i(* Code for Lecture 3: Datatypes *)
Copyright By PowCoder代写 加微信 powcoder
(* Datatypes (non-recursive) *)
(* suit of cards *)
type suit = Clubs | Spades | Hearts | Diamonds
(* We can extend the pre-defined types of int, float, char, string, etc.
with user-defined types.
Here declare a collection of elements belonging to the type suit;
we also say Clubs, Spades, Hearts, and Diamonds inhabit the type suit.
Often, we simply say Clubs (Spades, Hearts, Diamonds) *is* of type suit.
– the order in which we declare these elements does not matter
– Elements (= constructors) Need to begin with a capital letter
– Taking apart elements of a type is done by pattern matching
using the expression
(* dom : suit*suit -> bool
dom(s1,s2) = true iff suit s1 beats or is equal to suit s2
relative to the ordering S > H > D > C
Invariants: none
Effects: none
let rec dom (s1, s2) = match (s1, s2) with
| (Spades, _) -> true
| (Hearts, Diamonds) -> true
| (Hearts, Clubs) -> true
| (Diamonds, Clubs) -> true
| (s1, s2) -> s1 = s2
– Allow pattern matching on the possible elements of a type
– Allows deep pattern matching
– Wildcard _ matches anything
_ (s1, s2) is a generic pattern which matches anything, but
we have names, namely s1 and s2, to refer to the parts of the tuple.
– All variables in a pattern must be distinct;
i.e. (s1, s1) is not a valid pattern.
(* rank of cards *)
type rank =
Two | Three | Four | Five | Six | Seven | Eight | Nine | Ten |
Jack | Queen | King | Ace
(* A card is a rank and a suit *)
type card = rank * suit
(* Recursive Data-type *)
(* Let’s define the collection of cards in my hand. We want to define
it in such a way, that it can describe the fact that I have
2 cards in my hand, 77 cards in my hand, or no card at all in my hand.
We will define it recursively:
A hand is either empty or
it consists of a card followed by the rest of the hand
More precisely, we can define the elements of type hand as follows:
– Empty is of type hand
– If c is a card and h is of type hand
then Hand (c, h) is of type hand.
– Nothing else is of type hand.
(* Data-type (recursive!) *)
type hand = Empty | Hand of card * hand
(* Empty and Hand are constructors. They allow us to construct
an element of type hand.
(* Some sample hands: *)
let hand0:hand = Empty
let hand1:hand = Hand((Ace, Hearts), Empty)
let hand2:hand = Hand((Queen, Diamonds), hand1)
let hand5:hand = Hand((Ace, Spades),
Hand((Ten, Diamonds),
Hand((Seven, Clubs),
Hand((Queen, Spades),
Hand((Eight, Clubs), Empty)))))
(* extract : suit -> hand -> hand
extract s h returns a hand consisting of all card in h of suit s.
Invariants: none
Effects: none
let rec extract (s:suit) (h:hand) = match h with
| Empty -> Empty
| Hand ((r’, s’), h’) ->
if s = s’ then Hand((r’,s’), extract s h’)
else extract s h’
(* Note: For clarity, I annotated the variable names s and h with their
corresponding type. This is not necessary since in general OCaml will infer
their types.
(* extract all spades from hand5 *)
let (spades5:hand) = extract Spades hand5
(* count: hand -> int
count(h) counts the number of cards in a hand h
let rec count h = match h with
| Empty -> 0
| Hand (c, h) -> count h + 1
(* find : (rank * hand) -> suit option
find the first card with rank r in h and
return its correpsonding suit s by Some(s)
if there is no card with rank r,
return None
To write this function we make use of the pre-defined,
parameterized datatype ‘a option.
type ‘a option = None | Some of ‘a
let rec find (r, h) = match h with
| Empty -> None
| Hand ((r’, s’), h’) -> if r = r’ then Some s’
else find (r, h’)
(* Lists *)
(* Here is how one might define lists of elements of the same type: *)
type ‘a mylist = Nil | Cons of ‘a * ‘a mylist
(* Some sample values: *)
let list0 : int mylist = Nil
let list1 : int mylist = Cons(1, Nil)
let list2 : int mylist = Cons(2, Cons(1, Nil))
let list3 : int mylist = Cons(3, list2)
let lst0 : float mylist = Nil
let lst1 : float mylist = Cons(3.1, Cons(2.6, lst0))
(* And using the predefined ML lists, we have these values: *)
let rlist1 : float list = [8.6;5.4]
let rlist2 : float list = 8.6::5.4::[]
(* append: ‘a list * ‘a list -> ‘a list
append(l1, l2) returns a list consisting of the elements of l1
followed by the elements of l2.
Invariants: none
Effects: none
NOTE: This operation is defined in ML’s Standard Basis
via the right-associative infix operator
Observe that the running time is proportional to the length
of the first argument.
let rec append l1 l2 = match l1 with
| [] -> l2
| x::l’ -> x::append l’ l2
let app12 : float list = append rlist1 rlist2
let app12′ : float list = rlist1 @ rlist2
(* Remark : Writing functions without pattern matching
*** Old style ***
This requires to write first functions which
allow us to take apart lists.
(* head: ‘a list -> ‘a
Note: head may be undefined for the empty list
let head (h::t) = h;;
Warning P: this pattern-matching is not exhaustive.
Here is an example of a value that is not matched:
let head (h::t) = h
(* tail: ‘a list -> ‘a list *)
let tail l = match l with
| [] -> []
| h::t -> t
(* Destructor style *)
let rec app (l1, l2) =
if l1 = [] then l2
head(l1)::(app (tail(l1), l2))
(* Here is a function that reverses a list.
For example, rev [1, 2, 3, 4] ==> [4, 3, 2, 1].
The code below is extremely inefficient.
Can you see why?
Next lecture we will see a more efficient implementation.
let rev : ‘a list -> ‘a list
rev(l) returns a list consisting of the elements of l in reverse order.
Invariants: none
Effects: none
let rec rev l = match l with
| [] -> []
| x::l -> (rev l) @ [x]
(* What is the tail-recursive version of this? *)
let rev’ l =
let rec rev_tr l acc = match l with
| [] -> acc
| h::t -> rev_tr t (h::acc)
rev_tr l []
(* Mergesort *)
(*split lst = (l,l’) s.t. lst = merge(l,l’)
split: ‘a list -> (‘a list * ‘a list) *)
let rec split l = match l with
| [] -> ([ ],[ ])
| [h] -> ([h],[ ])
| (h1::h2::t) ->
let (left, right) = split t in
(h1::left, h2::right)
(* merge (l,l’) = lst
assumes l and l’ are both sorted (<),
returns the sorted combination
merge: 'a list * 'a list -> ‘a list *)
let rec merge l x = match l, x with
| [] , x -> x
| x , [] -> x
| h::t , h’::t’ ->
if (h <= h') then
h::merge t x
h'::merge l t'
(* mergeSort: 'a list -> ‘a list *)
let rec mergeSort l = match l with
| [] -> []
| [x] -> [x]
let (slst, slst’) = split lst in
merge (mergeSort slst) (mergeSort slst’)
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