程序代写 Name: _________________________RUID_________ Math 486 Homework 2

Name: _________________________RUID_________ Math 486 Homework 2

Name: _________________________RUID_________ Math 486 Homework 8

Copyright By PowCoder代写 加微信 powcoder

1. You are given:
(i) A60 = 2A40
(ii) ӓ40 = 3ӓ60
Find A40 (Hint: Take the bridge – JS)

2. (Question taken from a previous SOA exam)

For a continuous whole life annuity of 1 on (x), you are given:
(i) Tx, the future lifetime of (x), follows a constant force of mortality 0.06.
(ii) The force of interest is 0.04.

Calculate Pr(āTx| > āx) (i.e. the value that the random variable takes exceeds its expectation – JS)

(A) 0.40 (B) 0.44 (C) 0.46 (D) 0.48 (E) 0.50

(Guidance JS: Constant force of mortality means exponential model for Tx.
Use the shortcut to calculate āx. Use Interest (285) to express āTx|.
Isolate Tx in the inequality and use your knowledge of the exponential distribution from Probability (477) to find the answer)

Name: _________________________RUID_________ Math 48

You are given:

(Hint: Take the bridge


Name: _________________________RUID_________ Math 486 Homework 8

1. You are given:

(Hint: Take the bridge – JS)

程序代写 CS代考 加微信: powcoder QQ: 1823890830 Email: powcoder@163.com