计算机代考 CS15Robot called AndyBot through a maze¡ªsurpassing daunting obstacles suc

cs15 anybot handout
The grade for this assignment will be determined by functionality (60%), design (25%), and style (15%).
For this assignment, you’ll navigate a CS15Robot called AndyBot through a maze¡ªsurpassing daunting obstacles such as walls and an especially trifling roadblock. Your task is to call move methods on the AndyBot to move it out of the maze (off-screen) so the ¡°Winner!¡± message appears.

Copyright By PowCoder代写 加微信 powcoder

1. Don’t try to move your bot into a wall because it will cause AndyBot to get stuck.
2. The red at the end of the maze represents the roadblock. To pass it, AndyBot will have to submit a secret password (it will be a number). Unfortunately, this password will be different every time you run the program. Luckily, the maze will help you if you call the right methods (hint: think about who has this information when calling the method)!
3. Once AndyBot is on the maroon square (the square directly underneath the gray square) it may enter the password. If AndyBot tries to enter the password before it reaches the square, the password will not be accepted as that is too early to input it.
4. Once AndyBot submits the correct password, make sure to move your AndyBot upwards 2 more steps and off-screen to victory. The bottom screen should read ¡°WINNER!¡±
5. A successful program will match the pattern shown below:

We’re providing you with a support class, CS15Robot, which is code we¡¯ve already written for you (and you can use). We’ve also provided a stencil class, MazeSolver, for you to fill in with all your code. Before you start programming, look over the slides from the first three lectures. Make sure you understand objects and classes, and how they look in code.
Coding Incrementally
After you¡¯ve watched the demo, thoroughly read this handout and the Javadocs in full to make sure you understand the project. Once you¡¯re ready, start coding! It is important to code incrementally, meaning you completely accomplish one logical task before moving on to the next one.
Compiling and Running Your Code
Refer to the Andy¡¯s Kitchen handout for more detailed instructions on how to compile and run your code. Here is a summary:
¡ñ In the IntelliJ terminal, navigate to the folder where this project is stored with the cd command.
¡ñ To compile your code, type javac *.java in your terminal
¡ñ After you compile your code successfully, move back to the src directory
(cd ..). Then run your code by typing java andybot.App
¡ñ Each time you want to recompile and run your code, move back to the andybot folder
with cd andybot, then repeat the 2 steps above.
¡ð Hint: If you¡¯re not sure which folder you¡¯re in, use the pwd (Mac) / cd (Windows)
Suggested Order for Incremental Coding Step 1. Navigate to the maroon square
Step 2. Get past the roadblock
Step 3. Move up 2 more spaces to get off the board
Saving Your Work on GitHub
Refer to the CS15 GitHub guide for more detailed instructions on how to save snapshots of your work to GitHub. We recommend doing this around once an hour to make sure you¡¯re maintaining a copy of your code. Here is a summary:
1. Move into the andybot directory
2. git add -A
3. git commit -m ¡°¡± 4. git push

5. Repeat!
**Minimum Functionality Requirements**
MF Policy Summary: In order to pass CS15, you will have to meet minimum functionality requirements for all projects. If you don¡¯t meet them the first time around, you may hand the project in again until you succeed, but you will keep your original grade. MF requirements are not the same as the requirements for full credit on the project. You should attempt the full requirements on every project to keep pace with the course material. An ¡®A¡¯ project would meet all of the requirements on the handout and have good design and code style.
In order to meet MF for AndyBot:
1. AndyBot must move to the roadblock.
Full Functionality Requirements
Beyond the minimum functionality requirements, the rest of the functionality grade will depend on the following criterion:
¡ñ AndyBot passes the roadblock and moves off screen, with the ¡°Winner!¡± message appearing
¡ñ No other minor bugs
This section of the handout has valuable details to help with the actual implementation of the assignment. Read it thoroughly for lots of helpful hints!
Support Code and Javadocs
In many early CS15 projects, you will be using support code. In a nutshell, this means that we have predefined some classes for you, and you can call methods on instances of those classes. In this project, for example, there is a support code class called CS15Robot. You don’t have to edit or even see the definition for this class. However, you can tell an instance of the CS15Robot class, which is passed into MazeSolver as a parameter called andyBot, to do things by calling its methods.
In order to see which methods are contained in the CS15Robot class, please refer to the Javadocs. Javadocs is a website that contains documentation of existing Java methods. For CS15, we have our own Javadocs that give information about the classes and methods that you¡¯ll need to use for the first few projects of the course.

The Javadocs have crucial information to understand this assignment – in fact, you will not be able to complete the assignment without some of that information, so be sure to read them carefully.
CS15’s philosophy is to give you some ¡°magic¡± (i.e. support code) in the beginning so that you can create rich, graphical applications in your very first assignments. This makes the projects fun and rewarding from the get-go. As you progress through the semester, however, we’ll gradually peel away the magic. By the time you do the Cartoon project, you’ll be using no CS15 support code!
How to Read the Javadocs
First, spend 5 minutes clicking through the andyBotSupport in the JavaDocs to get a sense of what it all means – it¡¯s a lot to take in! Notice that there is one page for each class. Also be sure to scroll the whole way down each page. There are summaries of the method at the top, like this:
But below there is more detail, some of which will be crucial to solving AndyBot! So just be sure you read the whole thing.
Stencil Code vs. Support Code
We provide you with both stencil code and support code.
¡°Stencil¡± code or ¡°skeleton¡± code refers to the classes that are the shell of the program. You should never delete code that was given to you as stencil code ¡ª it is there to help you! You will be adding your own code to the stencil code that we provide. For this project, the stencil class that you should fill out is MazeSolver.

On the other hand, support code is code that you must use, but will not be able to see or add to. In other words, we¡¯ve written methods for you that you should call! Some classes (like MazeSolver) have support code methods that you should call from within those classes (using the this keyword!). There are also entire support classes that are entirely invisible to you, but you will have to use those objects (like CS15Robot)! For this project, MazeSolver has some support code methods, but CS15Robot is an invisible support class.
For this assignment, your ¡°design¡± grade will be based on your code implementation, such as proper use of nesting method calls. This section has some helpful reminders to guide your implementation.
Calling Methods
When calling methods, we must always specify a receiver, or the object that should carry out a command. For example, if we¡¯ve defined a Waiter class with an addPepper method, perhaps a Customer wants to ask their waiter to add pepper to their salad like this:
// this method is in the Customer class
public void eatSalad(Waiter myWaiter) {
// code to eat the salad
This example is like saying ¡°Hey waiter! Add pepper please!¡±
Or maybe the waiter knows to always add pepper to salads before serving them, so the waiter may have code like this:
// this method is in the Waiter class
public void serveSalad() {
// code to serve the salad
This example is like saying ¡°Hey me! Add pepper please!¡±
Notice that we¡¯ve called the same method addPepper in two different contexts, but when we call the method from the same class where the method is defined (in this case Waiter), we use the this keyword.

Nesting Methods
Nesting methods is putting one method call inside of another. This is useful when we want to pass the return value of a method into another method as an argument. For example, let¡¯s say a waiter must set a table at a restaurant. First, they will need to know how many guests to set the table for!
//this method is in the Waiter class
public void setTable(int numberOfCustomers) {
The waiter does not know how many people are going to be sitting at the table, but the hostess does!
//this method is in the Hostess class
public int getNumberOfCustomers() {
return 5; }
In the Restaurant class, we need to call the setTable method to make sure the customers have everything they need at their table. We can use nesting to pass the return value of getNumberOfCustomers into setTable as an argument!
//this code is in the Restaurant class
hostess.getNumberOfCustomers() will return 5, so 5 will be passed as the argument, just like if we wrote waiter.setTable(5). Then the waiter will set the table with 5 forks, 5 knives, and 5 plates!
Refer to the CS15 Style Guide for the specific style guidelines along which your code will be graded for the ¡°style¡± portion. For this assignment specifically, be sure to use (when appropriate) the this keyword, remove TODO comments, and have proper indentation.

程序代写 CS代考 加微信: powcoder QQ: 1823890830 Email: powcoder@163.com