程序代写 QBUS2820 – Predictive Analytics


QBUS2820 – Predictive Analytics
Tutorial 5 – Model Selection and Evaluation¶

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In this tutorial we will continue working with the K-nearest neighbours regression method and the credit dataset to introduce model selection into the data analysis process. By using cross validation, we can pick the number of neighbours before generating predictions for the test data.

Data processing

KNN regression test performance

Cross validation

Applying cross validation to KNN

Adding predictors

Computational considerations

The next step

This notebook relies on the following imports throughout. We will load new packages and functions in context to make clear what we are using them for.

import pandas as pd
import numpy as np
import matplotlib.pyplot as plt
import seaborn as sns
%matplotlib inline
sns.set_context(‘notebook’) # optimises picture for notebook viewing

Data processing¶
We start by loading the dataset in the same way as before.

data=pd.read_csv(‘credit.csv’, index_col=’Obs’)

Income Limit Rating Cards Age Education Gender Student Married Ethnicity Balance
1 14.891 3606 283 2 34 11 Male No Yes Caucasian 333
2 106.025 6645 483 3 82 15 Female Yes Yes Asian 903
3 104.593 7075 514 4 71 11 Male No No Asian 580
4 148.924 9504 681 3 36 11 Female No No Asian 964
5 55.882 4897 357 2 68 16 Male No Yes Caucasian 331

This time, let’s do some additional processing to create dummy variables.

data[‘Male’]=(data[‘Gender’] ==’ Male’).astype(int)
data[‘Student’]=(data[‘Student’] ==’Yes’).astype(int)
data[‘Married’]=(data[‘Married’] ==’Yes’).astype(int)
data[‘Caucasian’]=(data[‘Ethnicity’] ==’Caucasian’).astype(int)
data[‘Asian’]=(data[‘Ethnicity’] ==’Asian’).astype(int)
data=data.loc[:, data.dtypes!=’object’] # discards the columns that are not numerical
data=data.drop(‘Rating’, axis=1) # dropping rating because it is collinear with limit, as we saw before

Income Limit Cards Age Education Student Married Balance Male Caucasian Asian
1 14.891 3606 2 34 11 0 1 333 1 1 0
2 106.025 6645 3 82 15 1 1 903 0 0 1
3 104.593 7075 4 71 11 0 0 580 1 0 1
4 148.924 9504 3 36 11 0 0 964 0 0 1
5 55.882 4897 2 68 16 0 1 331 1 1 0

Our discussion of the random number generator state from last time becomes useful as we can now get the same training-test split as before.

Try to use the train_test_split fucntion that we used in Tutorial 4.

train = data.sample(frac=0.7, random_state=1)
test = data[data.index.isin(train.index)==False]


Income Limit Cards Age Education Student Married Balance Male Caucasian Asian
399 37.728 2525 1 44 13 0 1 0 1 1 0
126 27.578 2531 1 34 15 0 1 0 0 1 0
329 41.192 3673 3 54 16 0 1 121 0 1 0
340 149.316 10278 1 80 16 0 0 1107 1 0 0
173 76.348 4697 4 60 18 0 0 108 1 0 1

KNN regression test performance¶
Picking up from where we left, let’s have a quick check at the solutions for the task in week 3.

from sklearn.neighbors import KNeighborsRegressor
from sklearn.metrics import mean_squared_error

neighbours=np.arange(1, 101)
test_rmse = []
for k in neighbours:
knn = KNeighborsRegressor(n_neighbors = k)
knn.fit(train[[‘Limit’]], train[‘Balance’])
predictions = knn.predict(test[[‘Limit’]])
rmse = np.sqrt(mean_squared_error(test[‘Balance’], predictions))

fig, ax= plt.subplots()
ax.plot(neighbours, test_rmse, color=’#1F77B4′)
ax.set_xlabel(‘Number of neighbours’)
ax.set_ylabel(‘Test error’)

print(‘Lowest test error: K = {}’.format(1 + np.argmin(test_rmse)))

Lowest test error: K = 6

KNN regression test performance¶
Now, let’s add more predictors.


neighbours=np.arange(1, 101)
test_rmse = []
for k in neighbours:
knn = KNeighborsRegressor(n_neighbors= k, metric=’mahalanobis’, metric_params={‘V’: train[predictors].cov()})
knn.fit(train[predictors], train[‘Balance’])
predictions = knn.predict(test[predictors])
rmse = np.sqrt(mean_squared_error(test[‘Balance’], predictions))

fig, ax= plt.subplots()
ax.plot(neighbours, test_rmse, color=’#1F77B4′)
ax.set_xlabel(‘Number of neighbours’)
ax.set_ylabel(‘Test error’)

print(‘Lowest test error: K = {}’.format(1 + np.argmin(test_rmse)))

Lowest test error: K = 10

Therefore, K=6 neighbours has the best test performance for the model with only “Limit” as the predictor, and K=10 has the best test RMSE for the model with “Limit” and “Income” as the predictors. We can see that in the latter case, the test performance deteriorates sharply as we increase K to be larger than the optimal number of neighbours.

However, in practice we need to select the number of neighbours before taking the model to the test data.

Are we able to identify based on the training data that K around 6 and 7 is the best number of neighbours? We now turn to cross validation.

Cross validation¶
The general procedure for computing the cross validation errors is the following:

Set a cross validation iterator. This will set the number of folds and specify which observations are in each fold.
Specify the model (without training it).
Use the cross_validation_score function to compute the cross validation errors. The output is a vector of scores, one for each fold.

We will do this step by step. Suppose that we want to do 10-fold cross validation. The syntax for the K-Fold CV iterator is as follows.

from sklearn.model_selection import KFold
# Syntax: KFold(number of folds, shuffle=True/False, random_state = a number, if shuffling)

By default, the shuffle option is False. That splits the data into folds according to the order of the observations, without randomisation. Setting it True splits the data randomly.

It turns out that when we generated the training data, the function already returned a random permutation of the observations, based on random_state, so that it would be unnecessary to shuffle again here.

Remember that LOOCV is equivalent to K-Fold CV with K equal to the size of the training sample.

from sklearn.model_selection import LeaveOneOut

We now compute the results for each fold, using the the 10-fold CV iterator.

from sklearn.model_selection import cross_val_score

# Model- 5NN
knn = KNeighborsRegressor(n_neighbors= 5)

# Syntax: cross_val_score(method, predictors, response, cv = number of folds, scoring = scoring function)
# 10 folder CV
scores = cross_val_score(knn, train[[‘Limit’]], train[‘Balance’], cv=kf, scoring = ‘neg_mean_squared_error’)

# print the score for each fold

[ -77897.08714286 -122744.42571429 -45361.16142857 -14631.97857143
-28697.30142857 -51502.29142857 -80393.41142857 -50706.58142857
-30731.23571429 -12061.44857143]

The scoring in scikit-learn follows the convention that higher score values, the better. This is why the argument in the function is the negative mean squared error. The scikit-learn model evaluation documentation provides a list of scoring options. You should save this for future reference.

Often, the syntax is simplified by the fact that each method in scikit-learn has a default scoring method. In this case you have to consult the documentation to know what it is. For a KNN regression the default scoring is the r-squared, allowing us to interpret the output below.

scores = cross_val_score(knn, train[[‘Limit’]], train[‘Balance’], cv=kf)

[0.66456153 0.54011848 0.80810047 0.91623641 0.84439011 0.66948834
0.65190653 0.80374385 0.88182998 0.9219122 ]

Another option is to create a scorer using make_scorer function. In a general situation, we can then provide the same function that we we use for model evaluation.

from sklearn.metrics import make_scorer
scorer = make_scorer(mean_squared_error, greater_is_better=False)
scores = cross_val_score(knn, train[[‘Limit’]], train[‘Balance’], cv=kf, scoring = scorer)

[ -77897.08714286 -122744.42571429 -45361.16142857 -14631.97857143
-28697.30142857 -51502.29142857 -80393.41142857 -50706.58142857
-30731.23571429 -12061.44857143]

Finally, in this case we could directly specify the number of folds instead of the iterator. The reason we started with the iterator is so that you know the full procedure.

scores = cross_val_score(knn, train[[‘Limit’]], train[‘Balance’], cv=10, scoring = ‘neg_mean_squared_error’)

[ -77897.08714286 -122744.42571429 -45361.16142857 -14631.97857143
-28697.30142857 -51502.29142857 -80393.41142857 -50706.58142857
-30731.23571429 -12061.44857143]

Applying cross validation¶
In this section, we apply the cross validation to the previous model selection example.

Now we try to complete the model selection job with cross validation and without using the test data.

neighbours=np.arange(1, 101)

cv_rmse = []
for k in neighbours:
knn = KNeighborsRegressor(n_neighbors= k)
scores = cross_val_score(knn, train[[‘Limit’]], train[‘Balance’], cv=10, scoring = ‘neg_mean_squared_error’)
# taking the average MSE across folds, then taking the square root to generate RMSE
rmse = np.sqrt(-1*np.mean(scores))
knn.fit(train[[‘Limit’]], train[‘Balance’])

fig, ax= plt.subplots()
ax.plot(neighbours, cv_rmse, color=’#FF7F0E’, label=’CV error’)
ax.set_xlabel(‘Number of neighbours’)

print(‘Lowest CV error: K = {}’.format(1 + np.argmin(cv_rmse)))

Lowest CV error: K = 13


neighbours=np.arange(1, 101)
cv_rmse = []

for k in neighbours:
knn = KNeighborsRegressor(n_neighbors = k, metric=’mahalanobis’, metric_params={‘V’: train[predictors].cov()})
scores = cross_val_score(knn, train[predictors], train[‘Balance’], cv=10, scoring = ‘neg_mean_squared_error’)
rmse = np.sqrt(-1*np.mean(scores)) # taking the average MSE across folds, then taking the square root
knn.fit(train[predictors], train[‘Balance’])

fig, ax= plt.subplots()
ax.plot(neighbours, cv_rmse, color=’#FF7F0E’, label=’CV error’)
ax.set_xlabel(‘Number of neighbours’)

print(‘Lowest CV error: K = {}’.format(1 + np.argmin(cv_rmse)))

Lowest CV error: K = 7

Adding predictors¶
So far we have been using “Limit” and “Income” on the basis that they are the two predictors with highest correlation with the response. We might consider including more predictors to improve our predictions.


Income 0.531
Limit 0.882
Cards 0.076
Age -0.029
Education -0.020
Student 0.240
Married -0.015
Balance 1.000
Male 0.017
Caucasian -0.067
Asian -0.008
Name: Balance, dtype: float64

A note of caution here: the correlations only tell us about linear relationships. We should also use exploratory plots as before to discover nonlinear patterns, which the KNN method is able to capture.

The best way to proceed is to write a function that based on a list of predictors, goes through the entire process of selecting the number of neighbours through cross-validation and obtaining the test results for the selected model.

def knn_test(predictors, response):

neighbours=np.arange(1, 51)
best_score = -np.inf

for k in neighbours:
knn = KNeighborsRegressor(n_neighbors = k, metric=’mahalanobis’, metric_params={‘V’: train[predictors].cov()})
scores = cross_val_score(knn, train[predictors], train[response], cv=10, scoring = ‘neg_mean_squared_error’)
# taking the average of scores across 10 folds
cv_score = np.mean(scores)
# use the cv score for model selection
if cv_score >= best_score:
best_score = cv_score
best_knn = knn

knn = best_knn
# train the selected model with the whole train set
knn.fit(train[predictors], train[response])
# Predict the test data with the selected and re-estimated model
predictions = knn.predict(test[predictors])
test_rmse = np.sqrt(mean_squared_error(test[response], predictions))
cv_rmse= np.sqrt(-best_score)
print(‘Chosen K: {}’.format(knn.n_neighbors))

return test_rmse, cv_rmse

The next two cells compute the results for the choices of predictors that we had so far. The results are similar to those from Tutorial 3, with the difference that back then we selected the number of neighbours arbitrarily.

# Note: the Mahalanobis distance will lead to the same result as the Euclidean distance when there is only one predictor

test_rmse, cv_rmse = knn_test(predictors, response)
print(‘Test RMSE : {}’.format(test_rmse.round(2)))
print(‘Cross validation RMSE : {}’.format(cv_rmse.round(2)))

Chosen K: 13
Test RMSE : 235.72
Cross validation RMSE : 219.57

test_rmse, cv_rmse = knn_test(predictors, response)
print(‘Test RMSE : {}’.format(test_rmse.round(2)))
print(‘Cross validation RMSE : {}’.format(cv_rmse.round(2)))

Chosen K: 7
Test RMSE : 168.98
Cross validation RMSE : 147.39

The third predictor with highest correlation with balance is student. Student in a categorical variable, which introduces new considerations as to how to combine continuous and dummy variables in the distance metric. We follow a simple approach and treat the dummy variable as any other.

The results show that introducing student as a predictor lead to substantial improvements in the test error. The cross validation errors would lead use to select this specification over the previous ones, e.g.77.2 vs 147.39.

predictors=[‘Limit’,’Income’, ‘Student’]
test_rmse, cv_rmse = knn_test(predictors, response)
print(‘Test RMSE : {}’.format(test_rmse.round(2)))
print(‘Cross validation RMSE : {}’.format(cv_rmse.round(2)))

Chosen K: 4
Test RMSE : 67.93
Cross validation RMSE : 77.2

How about even more predictors, maybe all? The results suggest that it seems counterproductive to add more predictors. If we try to use all the variables, the predictions sharply deteriorate. These are overfitting and the curse of dimensionality in action. Note that because of the curse of dimensionality, we need to keep K low in those cases. Fortunately, the cross validation errors would have lead to us to predict with limit, income, and student only.

predictors=[‘Limit’,’Income’, ‘Student’, ‘Cards’]
test_rmse, cv_rmse = knn_test(predictors, response)
print(‘Test RMSE : {}’.format(test_rmse.round(2)))
print(‘Cross validation RMSE : {}’.format(cv_rmse.round(2)))

Chosen K: 5
Test RMSE : 90.07
Cross validation RMSE : 105.5

predictors=[‘Limit’,’Income’, ‘Student’, ‘Cards’, ‘Age’, ‘Education’, ‘Married’, ‘Male’, ‘Caucasian’, ‘Asian’]
test_rmse, cv_rmse = knn_test(predictors, response)
print(‘Test RMSE : {}’.format(test_rmse.round(2)))
print(‘Cross validation RMSE : {}’.format(cv_rmse.round(2)))

Chosen K: 4
Test RMSE : 259.83
Cross validation RMSE : 272.96

Computational considerations¶
Note that our training set is small with only 280 samples. A lot of what we did in this tutorial would have a high computational cost, perhaps prohibitively so, in larger datasets. You should keep this in mind, and think about the potential bottlenecks.

The next step¶
In the previous section, we used an informal procedure to include predictors. We only trained a few of many possible predictor combinations. How do we know that we are not missing something? Can we make this process more systematic? This leads us to the next topic, variable selection (subset selection), which we will study in the context of linear regression.

— Tasks –¶
AIC for model selection¶
With K=4, use the AIC criterion (from the lecture) on the full dataset to compare/guide the selection
between a 4-NN model with the ‘Income’ variable and a model with all explanatory variables. For the likelihood, assume that the
‘true process’ has some additive noise coming from the normal distribution.
Do you think the AIC criterion is applicable in this case? Do all of the assumptions hold?
Which would be the model selected if we set the number of neighbours to K=1? What if we allow K to change (fix the variables and test a model with a K=4 vs a model with K that can change (say between 1 and 50)?

We will start with the ‘manual solution’.
Remember that the AIC is defined as the -2 LogLikelihood + 2 Number_of_parameters

The main difficulties are:

How do we calculate the loglikelihood?
What are the parameters in K-NN?

We saw definition of the loglikelihood in the lectures, this exercise attempts to “solidify” the understanding
of this concept.

We start by the fitting the first model

knn=KNeighborsRegressor(n_neighbors = 4)

knn.fit(data[[‘Income’]], data[‘Balance’])


The likelihood of specific a set of model parameters is the “probability” of having observed the dataset assuming generated by the given model is true.
We need to assume a specific probability distribution, in this case the exercise is telling us to assume the normal distribution for the noise. We can think that the k-nn model is trying to predict the “true value” for each point in the dataset, and the difference between the observation and the prediction is the “noise”. The more the preditions for the training set deviate from the observed values, the smaller the likelihood of the trained model, the “less” likely a given set of coefficients is.

When we have gaussian noise, the probability distribution for computing the likelihood is the gaussian.
For each datapoint the model is creating a different gaussian, with the mean set to the prediction of the model.

$$ y = f(x) + gaussian( mean=0, \sigma= s)$$is equivalent to $$y = gaussian(mean= f(x), \sigma=s) $$

The standard deviation, $\sigma$, is considered to be the same of all point in the dataset (another assumption that might no be true in practice!). We have the “predicted means” for the model, but not the “predicted sigma”. This one we estimate from the actual errors in the dataset. It the standard deviation of the errors in the model: $\sqrt{RSS/N}$ with $RSS$ the sum of the squared errors, $N$ the sample size.

What remains to do is to compute the likelihood or the dataset.
For a single point (x_0, y0), the likelihood is
$$density{gaussian}( y_0)$$ with the gaussian having mean $\hat{f}(x_0)$ and standard deviation $\sigma=\sqrt{RSS/N}$

Explicitly, the likelihood of observing the point $(x_0, y_0)$ for the trained model $\hat{f}$ is:

$$likelihood[(x_0, y_0)]_{\hat{f}} = \frac{1}{\sigma\sqrt{2\pi}}
\exp\left( -\frac{1}{2}\left(\frac{y_0-\hat{f}(x_0)}{\sigma}\right)^{\!2}\,\right)$$

Do not worry the computer will do the calculations for us, the resulting code is very neat!

When we have many datapoints, pecause these are independent (assumption) the likelihood is the product of all the individual points likelihoods.

Then we take the logarithm (AIC ask us for the log-likelihood) so the

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