INFO20003 Week 5 Lab
• Install the lab schemas, tables and data
• Learn SQL (Structured Query Language) SELECT syntax
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• Practice writing SQL queries
• Join tables using natural and inner joins
Section 1: Confirm the schema install
In Lab 4, you were asked to install the “department store” schema named info20003labs- DepStore.sql.
◆ Task 1.1 Confirm that you have installed the department store schema.
Log into the info20003db server (or your own MySQL Server) and look in the Schemas panel
on the left.
Figure 1: Tables that make up the lab schema
If you have the above tables, continue to Section 2. Otherwise, refer to the week 4 lab document for installation instructions.
Section 2: Beginning SQL
• Single-table SELECT statements
• Functions, operators and conditions
• Subqueries and joins
◆ Task 2.1 Using MySQL Workbench, connect to the lab schema on MySQL Server.
◆ Task 2.2 Show the metadata about the department table: DESCRIBE department;
The DESCRIBE statement shows information about the columns that make up the table.
INFO20003 Week 5 Lab 1
For each column, MySQL returns the columns name, data type, whether NULL values are allowed in the column, whether the column is part of a primary key (PRI) or foreign key (MUL), and whether there is a default value for any new row.
The SELECT statement
SELECT statements retrieve and display data from the database. The structure of a SELECT statement is below:
SELECT (select list)
FROM (from list)
WHERE (filtering list) — optional
GROUP BY (grouping list) — optional
HAVING (group qualifications) –- optional
ORDER BY (grouping list) –- optional
LIMIT (number of rows) OFFSET (number of rows) — optional
To select all columns from a table we use the SQL shorthand *. To select all data from the department table, we enter the following SQL:
FROM department;
The result set is as follows:
◆ Task 2.3 Type the SQL to select all data from the employee table. Your result set should look like this:
INFO20003 Week 5 Lab 2
Filtering results
To select only some columns in a table, we need to specify the columns of the table in the SELECT statement separated with commas.
If you describe the Department table (DESCRIBE department), you can see columns called Name and Floor. To select only these two columns in the department table, the SQL would look like this:
SELECT Name, Floor FROM department;
This is known as projection (or vertical filtering) of the result set.
◆ Task 2.4 Type an SQL query to select the first name, last name and department
ID for every employee in the employee table. Your result set should look like this:
INFO20003 Week 5 Lab 3
Until now we have selected all rows in a table. Most of the time, we don’t want to retrieve all rows from a table. Frequently we may wish to retrieve a subset of rows only.
In SQL we do this by using a condition on our query. This is known as selection (or horizontal filtering) of the result set. If, for example, we wish to list all departments that are located on the second floor, we would type:
FROM department WHERE floor = 2;
How do we find out all department names that start with M? To do this, we use pattern matching using the LIKE operator. When used with LIKE, the wildcard character % means that any character or characters can be in the position of the %. Therefore, we could write a query to display all departments that start with M using the LIKE operator:
FROM department WHERE name LIKE ‘M%’;
◆ Task 2.5 Type a query to return the first and last name, salary and department ID of all employees who earn exactly $45,000.
Your result set should look like this:
INFO20003 Week 5 Lab 4
Multiple conditions: AND / OR
Sometimes we may need to filter the result set by more than one condition. For example, to list all the Departments that start with M for which the manager ID is 1, the SELECT query is as follows:
FROM department WHERE Name LIKE ‘M%’
AND ManagerID = 1;
In this case, both conditions must be true, and only one row is returned:
However, if we change the AND to OR, the result set changes. Two rows are returned.
FROM department WHERE Name LIKE ‘M%’
OR ManagerID = 1;
The query lists all departments starting with M as well as all departments where the ManagerID
is equal to 1.
When we use an OR condition, both conditions are evaluated independently of each other and only one condition needs to be true for the row to be displayed.
The table below summarises the conditional operators and their interpretation in SQL: INFO20003 Week 5 Lab 5
Greater than
Greater than or equal to Less than or equal to Not equal to
salary > 55000
salary < 45000
lastname = 'Underwood'
salary >= 45000
salary <= 45000
name != 'Torch'
name <> ‘Torch’
value is above 55,000 value is below 45,0
must match exactly value is 45,000 or lower value is 45,000 or higher can be any value except Torch
To select all departments located above the first floor, we would type:
FROM department WHERE Floor > 1;
Or find out which departments are not on the fifth floor:
SELECT Name, Floor FROM department WHERE Floor != 5;
SELECT Name, Floor FROM department WHERE Floor <> 5;
Note that != and <> are both functionally equivalent to “not equal to”.
Here is a query that lists all employees who work in department ID 11 and earn more than $55,000:
SELECT firstname, lastname, salary FROM employee
INFO20003 Week 5 Lab 6
WHERE departmentID = 11 AND salary > 55000;
◆ Task 2.6 Run the above query using OR in place of AND. The result set should look like this:
Notice ‘s salary (52000.00), which is less than $55,000, but the department ID condition is satisfied.
Sorting: ORDER BY
Result sets can be ordered by any column (or a set of columns). Because SQL does not guarantee that the result set will be in the same order every time a query is executed, you can enforce a particular order by using the ORDER BY keyword:
SELECT Name, Floor FROM department WHERE Floor <> 5 ORDER BY Floor;
The default sort order is ascending, that is from the smallest value to the largest (1 → 10 or A → Z). You can explicitly state this by typing ASC (short for Ascending order). To sort from the largest value to smallest, you would enter DESC (short for Descending order):
FROM department ORDER BY Floor DESC;
INFO20003 Week 5 Lab 7
You can order by more than one column, and in a different order for each column. In the following example, the departments are ordered from top floor to bottom floor, then departments on the same floor are ordered from smallest to largest departmentID:
FROM department
ORDER BY Floor DESC, departmentID ASC;
◆ Task 2.7 Type a query that returns the first and last name and salary of all employees who earn more than $45,000. Order the result from the highest earner to the lowest.
Your result set should look like this:
INFO20003 Week 5 Lab 8
We can select only the first x rows of the result set by using the word LIMIT and specifying an integer x:
FROM department WHERE Floor = 5 ORDER BY Name ASC LIMIT 2;
◆ Task 2.8 Type the same query and note the two rows returned. Change the ORDER BY from ASC to DESC and rerun the query. Is the result set different? Why or why not?
◆ Task 2.9 Write a query to list the first and last names of the five highest-paid employees.
The result set should look like this:
About functions in SQL
Functions are mathematical and scientific calculations that are performed automatically by the database engine. There are two classes of functions in SQL:
• There are ordinary, non-aggregate functions that take one or more inputs and return an output value, such as SQRT and CONCAT. These behave in a similar way to functions in Python, C, Java, etc.
• Aggregate functions are functions that deliver information about multiple rows in a result set. For example, the COUNT function counts the number of rows in the result set. Other key aggregate functions are MAX, MIN, SUM and AVG.
A full list of functions you can use in MySQL is found in the MySQL reference manual.
A non-aggregate function: CONCAT
CONCAT is a concatenation function over string values that joins columns together.
To join the firstname and lastname columns of the employee table together, we can use CONCAT:
INFO20003 Week 5 Lab 9
SELECT CONCAT(firstname, lastname) FROM employee;
However, this doesn’t look so great, as there is no space between the first and last names. We can insert the space as an additional parameter to CONCAT as shown below:
SELECT CONCAT(firstname, ‘ ‘, lastname) FROM employee;
This can be very useful for generating strings:
SELECT CONCAT(FirstName, ‘ ‘, LastName, ‘ works in the ‘, department.Name, ‘ department’) AS info
FROM employee NATURAL JOIN department;
INFO20003 Week 5 Lab 10
Note: This query uses a natural join between two tables, Employee and Department. More information about joins will be provided later in this lab.
An aggregate function: COUNT
To find out how many departments there are, we can use the COUNT function. Aggregate functions must be given something to act on, which can be a column, or all columns using the wild card (*).
SELECT COUNT(*) FROM department;
Unlike CONCAT which operates row-by-row, COUNT returns a single result value by looking at all the rows in the table at once.
The COUNT(*) function returns the number of rows that satisfy the WHERE clause of a SELECT statement. In the above query, we have not provided a WHERE clause, so the query returns the total number of rows of department table.
The following query returns the number of rows where the name of the department starts with M:
FROM department WHERE Name LIKE ‘M%’;
COUNT (DISTINCT… ) only counts each distinct entry one time. If there were two departments with the same name (starting with ‘M’), using Count( Distinct …) in the above query would return 1 less than Count(…) did as used above (eg would return just 1). Try and think of some
INFO20003 Week 5 Lab 11
examples where COUNT (DISTINCT …) is more useful (eg consider if a table has a composite key….), ask your tutor (or a quick google search) if you want some more explanation!
Sometimes we want to group a function by a particular attribute. For example, to find out the number of departments on each floor of the department store we would type:
SELECT floor, COUNT(*) FROM department
GROUP BY floor;
The COUNT function no longer counts all the rows in the result set. Instead, the GROUP BY clause combines all the rows for each floor into one, and the COUNT function counts how many original rows were combined:
In other words, grouping by the floor column counts the number of departments for each distinct floor. There are 5 dictinct floors {1,2,3,4,5} and the COUNT(*) is for each distinct floor.
We must group by the column or columns that are not part of the aggregate function (in this case, floor) to ensure the full result set is returned. If you tried removing the GROUP BY keyword, the count is correct (there are indeed 11 departments in total) but which floor number should be displayed?
SELECT floor, COUNT(departmentID) FROM department;
Not all the departments are on the same floor. The above query no longer works on modern MySQL versions (previously, MySQL would pick any floor number).
Column aliases
To help make the query and its result set easier to understand, we can alias the columns. To alias a column use AS youraliasname:
SELECT floor AS dept_floor, COUNT(*) AS dept_count FROM department
GROUP BY dept_floor
ORDER BY dept_floor;
INFO20003 Week 5 Lab 12
You can refer to a column by its alias in the GROUP BY and ORDER BY clauses, but not in the WHERE clause.
◆ Task 2.10 Type a query to find how many employees work in each department. Alias the two columns of the result set to dept and staff_count respectively.
Your result set should look something like this:
Suppose we are asked, “What is the average salary of each department?”
SELECT departmentID, AVG(salary) FROM employee
GROUP BY departmentID;
Note: We will deal with the excessive decimal places of the AVG() function later in this lab.
INFO20003 Week 5 Lab 13
◆ Task 2.11 What is the maximum salary for each department? Use the MAX() aggregate function.
◆ Task 2.12 Find the department which has the highest average salary.
Hint: Start with the query just above Task 2.11. Order the result set by salary, then use the LIMIT keyword to display only a single row.
The HAVING keyword is used when you wish to put a condition on an aggregate function. It is always used with GROUP BY.
To list the departments having an average salary over $55,000, this query could be used:
SELECT DepartmentID, AVG(Salary) FROM employee
GROUP BY DepartmentID
HAVING AVG(Salary) > 55000;
In this case we want only the (grouped) rows with AVG(salary) greater than $55,000.
INFO20003 Week 5 Lab 14
◆ Task 2.13 Find the department IDs of departments with only one employee.
Hint: Use the previous query as a model, replacing AVG(Salary) with the COUNT function.
Remember that HAVING is the only way to use a condition over an aggregate function (e.g. AVG, MAX, SUM, COUNT, etc) in a query which has a GROUP BY clause.
Formatting the output
FORMAT(X, D) and ROUND(X, D) are functions you can use to improve the readability of a query result. ROUND will round the argument X to D decimal places. FORMAT will format the argument X to D decimal places and include commas as thousand separators.
SELECT AVG(Salary) AS AVG_SAL FROM employee;
Note that FORMAT and ROUND are subtly different. FORMAT converts the output into a string (hence the use of the comma at the thousand position), whereas ROUND keeps the result as a number.
Sometimes we want to perform an operation over a set of values. For example, suppose we wanted to find the employees whose salary is below the average. We could run a query to find the average salary across all employees:
SELECT AVG(Salary) FROM employee;
INFO20003 Week 5 Lab 15
To find the employees paid less than this amount, we could manually type this number into the WHERE clause of a second query:
SELECT FirstName, LastName, Salary FROM employee
WHERE Salary < 60529.411765;
However, this is a time-consuming approach. Using subqueries, we can combine these two queries into a single SELECT statement:
SELECT FirstName, LastName, Salary FROM employee
WHERE Salary < (SELECT AVG(Salary)
FROM employee);
The query in the parentheses is known as the inner query or subquery, and the other query is known as the outer query.
The inner query is run first, and the result is returned (60529.411765). Then each row in the outer query compares that row’s salary value with the value returned by the inner query. Only those rows where the condition is true are returned.
INFO20003 Week 5 Lab 16
◆ Task 2.14 Find the names of employees who work in the ‘Marketing’ department. Hint: Break the problem into two parts: find the department ID of the ‘Marketing’ department (inner query) and find the names of employees with this department ID (outer query).
Subqueries with many results
If the subquery returns more than one result, = will not work. You must use the IN keyword. Consider the following query:
How many employees work in departments that are on the fifth floor?
To approach this question, we break it into separate components:
1. Which departments are located on the fifth floor?
2. Count the number of employees whose departmentID is in the result set of the inner
Query 1, the inner query:
SELECT departmentID FROM department WHERE Floor = 5;
This returns the result set {1,8,9,10,11}.
Now we need to count the number of rows in the Employee table where the departmentID matches 1 or 8 or 9 or 10 or 11.
As the result set has more than one row, we need to use the keyword IN as part of the WHERE clause:
SELECT COUNT(*) AS fifth_floor_count
FROM employee
WHERE departmentID IN (SELECT departmentID
FROM department WHERE Floor = 5);
Try replacing the keyword IN with = and observe the error in the query window (Error Code: 1242. Subquery returns more than 1 row).
Natural and inner joins
Typically, relational database management systems have many entities in a database schema. To retrieve all the necessary data, tables frequently need to be joined together. Table
INFO20003 Week 5 Lab 17
joins can take many forms in SQL. They include natural joins, inner joins, left joins, right joins and full outer joins. We will now look at natural and inner joins in SQL.
Natural joins are used when the joining column name is identical in both tables that are being joined together.
Consider the department table:
And the employee table:
The departmentID column is common to both tables. There is a foreign key (departmentID) in the employee table that references the primary key (departmentID) in the department table.
To find the department name for each employee, we would need to retrieve the name from the department table and firstname and lastname from the employee table (joined over departmentID).
SELECT, employee.firstname, employee.lastname FROM employee NATURAL JOIN department;
The result set would be:
INFO20003 Week 5 Lab 18
Because each column name in the SELECT command is unique to the query, the department name and employee names could also be written without the table name prefacing the column name:
SELECT name, firstname, lastname
FROM employee NATURAL JOIN department;
Natural Joins work when the column name is identical in both name and purpose for the two tables being joined together. However, there are times when the column names are identical, but the meaning is different, and they refer to different characteristics.
For example, both the department and item tables have a column called name. But the purpose is different. The name column in the department table is the department’s name and the name column in the item table is the item’s name. Yet despite there being no PK-FK relationship between item and department tables, the following statement will execute:
SELECT itemid, departmentID
FROM item NATURAL JOIN department;
It returns 0 rows because there are no common names in the respective name columns of the item and department tables. The MySQL database server does not return an error because the SQL is syntactically correct, although it is logically incorrect.
Inner joins are used when the joining column names are not identical. Inner joins provide an explicit definition of what the join condition is. INNER JOIN must always be followed with the ON clause which specifies the join condition.
The syntax for an INNER JOIN is as follows (note the ON clause):
SELECT table1.column1, table1.column2, table2.column2 FROM table1
INNER JOIN table2 ON table1.column1 = table2.column4;
Inspect the earlier Department / Employee name query now rewritten as an inner join:
SELECT name, firstname, lastname FROM department
INNER JOIN employee ON department.departmentID = employee.departmentID; INFO20003 Week 5 Lab 19
Joins can be combined with other SQL features, such as GROUP BY. The following query lists the supplier names and number of deliveries made to the department store:
SELECT supplier.Name, COUNT(delivery.DeliveryID) AS Deliveries FROM supplier NATURAL JOIN delivery
GROUP BY supplier.Name;
◆ Task 2.15 Type the names and salaries of the employees who earn more than any employee in the marketing department.
Hint: Split the problem up into 2 components – calculate the maximum salary of people in marketing (inner query) and then who earns more than that (outer query).
Your result set should look like this:
◆ Task 2.16 Find the name and salary of ’s manager.
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