MATH50003 Numerical Analysis: Problem Sheet 5¶
This problem sheet explores positive definite matrices,
Cholesky decompositions, matrix norms, and the singular value decomposition.
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Questions marked with a ⋆ are meant to be completed without using a computer.
Problems are denoted A/B/C to indicate their difficulty.
using LinearAlgebra, Plots, Test
1. Positive definite matrices and Cholesky decompositions¶
Problem 1.1⋆ (C) Use the Cholesky decomposition to determine
which of the following matrices are symmetric positive definite:
\begin{bmatrix} 1 & -1 \\
\end{bmatrix}, \begin{bmatrix} 1 & 2 & 2 \\
2 & 1 & 2\\
\end{bmatrix}, \begin{bmatrix} 3 & 2 & 1 \\
2 & 4 & 2\\
\begin{bmatrix} 4 & 2 & 2 & 1 \\
2 & 4 & 2 & 2\\
2 & 2 & 4 & 2 \\
1 & 2 & 2 & 4
Problem 1.2⋆ (B) Recall that an inner product $⟨𝐱, 𝐲⟩$ on $ℝ^n$
over the reals $ℝ$ satisfies, for all $𝐱,𝐲,𝐳 ∈ ℝ$ and $a,b ∈ ℝ$:
Symmetry: $⟨𝐱, 𝐲⟩ = ⟨𝐲, 𝐱⟩$
Linearity: $⟨a𝐱+b𝐲, 𝐳⟩ = a ⟨𝐱, 𝐳⟩+ b⟨𝐲, 𝐳⟩$
Posive-definite: $⟨𝐱, 𝐱⟩ > 0$
Prove that $⟨𝐱, 𝐲⟩$ is an inner product if and only if
⟨𝐱, 𝐲⟩ = 𝐱^⊤ K 𝐲
where $K$ is a symmetric positive definite matrix.
Problem 1.3⋆ (A) Show that a matrix is symmetric positive definite if and only if it has a Cholesky
decomposition of the form
where $U$ is upper triangular with positive entries on the diagonal.
Problem 1.4⋆ (A) Prove that the following $n × n$ matrix is symmetric positive definite
for any $n$:
Δ_n := \begin{bmatrix}
-1 & 2 & -1 \\
& -1 & 2 & ⋱ \\
&& ⋱ & ⋱ & -1 \\
&&& -1 & 2
Deduce its two Cholesky decompositions: $Δ_n = L_n L_n^⊤ = U_n U_n^⊤$ where
$L_n$ is lower triangular and $U_n$ is upper triangular.
Problem 1.5 (B) SymTridiagonal(dv, eu) is a type for representing symmetric tridiagonal
matrices (that is, SymTridiagonal(dv, ev) == Tridiagonal(ev, dv, ev)). Complete the following
implementation of cholesky to return a Bidiagonal cholesky factor in $O(n)$ operations,
and check your result
compared to your solution of Problem 1.3 for n = 1_000_000.
import LinearAlgebra: cholesky
# return a Bidiagonal L such that L’L == A (up to machine precision)
cholesky(A::SymTridiagonal) = cholesky!(copy(A))
# return a Bidiagonal L such that L’L == A (up to machine precision)
# You are allowed to change A
function cholesky!(A::SymTridiagonal)
d = A.dv # diagonal entries of A
u = A.ev # sub/super-diagonal entries of A
T = float(eltype(A)) # return type, make float in case A has Ints
n = length(d)
ld = zeros(T, n) # diagonal entries of L
ll = zeros(T, n-1) # sub-diagonal entries of L
Bidiagonal(ld, ll, :L)
A = SymTridiagonal(2*ones(n),-ones(n-1))
L = cholesky(A)
@test L ≈ cholesky(Matrix(A)).L
2. Matrix norms¶
Problem 2.1⋆ (B) Prove the following:
\|A\|_∞ &= \max_k \|A[k,:]\|_1 \\
\|A\|_{1 → ∞} &= \|\hbox{vec}(A)\|_∞ = \max_{kj} |a_{kj}|
Problem 2.2⋆ (B) For a rank-1 matrix $A = 𝐱 𝐲^⊤$ prove that
\|A \|_2 = \|𝐱\|_2 \|𝐲\|_2.
Hint: use the Cauchy–Schwartz inequality.
Problem 2.3⋆ (B) Show for any orthogonal matrix $Q ∈ ℝ^m$ and
matrix $A ∈ ℝ^{m × n}$ that
\|Q A\|_F = \|A\|_F
by first showing that $\|A \|_F = \sqrt{\hbox{tr}(A^⊤ A)}$ using the
trace of an $m × m$ matrix:
\hbox{tr}(A) = a_{11} + a_{22} + ⋯ + a_{mm}.
3. Singular value decomposition¶
Problem 3.1⋆ (B) Show that $\|A \|_2 ≤ \|A\|_F ≤ \sqrt{r} \|A \|_2$ where
$r$ is the rank of $A$.
Problem 3.2 (A) Consider functions sampled on a $(n+1) × (n+1)$ 2D grid
$(x_k,y_j) = (k/n, j/n)$ where $k,j = 0,…,n$.
For $n = 100$, what is the lowest rank $r$ such that
the best rank-$r$ approximation to the samples
that is accurate to within $10^{-5}$ accuracy for the following functions:
(x + 2y)^2, \cos(\sin x {\rm e}^y), 1/(x + y + 1), \hbox{sign}(x-y)
For which examples does the answer change when $n = 1000$?
Problem 3.3⋆ (B) Define the pseudo-inverse:
A^+ := V Σ^{-1} U^⊤.
Show that it satisfies the Moore-Penrose conditions:
$A A^+ A = A$
$A^+ A A^+ = A^+$
$(A A^+)^⊤ = A A^+$ and $(A^+ A)^⊤ = A^+ A$
Problem 3.4⋆ (A) Show for $A ∈ ℝ^{m × n}$ with $m ≥ n$ and ⊤ rank
that $𝐱 = A^+ 𝐛$ is the least squares solution, i.e., minimises $\| A 𝐱 – 𝐛 \|_2$.
Hint: extend $U$ in the SVD to be a square orthogonal matrix.
Problem 3.5⋆ (A)
If $A ∈ ℝ^{m × n}$ has a non-empty kernel there are multiple solutions to the least
squares problem as
we can add any element of the kernel. Show that $𝐱 = A^+ 𝐛$ gives the least squares solution
such that $\| 𝐱 \|_2$ is minimised.
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