CS61B Fall 2016
UNIVERSITY OF CALIFORNIA Department of Electrical Engineering and Computer Sciences Computer Science Division
Final Examination Solution (revised)
P. N. Hilfinger
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Final Exam Login: Initials: 2
1. [4 points] Draw the box-and-pointer diagram corresponding to the state at each of the marked points (Q1, Q2, Q3, Q4) in the main program below. There are no runtime errors in executing the program.
public class Mystery {
public static void mystery1(IntList L) {
IntList front = L;
for (; L.tail != null; L = L.tail.tail) {
IntList one = new IntList(1, L.tail);
L.tail = one;
L.tail = front;
public static void mystery2(IntList L) {
L.tail.tail = new IntList(0, L.tail.tail);
public static void mystery3(IntList L1, IntList L2) {
for (int i = 0; i < 3; i += 1, L1 = L1.tail, L2 = L2.tail) {
int tempInt = L1.head;
L1.head = L2.head;
L2.head = tempInt;
IntList tempIL = L1;
L2 = tempIL; }
public static void main(String[] args) {
IntList L1 = new IntList(4, null);
IntList L2 = new IntList(6, new IntList(8, L1));
L1 = L2.tail.tail.tail;
mystery3(L1, L2);
Final Exam
Q1. L1: L2:
Q2. L1: L2:
Login: Initials:
? -6 -8 -4
? -6 -1 -8 -1 -4
? -6 -0 -1 -8 -1 -4
-8 -1 -4 -6 -0 -1
Final Exam Login: Initials: 4 2. [2 points] Fill in the return statement in the following to fulfill the comment.
/** Returns the result of rotating the right half (i.e., the least
* significant 16 bits) of X left by 1, leaving the left half unchanged.
* Rotating a binary integer left means moving all but the most
* significant bit left by one bit position and moving the most
* significant bit to the least significant (units) position. For example,
* (0b indicates binary notation; 0x indicates hexadecimal):
int rotateHalf(int x) {
rotateHalf(3) == rotateHalf(0b0011) == 0b0110 == 6
rotateHalf(32769) == rotateHalf(0x8001) == rotateHalf(0b1000000000000001)
== 0b0011 == 3
rotateHalf(3309569) == rotateHalf(0x328001)
== rotateHalf(0b1100101000000000000001)
== 0b1100100000000000000011 == 0x320003 == 3276803
int mask = 0xffff;
return (x & ~mask) | ((x >> 15) & 1) | ((x << 1) & mask)
3. [2 points] Fill in the blank in the following to fulfill the comment.
import java.util.regex.Pattern;
/** A Java pattern that matches a single numeral consisting of an optional
* sign followed by one or more digits, with groups of three digits
* separated by commas. For example, the pattern matches any of
* 1 -1 23 +25 117
* but not
* 1,2 32, 1024 121,32 --75
static final Pattern NUMBER =
1,243 -20,176
Final Exam Login: Initials: 5
4. [4 points]
Below you will find intermediate steps in performing various sorting algorithms on the
same input list. The steps do not necessarily represent consecutive steps in the algorithm (that is, many steps are missing), but they are in the correct sequence. For each of them, select the algorithm it illustrates from among the following choices: insertion sort, selection sort, mergesort, quicksort (first element of sequence as pivot), heapsort, LSD radix and MSD radix sort.
Input List:
1429, 3291, 7683, 1337, 192, 594, 4242, 9001, 4392, 129, 1000
a. LSD radix sort
1000, 3291, 9001, 192, 4242, 4392, 7683, 594, 1337, 1429, 129
1000, 9001, 1429, 129, 1337, 4242, 7683, 3291, 192, 4392, 594
1000, 9001, 129, 192, 4242, 3291, 1337, 4392, 1429, 594, 7683
b. Quicksort
1337, 192, 594, 129, 1000, 1429, 3291, 7683, 4242, 9001, 4392
192, 594, 129, 1000, 1337, 1429, 3291, 7683, 4242, 9001, 4392
129, 192, 594, 1000, 1337, 1429, 3291, 7683, 4242, 9001, 4392
c. Insertion sort
1337, 1429, 3291, 7683, 192, 594, 4242, 9001, 4392, 129, 1000
192, 1337, 1429, 3291, 7683, 594, 4242, 9001, 4392, 129, 1000
192, 594, 1337, 1429, 3291, 7683, 4242, 9001, 4392, 129, 1000
d. Heapsort
1429, 3291, 7683, 9001, 1000, 594, 4242, 1337, 4392, 129, 192
7683, 4392, 4242, 3291, 1000, 594, 192, 1337, 1429, 129, 9001
129, 4392, 4242, 3291, 1000, 594, 192, 1337, 1429, 7683, 9001
In all these cases, the final step of the algorithm will be this:
129, 192, 594, 1000, 1337, 1429, 3291, 4242, 4392, 7683, 9001
Final Exam Login: Initials: 6
5. [6 points] For each question below, respond in the best way that you can, based on the material you have learned in this class. Read each question carefully; the exact questions being asked will differ from scenario to scenario.
Brevity is the soul of wit. We reserve the right to deduct partial credit for overly lengthy answers.
a. Your friend, a budding politician, meets several hundred people a day and places their names onto the front of an ArrayList. Once there, he never removes a name, but sometimes looks through the list to see the order in which he met people.
At least one aspect of his procedures is slower than it could be. Describe a small change in your friend’s use of the data structure that would improve runtime without changing the data structure involved. Briefly justify why your change speeds things up.
Putting items at the end of the list instead of the front would speed up addition to the list.
Now describe a change in the data structure that would improve runtime without requiring a change in actions taken. Briefly justify the speedup.
Using a linked list would allow adding to the front of the list in O(1) time.
b. A TopBalancedTree class is a BST that (somehow) ensures the number of stored elements to the left of the root of the tree differs by no more than one from the number of elements to the right of the root. Your friend claims that this data structure has O(lgN) worst-case retrieval time for any element, because you only have to look at half of the elements in the data structure.
How long does the .contains(·) method actually take in the worst case for this data structure?
Θ(N) time in the worst case. Since we only balance at the root, the two subtrees can still be stringy.
Suggest a modification of the class that uses the same idea, but does achieve O(lg N ) look-up time. You do not have to justify your answer.
Balance all the nodes, not just the root.
Final Exam Login: Initials: 7
c. You are building a map server application that uses A* search to find shortest routes between points. Your friend has a suggestion for a suitable heuristic estimate from any point A to destination B: collect crowd-sourced data from drivers in which they report the longest time it has ever taken them to travel between A and B (i.e., on the busiest of days) and use the average of these worst-case times as the heuristic. (Most people would find it tedious to keep track of that information, but fortunately there’s an app for that.) What is wrong with your friend’s suggestion? Be specific.
The heuristic can easily overestimate distance, making it inadmissible.
d. Why doesn’t the fact that Radix Sort is a linear time sorting algorithm violate the Ω(N lg N ) lower bound which we established for the other sorts?
Apples and oranges. The N in Ω(N lg N ) bound refers to the number of keys, whereas in radix sort, the bound is Ω(B), where B is the number of bytes of data. Furthermore Ω(N lg N ) is a count of comparison operations, which radix sort is not restricted to comparisons.
Final Exam Login: Initials: 8
e. You are told that in a certain application, insertion sort is guaranteed to be the best algorithm to sort a list of numbers used in that application. What might you infer about the characteristics of that list?
That it is nearly sorted already, or that it is always very short.
f. Consider the following class:
class Hasher {
private Random gen = new Random();
int hash(int y, int M) {
int r = rotate(y, gen.nextInt(32)) >>> 1;
return r % M; }
That is, .hash rotates the bits of y left by a random amount < 32, and then logically shifts the result right by one to get a non-negative number before taking modulo M. If H is an object of type Hasher is H.hash(x, N) good to use for hashed values of x (where N is the size of the table)? Briefly, why or why not?
H.hash won’t work at all, since it produces different values for identical values of x.
Final Exam Login: Initials: 9
[6 points]
a. Show the left-leaning red-black tree that corresponds to the (2,3) tree on the left. Indicate red nodes with an asterisk (as in part (b) below).
(2, 3) tree
Left-Leaning Red-
H 8158095 58 15 90
5* 9 14 30
b. Show the (2,4) tree that corresponds to the red-black tree on the left. Red nodes are marked with an asterisk.
3 6 914 203080 95
•••••••• ••••• ••
(2, 4) tree
@ @ @
1* 8* 16 25
1581216 25
••••••• ••
Final Exam Login: Initials: 10
7. [6 points]
In the following, assume that cnst() is a constant-time function call. When giving
bounds, give bounds that are as tight and simple as possible. For example if Θ(E + G) is a correct answer for some expressions E and G, and Θ(E + G) = Θ(E), then your answer should be Θ(E), since it is simpler. If O(E) and O(G) are both correct answers, O(E) ⊂ O(G), but O(E) ̸= O(G), then your answer should be O(E), since it is tighter.
a. Give best- and worst-case bounds as a function of N.
public static void foo1(int N) {
if (N == 0) return;
for (int i = N; i >= 1; i = i/2) {
foo1(N – 1); }
Best case: Θ(N lg N ) Worst case: Θ(N lg N ) b. Give best- and worst-case runtime bounds for the call foo2(N, N) as a function of
public static void foo2(int i, int N) {
if (N == 0) return;
for (int j = 0; j < i; j = j + 1) {
if (i > N/2) {
foo2(i – 1, N);
foo2(i/2, N) + foo2(i/2, N);
Bestcase: Θ(N2 )
Worstcase: Θ(N2 )
c. True or false: if f(N) ∈ O(N) and g(N) ∈ O(N2), and both functions are non- negative, then |g(N) − f(N)| ∈ Ω(N). If true, explain why; otherwise give a coun- terexample.
False: Consider f(N) = g(N) = N.
Final Exam Login: Initials: 11
d. True or false: if f(N) ∈ Θ(N) and g(N) ∈ Θ(N2), and both functions are non- negative, then |g(N) − f(N)| ∈ Ω(N). If true, explain why; otherwise give a coun- terexample.
True: Since g(N) ∈ Θ(N2), it is also in Ω(N), while f(N) ∈ O(N). Since g grows at least as N2, an O(N) quantity is eventually negligible in comparison.
e. What is the running time of the following algorithm, as a function of the parameter r?
/** Assumes that VALS is a square array, and that 0 <= R, C < vals.length.
double best(double vals[][], int r, int c) {
if (r == 0)
return vals[r][c];
v = best(vals, r - 1, c);
if (c > 0)
v = Math.max(v, best(vals, r – 1, c – 1);
if (c < vals[r].length - 1)
v = Math.max(v, best(vals, r - 1, c + 1);
return v + vals[r][c];
Answer: Θ(3r)
f. Suppose that the function in part (e) is memoized. Give an expression E involving the parameter r and N =vals.length such that the running time of the memoized function is Θ(E).
Answer: E =rN
Final Exam Login: Initials: 12
8. [4 points]
Indicate whether the following statements are true or false and briefly justify your
answer (if false, a counterexample is sufficient justification).
a. If all edge weights are equal and positive, breadth-first search starting from node A
will return the shortest path from a node A to a target node B.
True. Breadth-first search will find all nodes reachable in distance w, then 2w, etc., where w is the common weight. It will stop, therefore, at the lowest distance that reaches node B.
b. If all edges have distinct weights, the shortest path between any two vertices is unique.
False. Consider
c. Assume we have some graph, G, with a unique shortest path from vertex A to B. We add a positive constant, k, to every edge to create a new graph G′. The shortest pathinG′ fromAtoBisthesameinG′ asinG.
False. Consider what happens for k = 2 where G is as follows:
# 3# c2 #c
A# 6 ccB
d. Topologically sorting a connected graph with E edges requires Θ(E lg E) time in the worst case.
False. Topological sort can be effected by a depth-first search, which is linear in E in the worst case.
Final Exam Login: Initials: 13 9. [1 point] What do members of the U.S.I. at Berkeley have in common?
They have been incarcerated.
10. [6 points] An M-way search tree, of which a B-tree is a special case, has a sequence of
5 8 15 90959799
••• •• •••••
•3• •6• •9•
We will use these trees to implement a kind of set (so adding a duplicate key should have no effect). The strategy for insertion of a new key, A, is to find a node, P, in which the appropriate child to contain A is empty (null) and then either to insert A in P at the appropriate place if P has fewer then M children, and otherwise to create a new child of P containing just A. For example, after inserting 45 into the example above, we would have the tree on the left below, and then after inserting 91, we’d have the tree on the right.
10 40 45 80 10 40 45 80
••••• •••••
## A ## A #A#A
## A ## A
5 8 15 90959799 5 8 15 90959799
••• •• ••••• ••• •• •••••
•••••• •••••• ••
Fill in the class on the next two pages to implement this data structure (partially, that is; some operations are not considered.)
Final Exam Login: Initials: 14
public class MTreeSet