程序代写 SOFT2201/COMP9201:

The University of 1


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Software Construction and

School of Computer Science

The University of 2

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The University of 3

– Software Testing

– Unit Testing

The University of 4

Software Engineering Body of Knowledge

– Software Requirements
– Software Design / Modelling
– Software Construction
– Software Testing
– Software Maintenance
– Software Configuration Management
– Software Engineering Process
– Software Engineering Tools and Methods
– Software Quality

Software Engineering Body of Knowledge (SWEBOK) https://www.computer.org/web/swebok/


The University of 5

Why Software Testing?

The University of 6

• Societies, businesses and governments depend on SW
• Power, Telecommunication, Education, Government, Transport, Finance, Health
• Work automation, communication, control of complex systems

• Large software economies in developed countries
• IT application development expenditure in the US more than $250bn/year1
• Total value added GDP in the US2: $1.07 trillion

• Emerging challenges
• Security, robustness, human user-interface, and new computational platforms

1 Chaos Report, Standish group Report, 2014
2 softwareimpact.bsa.org

Software is Everywhere!

The University of 7

What happened?
• European large rocket – 10 years development, ~$7 billion
• Unmanaged software exception resulted from a data conversion

from 64-bit floating point to a 16-bit signed integer
• Backup processor failed straight after using the same software
• Exploded 37 seconds after lift-off

Why did it happen?
• Design error, incorrect analysis of changing requirements,

inadequate validation and verification, testing and reviews,
ineffective development processes and management

5 http://iansommerville.com/software-engineering-book/files/2014/07/Bashar-Ariane5.pdf

Software Failure – Ariane 5 Disaster5


The University of 8

Why Software Testing?

– Software development and maintenance costs
• Financial burden of failure

– Total costs of imperfect software testing for the US in 2002 was
AUD86 billion*
– One third of the cost could be eliminated by ‘easily’

improved software testing

– Need to develop functional, robust and reliable software
– Human/social factor

• Dependence on software in many aspects of their lives
– Small software errors can lead to disasters

* NIST study 2002

The University of 9

What is Software

The University of 10

Software testing

– Software process to
l demonstrate that software meets its requirements (validation

l Find incorrect or undesired behaviour caused by defects

(defect testing)
l e.g. crashes, incorrect results, data corruption

– Part of the software Verification and Validation (V&V) process

The University of 11

Types of testing

– Unit testing
l Verify functionality of software components independent of the

whole system
– Integration testing

l Verify interactions between software components
– System Testing

l Verify functionality and behaviour of the entire software system
l Includes security, performance, reliability, and external interfaces
– Acceptance testing

l Verify desired acceptance criteria are met from the users point of

The University of 12

Software Verification and Validation

– Software testing is part of software V&V
– The goal of V&V is to establish confidence that the software is “fit

for purpose”

– Software Validation
l Are we building the right product?
l Ensures that the software meets customer expectations
– Software Verification

l Are we building the product correctly
l Ensure the software meets the stated functional and non-functional


The University of 13

Black box or White box

– Black box testing
l The internals of the software system is unknown
l Only inputs to the system are controlled, and outputs from the

system are measured
l Specification-based testing
l May be the only choice to test libraries without access to internal

– White box testing
l The internals of the software system are known
l The internal structure is tested directly
l Unit, integration, system testing

The University of 14

Types of testing

Functional testing
l Integration
l Regression
l Interface
l User Acceptance
l Configuration

Non-functional testing
l Performance
l Reliability
l Usability

l Security

The University of 15

Who should design and
run tests?

The University of 16

Test engineer

– Independent testers
l Independent testers do not have the same biases as the developer
l Different assumptions
l Domain specific knowledge of testing

– Developer
l Understands the system being developed
l Domain specific knowledge of the system
l Can finish writing the system faster without tests since they won’t

make mistakes

The University of 17

Unit Testing

The University of 18

Unit testing

– The process of verifying functionality of software components

l Unit can mean methods, functions, or object classes
l Verify that each unit behaves as expected
l Carried out by developers and software testers
l First level of testing

The University of 19

Why unit testing

– Maintain and change code at a smaller scale
– Discover defects early and fix it when its cheaper
– Simplify integration testing
– Simplify debugging
– Code reusability

The University of 20

How to do the unit test

– Identify the unit that you want to test
– Design test case
– Prepare test data (input and expected output)
– Run test case using test data
– Compare result to expected output
– Prepare test reports

The University of 21

Designing test cases

– Effective test cases show:
l The unit does what it is supposed to do
l Reveal defects, if they exist (does not do what it is not supposed

– Design two types of test case
l Test normal operation of the unit
l Test abnormal operation (common problems)

The University of 22

Designing test cases – techniques

– Partition testing (equivalence partitioning)
l Identify groups of tests that have common characteristics
l From each group, choose specific tests
l Use program specifications, documentation, and experience

– Guideline-based testing
l Use testing guidelines based on previous experience of the kinds

of errors made
l Depends on the existence of previous experience


The University of 23

Equivalence partitioning

– Groups of test input that have common characteristics
l Positive numbers
l Negative numbers
l Boundaries
– Program is expected to behave in a comparable way for all

members of a group
l Control flow should be similar for all members
– Choose test cases from each partition

The University of 24

Test case selection

– Understanding developers thinking
l Easy to focus on typical values of input

l Common case, and what was asked for
l Easy to overlook a typical value of input

l Users, other developers, new features, all have different

– Choose test cases that are
l On boundaries of partitions
l In ‘midpoint’ of partitions
l NB: Boundaries may be unclear (-1, 0, 1, 0.5)

The University of 25

Test cases – identifying partitions

– Consider this specification:
l The program accepts 4 to 8 inputs that are five digit integers

greater than 10,000

– Identify the input partitions and possible test inputs

The University of 26

Test cases – identifying partitions

– Consider this specification:
l The program accepts 4 to 8 inputs that are five digit integers

greater than 10,000

– Identify the input partitions and possible test inputs

– How many values
l <4, 4-8, >8
– How many digits

l < 5, 5, > 5, non-digits

The University of 27

Test case selection guidelines

– Knowledge of types of test case effective for finding errors
– If testing sequences, arrays, lists:

l Single value
l Different sequences of different sizes
l Test partition boundaries (first, middle, last)
l Consider order of values

The University of 28

Test case selection guidelines

– Choose inputs that force the system to generate all expected error

– Design inputs that cause buffer overflows
– Repeat input
– Force invalid outputs to be generated
– Force computations results that are too large or too small
– Domain specific knowledge!

The University of 29

Acquiring domain specific knowledge

– Be an expert on the system, or type of system
– Make many mistakes
– Identify mistakes
– Write tests to identify mistakes
– Fix mistakes
– Be an expert on the system, or type of system

– Regression testing!

The University of 30

Regression testing

– If a defect is identified in software it can be fixed

l How did it get there?

l How do you stop it happening again?

The University of 31

Regression testing

– Regression: a defect that has been fixed before, happens again

l Human error

l Version control problems

l Specific case is fixed, but the general case remains

l Convergent evolution

The University of 32

Regression testing

– As defects in software are fixed, tests are written that demonstrate
that the software is fixed (at least in regard to that particular

l Tests can be re-run with each change in the software system

l Regression testing

l Frequently automated

The University of 33

When to test

The University of 34

When to test

– Continuously

– When the software system changes
l Code changes
l Design changes
l Infrastructure changes
l At regular intervals in case the above missed a change

The University of 35

How to test

The University of 36

How to test

– Write testable code

public static void main(String[] args) {
// All the code

The University of 37

How to test

– Write testable code

public static void main(String[] args) {
Application app = new Application();

Public class Application {
Application() {

// All the code

The University of 38

How to test

– Write testable code

public static void main(String[] args) {
Application app = new Application();

public class Application {
Application() {

// Construct the application
public void doEverything() {

// All the code

The University of 39

How to test

– Write testable code

public class Application {
Application() {

// Construct the application
public void doEverything() {

// Most of the code

public void doSomeOfTheThings() {

// Some of the code

The University of 40

How to test

– Write testable code

public class Application {
Application() {

// Construct the application
public void doEverything() {

// Some code
Thing = doSomeOfTheThings(thing);
// More code

public BigThing doSomeOfTheThings(LittleThing littleThing) {

// Some of the code that deals with LittleThings

The University of 41

How to test

– Write testable code

public class Application {
public void doEverything(LittleThingFactory littleThingFactory) {

LittleThing firstThing= littleThingFactory.makeThing();
LitteThing secondThing = doStuff(firstThing);
doStuffWithTwoThings(firstThing, secondThing);

protected BigThing doSomeOfTheThings(LittleThing littleThing) {

// Some of the code that deals with LittleThings

The University of 42

Unit Testing in Java

The University of 43

Unit testing terminology

– Unit test
l A piece of code written by a developer that executes a specific

functionality in the code under test and asserts a certain
behaviour or state as correct

l Small unit of code (method/class)
l External dependencies are removed

l (Mocking)
– Test fixture

l Testing context
l Shared test data
l Methods for setting up test data

The University of 44

Unit testing frameworks for Java

– Many others
– Custom, developer-written, tests

The University of 45

import static org.junit.Assert.assertEquals;
import org.junit.Test;

import mypackage.Calculator;

class CalculatorTest {
void addition() {

Calculator calculator = new Calculator();
assertEquals(2, calculator.add(1, 1));

The University of 46

import static org.junit.Assert.assertEquals;
import org.junit.Test;

import mypackage.Calculator;

class CalculatorTest {
void addition() {

Calculator calculator = new Calculator();
assertEquals(2, calculator.add(1, 1));

The University of 47

import static org.junit.Assert.assertEquals;
import org.junit.Test;

import mypackage.Calculator;

class CalculatorTest {
void addition() {

Calculator calculator = new Calculator();
assertEquals(2, calculator.add(1, 1));

The University of 48

import static org.junit.Assert.assertEquals;
import org.junit.Test;

import mypackage.Calculator;

class CalculatorTest {
void addition() {

Calculator calculator = new Calculator();
assertEquals(2, calculator.add(1, 1));

The University of 49

import static org.junit.Assert.assertEquals;
import org.junit.Test;

import mypackage.Calculator;

class CalculatorTest {
void addition() {

Calculator calculator = new Calculator();
int expected = 2;
int actual = calculator.add(1, 1);
assertEquals(expected, actual);

The University of 50

import static org.junit.Assert.assertEquals;
import org.junit.Test;

import mypackage.Calculator;

class CalculatorTest {
void addition() {

Calculator calculator = new Calculator();
int expected = 2;
int actual = calculator.add(1, 1);
assertEquals(expected, actual);

The University of 51

import static org.junit.Assert.assertEquals;
import org.junit.Test;

import mypackage.Calculator;

class CalculatorTest {
void addition() {

Calculator calculator = new Calculator();
int expected = 2;
int actual = calculator.add(1, 1);
assertEquals(expected, actual);

The University of 52

JUnit constructs

– JUnit test
l A method only used for testing

– Test suite
l A set of test classes to be executed together

– Test annotations
l Define test methods (e.g., @Test, @Before)

l JUnit uses the annotations to build the tests

– Assertion methods
l Check expected result is the actual result

l e.g., assertEquals, assertTrue, assertSame

The University of 53

JUnit annotations

l Identifies a test method

l Execute before each test

l Execute after each test

– @BeforeClass
l Execute once, before all tests in this class

– @AfterClass
l Execute once, after all tests in this class

The University of 54

JUnit assertions

– assertEquals(expected, actual)
import static org.junit.Assert.assertEquals;
import org.junit.Test;
import mypackage.Calculator;

class CalculatorTest {
void addition() {

Calculator calculator = new Calculator();
int expected = 2;
int actual = calculator.add(1, 1);
assertEquals(expected, actual);

The University of 55

JUnit assertions

– assertEquals(message, expected, actual)
import static org.junit.Assert.assertEquals;
import org.junit.Test;
import mypackage.Calculator;

class CalculatorTest {
void addition() {

Calculator calculator = new Calculator();
int expected = 2;
int actual = calculator.add(1, 1);
assertEquals(“Expected value != actual”, expected, actual);

The University of 56

JUnit assertions

– assertTrue
import static org.junit.Assert.assertEquals;
import org.junit.Test;
import mypackage.Calculator;

class CalculatorTest {
void addition() {

Calculator calculator = new Calculator();
assertTrue(2 == calculator.add(1, 1));

The University of 57

JUnit assertions

– assertTrue
import static org.junit.Assert.assertEquals;
import org.junit.Test;
import mypackage.Calculator;

class CalculatorTest {
void addition() {

Calculator calculator = new Calculator();
assertTrue(“Can’t do 1 + 1 :(“, 2 == calculator.add(1, 1));

The University of 58

JUnit assertions

import …

class CalculatorTest {
Calculator calculator
void setup() {

calculator = new Calculator();
void additionBothPositive() {

assertEquals(2, calculator.add(1, 1));
assertEquals(5, calculator.add(4, 1));
assertEquals(5, calculator.add(2, 3));

The University of 59

Tasks for Week 11

• Submit weekly exercise on canvas before 23.59pm Saturday
• Continue assignment 3 and ask questions on Ed platform.

– All assignments are individual assignments
– Please note that: work must be done individually without consulting

someone else’s solutions in accordance with the University’s “Academic
Dishonesty and Plagiarism” policies

The University of 60

What are we going to learn next week?

• Creational Design Pattern
– Singleton

• Structural Design pattern
– Decorator and Façade

程序代写 CS代考 加微信: powcoder QQ: 1823890830 Email: powcoder@163.com