编程代考 GY 6483 Real Time Embedded Systems


• 32-bit instructions

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• Most executed in single cycle
• Most can be conditionally executed
• Load/store
Also has a compressed 16-bit instruction set (Thumb)

Six+ operating modes, each with own registers
• Most tasks run in user mode
• FIQ – entered on high-priority interrupt
• IRQ – entered on a normal interrupt
• Supervisor (reset), Abort (memory access violations), Undef (undefined instructions)
• System mode added in ARMv4, gives privileged access to same registers as user mode

• 37 registers, each 32 bits long
• Each mode can access:
• A specific set of r0-r12 registers
• A specific r13 (SP) and r14 (LR)
• R15 (PC)
• Privileged modes can also access a SPSR
• Banked registers?

• Thumb is a 16‐bit instruction set
• Optimized for code density from C code
• Improved performance form narrow memory
• Subset of the functionality of the ARM instruction set
• Core has two execution states –ARM and Thumb
• Switch between them using BX instruction
• Thumb has characteristic features:
• Most Thumb instruction are executed unconditionally
• Many Thumb data process instruction use a 2‐address format
• Thumb instruction formats are less regular than ARM instruction formats, as a result of the dense encoding.

Processor Modes
• The ARM has six operating modes:
• User (unprivileged mode under which most tasks run)
• FIQ (entered when a high priority (fast) interrupt is
• IRQ (entered when a low priority (normal) interrupt is
• Supervisor (entered on reset and when a Software
Interrupt instruction is executed)
• Abort (used to handle memory access violations)
• Undef (used to handle undefined instructions)
• ARM Architecture Version 4 adds a seventh mode:
• System (privileged mode using the same registers as user

Accessing Registers using ARM Instructions
• All instructions can access r0‐r14 directly.
• Most instructions also allow use of the PC.
• Specific instructions to allow access to CPSR and SPSR.
• Note : When in a privileged mode, it is also possible to load‐store the (banked out) user mode registers to or from memory

The Program Counter (R15)
• When the processor is executing in ARM state:
• All instructions are 32 bits in length
• All instructions must be word aligned
• Therefore the PC value is stored in bits [31:2] with bits [1:0]
equal to zero (as instruction cannot be halfword or byte
• R14 is used as the subroutine link register (LR) and stores the
return address when Branch with Link operations are
performed, calculated from the PC.
• Thus to return from a linked branch:
MOV r15, r14 or
MOV pc, lr

The Program Status Registers (CPSR and SPSR)
• Condition Code Flags
N = Negative result from ALU flag Z = Zero Result from ALU flag
C = ALU operation Carried out
V = ALU operation oVerflowed
• Mode Bits
M[4:0] define the processor mode.
• Interrupt Disable Bits I = 1, disables the IRQ
F = 1, disables the FIQ
• T bit (Architecture v4T only) T = 0, Processor in ARM state
T = 1, Processor in Thumb state

Condition Flags
Logical Instruction
Arithmetic Instruction
Negative (N=‘1’)
No meaning
Bit 31 of the result has been set Indicates a negative number in signed operations
Zero (Z=‘1’)
Result is all zeroes
Result of operation was zero
Carry (C=‘1’)
After Shift operation ‘1’ was left in carry flag
Result was greater than 32 bits
oVerflow (V=‘1’)
No meaning
Result was greater than 31 bits Indicates a possible corruption of the sign bit in signed numbers
Updated by explicit comparison instructions (eg. CMP) and those that use the optional S to specify if the condition code flags must be updated (e.g. ADDS).

The ARM uses a pipeline in order to increase the speed of the flow of instructions to the processor.
• Allows several operations to be undertaken simultaneously, rather than serially.
Rather than pointing to the instruction being executed, the PC points to the instruction being fetched.
ARM Pipeline

cond flags Rd,Rn,Operand2
Basic syntax followed by many instructions. From left to right:
• A three-letter mnemonic, e.g. MOV or ADD.
• An optional two-letter condition code, e.g. EQ or CS.
• An optional additional flag
• The destination register
• First operand register
• Second (more flexible) operand register

ARM Instruction Set Format

ARM Instruction Set Format

ARM Instruction Set Format

• Load and store instructions: LDR, STR, etc.
• Move instructions: MOV, etc.
• Branch (jump) instructions: B, BL, BX, BLX, etc.
• Stack push and pop instructions: PUSH, POP, etc.
• Arithmetic operations: ADD, SUB, MUL, SDIV, UDIV, etc.
• No operation (null operation): NOP

MOV, MVN: “Move” and “Move NOT”; move not does a bitwise logical NOT operation before copying the value to the destination register.
• MOV R0, R1; copy the contents of R1 to R0
• MOV R0, #10; set R0 to 10
• MVN R0, R1; set R0 to bitwise NOT of contents of R1
• MVN R0, #1; set R0 to 0xFFFFFFFE (bitwise NOT of x1)

The memory location to be accessed is held in a base register
STR r0, [r1] LDR r2, [r1]
; Store contents of r0 to location pointed to ; by contents of r1.
; Load r2 with contents of memory location ; pointed to by contents of r1.
Load and Store Word or Byte: Base Register

Load/Store: Offsets from the Base Register
• Accessing a location offset from the base register pointer. • Either:
• An unsigned 12bit immediate value (ie 0 ‐4095 bytes).
• A register, optionally shifted by an immediate value
• This can be either added or subtracted from the base
• Prefix the offset value or register with ‘+’ (default) or ‘‐’.
• This offset can be applied:
• before the transfer is made: Pre‐indexed addressing • optionally auto‐incrementing the base register, by
postfixing the instruction with an ‘!’.
• after the transfer is made: Post‐indexed addressing
causing the base register to be auto‐incremented.

Example: STR r0, [r1,#12]
Example: Load/Store : Pre‐indexed Addressing
• To store to location 0x1f4 instead use: STR r0, [r1,#‐12]
• To auto‐increment base pointer to 0x20c use: STR r0, [r1, #12]!
• If r2 contains 3, access 0x20c by multiplying this by 4:
STR r0, [r1, r2, LSL #2]

Example: STR r0, [r1], #12
Example: Load and Store: Post‐indexed Addressing
• To auto‐increment the base register to location 0x1f4 instead use: • STR r0, [r1], #‐12
• If r2 contains 3, auto‐increment base register to 0x20c by multiplying this by 4: • STR r0, [r1], r2, LSL #2

• LDR R1, [R0] ; load into R1 the content of the memory location whose address is in R0
• STR R1, [R0] ; store the contents of R1 into memory location whose address is in R0
• LDR R1, [R0, #4] ; #4 specifies an offset value, load into R1 the content of the memory location whose address is given by the value R0 + 4
• LDR R1, [R0, #4]! ; #4 specifies an offset value, increment R0 by 4, load into R1 the content of the memory location whose address is given by the new contents of R0
• What about: STR R1, [R0] ,#4
Register names can be in upper case or lower case. Anything after ; is a comment.

The Barrel Shifter
• The ARM doesn’t have actual shift instructions.
• Instead it has a barrel shifter which provides a mechanism to carry out shifts as part of other instructions.
• So what operations does the barrel shifter support?

Barrel Shifter ‐Left Shift
• Shifts left by the specified amount (multiplies by powers of two)
LSL #5 => multiply by 32

Logical Shift Right (LSR)
Shifts right by the specified amount (divides by powers of two) e.g.
LSR #5 = divide by 32
Arithmetic Shift Right (ASR) Shifts right (divides by powers of two) and preserves the sign bit, for 2’s complement operations. e.g.
ASR #5 = divide by 32

Rotate Right (ROR)
Similar to an ASR but the bits wrap around as they leave the LSB and appear as the MSB.
e.g. ROR #5
Note the last bit rotated is also used as the Carry Out.
Rotate Right Extended (RRX) This operation uses the CPSR C flag as a 33rd bit.

Using the Barrel Shifter: The Second Operand
Register, optionally with shift operation applied.
Shift value can be either be:
5 bit unsigned integer
Specified in bottom byte of another register.
**Immediate value
8 bit number
Can be rotated right through an even number of positions.
Assembler will calculate rotate for you from constant.

• B and BL are branch with “immediate” arguments (e.g. jumping to a label/function); the symbol . Is a synonym for the surrent program location
• BX and BLX are branch with “register” arguments (i.e. jump to an address stored in a register)
• BL and BLX store a bookmark to the current place in the program by writing the address of the next instruction in the link register (LR).
• B labelA; branch to the label labelA
• BL labelA; update LR and branch to the label labelA
• BX LR; branch to the location whose address is in LR, e.g. return from a function call
• BLX R0; update LR and branch to the location whose address is in R0
• B . ; branch to the current program location (infinite loop)

PUSH {R1} ; push the contents of R1 onto the stack
PUSH {R0,R1} ; push the contents of R0 and R1 onto the stack
PUSH {R0,R2-R4} ; push the contents of R0, R2, R3, R4 onto the stack
PUSH {R0,LR} ; push the contents of R0, LR onto the stack
POP {R0,R1} ; pop the top two 32-bit values from the stack into R0 and R1
PUSH and POP operations update the SP.

ADD , SUB : Add and subtract
ADC , SBC : “Add with carry” and “Subtract with carry”
The carry instructions also utilize the carry flag (set by previous instructions – the carry flag is stored as a bit in the application program status register)
• ADD R1, R0, R1 ; set R1 to the sum of the contents of R0 and R1
• SUB R2, R0, R1 ; set R2 to the difference of the contents of R0 and R1
• ADD R2, R0, #10 ; R2 = R0 + 10
RSB : reverse subtract (i.e., subtract the contents of the second operand from the third operand), e.g.,
• RSB R2, R0, R1 ; set R2 to the difference of the contents of R1 and R0 Signed and unsigned variants: SADD16, etc.

MUL, MLA, and MLS : “Multiply”, “Multiply with accumulate”, and “Multiply with subtract”
• MUL R2, R0, R1 ; R2 = R0*R1
• MLA R3, R0, R1, R2 ; R3 = R0*R1 + R2
• MLS R3, R0, R1, R2 ; R3 = R0*R1 – R2
Signed and unsigned variants: SMLA, etc. SDIV, UDIV : “Signed division” and “Unsigned division”
• SDIV R2, R0, R1 ; signed divide, R2 = R0/R1
• UDIV R2, R0, R1 ; unsigned divide, R2 = R0/R1

Floating point instructions are available if there is a floating point unit (FPU) in the system and is enabled (the FPU is generally enabled as part of the start-up sequence on ARM Cortex-M4F).
• VADD, VSUB, etc. : floating point addition and subtraction • VMUL, VDIV, etc. : floating point multiplication and division • VABS : floating point absolute value

AND, ORR (logical OR), etc.; exclusive OR is EOR LSL, LSR : “logical shift left” and “logical shift right” ROR : rotate right
• AND R2, R0, R1 ; R2 = R0 & R1
• OR R2, R0, R1 ; R2 = R0 | R1
• AND R2, R0, #0x10 ; R2 = R0 & 0x10
• OR R2, R0, #0x10 ; R2 = R0 | 0x10
• LSL R2, R0, #2 ; R2 = R0 << 2 CONDITIONAL EXECUTION OF INSTRUCTIONS Many instructions support optional suffixes denoting various conditions to specify that the instruction must be executed only if the specified condition is true. • Some examples of condition suffixes: • EQ for equal (i.e., Z = 1), NE for not equal (i.e., Z = 0) • GT for “greater than” and LT for “less than” ; these conditions are evaluated using combinations of flags Z, N, and V. For example, GT is equivalent to “ Z= 0 and N = V ”, LT is equivalent to “ N != V ” • GE and LE for “greater than or equal” and “less than or equal” • Example: ADDEQ will do an addition only if the “equal” condition is currently active (i.e., a previous instruction caused the Z flag to become 1); BNE will do a branch (jump) only if the “equal” condition is not currently active. Software Interrupt (SWI) • In effect, a SWI is a user‐defined instruction. • It causes an exception trap to the SWI hardware vector (thus causing a change to supervisor mode, plus the associated state saving), thus causing the SWI exception handler to be called. • The handler can then examine the comment field of the instruction to decide what operation has been requested. • By making use of the SWI mechanism, an operating system can implement a set of privileged operations which applications running in user mode can request. • See Exception Handling Module for further details. Assembler: Pseudo‐ops • AREA ‐> chunks of data ($data) or code ($code)
• ADR ‐> load address into a register
• ALIGN ‐> adjust location counter to word boundary usually after a storage directive
• END ‐> no more to assemble

Assembler: Pseudo‐ops
• Example:
AREA cacheable, CODE, ALIGN=3
rout1 ; code ; aligned on 8-byte boundary ; code
MOV pc,lr ; aligned only on 4-byte boundary
ALIGN 8 ; now aligned on 8-byte boundary rout2 ; code

Assembler: Pseudo‐ops
• • • • • •
IMPORT ‐> name of routine to import for use in this routine IMPORT _printf ; C print routine
EXPORT ‐> name of routine to export for use in other routines EXPORT add2 ; add2 routine
EQU ‐> symbol replacement loopcnt EQU 5

Assembly Line Format
• label instruction ; comment
• label: created by programmer, alphanumeric
• whitespace: space(s) or tab character(s)
• instruction: op-code mnemonic or pseudo-op with required fields
• comment: preceded by ; ignored by assembler but useful
• to the programmer for documentation
• NOTE: All fields are optional.

▪ Sloss, Andrew, , and . ”ARM system developer’s guide: designing and optimizing system software.” , 2004.
▪ ARM University Program. ”ARM Processors and Architectures Comprehensive Overiew.” http://arm.com, 2012.

程序代写 CS代考 加微信: powcoder QQ: 1823890830 Email: powcoder@163.com