代写代考 COMP3036J Spring 2022 Name: __________________

Comp3036J Parallel and Cluster Computing
Assignment Type: Project Title: Project Date: Weighting:
Method of Submission:
Assignment 2

Copyright By PowCoder代写 加微信 powcoder

Saturday, May 14, 2022, 23:59PM Dublin time Moodle (.pdf)
In tutorial 2, you saw how to use MPI collective communication to split a calculation and distribute it among several processors. Write a report (2 pages max) describing how different data sizes and different levels of parallelism affect the runtime of the computation. You will need to refer to the course notes and moodle for beckett4 details.
1. Runtime measurement
o Measurethetimerequiredtocalculatethepriceofanorderonbeckett4.Varythe
size N of the order and the amount of processes P used to calculate the result. You must modify the C file by inserting calls to MPI_Wtime() to measure and print the elapsed time. The elapsed time should begin counting once each process has all the information it needs to begin calculating the costs, and you should stop counting when the last process has sent its results to the root process. The measurement must NOT include the time required to parse the menu or the order. Hint: you might need to insert a call to MPI_Reduce().
i. template.c — MPI program that calculates the total of order.tsv
ii. make-order.py — creates order.tsv with the desired size N
iii. menu.tsv — provides prices for each menu item
2. Report (1 page cover page + max 2 page report body)
o Writeareport(max3includingcoverpage)onyourfindingsfromabove.Youmust
i. A cover page, in the style of assignment 1 (see below)
ii. A well-formatted table with raw measurements collected from the running the program with different sizes of N and P. (see below). The graph must feature appropriate units and axis labels.
iii. A line chart (graph) of the speed-up provided by increasing parallelism for each workload size. The graph must be well-labelled.
iv. A written explanation of the results. Comment on the speed-up observed. What is the trend of the speed up as parallelism increases? How does the size of the data affect the measurements? Describe why you see the results obtained. Note: you might not achieve a great speedup. This is ok. It’s the explanation that counts!
o Report:use11ptfont(Arial,TimesNewRoman,orCalibri).
o Thecoverpageshouldbeblankotherthancoverpageinformation.Pages2and3
should contain the report text. There should be no page 4.

Cover page
Assignment 2 COMP3036J Spring 2022 Name: __________________
UCD student number: ______________ BJUT student number: ______________
You may use this as a template for the table of measurements.
Table: Elapsed time to calculate totals
Number of Processes
One file, at most 3 pages, in PDF format, uploaded to Moodle before the deadline.
Questions should be asked on the Moodle Forum.
You will be graded on the following:
• Inclusion of table, realistic results, formatting
• Inclusion of graph, shows realistic results, formatting
• Explanation, demonstration of understanding
• Overall professionalism of the report
When you submit your assignment you will get a URKUND plagiarism report. Generally submissions should have a plagiarism score of <~15. This is normally ok. Ultimately these will be inspected by hand so the number, by itself, doesn’t mean that much. More important to a high score is why it is high. For instance, the cover page might be some of the reason. Your report itself, should not. You are encouraged you to submit early, and if you think your score is too high, revise and resubmit. A score of up to ~20 can happen due to legitimate references, cover page, etc. 程序代写 CS代考 加微信: powcoder QQ: 1823890830 Email: powcoder@163.com