编程辅导 CISC 360, F. 2022 1 2022/10/5

Notes for Lecture 11 (Fall 2022 week 5, part 3):

Copyright By PowCoder代写 加微信 powcoder

October 5, 2022

The code for this lecture is in lec11.hs.

1 Polymorphism

Some Haskell functions are polymorphic (“many forms”): they work with arguments (and/or re-
sults) of more than one type.

(Some languages also call this “polymorphism”, some call it “generics”.)
Consider the lambda that returns its argument:

This very small function doesn’t do anything with x except return it, so it doesn’t care what type

We can write

(\x -> x) 4

and get 4 back, or write

(\x -> x) False

and get False back, or (recalling lec10 on higher-order functions)

(\x -> x) not

which returns the built-in function not.
Since the result is a function, Haskell will not print it, but we can check that it is indeed not by

asking for its type

*Lec11> :type (\x -> x) not

(\x -> x) not :: Bool -> Bool

and by asking what it returns given False or True:

*Lec11> ((\x -> x) not) False

*Lec11> ((\x -> x) not) True

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(We usually can’t completely, or “exhaustively”, test a function. But there are only two possible
values of type Bool, False and True. So we can try all of them. This kind of testing is not always
reliable in other languages, but it is reliable in Haskell.)

If we ask for the type of (\x -> x), we get something that needs explanation:

*Lec11> :type (\x -> x)

(\x -> x) :: r -> r

What type is r? It stands for any type, but what exactly does that mean?

I think the best way to read the above type is to add the following, which I hope shows up correctly
(it is 2021 but we still can’t rely on computers displaying the right symbol):

∀r (r -> r)

If it doesn’t show up, or if you don’t remember what ∀ means, this says:

for all r, r -> r

Another reading is: Give me a type r, then I am a function of type r -> r. Another: Give me a
type r, and an argument of type r, and I return a result of type r.

I find it annoying that Haskell types don’t include the “for all”; if you remember predicate logic,
the formulas

∀r (r -> r)

don’t mean the same thing.
Haskell decides which types are literal names (“constants”, in the logical sense) and which types

are “variables” (“type variables”) based on how they’re written:

r begins with a lowercase letter, so it is a type variable
R begins with an uppercase letter, so it is a type name
Int begins with an uppercase letter, so it is a type name
a32 begins with a lowercase letter, so it is a type variable
aKBZX begins with a lowercase letter, so it is a type variable

When I see the type r -> r, I mentally rewrite it to

∀r (r -> r)

For types with multiple type variables, like

(a -> b) -> a -> b

we add “for all”s for every type variable:

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∀a ∀b ((a -> b) -> a -> b)

You may recall from logic that the order of “for all” quantifiers doesn’t matter, as long as they’re
all grouped together, so it doesn’t matter whether we think of it as

∀a ∀b ((a -> b) -> a -> b)

∀b ∀a ((a -> b) -> a -> b)

Exercise 1. Jumping ahead a little: Copy the following two lines into a file and try to write an
expression to replace undefined:

hmm :: (a -> b) -> a -> b

hmm f x = undefined

Think about what you have, and what you are trying to return: hmm takes f :: a -> b, and x :: a,
and you want to return something of type b.

Lec11 ended by asking you to comment out the type declaration for mymap, which was:

— mymap f [3, 2, 1] == [f 3, f 2, f 1]

— where f is a function of type Integer -> Integer

mymap :: (Integer -> Integer) -> [Integer] -> [Integer]

As we can see by asking Haskell :type mymap, Haskell infers the type

(t -> t1) -> [t] -> [t1]

Both t and t1 begin with a lowercase letter, so they are type variables and we should read the

∀t ∀ t1 ((t -> t1) -> [t] -> [t1])

The names t and t1 aren’t the ones I would have chosen, so I’ve declared the same type with
different type variable names:

mymap :: (a -> b) -> [a] -> [b]

mymap f [] = []

mymap f (x : xs) = (f x) : (mymap f xs)

This type declaration says:

For all types ‘a’ and ‘b’,
given a function from ‘a’ to ‘b’,
and a list whose elements are of type ‘a’,
mymap returns a list whose elements are of type ‘b’.

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We originally declared mymap to take a function Integer -> Integer, and a list of Integers,
and return a list of Integers. But the two lines of code in mymap don’t do anything integer-related!
Any integer operations will be done by the function Integer -> Integer.

Since mymap itself doesn’t do anything that requires the elements of the argument to be integers,
mymap can have a much more general type.

First, let’s check that we don’t lose anything by declaring a more general type for mymap. For
example, can we still multiply elements by 9?

multiply_list_by_9 :: [Integer] -> [Integer]

multiply_list_by_9 = mymap (\y -> y * 9)

lec11.hs loaded, so the answer should be yes (try an example if you like). And this makes
sense if we think of a type as a logical formula: the logical formula

is an instance of the formula
∀a ∀b P(a, b)

In predicate logic, if we assume ∀a ∀b P(a, b), we can prove P(I, I) using ∀-elimination. The
assumption ∀a ∀b P(a, b) is more powerful than P(I, I), because it says P holds for all (a, b),
not only for (I, I). Likewise, the type (a -> b) -> [a] -> [b] is more powerful than the type
(Integer -> Integer) -> [Integer] -> [Integer].

Some examples of using mymap with its more powerful type:

strictly_positive :: [Integer] -> [Bool]

strictly_positive = mymap (\x -> x > 0)

— strictly_positive [-3, 1, 4, 0] == [False, True, True, False]

Exercise 2. Exercise: figure out what the type of negate_elems should be, then check your
answer using :type.

negate_elems = mymap not

— negate_elems [False, False, True, False] == [True, True, False, True]

Exercise 3. Exercise: figure out what the type of addAtoZ should be, then check your answer
using :type.

addAtoZ = mymap (\s -> “A” ++ s ++ “Z”)

— addAtoZ [“b”, “aaa”, “A”, “QU”, “uu”] == [“AbZ”, “AaaaZ”, “AAZ”, “AQUZ”, “AuuZ”]

You might have noticed that we’ve used various kinds of lists: strictly_positive takes a list
of Integers (type [Integer]), and returns a list of Booleans (type [Bool]). Lists are, therefore,
polymorphic data types.

We can declare our own polymorphic data types.
This is a binary tree that stores keys only at the leaves:

data Tree a = Branch (Tree a) (Tree a)

deriving Show

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If we ask for the types of Branch and Leaf, we get

*Lec11> :type Branch

Branch :: Tree a -> Tree a -> Tree a

*Lec11> :type Leaf

Leaf :: a -> Tree a

In my mind, I add “for all ‘a’” to these types:

Branch :: ∀a (Tree a -> Tree a -> Tree a)
Leaf :: ∀a (a -> Tree a)

Thinking of ∀-elimination, I see that I can use Leaf to create trees (very small trees) whose leaves
have different kinds of keys in them:

*Lec11> :type Leaf True

Leaf True :: Tree Bool

*Lec11> :type Leaf (False, True)

Leaf (False, True) :: Tree (Bool,Bool)

*Lec11> :type Leaf 4

Leaf 4 :: Num a => Tree a

The last one is a little complicated: it says that Leaf 4 has type Tree a provided that ‘a’ is a
numeric type.

1.1 More 204 stuff, skip if you want

Again, I read it as ∀a (Num a => Tree a):

“For all types ‘a’, if ‘a’ is numeric,
then I have type ”Tree a”.

Aside: In 204 (if you took it with me, anyway), we translated English sentences like

“Every ghost is a cat”

∀x(G(x) → C(x))
which is literally, “For all x, if x is a Ghost, then x is a Cat.”

The type ∀a (Num a => Tree a) has a similar structure, and the => can still be read as an impli-
cation, but in Haskell types we’re always talking about “what something is”: the type Num a => Tree a
is about Leaf 4. The type ∀a (Num a => Tree a) doesn’t mean “for all a, if a is a Num then a is a
Tree”; it means “for all a, if a is a Num then Leaf 4 is a Tree a.”

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1.2 Back from 204

We can even create trees whose leaves contain other trees:

*Lec11> :type Leaf (False, Leaf ’c’)

Leaf (False, Leaf ’c’) :: Tree (Bool, Tree Char)

This is a tree (consisting of a single leaf) where the key stored in that leaf is a pair of a Boolean
and a tree that stores characters.

Exercise 4. Write an expression of type Tree (Bool, Tree Char) that uses the Branch
constructor at least twice.

When we talk about polymorphic data types in type declarations, they have to be “instantiated”:
Tree by itself is not a type.

*Lec11> (Leaf 3) :: Tree


Expecting one more argument to ‘Tree’

Expected a type, but ‘Tree’ has kind ‘* -> *’

In an expression type signature: Tree

In the expression: (Leaf 3) :: Tree

In an equation for ‘it’: it = (Leaf 3) :: Tree

This is another GHC error message that needs some explanation, though the first line is pretty
clear once you know that Haskell thinks of the type name Tree as some sort of function: it takes
another type, like Integer or Bool, and produces a type.

Tree Integer tree with integer keys
Tree Bool tree with boolean keys

If this made sense to you, you can skip the following. If you really want to know what “* -> *”
means, read on:

The second line, “Expected a type, but ‘Tree’ has kind ‘* -> *’”, is probably less clear.
“*” means “a type”; “* -> *” is a function that takes a type (“*”) and returns a type (“*”). Tree will
give us an actual type if we give it a type:

Tree Char tree with character keys

In ordinary English, “type” and “kind”, as nouns, are pretty much synonyms. Haskell uses “kind”
in the error message because talking about “the type of a type” would be confusing. Types classify
data; kinds classify types.

Exercise 5. Describe, in English, the elements of the type Tree (String, String).

Exercise 6. Try to guess what mymap Leaf does. Then check your guess by typing

mymap Leaf [True, True, False]

Is mymap Leaf any different from mymap (\k -> Leaf k)?

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程序代写 CS代考 加微信: powcoder QQ: 1823890830 Email: powcoder@163.com