CS代考 Coursework 1

Coursework 1
Coursework 1, which is worth 25% of the overall marks of the course, involves using a compiler to optimise an application, and documenting your experiments and results to produce a report. The report forms the basis of your marks for this assignment.
The coursework is detailed in this handout:   Coursework1Handout.pdf
The software is in this file:   MD_2022.tar

Copyright By PowCoder代写 加微信 powcoder

 There is a brief discussion of the coursework in this video here: https://media.ed.ac.uk/media/Performance+Programming+Coursework+1+-+2022/1_y9dj00im
Coursework 1 is due at 16.00 on 2th March 2022

Coursework 2
Coursework 2, which is worth 75% of the overall marks of the course, involves using knowledge gained during the Performance Programming course to hand-optimise the same application used in Coursework 1 to further improve performance. You will need to documenting your profiling results, optimisation experiments, and performance results to produce a report. The report forms the basis of your marks for this assignment.
The coursework is detailed in this document: Coursework2Handout.pdf
You should use the code from coursework 1.
Coursework 2 is due at 16.00 on  13th April 2022

程序代写 CS代考 加微信: powcoder QQ: 1823890830 Email: powcoder@163.com