>;%”?#$43 122)3″,.”#*5′)&.6)”.2
G&*=”&=#$G#<#? Beginning Student H#*#0&?$7I5#J'&'9;*+ Remember to use defined constants and helper functions where appropriate. Follow the full design recipe and the Coding Style document up to and including Section 3.6.1. K??;L&/?#$M&JD#'$."*J'9;*+$&*%$N5#J9&?$.;06+ define , not , and , or , cond , else , check-expect , check-within , equal? any type predicate such as number? , boolean? any functions on numbers found in Section 1.5 of the Racket documentation any functions on symbols found in Section 1.7 of the Racket documentation any functions on lists found in Section 1.8 of the Racket documentation any functions on characters found in Section 1.10 of the Racket documentation any functions on strings found in Section 1.11 of the Racket documentation you must not use boolean=?, substring, string-append, implode, explode O'2#0$P*Q;06&'9;* All test data for correctness will always meet the stated assumptions for consumed values. 7'.2#)%"*08*/.#2 E$!"#$*+$6$,-88/,7*-5$-N$H*+7*5,7$-VW/,7+D$E$(listof Any)$46S$V/$A+/H$7-$0/J0/+/57$6$+/7X$2/$+*4J8S$0/YA*0/$7G67$7G/0/$60/$5-$HAJ8*,67/+$*5$7G/$8*+7# ;; a Set is (listof Any) which contains no duplicates. Z-0$/I64J8/L$(cons 42 (cons "Zaphod" (cons 17 (cons false empty))))$*+$6$SetL$2G*8/$(cons 17 (cons "Zaphod" (cons 42 (cons false (cons "Zaphod" empty))))) *+$5-7$V/,6A+/$"Zaphod"$6JJ/60+$72*,/D "0*7/$6$NA5,7*-5$list->set$7G67$,-5+A4/+$6$(listof Any)L$65H$J0-HA,/+$6$Set$,-576*5*5F$7G/$+64/$*7/4+D$[//J$7G/$,-JS$-N$/6,G$*7/4$2G*,G$*+$,8-+/+7$7-$7G/$/5H$-N$7G/$8*+7D Z-0$/I64J8/L
> (list->set (cons 17 (cons “Zaphod” (cons 42 (cons false (cons “Zaphod” empty))))))
(cons 17 (cons 42 (cons false (cons “Zaphod” empty))))
> (list->set (cons 2 (cons 4 (cons 6 (cons 8 (cons 7 (cons 6 (cons 4 (cons 2 (cons 4 (cons 5 (cons 6 empty))))
(cons 8 (cons 7 (cons 2 (cons 4 (cons 5 (cons 6 empty))))))
&AV4*7$S-A0$+-8A7*-5$*5$7G/$\8/$a04q1.rktD 7′.2#)%”*98*1&&:/’;#$<(#*/#$)"32 "0*7/$6$NA5,7*-5$add-sub-stringD$3G/$NA5,7*-5$,-5+A4/+$6$+70*5F$-N$/./5$8/5F7GL$2G/0/$/./0S$,G606,7/0$67$65$/./5$*5H/I$*+$/*7G/0$#\+$-0$#\-L$65H$/6,G$,G606,7/0$67$65$-HH$*5H/I$*+ 5A4/0*,D$3G/$NA5,7*-5$+G-A8H$6HH$AJ$688$7G/$H*F*7+$7G67$N-88-2$6$#\+L$+AV706,7$688$7G/$H*F*7+$7G67$N-88-2$6$#\-L$65H$J0-HA,/$7G/$0/+A87*5F$*57/F/0D Z-0$/I64J8/L > (add-sub-string “+3+4-5”)
> (add-sub-string “-5+3+4-6-6”)
&AV4*7$S-A0$+-8A7*-5$*5$7G/$\8/$a04q2.rktD $%&'()*+#’#+),-‘#+.#’#+”‘char->integer’/&,0#)%,’1%&23’4″‘&!”/&2’+”5″6’4&#’)#’)!’,%#’3)5″0#278’9″5″‘)!’.’/&,0#)%,’#+.#’0%,!&(“!’.’,&(“5)0’Char’.,3′:5%3&0″!’#+”‘0%55”!:%,3),*’,&(“5)0′;.2&”8’$%&
;; (char->nat ch) Produce the natural number 0-9 corresponding to ch.
;; If ch is not numeric, raises “cond: all question results were false”.
;; char->nat: Char -> Nat
;; Requires: ch is numeric.
;; Examples:
(check-expect (char->nat #\5) 5)
(check-expect (char->nat #\0) 0)
(define (char->nat ch)
[(and (char>=? ch #\0) (char<=? ch #\9)) (- (char->integer ch) (char->integer #\0))]))
7′.2#)%”*=8*/($<;;6.*/(%$)"3 &,06VV8/$*+$6$F64/$J86S/H$2*7G$8/77/0$7*8/+D$]6,G$8/77/0$*+$6++-,*67/H$2*7G$6$J607*,A860$+,-0/X$7G/$F-68$-N$7G/$F64/$*+$7-$46M/$2-0H+$2*7G$7G/$G*FG/+7$+,-0/D Z-0$7G*+$YA/+7*-5L$2/$2*88$V/$2-0M*5F$2*7G$65$60,G6*,$)A7,G$&,06VV8/$F64/L$J*,7A0/H$V/8-2D$O7$,-576*5+$688$:=$8/77/0+$-N$7G/$]5F8*+G$68JG6V/7L$68-5F$2*7G$7G/$)A7,G$8/77/0$^O_^L$2G*,G$2/$2*88$70/67 6+$6$+*5F8/$8/77/0L$/./5$7G-AFG$*7$*+$72-$,G606,7/0+$8-5FD ]6,G$8/77/0$*+$+,-0/H$6+$N-88-2+# 1 point for A, E, I, N, O 2 points for D, R, S, T 3 points for B, G, K, L, M, P 4 points for F, H, J, U, V, IJ, Z 5 points for C, W 8 points for X, Y 10 points for Q "0*7/$6$NA5,7*-5$scrabble-scorenD$O7$,-5+A4/+$6$+70*5F$,-576*5*5F$-58S$,6J*768$8/77/0+$E;`L$65H$J0-HA,/+$7G/$7-768$J-*57$.68A/+$-N$7G/$8/77/0+$*5$7G/$+70*5FL$6,,-0H*5F$7-$7G*+$76V8/D$1-7*,/$7G67 ^O_^$G6+$6$J-*57$.68A/$-N$>L$2G*8/$^O^$65H$^_^$+/J6067/8S$60/$2-07G$’$65H$>D
(check-expect (scrabble-scoren “ONE”) (+ 1 1 1))
(check-expect (scrabble-scoren “DIJKSTRA”) (+ 2 4 3 2 2 2 1))
(check-expect (scrabble-scoren “FANDOM”) (+ 4 1 1 2 1 3))
(check-expect (scrabble-scoren “POI”) (+ 3 1 1))
1-7/$7G67$2/$2*88$70/67$^O_^$6+$6$+*5F8/$>;J-*57$8/77/0L$/./5$2G/5$*7$-,,A0+$*5$5-5;)A7,G$2-0H+$+A,G$6+$^QO_E%[^$65H$^aEbO_!E1E^D &AV4*7$S-A0$+-8A7*-5$*5$7G/$\8/$a04q3.rktD
<,'*","5.26')#'1%&23'4"'.'*%%3')3".'#%'&!"'0%,!#.,#!'),'.'J&"!#)%,'2)-"'#+)!8'9%1";"56'.#'#+)!':%),#')#')!',%#'02".5'+%1'4"!#'#%'!#%5"'#+"'5"2.#)%,!+):'4"#1"",'K2"##"5!K'.,3';.2&"!8'$%&'(.7'&!"'0%,!#.,#!'), #+)!'J&"!#)%,6'4&#'.5"',%#'5"J&)5"3'#%8 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 )*+,A++*-5 Topic: Assignments / Assignment 4 Show all posts 2*0.'3*+45++*"6 /00'%'1"+( by recent activity Hi, I was just wondering if we can assume that the string can only have numeric numbers (0 - 9) or do we have to implement a code for numbers greater than 9. Thank you Can there be a word like "DIJXYILOJ"? What I mean is can there be "I" or "J" in a word where there already "IJ" is present? ? Q3 spaces and hyphens Can we assume that all the scrabble inputs are going to be a single word with no hyphens or spaces? In other words, can expect only one word in the string? Can you clarify by what it means, "Keep the copy of each item which is closest to the end of the list." and how can such a thing be implemented? Can you give an example in ps... ? Question 2 How am I supposed to use the helper function in my main function? I'm having a lot of trouble with this question. Can I have a hint? ? Question 3 For question 3 , can we assume the given list is non-empty? ? Test Cases Is it okay to let the test cases exceed the 80 characters per line limit? Some of my test cases are lists that I have a hard time spacing (putting it on the next line). For question 3, do we need to keep it as (+ 1 1 1) or we are allowed to just get 3? Is our racket still on Beginning Student or are we at the point to change it to Beginning Student with list Abbreviations? I noticed assignment four is due before the deadline for the concepts in module 5: Lists. Obviously completing the entire fifth module would benefit one in this assignment. How... $ $R0/.*-A+ 1/I7 $% B$!"$C58*5/D$E88$0*FG7+$0/+/0./H$/I,/J7$2G/0/$5-7/HD$/HKL$CJ/5$/HK$65H$7G/*0$0/+J/,7*./$8-F-+$60/$0/F*+7/0/H$706H/460M+$-N$/HK$O5,D 3/04+$-N$&/0.*,/$P$Q-5-0$%-H/$; $R0*.6,S$R-8*,S 程序代写 CS代考 加微信: powcoder QQ: 1823890830 Email: powcoder@163.com