
import argparse
import json
import time

Copyright By PowCoder代写 加微信 powcoder

from models import *
from utils import *
from train import *


def _parse_args():
Command-line arguments to the system. –model switches between the main modes you’ll need to use. The other arguments
are provided for convenience.
:return: the parsed args bundle
parser = argparse.ArgumentParser(description=’lm.py’)
parser.add_argument(‘–model’, type=str, default=’UNIFORM’, help=’model to run (UNIFORM or RNN)’)
parser.add_argument(‘–train_path’, type=str, default=’data/text8-100k.txt’, help=’path to train set (you should not need to modify)’)
parser.add_argument(‘–dev_path’, type=str, default=’data/text8-dev.txt’, help=’path to dev set (you should not need to modify)’)
parser.add_argument(‘–output_bundle_path’, type=str, default=’output.json’, help=’path to write the results json to (you should not need to modify)’)
args = parser.parse_args()
return args

def read_text(file):
:param file:
:return: The text in the given file as a single string
all_text = “”
for line in open(file):
all_text += line
print(“%i chars read in” % len(all_text))
return all_text

def run_sanity_check(lm, vocab_index):
Runs two sanity checks: (1) The language model must return valid probabilities for a few contexts. This checks that
your model can take sequences of different lengths and contexts of different lengths without crashing.
(2) Your reported next character distribution must agree with get_log_prob_sequence
:param lm: the trained LM
:return: True if the output is sane, false otherwise
contexts = [” “, ” a person “, ” some kind of person “]
next_seqs = [“s”, “sits”, “sits there”]
sane = True
for context in contexts:
for next_seq in next_seqs:
log_prob = lm.get_log_prob_sequence(next_seq, context)
if log_prob > 0.0:
sane = False
print(“ERROR: sanity checks failed, LM log probability %f is invalid” % (log_prob))
log_prob_from_single_probs = 0.0
for i in range(0, len(next_seq)):
# print(repr(next_seq[0:i]))
# print(repr(next_seq[i]))
next_char_log_probs = lm.get_next_char_log_probs(context + next_seq[0:i])
# print(repr(next_char_log_probs))
log_prob_from_single_probs += next_char_log_probs[vocab_index.index_of(next_seq[i])]
if abs(log_prob_from_single_probs – log_prob) > 1e-3:
sane = False
print(“ERROR: sanity checks failed, LM prob from sequence and single characters disagree: %f %f” % (log_prob, log_prob_from_single_probs))
return sane

def normalization_test(lm, vocab_index):
Tests that LM normalizes, checks multiple contexts and sums over everything in the vocabulary to make sure it
sums to one
:param lm:
:param voc:
contexts = [” “, ” a person “]
normalizes = True
for context in contexts:
total_prob_single = np.sum(np.exp(lm.get_next_char_log_probs(context)))
if total_prob_single < 0.99 or total_prob_single > 1.01:
normalizes = False
print(“Probabilities sum to %f not 1.0 for context %s” % (total_prob_single, context))
total_prob_seq = 0.0
for char_idx in range(0, len(vocab_index)):
total_prob_seq += np.exp(lm.get_log_prob_sequence(vocab_index.get_object(char_idx), context))
if total_prob_seq < 0.99 or total_prob_seq > 1.01:
normalizes = False
print(“Probabilities sum to %f not 1.0 for context %s” % (total_prob_seq, context))
return normalizes

def print_evaluation(text, lm, vocab_index, output_bundle_path):
Runs both the sanity check and also runs the language model on the given text and prints three metrics: log
probability of the text under this model (treating the text as one log sequence), average log probability (the
previous value divided by sequence length), and perplexity (averaged “branching favor” of the model)
:param text: the text to evaluate
:param lm: model to evaluate
:param output_bundle_path: the path to print the output bundle to, in addition to printing it
sane = run_sanity_check(lm, vocab_index)
log_prob = lm.get_log_prob_sequence(text, ” “)
avg_log_prob = log_prob/len(text)
perplexity = np.exp(-log_prob / len(text))
# data = {‘sane’: sane, ‘log_prob’: log_prob, ‘avg_log_prob’: avg_log_prob, ‘perplexity’: perplexity}
data = {‘sane’: sane, ‘normalizes’: normalization_test(lm, vocab_index), ‘log_prob’: log_prob, ‘avg_log_prob’: avg_log_prob, ‘perplexity’: perplexity}
print(json.dumps(data, indent=2))
with open(output_bundle_path, ‘w’) as outfile:
json.dump(data, outfile)

if __name__ == ‘__main__’:
start_time = time.time()
args = _parse_args()

train_text = read_text(args.train_path)
dev_text = read_text(args.dev_path)

# Vocabs is lowercase letters a to z and space
vocab = [chr(ord(‘a’) + i) for i in range(0, 26)] + [‘ ‘]
vocab_index = Indexer()
for char in vocab:

print(“First 100 characters of train:”)
# Train our model
if args.model == “RNN”:
model = train_rnn_lm(args, train_text, dev_text, vocab_index)
elif args.model == ‘Transformer’:
model = train_transformer_lm(args, train_text, dev_text, vocab_index)
elif args.model == “UNIFORM”:
model = UniformLanguageModel(len(vocab))
raise Exception(“Pass in either UNIFORM or LSTM to run the appropriate system”)

print_evaluation(dev_text, model, vocab_index, args.output_bundle_path)

程序代写 CS代考 加微信: powcoder QQ: 1823890830 Email: powcoder@163.com