IT代写 CISC 360, F. 2022 1 2022/10/16

Notes for Lecture 13 (Fall 2022 week 6, part 2):
Polymorphism: ‘Maybe’ type

Copyright By PowCoder代写 加微信 powcoder

October 16, 2022

The code for this lecture is in lec13.hs.

1 Polymorphism, continued

As seen in lec11, Haskell lets us define ‘data’ types that are generic (polymorphic). Here is another
example of that:

data Sequence a = Last a

| Elem a (Sequence a)

This defines a type with two constructors: Last contains something of type ‘a’, and Elem con-
tains something of type ‘a’ and another Sequence. For example, a value of the type Sequence Bool

Elem False (Elem True (Last False))

If we think of Elem as ‘cons’ (:), and Last as ‘nil’ ([]), this is almost the same as a Haskell
list. But it’s not quite the same! A list can be empty; an empty list has no elements. Something of
type Sequence a, however, must contain at least one element: the smallest Sequence a is Last e
where e has type a. (Perhaps confusingly, we can write

but it will have type a -> Sequence a; it is a function that waits for something of type a and then
builds a one-element sequence.)

To see how to work with Sequences, let’s rewrite mymap (from lec12.hs) to work on sequences
instead of lists. The definition of mymap was:

mymap :: (a -> b) -> [a] -> [b]

mymap f [] = []

mymap f (x : xs) = (f x) : (mymap f xs)

To convert this, I start by renaming the function and changing its type declaration. [a] is a list
of as; Sequence a is a sequence of as:

seqmap :: (a -> b) -> Sequence a -> Sequence b

seqmap f [] = []

seqmap f (x : xs) = (f x) : (seqmap f xs)

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This won’t compile, because the clauses that define seqmap still use lists. Next, I rewrite the
second clause. x : xs becomes Elem x xs, and similarly in the right-hand side.

seqmap :: (a -> b) -> Sequence a -> Sequence b

seqmap f [] = []

seqmap f (Elem x xs) = Elem (f x) (seqmap f xs)

This still won’t compile because the first clause uses a list. We can actually delete the first
clause: a Sequence can’t be empty, so there is no case corresponding to the empty list [].

seqmap :: (a -> b) -> Sequence a -> Sequence b

seqmap f (Elem x xs) = Elem (f x) (seqmap f xs)

Attempting to test seqmap will show that we’re not done:

*Lec13> seqmap (\x -> x + 1) (Elem 2 (Last 10))

Elem 3 *** Exception: lec12.hs:18:1-47:

Non-exhaustive patterns in function seqmap

Haskell tried to pattern-match with the argument Last 10, but since the only pattern is (Elem
x xs), Haskell “fell off” the end of the function. “Non-exhaustive” means “incomplete”: we didn’t
write a pattern that matches Last …, so our definition of seqmap is incomplete.

To fix this, we need to add a clause whose pattern is Last y:

seqmap :: (a -> b) -> Sequence a -> Sequence b

seqmap f (Elem x xs) = Elem (f x) (seqmap f xs)

seqmap f (Last y) = undefined

I want to apply the given function f to the last element as well as the earlier elements. (Func-
tions like map, mymap, seqmap are meant to be widely useful; maybe there would be a situation
where I’d want to apply a function to every element except the last one, but if I needed to do that,
I would write another function to do it.)

So, given Last y, I return Last (f y).

seqmap :: (a -> b) -> Sequence a -> Sequence b

seqmap f (Elem x xs) = Elem (f x) (seqmap f xs)

seqmap f (Last y) = Last (f y)

Now, I can call seqmap:

*Lec13> seqmap (\x -> x + 1) (Elem 2 (Last 10))

Elem 3 (Last 11)

We have now defined a type that is very similar to lists, but that doesn’t allow “nothing”: some-
thing of type Sequence a must have at least one thing of type a in it.

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2 ‘Maybe’ type

2.1 What’s it for?

Let’s turn this around. What if we want to represent “nothing”?
Software often needs to represent the absence of information. For example, if we are writing

backup software, we probably want to store the time of the last backup. But if we haven’t yet
backed up, no such time exists. Assuming we have a type Time1 We could represent this in Haskell:

type Time = Integer

data BackupTime = Never

| BackedUp Time

A less clear alternative would be to represent the last backup by Time alone, and have a value
of zero represent “never”. This is prone to error: unless we remember to check for a value of zero,
our backup system will probably display something like “Last backed up: on Jan 1 1970”. (It also
can’t represent the situation where we really did last do a backup on January 1st, 1970, but that
situation is extremely unlikely.)

If we do remember to check, we can display “Last backed up: never”, but if we used the
BackupTime type, we can write

displayBackupTime :: BackupTime -> String

displayBackupTime Never = “never”

displayBackupTime (BackedUp time) = “on ” ++ (show time)

— this is going to display an integer, which is not readable,

— but I don’t want to bother figuring out how to do it

Needing to represent “nothing” is so common that Haskell defines a type with a constructor
Nothing to represent nothing, and a constructor Just that takes one argument:

data Maybe a = Nothing

Instead of defining BackupTime, we could use the type Maybe Time: Nothing would represent
“never”, and Just t would represent “backed up at time t”.

2.2 Comparison to other languages

Many languages have something that represents “nothing”:

Python has None

Java has null

C has NULL

Pascal has nil

1I won’t try to use the actual Haskell time library. For simplicity, imagine that Time is “seconds since 00:00, January

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Or, at least, these languages can represent “nothing” in some circumstances:

• In Java, any reference to an Object (including any descendant of the Object class) can be
null, but types like int cannot be null.

• In C, pointers can be NULL but non-pointer types (like int, bool, char) can’t be NULL.

So you get “nothingness” for some types, but not others.
Programming in languages that have features like None and null is tricky, because you have to

be careful that when you think you have something—say, an IP address—you actually have an IP
address, and not None or null.

It’s difficult to be careful all the time.
The computer scientist , who put null into the language Algol-W in 1965, called it

a “billion-dollar mistake”:

“My goal was to ensure that all use of references should be absolutely safe, with check-
ing performed automatically by the compiler. But I couldn’t resist the temptation to
put in a null reference, simply because it was so easy to implement. This has led to
innumerable errors, vulnerabilities, and system crashes, which have probably caused a
billion dollars of pain and damage in the last forty years.”

When I program in a language with null, I always worry that things I think I see—arguments
to methods, instance variables—aren’t really there; they could be null. So I have to check whether
they’re null before I do anything with them.

In Haskell, null-ness is signalled by the Maybe type. If a function takes an ArithExpr, I don’t
need to check if it’s really an ArithExpr. I get to represent “nothing” only when I need to.

2.3 The sad story of the NULL licence plate

Some of the problems around “null” values can’t exactly be blamed on the programming language.
For example:

I think the problem here is the use of a string, which is information, to represent the absence of
information. If Haskell were as popular as Java, we might have the same problem with a licence
plate that read “NOTHING”.

2.4 Finding in trees

lec13.hs includes a function find1 that searches for a key in a binary tree type Tree.

data Tree = Empty

| Branch Tree (Integer,String) Tree

deriving (Show, Eq)

If the key is not found, find1 returns Nothing. If the key is found, find1 returns the associated

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What’s it for?
Comparison to other languages
The sad story of the NULL licence plate
Finding in trees

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