CS代考 CISC 360, F. 2022 1 2022/10/2

Notes for Lecture 9 (Fall 2022 week 5, part 1):

Copyright By PowCoder代写 加微信 powcoder

October 2, 2022

The code for this lecture is in lec9.hs.
We will probably not have time to get through lists during today’s lecture, but try to read that

section and ask questions on Piazza, in email, or in Wednesday’s lecture.

We have briefly worked with the type String, which is a type synonym for [Char], the type of lists
of Characters.

More generally, [a] is the type of lists of elements of type a. For example, a list of Booleans has
type [Bool]:

Prelude> :type [True, False, False]

[True, False, False] :: [Bool]

1.1 Constructing lists

Lists are ‘data’ types—every list is built up from two constructors:

[] pronounced ‘‘nil’’ or ‘‘the empty list’’

: pronounced ‘‘cons’’

The first constructor, “nil”, is probably what you’d expect.
The second one might be surprising, since we’ve been using strings a little (for the toBinary

and toNary functions in assignment 1) and haven’t seen it. This is because Haskell tries to be
friendly by printing lists in a more readable form. The list that’s displayed as

[True, False, False]

is really the expression

True : (False : (False : []))

Unlike the constructors we define in our own ‘data’ types, “cons” is infix, so the : goes between its
two arguments. Let’s unpack the above expression, starting from the right.

[] is the empty list

(False : []) is a list whose head is False and whose tail is []

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We can draw the list (False : []) as a parse tree:

Moving towards the left in True : (False : (False : [])), we have

(False : (False : [])) is a list whose head is False

and whose tail is the list (False : [])

Continuing to the left, we have

True : (False : (False : [])) is a list whose head is True

and whose tail is the list (False : (False : []))

Its parse tree (or syntax tree, I use these terms interchangeably) is

In a sense, every list is a tree—one that leans to the right, because unlike a general tree where
the left child could be a large tree, the left child of “cons” (:) is always a single element.

If we enter True : (False : (False : [])) into GHC, we get

[True, False, False]

because GHC, reasonably, thinks that [True, False, False] is more readable than
True : (False : (False : [])). I agree with this, but to write Haskell code that deals with lists,
it is often very useful to think of lists as what they really are: syntax trees made up of : (“cons”)
and [] (“nil”). This is because we can pattern-match on lists, similar to how we can pattern-match
on types like ArithExpr (lec8.hs).

1.2 Pattern matching on lists

For example, we can write a function that adds up a list of integers. (I wanted to name this function
sum but Haskell yelled at me because sum is already defined by the Haskell “Prelude” library.)

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mysum :: [Integer] -> Integer

mysum [] = 0

mysum (x : xs) = x + (mysum xs)

Lec9> mysum [10, 3, 100]

The function mysum is defined using two clauses. The first says that if mysum is applied to the
empty list [], return 0. The second says that if mysum is applied to a list of the form x : xs—that is,
a list whose head is x and whose tail is xs—add x to (mysum xs), which is the sum of the elements
in the tail.

To see how this works, let’s step mysum [100].
Mentally converting between lists in comma-bracket form (like [1, 2, 3] or [100]) and lists

built using “cons” and “nil” takes some practice; if you haven’t been doing that for years, it’s good
to write out the conversion. Otherwise it’s harder to figure out what substitution we should use
when we step.

We convert [100], which is a list whose head is 100 and whose tail is the empty list, to

(100 : [])

Now, instead of starting with mysum [100], we’ll start with mysum (100 : []). (If we didn’t have
parentheses around 100 : [], we would have mysum 100 : [], which would be a syntax error
(because : is infix); if it weren’t a syntax error, it would mean mysum applied to three arguments,
which wouldn’t make sense either.)

mysum (100 : [])

To step this, we do the usual function application with pattern matching: go through each clause
of the definition of mysum until we find one that can be “lined up” with the argument, (100 : []).

First we try to line up (100 : []) and [].

mysum (100 : [])

This doesn’t match because [] and : (say: “nil” and “cons”) are different constructors. It would
be like saying that False matches True.

So we continue to the second clause of mysum:

mysum (100 : [])

mysum (x : xs)

This works: 100 lines up with x, and [] with xs, which gives us the substitution “100 for x, []
for xs”. (Pronounced: “. . . nil for xs”.)

mysum (100 : []) by function application

=> x + (mysum xs) with substitution 100 for x, [] for xs

= 100 + (mysum [])

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Now we step the new function application mysum []. Here, the argument [] lines up perfectly
with the pattern [] in the first clause, so we replace mysum [] with the right-hand side, 0.

100 + (mysum [])

=> 100 + 0 by function application

=> 100 by arithmetic

Since the pattern [] in the first clause of mysum has no pattern variables (unlike the second
clause which has two pattern variables, x and xs), there is no substitution. If you like, you can
write “with the empty substitution”.

Exercise 1. Step mysum [10, 3, 100].
(After a few steps, you’ll get an expression that includes mysum (100 : []), which we already

stepped to 100.)

For another example of pattern matching, let’s look at a function that appends two lists of
integers. For example, myappend [6, 5, 4] [1, 2, 3] should return [6, 5, 4, 1, 2, 3].

myappend :: [Integer] -> [Integer] -> [Integer]

myappend [] ys = ys

myappend (h : t) ys = h : (myappend t ys)

This works (try it), but I’d like to give an idea of how I arrived at this. Lists are recursive data
structures: the tail of a list is also a list. So it makes sense to use recursion. But unlike mysum,
where we were given only one list, it’s not obvious which of the two lists to “take apart” by pattern

One (very reasonable) way to figure out which list we need to take apart is to guess that we
need to take apart the second argument, try to write the code, and get stuck. Let’s do that.

myappend0 :: [Integer] -> [Integer] -> [Integer]

myappend0 xs [] = xs

myappend0 xs (h : t) =

This starts out promisingly: what is xs appended with []? Well, that’s xs with an empty list
added to the end, which is just xs. So the first clause works out.

The second clause is where we run into problems. In most recursive functions on ‘data’ types
(like lists), we need to make a recursive call where at least one thing gets smaller. (If nothing gets
smaller, like if we tried myappend0 xs (h : t), we would recurse forever. Something needs to get
smaller, for the same reason that the induction hypothesis in an inductive proof has to be given
something smaller.) The tail t is smaller than the second argument (h : t), so whatever we write
in the second clause probably involves a call to myappend0 xs t:

myappend0 xs (h : t) = ??? (myappend0 xs t) ???

Suppose that xs is [1, 2] and the second argument is [3, 4, 5]. Then h is 3 and t is [4,
5]. If calling myappend0 xs t did what we want it to, it would return [1, 2, 4, 5]—[1, 2]
appended with [4, 5].

But we want to get xs appended with h : t. So we really want to return

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[1, 2, 3, 4, 5]

Having the list [1, 2, 4, 5] doesn’t really help us build [1, 2, 3, 4, 5]. Since this isn’t
going anywhere, we give up and try to pattern-match on the first argument:

myappend :: [Integer] -> [Integer] -> [Integer]

myappend [] ys = ys

myappend (h : t) ys = ??? (myappend t ys) ???

In the second clause, from experience, I know that I probably need to call myappend on t and
ys. The reason we won’t get stuck now is that myappend t ys gives us something useful!

Again, suppose that the first argument is [1, 2] and the second argument is [3, 4, 5]. That
means h is 1, t is [2], and ys is [3, 4, 5].

Assuming myappend t ys behaves as it’s supposed to, it will return [2] appended with [3, 4,

[2, 3, 4, 5]

We want to get [1, 2, 3, 4, 5]. We have h, which is 1, and myappend t ys, which is [2, 3,
4, 5]. Therefore

h : (myappend t ys)

returns 1 : [2, 3, 4, 5], which Haskell prints as [1, 2, 3, 4, 5].
(Repeated from above.)

myappend :: [Integer] -> [Integer] -> [Integer]

myappend [] ys = ys

myappend (h : t) ys = h : (myappend t ys)

1.3 List elements must have the same type

Haskell does not directly allow “heterogeneous” lists—lists of elements of different types. So a list
whose first element is 5 and whose second element is False is rejected:

Prelude> :type [5, False]


No instance for ( ) arising from the literal ‘5’

In the expression: 5

In the expression: [5, False]

The error message is confusing: Haskell is trying to explain that it wanted to make a list of
numbers (Haskell has other numeric types than integers), but a Boolean is not a number.

The error message we get when trying to put a Boolean and a function in the same list is
somewhat more clear: “can’t match expected type ‘function type’ with actual type ‘Bool’ ”.

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Prelude> :type [False, \x -> x]


Couldn’t match expected type ‘t0 -> t0’ with actual type ‘Bool’

The lambda expression ‘\ x -> x’ has one argument,

but its type ‘Bool’ has none

In the expression: \ x -> x

In the expression: [False, \ x -> x]

We can get around the requirement that list elements have the same type by declaring our own
‘data’ type. If we declare a ‘data’ type with two constructors, one that takes an Int argument and
one that takes a Bool argument, we can build lists that contain a mix of Ints and Bools:

data IntOrBool = AnInt Int

mixed_list :: [IntOrBool]

mixed_list = [AnInt 3, ABool True, AnInt 10]

Haskell accepts mixed list because all of its elements do have the same type, IntOrBool. ¡

Exercise 2. Write a function sum mixed of type [IntOrBool] -> Int that adds up the elements,
treating AnInt x as x, ABool True as 1, and ABool False as 0.

For example, sum_mixed [AnInt 3, ABool True, AnInt 10] should return 3+ 1+ 10 = 14.

(An earlier version of this file asked you to write a function of type [IntOrBool] -> Integer,
which is possible but more work than I intended.)

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Constructing lists
Pattern matching on lists
List elements must have the same type

程序代写 CS代考 加微信: powcoder QQ: 1823890830 Email: powcoder@163.com