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Semester2 — 2019-2020 Duration: 2 hours
Candidates may attempt no more than FOUR questions.
Candidates must show all steps of the calculations and proofs in the answers.
A formula sheet may be found at the end of the exam paper.
This version created on: July 1, 2020
F71CM – MAF 2
1. In Merton’s model of the default of a single firm it is assumed that the firm’s total asset value (Vt) follows a geometric Brownian motion process described by the stochastic di↵erential equation (SDE)
dVt = μV Vtdt + V VtdWt,
where μV 2 R and V > 0 are the drift and volatility respectively. The equity and debt of the company are considered to be contingent claims on the assets of the company.
(a) What does Merton assume about the debt structure of the firm? (1)
(b) Write the pay-o↵ functions for the equity and debt of the company in terms of
the assets VT of the company at the maturity of the debt T . (1)
(c) Derive an expression for the (real-world) default probability of the firm in
Merton’s model. (2)
(d) Under the standard Black-Scholes assumptions, assume that (Vt) is a traded security and that there exists a risk-neutral pricing measure Q for contingent claims on (Vt). Derive an expression relating the real-world default probability to the risk-neutral default probability. (2)
(e) How might this formula be used in practice to estimate the probability of default? (1)
(f) Define the credit spread c(t;T) of the firm’s zero-coupon bond over a default- free zero-coupon bond in terms of the respective bond prices p1(t;T) and p0(t;T). (1)
(g) Derive a formula for the spread c(t;T) in terms of a European put option price. (Note, you do not need to write out the Black-Scholes option pricing formula and can leave your answer in terms of the put price.) (1)
(h) Comment on the Merton-implied credit spread formula and whether or not it is considered to give realistic spread values. (1)
[Total 10 marks]
F71CM – MAF 3
2. Suppose we model 100 obligors using the threshold model of default (Xi, di)1i100. Suppose for all obligors the threshold is di = 1(0.01). Let Yi = I{Xidi} denote the default indicator variable for obligor i. Let the critical variables Xi be standard normal variables (i.e. N(0,1) variables) following a 2-factor model
Xi = bi1F1 + bi2F2 + ✏i,
where F1 and F2 are independent, standard normal factors, ✏1, …, ✏100 are indepen- dent normal errors which are also independent of F1 and F2. The obligors divide into two groups of 50. For obligors in the first group bi1 = 0.8 and bi2 = 0.4, but for obligors in the second group bi1 = 0.4 and bi2 = 0.8. Suppose that all exposures are equal to one Pand all losses given default are 100% so that the portfolio loss may be written L = 100 Yi.
(a) What is the expected loss E(L) ? (1)
(b) Whatistheassetcorrelationfortwoobligorsinthesamegroupandtwoobligors in di↵erent groups? (2)
(c) Show that the model may be written as a Bernoulli mixture model where the default indicators are conditionally independent given (F1, F2) with conditional default probabilities given by pi(F1,F2), where you should derive the form of the function pi(f1, f2). (2)
(d) What distribution does pi(F1, F2) have? (1)
(e) You are given the following values for the Gaussian copula:
CGa(0.01, 0.01) ⇡ 0.00377, CGa (0.01, 0.01) ⇡ 0.0216. 0.8 0.64
Compute the default correlation for two obligors in the same group and two obligors in di↵erent groups. p (2)
(f) Hence calculate the unexpected loss var(L). (2) [Total 10 marks]
F71CM – MAF 4 3. Let Q ⇠ Beta(1, 19) be a beta-distributed mixing variable.
Assume that Y1, …, Y100 are conditionally independent Bernoulli indicator variables with conditional default probability given by P(Yi = 1|Q = q) = q. You may assume that the density of a random variable with a Beta(a, b)-distribution is given by
g(q)= 1 qa 1(1 q)b 1,a,b>0,0