CS代考 CISC 360, F. 2022 1 2022/11/23

Notes for Lecture 24 (Fall 2022 week 11 part 2):
Prolog “cut”

Copyright By PowCoder代写 加微信 powcoder

November 23, 2022

The code for this lecture is in lec24.pl.

1 Controlling Prolog searching

(Some of this section is duplicated from previous notes. If it seems familiar, it’s probably safe to

By itself, Prolog code doesn’t do anything. For something to happen, we have to run queries.
In Haskell, pattern matching goes from the first clause defining a function to the last. As soon

as the patterns match, Haskell starts running the right-hand side of the clause.
When we enter a query, Prolog also looks for matching clauses from top to bottom. Unlike

Haskell, Prolog does not necessarily stop with the first clause. As we have seen, we often have to
think about this when we translate Haskell functions to Prolog predicates. A common technique
in Haskell is to write a function where the patterns in the last clause are wildcards, so we have to
think about which arguments are still possible when Haskell reaches the last clause.

Here is an extended version of the cycle Haskell function from an earlier lecture. Instead
of only cycling between the three colours Orange/Rose/Violet, this version of the code has three
additional constructors in the type Colour: White, Grey, Black. The Orange-Rose-Violet cycle still
exists, but when cycle is passed White, Grey, or Black, it returns Grey.

In Haskell, this can be implemented economically by adding a single clause that returns Grey.
Haskell reaches this clause only when the argument doesn’t match any of Orange/Rose/Violet.

data Colour = Orange

cycle :: Colour -> Colour

cycle Orange = Rose

cycle Rose = Violet

cycle Violet = Orange

cycle _ = Grey

We might try to translate this into Prolog:

cycle(orange, rose).

cycle(rose, violet).

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cycle(violet, orange).

cycle(_, grey).

This behaves the same as the Haskell function for some queries, but not all. If all our queries

?- cycle( some-colour, Result).

where some-colour is a specific colour like orange or black, and if we stop at the first solution (by
typing a period), we get the same answers we would get in Haskell:

?- cycle(rose, Result).

Result = violet . % I typed a .

?- cycle(grey, Result).

Result = grey. % Prolog finished by itself

In the first query, cycle(rose, Result), Prolog waited for us to tell it whether to look for more
solutions: it had already noticed that the last clause cycle(_, grey) matched.

In the second query, cycle(grey, Result), Prolog finished by itself because only one clause
matched (the last one: cycle(_, grey)).

If we type a semicolon instead, we get two results, and the second is not consistent with the
Haskell code (cycle Rose returns Violet, not Grey):

?- cycle(rose, Result).

Result = violet % I typed a ;

Result = grey.

We have two approaches to solving this problem.
The first approach is to “split” the wildcard into its possible Haskell values. Since the wildcard

clause in the Haskell version of cycle comes after the Orange, Rose, and Violet patterns, the Haskell
clause will match White, Grey, and Black. That leads to the Prolog code

cycle(orange, rose).

cycle(rose, violet).

cycle(violet, orange).

cycle(white, grey).

cycle(grey, grey).

cycle(black, grey).

Now, Prolog will give only one answer—the same one Haskell would have given—for queries
like cycle(rose, Result).

This approach has two clear advantages, and one disadvantage. Its advantages are:

• It is more clear than the second approach (cuts, discussed below): it requires writing more
Prolog code, but the extra code is ordinary Prolog code that does not do anything strange.

• It is robust: it can handle queries with different modes.

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The disadvantage is that it requires writing more code. Here, this approach added only two
extra clauses, but for functions with many arguments, or complex arguments, this approach can
add a lot of extra code.

(A variation on this approach is a single clause with a disjunction of equations:

cycle(orange, rose).

cycle(rose, violet).

cycle(violet, orange).

cycle(X, grey) :- X = white; X = grey; X = black.

Prolog interprets the semicolon ; as disjunction (“or”), so the last clause will be true if the
argument X equals white, or equals grey, or equals black.)

The second approach is to put something in our code that will force Prolog to stop looking for
another solution.

Before explaining the second approach, I would like to discuss my feelings about Prolog.

1.1 Prolog: both good and bad

Like any language, Prolog has parts I like and parts I don’t. Some of the things I don’t like (how
arithmetic is done) could be fixed. Some other things I don’t like are more fundamental to logic

The attraction of logic programming, to me, is that it purports to let me write a set of logical
rules (which I can easily translate in my mind to rules like those we used in CISC 204) that I can
use to prove things without thinking about how to prove them. That sounds amazing.

Unfortunately (or fortunately?), from learning how to do proofs in 204, we know that proofs
are only partly mechanical. Some of the steps we did in a 204 proof didn’t require original thought:
“we are trying to prove an implication, so let’s use →i”. But some of the steps did: knowing
where, when, and how to use the law of excluded middle (LEM) is something of an art. There is
no algorithm that always knows when and how to use LEM. We can program an algorithm that
sometimes figures it out, but not always.

Prolog’s search algorithm is not magic. It moves through the loaded file’s clauses in order,
looking for something that matches the query; if it does, and the clause is a rule, it tries to prove
the body (premises) of the rule. If something doesn’t work, it looks for another clause that matches
and tries that.

The promise of logic programming is that I can write the rules and not think about how or
when to use them. The inevitable disappointment of logic programming is that what Prolog does
by default does not always work.

We can often “fix” this by adding information to the clauses (we are about to see how to do this)
that tells Prolog when to stop looking for more solutions. This can be very useful. It will let us more
easily translate Haskell functions, for example. But it betrays the promise of logic programming: I
have to think about how Prolog will search through the rules.

If I have to think that much about Prolog’s search algorithm, I’d probably prefer to use Haskell.

To tell Prolog to stop looking for more solutions, we can use “cuts”.
A cut is written “!”. Roughly, it says to Prolog: “Forget about unexplored paths.”

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Here is what we get for cycle. I renamed it to newcycle so we can try both cycle and newcycle
without having to comment out one set of clauses. I had to turn the first three facts into rules,
because you can only use a cut in a rule. A cut is not really a premise of a rule in any logical sense,
but it goes in the same place as a premise would.

Facts don’t have premises, so we have to turn facts into rules to use cuts.

newcycle(orange, rose) :- !.

newcycle(rose, violet) :- !.

newcycle(violet, orange) :- !.

newcycle(_, grey).

Whereas cycle(rose, Result), returned both violet and grey, the query newcycle(rose, Result)
only returns violet:

?- newcycle(rose, Result).

Result = violet.

Why did this happen?
Prolog found the clause newcycle(rose, violet) :- !., and said, “To use this rule, I need

to prove all its premises. The only premise I need to prove is !. That’s a cut, so it’s not really a
premise. I have no premises left to prove. And I saw the cut, so I won’t look for more solutions.”

The Prolog code now faithfully implements the Haskell code.

1.3 Disappointment

I now have generalized sadness that I had to tell Prolog how to search. Isn’t that its job?
But I have a more specific disappointment.
A cool thing about Prolog is that when we implement Haskell functions as predicates, we are

often implementing the inverse relation for free. Look at cycle (not newcycle!): We can run queries
that run cycle in reverse.

?- cycle(Input, violet).

Input = rose.

This isn’t magic; it has some limitations. The response to this query isn’t terribly satisfying:

?- cycle(Input, grey).

I can’t blame Prolog for this, however: the fact

cycle(_, grey).

says that, given any input, the result is grey. So when I ask Prolog to find an Input such that
cycle(Input, grey) is true, how should it know what I want?

We did this with no extra code. In Haskell, we could try to write a separate function:

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inv_cycle Rose = Orange

inv_cycle Violet = Rose

inv_cycle Orange = Violet

That wouldn’t even work, though, because what do we return for inv cycle Grey? Grey is
returned by cycle White, cycle Grey, and cycle Black. We’d have to return a list of colours,
instead of a single colour; then we could return [White, Grey, Black]. But this is already getting

Exercise 1. The original version of cycle from lec16, which does not include the colours
White/Grey/Black, does have a straightforward inverse in Haskell. Why?

In Prolog, we just got it for free.
What happens with newcycle? Do we still get the inverse relation?

?- newcycle(Input, violet).

Input = rose.

?- newcycle(Input, grey).

Seems to work as well as cycle does. Okay, let’s try something harder.
With cycle, we can give queries where both arguments to cycle are variables, and type semi-

colon repeatedly to get a lot of information:

?- cycle(Input, Result).

Input = orange,

Result = rose

Input = rose,

Result = violet

Input = violet,

Result = orange

Result = grey.

I added blank lines between each solution—otherwise, the last one is extra confusing because
(as explained above) Prolog has no idea what Input is there, and doesn’t print a result for it at all.

Does that work with newcycle?

?- newcycle(Input, Result).

Input = orange,

Result = rose.

No. Prolog stopped immediately, because it saw the cut in the first clause.

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1.4 What exactly does it mean to “forget unexplored paths”?

In cycle/newcycle, we added cuts to facts, so we had no choice about where to put the cut. In a
rule, does it matter where we put the cut?

Yes. A cut prevents Prolog from backtracking: exploring other ways to try to make a query true.
A cut only affects the past: any choices already made are “frozen”. The cut does not directly affect
choices to be made in the future.

See the discussion of select_twice in lec24.pl.

1.5 When should you use cuts?

A cut that affects the set of possible solutions to queries is called a red cut. A cut that does not affect
the set of possible solutions to queries is called a green cut. However, even a green cut makes code
harder to understand: we have to convince ourselves that the cut is green.

It is often convenient to use cuts when translating Haskell code: if we want to mimic the
behaviour of the Haskell code, we never want more than one solution.

But even when translating Haskell code, we don’t have to use a cut.
When writing code that is meant to produce many solutions (like group on Assignment 4), cuts

should be used with extreme caution. We want group to backtrack whenever necessary, so it can
find all the groups in the tree; any use of a cut is liable to stop it from finding all the groups.

1.6 More adventures with cuts

See lec24.pl.

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Prolog: both good and bad
Example: a4 findFactor
What exactly does it mean to “forget unexplored paths”?
When should you use cuts?
More adventures with cuts

程序代写 CS代考 加微信: powcoder QQ: 1823890830 Email: powcoder@163.com