代写代考 module Poly ( Poly — The type of polymomials

module Poly ( Poly — The type of polymomials
— Instances: Eq, Show, Arbitrary, Num
, evalPoly — :: Int -> Poly -> Int
— Convert to and from lists of Int

Copyright By PowCoder代写 加微信 powcoder

, polyToList — :: Poly -> [Int]
, listToPoly — :: [Int] -> Poly
, prettyPoly

— | A type representing polynomials.
newtype Poly = Poly [Int] — List of polynomial’s coefficients, least significant powers first
deriving (Eq)

instance Show Poly where
show p = “listToPoly ” ++ show (polyToList p)

— | Show polynomials with Unicode characters.
prettyPoly :: Poly -> String
prettyPoly (Poly ns) =
showParts . reverse . filter (\(n,_) -> n /= 0) $ zip ns powers
where showParts [] = show 0
showParts ((n,p):rest) = showNum n p ++ concatMap showRest rest

showNum n “” = show n — Show the constant term.
showNum (-1) p = “-” ++ p — If a coefficient is -1, do not display the 1; e.g. -x instead of -1x.
showNum 1 p = p — If a coefficient is 1, do not display it.
showNum n p = show n ++ p

showRest (n,p) | n < 0 = " - " ++ showNum (negate n) p | otherwise = " + " ++ showNum n p -- Map the powers of x to Unicode characters. Note that only powers up to 9 have corresponding -- Unicode characters. prettyOnes ++ map (\n -> “x^” ++ show n ) [length prettyOnes ..]
prettyOnes = [“”, “x”]
++ [“x\178”, “x\179”]
++ map (\c -> ‘x’:c:[]) [‘\8308’..’\8313′]

instance Num Poly where
(+) = addPoly
(*) = mulPoly
negate = listToPoly . map negate . polyToList
abs = undefined
signum = undefined
fromInteger n = listToPoly [fromInteger n]

— | Convert a polynomial to a list representation.
— @x² + 2x + 3@ would be represented by
polyToList :: Poly -> [Int]
polyToList (Poly ns) = reverse ns

— | Convert a list to a polynomial.
listToPoly :: [Int] -> Poly
listToPoly = poly . reverse
— reverse is required because the Poly constructor needs the coefficients ordered least significant power first.

— | Remove zeros from little-endian list (list of coefficients ordered least significant power first) if they occur at the end of
— the list.
poly :: [Int] -> Poly
poly = Poly . reverse . strip . reverse

strip :: [Int] -> [Int]
strip = dropWhile (== 0)

— | Evaluate a polynomial, given a value for x.
evalPoly :: Int -> Poly -> Int
evalPoly x (Poly cs) = sum $ zipWith (*) cs powersOfx
where powersOfx = map (x^) [0..]

— | Addition for polynomials.
addPoly :: Poly -> Poly -> Poly
addPoly (Poly p1) (Poly p2) =
poly $ zipWith (+) (pad l1 p1) (pad l2 p2) — Add the corresponding coefficients of the two polynomials.
where pad lp p = p ++ replicate (maxlen – lp) 0 — Make both lists the same length by right-padding the shorter one with zeroes.
(l1, l2, maxlen) = (length p1, length p2, max l1 l2) — Find out the highest power of x in the two polynomials.

— | Multiplication for polynomials.
mulPoly :: Poly -> Poly -> Poly
mulPoly (Poly p1) (Poly p2) = poly $ mul p1 p2
— Multiply each term of the first polynomial with the second polynomial, and add the results together.
mul [] p = []
mul (n:ns) p = (n `times` p) `plus` timesX (ns `mul` p)
timesX p = 0:p
times n p = map (n*) p
plus p1 p2 = reverse . polyToList $ Poly p1 + Poly p2

— Examples of polynomials
ex1 :: Poly
ex1 = listToPoly [1,2,3] — x^2 + 2x + 3

x = listToPoly [1,0]

xPlus1 :: Poly
xPlus1 = listToPoly [1,1]

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