CS代考 1007ICT / 1807ICT / 7611ICT Computer Systems & Networks

1007ICT / 1807ICT / 7611ICT Computer Systems & Networks
1A. Course Overview

Learning Objectives

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At the end of this lecture you will have learnt:
 Contact details for your course convenor
 What this course aims to achieve
 The weekly course activities
 The assessment requirements for this course
 How student feedback has helped us to improve the current offering of the course
 Details regarding the recommended textbooks
 The content sections and how they map to chapters in the recommended text

Course convenors
Nathan campus and online:
Nathan: N44_2.21
Gold Coast campus:
Dr Gold Coast: G09_1.60

What is this course about?
This is an “under the hood” course.
Goal: help you understand
 Principles of computing & computer technology
 Hardware and software related technical terms
 What computers can and can’t do (can they think?)
 The relative effectiveness of computer solutions
 Network related protocols and technologies

Course website and Profile
 The course website on Learning @ Griffith contains all the information you will need for the course
 Select Start here to familiarise yourself with the course website
 The course profile is available from the

Course details
There are two versions of this course:
In-person (blended) version:
If you are enrolled in the in-person (blended) version of the course:
it is a requirement that you attend your in-person computer laboratory/workshop class each week
Your weekly workshop assessments will only be able to be marked in your in-person computer laboratory/workshop class. It cannot be submitted afterwards.
If you do not feel comfortable coming to an in-person class, please change your enrolment to the online version.
 Itwillnotbepossibletochangeafterweek2. Online version of the course
If you are enrolled in the online version of the course you cannot attend in-person workshops due to COVID restrictions. All assessments will be submitted online.

Course details
 Lectures
There are typically 2 hours of recorded lectures to review each week
Key concepts from the lecture content each week is covered and discussed in the online Monday 2-3pm lecture discussion class
It is required that you review the recorded lectures prior to your Monday lecture discussion and workshop classes.
 Note: The Tuesday 8am lecture class on your timetable is not typically used but may be used in selected weeks due to holidays
The Monday 2-3pm lecture discussion class will be recorded

Course details
 Workshops
 There are 2 hours of computer laboratories each week
 The terms “laboratory” and “workshop” both refer to the computer laboratories
 In the laboratories/workshops we will typically have some worked examples and discussion at the start related to the workshop assessment for that week
In-person (blended) workshops:
For in-person (blended) workshops, your weekly workshop
assessments will be finished and marked in your workshop.
You should try to complete the assessment before your workshop.
Online workshops:
For online workshops, you will be able to ask questions about the weekly workshop assessments and submit the work online at the end of the week.
Note: Online workshops will be recorded and will be available to everyone in the course 8

Course details
 Common time
 There is a common time hour each week on Thursday
from 8-9am
 The common time is online and the question sections will be recorded
 In the common time you will have the opportunity to ask questions about the weekly assessment or other aspects of the course

Workshop exercises (20% overall)  10individuallearningactivities
 Worth2%each
 Heldweeks1,2,3,4,5,6,7,8,9,and10
In-person (blended) workshops:  Youmustattendyourworkshoptime
The assessment is submitted and marked in your workshop time
It is not possible to submit this assessment outside or after your workshop time
Online workshops:
The assessment is submitted online each week by Friday 23:59pm
 Itisnotpossibletosubmitthisassessmentin-person

Individual Assignment (worth 30%)  DueFridayweek9
 Consistsof:
 Designing and drawing circuit using Logisim software  Report and interview
 1807ICT includes 6800 assembly
Minitest 1 and 2 (worth 10%)
Minitest 2 Due in week 8 (covers weeks 1-7 with a focus on weeks 4-7)
Final Exam (worth 40%)
 Must achieve a minimum of 40% of the available marks.
Online quizzes worth 5% each
 Minitest 1 Due in week 4 (covers weeks 1-3)

 Academic Integrity
 Plagiarism is an attempt to gain credit for something that is not your property, not your idea or not your work, by pretending that work produced by others is your own
 Any plagiarism will be dealt with under the rules applying under the university handbook as described in the subject outline.
 For more information see your course profile on (requires you to be logged in) and the academic integrity website:

Student feedback
 The teaching staff are committed to continuous review and improvement of this course.
 At the end of the course you will be given the opportunity to provide anonymous on- line feedback.
 Your feedback allows us to identify issues with the course and its delivery.
 This will enable us to improve the course before its next offering.

Student feedback
 Infeedbackfrompreviousofferingsitwasnotedthat the course had a large number of assessment items as well as covering a large amount of material.
 Wehaveattemptedtoaddresstheseconcernsby:
 Reducing the number of assessment items
(1 assignment with two parts on a single topic instead of 2 assignments on 2 topics)
 Reducing the scope of the course content by focusing on key concepts
 Providing recommended texts that give a deeper view of the content

Recommended text
 There is no prescribed text for this course  The recommended text for this course is:
. Blundel, “Computer Systems and Networks”, 1st edition., , 2007
It is not necessary to purchase the recommended text
Selected parts of the text are available through the course Readings
Where appropriate, the lecture notes will reference the corresponding section in the recommended text
What is a computer? (Section 1.2)

Course content overview
 ComputerArchitecture(hardware)
1. Introduction and data Representation (Chapters 1 and 4*)
2. Digital Logic (Chapter 2)
3. Digital Circuits (Chapter 2)
4. Processors (Chapters 3 and 7)
5. Memory Organisation (Chapters 3 and 5)
 HowComputersWork(software)
6. Instruction Sets (Chapter 5)
7. Operating Systems and Applications (Chapter 8)
*Chapter numbers refer to Blundell recommended text unless otherwise specified

Course content overview…
 ComputerNetworks(networks)
8. Computer Networks (Chapter 9) 9. Packet Transmission (Chapter 10) 10. Internetworking (Chapter 11)
11. Routing Protocols (Chapter 12)
12. Applications and Security (Chapter 12)
13. Revision (Chapters 1-12, Behrouz: chapter 5)
*Chapter numbers refer to Blundell recommended text unless otherwise specified

Course library guide
Library resources for this (and other ICT courses) are available on the library Web site

 Course convenor
 What is this course about?  Assessment
 Student feedback
 Recommended text
 Course content overview
 Library guide

 Introduction to computers

程序代写 CS代考 加微信: powcoder QQ: 1823890830 Email: powcoder@163.com