CS代写 Problem Definition

Problem Definition
Chord: P2P System and Simulation
We talked extensively in class about overlay networks and how they can be used to provide services. The goal of this
project is to implement the Chord protocol and a simple object access service to prove its usefulness using Erlang and

Copyright By PowCoder代写 加微信 powcoder

Actor Model.
The specification of the Chord protocol can be found in the paperChord: A Scalable Peer-to-peer Lookup Service for
Internet Applicationsby lon Stoica, , , M. , .
https://pdos.csail.mit.edu/papers/ton:chord/paper-ton.pdf. You can also refer to the Wikipedia
page: https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Chord(peer-to-peer) The paper above, in section 2.3 contains a specification of the
Chord API and of the API to be implemented by the application.
You have to implement the network join and routing as described in the Chord paper (Section 4) and encode the simple
application that associates a key (same as the ids used in Chord) with a string. You can change the message type sent
and the specific activity as long as you implement it using a similar API to the one described in the paper.
Input: The input provided (as command line to yourproject3.erl) will be of the form:
project3 numNodes numRequests
Where numNodesis the number of peers to be created in the peer-to-peer system and numRequests is the number of
requests each peer has to make. When all peers performed that many requests, the program can exit. Each peer should
send a request/second.
Output: Print the average number of hops (node connections) that have to be traversed to deliver a message.
Actor modeling: In this project, you have to use exclusively the AKA actor framework (projects that do not use
multiple actors or use any other form of parallelism will receive no credit). You should have one actor for each of the
peers modeled.

程序代写 CS代考 加微信: powcoder QQ: 1823890830 Email: powcoder@163.com