# COMP3620/6320 Assignment 3: Planning
This is the GitLab repository for COMP3620/6320 Assignment 3. To get started:
Copyright By PowCoder代写 加微信 powcoder
1. Click the `Fork` button at the top of the page to fork the repo.
2. If asked for a namespace, choose your name.
3. As you go through the assignment, push changes regularly to your forked
repo. The files we expect you to change are the following:
– `basic.py`
– `logistics_control.py`
– `report.pdf`
– `run_experiments.py` or `run_experiments.sh`
The deadline for Assignment 3 is **Friday 27 May at 6pm**. To submit the
assignment, you simply need to make sure that you have pushed all of your
answers before the deadline. You must not push any more commits after the
deadline has passed.
Remember that the marks you receive for the assignment depends on many factors,
such as correctness, efficiency, code documentation, code readability, using
appropriate data structures, and elegance of the solutions.
For all of the assignments in this course:
– **You can import ONLY the following packages**: argparse, collections, copy, datetime,
functools, glob, heapq, itertools, json, logging, math, matplotlib,
multiprocessing, random, numpy, operator, os, pandas, pathlib, platform,
pickle, pprint, queue, re, string, subprocess, sys, time, typing.
– Any other package (for instance, scipy, networkx, etc) is **NOT ALLOWED**.
Ready to start? Go to [the handout](handout.pdf) and follow the instructions
there. Click [here](benchmarks.md) to see the benchmarks.
## Copyright Notice
Copyright subsists in all the material on this repository and vests in the ANU
(or other parties). Any copying of the material from this site other than for
the purpose of working on this assignment is a breach of copyright.
In practice, this means that you are not allowed to make any of the existing
material in this repository nor your assignment available to others (except to
the course lecturers and tutors) at any time before, during, or after the
course. In particular, you must keep any clone of this repository and any
extension of it private at all times.
程序代写 CS代考 加微信: powcoder QQ: 1823890830 Email: powcoder@163.com