Important notes about grading:
1. Compiler errors: Programs that cannot be compiled will receive an automatic zero. If you are having trouble getting
your assignment to compile, please visit recitation or office hours.
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2. Late assignments: Please carefully review the course website’s policy on late assignments, as all assignments handed
in after the deadline will be considered late. Submitting an incorrect version before the deadline and realizing that you
have done so after the deadline will be counted as a late submission.
Compile and run your code:
After downloading and unzipping the file for assignment3, in your command-line window, cd into the directory which
contains src . You should write your code in src/ .
Use make to compile the code. Then, use ./imp to execute it.
Please submit to Canvas with only.
Feel free to write helper functions in your code.
Feel free to use any library functions in your code.
Operational Semantics
In this problem, you will implement a definitional interpreter (aka an evaluator) for Imp, an imperative programming language.
The language contains variables, integer and boolean types, equality and comparison operations, math and boolean
operations, and simple control flow. You will also add lambda functions to this imperative programming language. A lambda
function can be higher-order. It may take another function as input or return a new function. Lambda functions have been
added to C++ (since C++11) and Java (since Java8). It would be nice to support it in Imp!
Recall from class that a definitional interpreter is a function that takes a program’s abstract syntax tree (AST) and evaluates it
to its final result. For Imp, this final result is an environment, which is a map from variables to their (current) values. Imp’s
AST is defined by the type com (commands), and environments are defined by the type environment in the file .
Your job will be to implement the function
eval_command : com -> environment -> environment
which will evaluate the given command (the first parameter) starting with the given environment (the second parameter) and
produce the final environment. Since commands operate over (arithmetic, lambda and other) expressions, you will also
implement the function
eval_expr : exp -> environment -> value
This function evaluates the given expression (the first parameter) to its final value under the given environment (the second
parameter). Both of your functions will go in the file ; you should not modify any other files that are given to you (you
can add your own testcases). Abstract Syntax Trees, Environments, Values
As mentioned above, the Imp AST is defined by the type com in . This type has the following definition:
type com =
| While of exp * com
| For of exp * com
| Cond of exp * com * com
| Comp of com * com
| Assg of string * exp
| Declare of dtype * string
Each part of this datatype corresponds to a kind of Imp command. For example, Skip is an empty command. Assg of
string * exp corresponds to an assignment command, where the string part indicates a variable name, and the exp
part indicates the expression whose value should be assigned to the variable. Comp of com * com is a command that is
itself a pair of other commands, with the first executed before the second. We explain this AST in detail in the next section.
Note that the types exp and dtype are part of the Imp AST too (defined in ); they are referenced in com ‘s
definition above.
type dtype =
| Int_Type
| Bool_Type
| Lambda_Type
The interpreter supports integer type int as Int_Type , bool type bool as Boo_Type , and lambda function type lambda
as Lambda_Type . Note that we simplify the type system as the type of any lambda function is always lambda in the Imp
language (examples below).
In a full-fledged interpreter, a parser is used to convert a normal text file into its corresponding AST. In this project, we provide
a parser for you. For example, consider the following input file:
g := fun x -> fun y -> x + y;
while (n > 1) {
f := f * n;
n := n – 1;
k := g f k;
The parser will take this and produce the following com :
Comp(Declare (Int_Type, “n”),
Comp(Declare (Int_Type, “f”),
Comp (Declare (Int_Type, “k”),
Comp (Declare (Lambda_Type, “g”),
Comp (Assg (“n”, Number 5),
Comp (Assg (“f”, Number 1),
Comp (Assg (“k”, Number 0),
Comp (Assg (“g”, Fun (“x”, Fun (“y”, Plus (Var “x”, Var “y”)))),
While (Lt (Number 1, Var “n”),
Comp(Assg (“f”, Times (Var “f”, Var “n”)),
Comp(Assg (“n”, Minus (Var “n”, Number 1)),
Assg (“k”, App (App (Var “g”, Var “f”), Var “k”)))))))))))))
This com uses Comp to string together each of the commands in the file, one for each line. The Declare(Int_Type, “n”)
part corresponds to the first line int n . The Declare (Lambda_Type, “g”) part corresponds to the fourth line lambda g –
the variable g refers / will refer to a lambda function. The Assg(“n”, Number 5) corresponds to the third line n := 5 . And
We suggest before coding you look at the Imp input examples in /programs . You should be able to get a sense of how
these examples correspond to the com type above.
Also in are the definitions of type value and environment. The former is the result of evaluating an expression (i.e.,
something of type exp ). The latter is a map from variables to values; it keeps track of the current value assigned to a given
variable. Here are their definitions:
type value =
| Int_Val of int
| Bool_Val of bool
| Closure of environment * string * exp
type environment = (string * value) list
A value (the result of evaluating an expression) is either an integer, a boolean or a function. The more interesting case is for
closures that correspond to function values. Closure (env, “x”, e) (see Lectures 2/22 and 3/3) represents a function with
argument x and body-expression e that was defined in an environment env . We support functions with more than one
argument via currying.
An environment is a list of pairs (like a phone-book), where the first element is a variable name and the second is its current
value. This representation is called an association list – the first element of the pair is associated with the second. Elements
earlier in the list override elements later in the list (we use static scope for Imp). The List module has many useful
functions for working with association lists which you should consider using in your implementation. The Evaluator
To implement the definitional interpreter (i.e., the evaluator) you must implement two functions, eval_expr and eval_com in
the file . This is the only file you should modify.
eval_com : com -> environment -> environment
eval_expr : exp -> environment -> value
Each of these takes as an argument an environment. Evaluating a command might modify an environment (e.g., due to a
variable assignment), so eval_com produces an environment as output. Evaluating an expression will never change the
environment, and so eval_expr only produces the final value. Both take an environment as input in which the evaluator can
look up current values of variables.
To see these functions in action, to give you a sense of what they do, consider some elements from our example Imp
program above.
First, consider the first command Declare (Int_Type, “n”) of type com . If we evaluate it in an empty environment [] , we
should get an output environment [(“n”, Int_Val 0)] . That is,
eval_com [] (Declare (Int_Type, “n”)) = [(“n”, Int_Val 0)]
An integer variable n is initialized to 0 by the interpreter.
Now, consider Assgn(“n”, Number 5) , which is also an Imp command com . We evaluate it in an environment [(“f”,
Int_Val 0); (“n”, Int_Val 0)] . We will get an output environment where we have n mapped to Int_Val 5 . That is,
eval_com (Assign(“n”, Number 5)) [(“f”, Int_Val 0); (“n”, Int_Val 0)] = [(“n”,Int_Val 5); (“f”, I
nt_Val 0); (“n”, Int_Val 0)]
Now consider Lt (Number 1, Var “n”) , which is an Imp expression of type exp . Evaluating it in the environment produced
above, we would have
eval_expr (Lt (Number 1, Var “n”)) [(“n”, Int_Val 5); (“f”, Int_Val 0); (“n”, Int_Val 0)] = Bool_
i.e., n = 5 is indeed greater than 1.
In what follows, we will step through each of the variants of the exp and com types to say what your interpreter should do
with them.
The interpreter concerns error cases as well such as addition between a boolean and an integer and therefore represent a
stuck reduction. The expected behavior for these irreducible error cases can be boiled down to the following rules:
Any expression containing division by zero should raise a DivByZero error when evaluated.
Any expression or command that is applied to the wrong types should raise a TypeError exception when evaluated, for
example, the expression 1 + true would result in TypeError .
An expression or command that assigns to an undefined variable, or reads from an undefined variable should raise a
UndefinedVar when evaluated.
The above exceptions are defined in . Evaluation of subexpressions should be done from left to right in order to
ensure that lines with multiple possible errors match up with our expected errors.
Function 1: eval_expr
eval_expr takes an expression e and an environment env , and it produces the result of evaluating e , which is
something of type value ( Int_Val or Bool_Val ). Here’s what to do with each element of the exp type:
Integer literals evaluate to an Int_Val of the same value.
True, False
Boolean literals evaluate to a Bool_Val of the same value.
An identifier (variable) evaluates to whatever value it is mapped to by the environment. Should raise a UndefinedVar if the
identifier has no binding.
Plus, Minus, Times, Div, and Mod
These mathematical operations operate only on integers and produce an Int_Val containing the result of the operation. All
operators must work for all possible integer values, positive or negative, except for division, which will raise a
DivByZeroError exception in an attempt to divide by zero. If either argument to one of these operators evaluates to a non-
integer, a TypeError should be raised.
Or and And
These logical operations operate only on booleans and produce a Bool_Val containing the result of the operation. If either
argument to one of these operators evaluates to a non-boolean, a TypeError should be raised.
The unary not operator operates only on booleans and produces a Bool_Val containing the negated value of the contained
expression. If the expression in the Not is not a boolean (and does not evaluate to a boolean), a TypeError should be
Less (Lt), LessEqual (Leq)
These relational operators operate only on integers and produce a Bool_Val containing the result of the operation. If either
argument to one of these operators evaluates to a non-integer, a TypeError should be raised.
Equal (Eq)
The equality operator operates both on integers and booleans, but both subexpressions must be of the same type. The
operators produce a Bool_Val containing the result of the operation. If the two arguments to the operator do not evaluate to
the same type (i.e. one boolean and one integer), a TypeError should be raised.
Lambda Function (Fun) and Function Application (App)
type expr = …
| App of exp * exp
| Fun of string * exp
Naturally, to handle functions, the set of values yielded by your evaluator must include closures.
type value = …
| Closure of environment * string * exp
Recall that App(e1, e2) corresponds to the application expression e1 e2 (i.e. applying the argument e2 to the function
e1 ), and Fun (“x”, e) corresponds to the function defined as fun x -> e .
We assume the functions are not recursive. However, a function expression Fun (“x”, e) does have a value represented
by Closure (env, x, e) where env is the environment at the point that function was declared, and x and e are the
formal parameter and body expression of the function.
For example, you should get the following behavior:
f := fun x -> x + y;
[(“y”, Number 0),
(“f”, Closure ([(“y”, 5), …], “x”, Plus (Var “x”, Var “y”))),
(“y”, Number 5),
let p0 = Declare (Int_Type, “y”) in
let p1 = Declare (Lambda_Type, “f”) in
let p2 = Assg (“y”, Number 5) in
let p3 = Assg (“f”, Fun (“x”, Plus (Var “x”, Var “y”))) in
let p4 = Assg (“y”, Number 0) in
let p = Comp (p0, Comp (p1, Comp (p2, Comp (p3, p4)))) in
let env = eval_com p [] in (* env(f) = Closure ([(“y”, 5), …], “x”, Plus (Var “x”, Var “y”)) *)
In the above example, in the environment env , the value of f is Closure ([(“y”, 5), …], “x”, Plus (Var “x”, Var
“y”)) . The closure has the environment under which f was declared; specifically, y = 5 in that environment despite the
reassignment of y to 0 after the declaration of f . The closure records the formal parameter of f , which is x . The closure
also records the body expression of f . The reason that a closure records the environment at the point a function is declared
is capturing the static scope of the function. Now suppose we execute f 3 . As env(f) = Closure ([(“y”, 5), …], “x”,
Plus (Var “x”, Var “y”)) , we have x = 3 as the actual argument and y = 5 checked out from the environment in the
closure. Thus, f 3 should return 8 . In other words, f 3 must find the value of y from the static scope of f .
For a function application App(e1, e2) , your interpreter evaluates e1 to a value or, more specifically, a closure Closure
(environment, x, e) , evaluates e2 to a value v , and finally evaluates the body expression e under a suitable
environment evn based on the closure where evn[x] = v . See the above example regarding how we execute f 3 . You
should get the following behavior:
(fun z -> z – 2) ((fun x -> x + 1) 2)
eval_expr (App (Fun (“z”, Minus (Var “z”, Number 2)), App (Fun (“x”, Plus (Var “x”, Number 1)), N
umber 2))) [] = Number 1
eval_com (
int result;
f := fun h -> fun x -> h (h x);
g := fun x -> x + 3;
result := f g 5;) []
[(“result”, Number 11),
(“g”, Closure ([…], “x”, Plus (Var “x”, Number 3))),
(“f”, Closure ([…], “h”, Fun (“x”, App (Var “h”, App (Var “h”, Var “x”))))),
let p0 = Declare (Int_Type, “result”) in
let p1 = Declare (Lambda_Type, “f”) in
let p2 = Declare (Lambda_Type, “g”) in
let p3 = Assg (“f”, Fun (“h”, Fun (“x”, App (Var “h”, App (Var “h”, Var “x”))))) in
let p4 = Assg (“g”, Fun (“x”, Plus (Var “x”, Number 3))) in
let p5 = Assg (“result”, App (App (Var “f”, Var “g”), Number 5)) in
let p = Comp (p0, Comp (p1, Comp (p2, Comp (p3, Comp (p4, p5))))) in
let env = eval_com p [] in (* env[result] = 11 *)
In the above example, the interpreter uses closures to support the interpretation of the higher-order function f . After the
evaluation, the value of result in the resulting environment is 11.
Function 2: eval_com
eval_com takes a command c and an environment env and produces an updated environment (defined in Types) as a
Skip is short for “no operation” and should do just that – nothing at all. The environment should be returned unchanged
when evaluating a Skip .
The Comp sequencing command is used to compose whole programs as a series of commands. When evaluating Comp ,
evaluate the first subcommand under the environment env to create an updated environment env’ . Then, evaluate the
second subcommand under env’ , returning the resulting environment.
The Declare command is used to create new variables in the environment. If the type being declared is Int_Type , a new
binding to the value Int_Val(0) should be made in the environment. If the type being declared is Bool_Type , a new
binding to the value Bool_Val(false) should be made in the environment. If the type being declared is Lambda_Type , a
new binding to the value Closure (env, “x”, Var “x”) should be made in the environment where env is the underlying
environment. This means by default a lambda function is an identity function. The updated environment should be returned.
The Assg command assigns new values to already-declared variables. If the variable hasn’t been declared before the
assignment, a UndefinedVar should be raised. If the variable has been declared to a different type than the one being
assigned to it, a TypeError should be raised. Otherwise, the environment should be updated to reflect the new value of the
given variable, and an updated environment should be returned.
The Cond command consists of three components – a guard expression, an if-body command and an else-body command.
The guard expression must evaluate to a boolean – if it does not, a TypeError should be raised. If it evaluates to true , the
if-body should be evaluated. Otherwise, the else-body should be evaluated instead. The environment resulting from
evaluating the correct body should be returned.
The While command consists of two components – a guard expression and a body command. The guard expression must
evaluate to a boolean – if it does not, a TypeError should be raised. If it evaluates to true , the body should be evaluated to
produce a new environment and the entire loop should then be evaluated again under this new environment, returning the
environment produced by the reevaluation. If the guard evaluates to false , the current environment should simply be
The For loop command consists of two components – a guard expression and a body command. Upon entering the loop,
the guard expression a is evaluated in the current environment, yielding an integer n . If the int value n is 0, the loop body
is not executed at all. If n is greater than 0, then the loop body is executed n times. No action in the body of the loop, such
as assigning to a variable, can change the number of times the loop is executed, nor does executing the body alone change
the value of any variable except by explicit assignment.
A real interpreter has two parts: a parser, which takes text files and converts them into an AST, and an evaluator, which runs
the AST to produce a final result. Your job has been to implement the evaluator. To help you test this evaluator, we are
providing code that will do parsing for you. The function load in will take in a text file and produce an AST
of type com . Our parser (called in load ) expects an input file whose content is a command (or a sequence of commands,
which will be parsed as a single Comp ). We suggest before coding you look at the Imp input examples in /programs . You
should be able to get a sense of how these examples correspond to the com type above. Our code in the function eval in passes the parsed AST to your eval_command function with an empty environment.
In the following example, we parse a program from file and apply the eval function to obtain the evaluation result of the
loaded program. We use a given function print_env_str to convert the output environment to string (after removing
shadowed variables in the environment). For simplicity, the function print_env_str ignores any bindings to closures. The
program is:
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